Nerys Greystorm
Nerys Greystorm (Arda)
Race: H.R.D. (Advanced)
Sex: Female
Occupation: Archaeologist
Profession: Scout
Homeworld: Corellia
Ship: Starhunter
- Log:Rebels: A Bug's Plan
- Log:A Light in The Dark
- Log:Iridonia: Acquisition
- Log:Iridonia: Insurrection
- Log:Corellian Civil War: Doom
- Log:Log: Rebellion: ID Theft is not a Joke
- Log:Rebellion: Digging Deeper
- Log:Rebellion: Dangerous Foray
- Log:An Arid Dilemma
- Log:Shadow Over The Galaxy
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Chandrila
- Log:The Darkest Day
- Log:Saber Squadron: Star Forge Cold Ash
- Log:Wampa Stompa Jakku
- Log:The True War
- Log:Clan Kora: Even Ghosts Leave a Trail
- Log:Jedha: Overdue Fees Are Killer
- Log:A Very Special Life Day Pt. 2: Violent Night
- Log:Jedha: Pursuit of Knowledge
- Log:Jedi Order: Vestige of an Old Empire II
- Log:Saber Squadron: Bellow's Last Gasp
- Log:Thyferra: Headshot
- Log:Saber: The Devil Down Below
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Terrors of Teras-Kasi!
- Log:Saber Squadron: Asset Redistribution
- Log:Thyferra: Frack the Concordance
- Log:Saber Squadron: To the Hilt
- Log:Run.
- Log:Tatooine: Ripples in the Sand, Part 2
- Log:Tatooine: Ripples in the Sand, Part 1
- Log:Saber Squadron: Thyferra: Greystorm's Last Stand
- Log:The Boonta Eve Classic: 2022
- Log:Saber Squadron: The Phoenix Reforged
- Log:Saber Squadron: Lost Saber
- Log:Saber Squadron: Knife Fight
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Championships: Pamarthe
- Log:Saber Squadron: Saber Guard
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Ryloth
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Polith
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Championships: Dantooine
- Log:Retracing The Steps: Everywhere But Jakku
- Log:Retracing The Steps: Beneath The Waves of Sunny Kaal
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Console Cowboys of Coruscant!
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Championships: Endor
- Log:Retracing the Steps: Xagobah-Adjacent
- Log:Retracing the Steps: Interlude at Crater Caye
- Log:Inter-Rim Championship Races: Bespin
- Log:Saber Squadron: Broken Sabers Pt. 1
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit: Corellia
- Log:Log :Sensor Pings
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit: Tatooine
- Log:Saber Squadron: Brave Saber Squadron
- Log:Iridonia: Celebration
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit: Dud Bolt Memorial - Malastare
- Log:Explorer's Guild: The Missing Linguist
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Socorro-Vector Flight
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Sluis Van
- Log:Sensor Blips
- Log:Saber Squadron: Drawn Sabers
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Nal Hutta
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Taris
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Rooting Around Raxus
- Log:Catastrophe at Crater Caye
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Lothal
- Log:New Republic: Tyrena - Setting the Stage
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Qualifiers
- Log:New Republic: Tyrena - Floating the Auric
- Log:The Irregulars: Aggressive Negotiations
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Dig Yag'Dhug
- Log:The Irregulars: For Your Ears Only
- Log:Irregulars: For Your Ears Only (Mission Briefing)
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Annihilator Cannon!
- Log:The Boonta Eve Classic: 2021
- Log:Always an Emergency
- Log:Explorer's Guild: The No-Good Very Bad Adventure
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Jewel of Am-Kharad!
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Metal Men of Mandalore!
- Log:The Irregulars: Hook, Line And Sinker
- Log:Explorer's Guild: The Crait Escape
- Log:The Vexation of Tiriel (I)
- Log:Rogue Squadron: 'Toast' Down
- Log:Alderaan: Contested Land
- Log:New Republic: Codru Connection
- Log:New Alderaan: The Fall of Teraan
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Necroflesh Hordes!
