Tempest Warden
From Star Wars: Age of Alliances MUSH
Replacement for the old YZ-775 Tempest Warden.
- Kael Greystorm - Captain
- Nerys Greystorm - Executive Officer
- Ammara de'Jannarc - Second Mate
- Logs to be added
- Eight double turbolaser turrets
- Three tractor beam projectors
- Two capital-scale concussion missile launchers
- Fighter/shuttle bay
Starfighters and Other Craft
- Wayward Guardian - Trilon Aggressor Assault Starfighter
- Grey Sentinel - Clearwater Transport
- Shadows Hunter - Razor Crest Transport
- Stormcrow - Skipray Blastboat
- Stormchaser - Tau-Class Assault Shuttle
- Storm Raven - T-65c X-Wing
Repairs & Modifications
- None Yet