- Log:The Red Death: Part Two
- Log:The Red Death: Part One
- Log:Explorer's Guild: More than Jelucan
- Log:Natural Disaster: After Shocks
- Log:Mandalorians: Blood In The Jungle
- Log:Waywards: Grand Opening - ILM
- Log:Alderaan: Much ado
- Log:Banquet of Fire
- Log:New Republic: Hoghouse Hideout
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Snowy Ruins
- Log:The Irregulars: The Life of the Party
- Log:New Republic: Airshow Fundraiser
- Log:Alderaan: Silver Lined Snakes
- Log:Rotting Research
- Log:Alderaan: Objection
- Log:The Running of the Rancors
- Log:Into The Lungs Of Hell
- Log:Charity Concert for Anti-Slavery
- Log:The Irregulars: Jakku Pickers
- Log:The Irregulars: From Canto Bight with Love
- Log:Tatooine Sunburn: The Spider Auction
- Log:Tatooine Sunburn: Slavers Interrupted
- Log:Tatooine Sunburn: A Discovery
- Log:The Irregulars: Nestled in The Warren
- Log:Carida: Our Most Desperate Hour
- Log:Big Boats with Big Guns
- Log:The Irregulars: Carida Night at the Museum
- Log:Convergence: Whither Will We Go - Part 1
- Log:The Irregulars: Shala no Hutta II
- Log:Pamarthen Natural Disaster
- Log:Chandrilan Art Fair
- Log:Battle for the Frozen Thrown
- Log:Swoop Race: Jakku
- Log:The Irregulars: Mynock Hunt Final: Hand Maiden of Destruction
- Log:The Irregulars: Shala no Hutta
- Log:Cophrigan IV: Hard Exit
- Log:Miserere Nobis
- Log:Cophigrin Nights I
- Log:Buried Beneath
- Log:The Enemy of My Enemy
- Log:Explosive Actions
- Log:What Remains
- Log:The Tarisian Job: The Hunt
- Log:The Tarisian Job: The Job
- Log:The Tarisian Job: The Scope Out
- Log:Taris - We just want the diamond...
- Log:Tython Rangers
- Log:The Irregulars: Mynock Hunt:Snitches Get Stitches
- Log:Array Consortium: We're With The Science Team
- Log:Full Moon Harvest
- Log:The Irregulars: Mynock Hunt Pt3-Things Go Bad
- Log:New Republic: Parting Gifts
- Log:Load the Hold
- Log:Pre-Convergence
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Kali-quarry
- Log:Follow the Science
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Batuu Ballyhoo
- Log:The Correlian Extraction
- Log:The Mirialan Connection
- Log:Alderaan Duelist Championship
- Log:The Irregulars: Mynock Hunt Pt2-Pirate Is As Pirate Does
- Log:For the Love of Literature
- Log:Replanting and Planning
- Log:The Irregulars: Mynock Hunt Pt1-Snack Cakes
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Aurea Euphoria
- Log:Welcome, Welcome!
- Log:Nugget Loop
- Log:All in a days work
An archaeologist and explorer currently wandering the galaxy footloose and fancy free.
If the sum of a woman's appearance could be winnowed down to a single word, then the word for this particular woman would be striking. From brilliant green eyes, framed by thick, dark lashes, and elegantly arched eyebrows, to a pert, puckish nose and full, rosy cupid's bow lips. Her face is a delicately crafted affair, all high cheekbones, sculpted jawline and a strong chin. Her skin is flawless, with a light, natural hint of sun-kissed colour with just a sprinking of freckles across her skin. Her hair is a perfect frame for her face; thick, and naturally wavy, falling down to the edge of her shoulderblades; a rich, vibrant red with hints of gold and auburn. An intricate series of braids for a pseudo crown around her head, the ends held by simple leather ties.
Public History
Daughter of Eion Arda, a man of wealth and influence on Corellia. They exist. I mean, someone's collecting the money all those ships are bringing in, right? Doing as many a rich socialite with neither worries nor cares in the world might do, which is precisely, exactly, what she wants to do. Currently travelling the galaxy hunting artifacts both rare and perilous. While the woman's social background might lead one to believe she's just a rich girl playing at being a real girl, she is clearly both intelligent and skilled at her craft.
Biographical Note (OOC)
Nerys Greystorm(Arda) (this PC iteration) is a Human Replica Droid. As such, she is nearly completely indistinguishable from a living human woman. However, Nerys Arda is also a real human woman, who was indeed born and raised on Corellia. Her historical files and dossier mirror the HRD Nerys, and anyone researching Nerys will find only a single file exists. That of the human woman.
Relentless by nature, and absolutely fearlessness. While not given to wholesale slaughter, but she will defend herself. When needs require, she had been known to be less...delicate in her responses. She values knowledge, creativity, and the thrill of the hunt. The chase across known and unknown space to find those things which have been lost, needing only her skilled mind and body to find them.
Nerys' Treasure Chest
Statue: An Old-Republic Era statue of the Rodian female in voluminous robes. A representation of the goddess of secrets. (Acquired from Adhar Gann)
Letter-Opener: Exquisitely crafted, of Alderaanian origin. (Acquired from Adhar Gann)
Mask: A ceremonial (?) mask of Twi'lek origins. The visage is both creepy and slightly frightening. (Acquired on Ryloth, Gifted to Adhar Gann)
Locket: A golden locket. The interior appears to hold some sort of compass or possibly a key. (Acquired on Ryloth)
Badge: Marking Nerys being deputized as an honorary Tython Ranger, given in recognition of services to the Rangers and marking her as a friend and ally of the Kalikori people.
Skull: The skull of a Givin. Highly polished gems have been fitted into its eye sockets. (Acquired on Yag'dhul)
Known Associates
Name | Song of the Moment (Link) |
Kael Greystorm - Husband. | Because Reasons |
Ammara de'Jannarc - Fellow troublemaker. | Am I Right? |
Adhar Gann - Fellow history lover. | Past Is Prologue |
Jax Greystorm - Cousin-in-Law | Feels That Way, Doesn't It? |
Sesti Greystorm - Cousin-in-Law | A Light In Dark Places |
Connected Vessels
MCV Tempest Warden - Nerys serves as the Warden's XO.
On the rare occasion Nerys cuts loose.
- Log:Rebels: A Bug's Plan
- Log:A Light in The Dark
- Log:Iridonia: Acquisition
- Log:Iridonia: Insurrection
- Log:Corellian Civil War: Doom
- Log:Log: Rebellion: ID Theft is not a Joke
- Log:Rebellion: Digging Deeper
- Log:Rebellion: Dangerous Foray
- Log:An Arid Dilemma
- Log:Shadow Over The Galaxy
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Chandrila
- Log:The Darkest Day
- Log:Saber Squadron: Star Forge Cold Ash
- Log:Wampa Stompa Jakku
- Log:The True War
- Log:Clan Kora: Even Ghosts Leave a Trail
- Log:Jedha: Overdue Fees Are Killer
- Log:A Very Special Life Day Pt. 2: Violent Night
- Log:Jedha: Pursuit of Knowledge
- Log:Jedi Order: Vestige of an Old Empire II
- Log:Saber Squadron: Bellow's Last Gasp
- Log:Thyferra: Headshot
- Log:Saber: The Devil Down Below
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Terrors of Teras-Kasi!
- Log:Saber Squadron: Asset Redistribution
- Log:Thyferra: Frack the Concordance
- Log:Saber Squadron: To the Hilt
- Log:Run.
- Log:Tatooine: Ripples in the Sand, Part 2
- Log:Tatooine: Ripples in the Sand, Part 1
- Log:Saber Squadron: Thyferra: Greystorm's Last Stand
- Log:The Boonta Eve Classic: 2022
- Log:Saber Squadron: The Phoenix Reforged
- Log:Saber Squadron: Lost Saber
- Log:Saber Squadron: Knife Fight
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Championships: Pamarthe
- Log:Saber Squadron: Saber Guard
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Ryloth
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Polith
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Championships: Dantooine
- Log:Retracing The Steps: Everywhere But Jakku
- Log:Retracing The Steps: Beneath The Waves of Sunny Kaal
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Console Cowboys of Coruscant!
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Championships: Endor
- Log:Retracing the Steps: Xagobah-Adjacent
- Log:Retracing the Steps: Interlude at Crater Caye
- Log:Inter-Rim Championship Races: Bespin
- Log:Saber Squadron: Broken Sabers Pt. 1
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit: Corellia
- Log:Log :Sensor Pings
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit: Tatooine
- Log:Saber Squadron: Brave Saber Squadron
- Log:Iridonia: Celebration
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit: Dud Bolt Memorial - Malastare
- Log:Explorer's Guild: The Missing Linguist
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Socorro-Vector Flight
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Sluis Van
- Log:Sensor Blips
- Log:Saber Squadron: Drawn Sabers
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Nal Hutta
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Taris
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Rooting Around Raxus
- Log:Catastrophe at Crater Caye
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Lothal
- Log:New Republic: Tyrena - Setting the Stage
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Qualifiers
- Log:New Republic: Tyrena - Floating the Auric
- Log:The Irregulars: Aggressive Negotiations
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Dig Yag'Dhug
- Log:The Irregulars: For Your Ears Only
- Log:Irregulars: For Your Ears Only (Mission Briefing)
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Annihilator Cannon!
- Log:The Boonta Eve Classic: 2021
- Log:Always an Emergency
- Log:Explorer's Guild: The No-Good Very Bad Adventure
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Jewel of Am-Kharad!
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Metal Men of Mandalore!
- Log:The Irregulars: Hook, Line And Sinker
- Log:Explorer's Guild: The Crait Escape
- Log:The Vexation of Tiriel (I)
- Log:Rogue Squadron: 'Toast' Down
- Log:Alderaan: Contested Land
- Log:New Republic: Codru Connection
- Log:New Alderaan: The Fall of Teraan
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Necroflesh Hordes!
- Log:The Red Death: Part Two
- Log:The Red Death: Part One
- Log:Explorer's Guild: More than Jelucan
- Log:Natural Disaster: After Shocks
- Log:Mandalorians: Blood In The Jungle
- Log:Waywards: Grand Opening - ILM
- Log:Alderaan: Much ado
- Log:Banquet of Fire
- Log:New Republic: Hoghouse Hideout
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Snowy Ruins
- Log:The Irregulars: The Life of the Party
- Log:New Republic: Airshow Fundraiser
- Log:Alderaan: Silver Lined Snakes
- Log:Rotting Research
- Log:Alderaan: Objection
- Log:The Running of the Rancors
- Log:Into The Lungs Of Hell
- Log:Charity Concert for Anti-Slavery
- Log:The Irregulars: Jakku Pickers
- Log:The Irregulars: From Canto Bight with Love
- Log:Tatooine Sunburn: The Spider Auction
- Log:Tatooine Sunburn: Slavers Interrupted
- Log:Tatooine Sunburn: A Discovery
- Log:The Irregulars: Nestled in The Warren
- Log:Carida: Our Most Desperate Hour
- Log:Big Boats with Big Guns
- Log:The Irregulars: Carida Night at the Museum
- Log:Convergence: Whither Will We Go - Part 1
- Log:The Irregulars: Shala no Hutta II
- Log:Pamarthen Natural Disaster
- Log:Chandrilan Art Fair
- Log:Battle for the Frozen Thrown
- Log:Swoop Race: Jakku
- Log:The Irregulars: Mynock Hunt Final: Hand Maiden of Destruction
- Log:The Irregulars: Shala no Hutta
- Log:Cophrigan IV: Hard Exit
- Log:Miserere Nobis
- Log:Cophigrin Nights I
- Log:Buried Beneath
- Log:The Enemy of My Enemy
- Log:Explosive Actions
- Log:What Remains
- Log:The Tarisian Job: The Hunt
- Log:The Tarisian Job: The Job
- Log:The Tarisian Job: The Scope Out
- Log:Taris - We just want the diamond...
- Log:Tython Rangers
- Log:The Irregulars: Mynock Hunt:Snitches Get Stitches
- Log:Array Consortium: We're With The Science Team
- Log:Full Moon Harvest
- Log:The Irregulars: Mynock Hunt Pt3-Things Go Bad
- Log:New Republic: Parting Gifts
- Log:Load the Hold
- Log:Pre-Convergence
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Kali-quarry
- Log:Follow the Science
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Batuu Ballyhoo
- Log:The Correlian Extraction
- Log:The Mirialan Connection
- Log:Alderaan Duelist Championship
- Log:The Irregulars: Mynock Hunt Pt2-Pirate Is As Pirate Does
- Log:For the Love of Literature
- Log:Replanting and Planning
- Log:The Irregulars: Mynock Hunt Pt1-Snack Cakes
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Aurea Euphoria
- Log:Welcome, Welcome!
- Log:Nugget Loop
- Log:All in a days work