Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Ryloth

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Saber Squadron attempts to protect a transport of Ryll departing Ryloth.

OOC Date: April 7, 2022
Location: Ryloth
Participants: Ax, Jax Greystorm, Karas Darkwing, Nerys Greystorm, Rune, Zelo Parrai

Saber Leader (Jax Greystorm)

With the war of Thyferria causing problems with Bacta production and supply chains, the galaxy needs other sources of medication more than ever. It makes the spice Ryll even more important than it already was at the moment. Though there appears to be a helping hand with the invisible hand of the market. A group of mercenaries have been destroying Aid shipments of Ryll as soon as it leaves the planet. An aid group had reached out to the jedi for support on their next shipment.

So that's why half of Saber Squadron was on training maneuvers in the system just as the transport was launching from the planet. Jax was flying his T-65 X-wing. The transponder name changed from Thunderbolt to Saber Leader. The change had been needed so Rune would have a fighter while Saber 6 was being repaired. "Alright Saber Squadron check in and fly casual but not too casual. The Star Wind just launched. It's the Gozanti transport leaving orbit now. Reports indicate a group of well armed mercs have been blowing these things up."

And almost as if it were a weekly action holodrama and on cue a squadron of E-wings jump into system and break for the transport. Ax would probably have opinions on if this counts as well armed.

Saber 03 (Ax)

<<"Saber 3 reporting in, read you five by five Saber Leader,">> Ax says as he's moving into formation, doing a little roll in his snub fighter and letting the headset callibrate after the hyperspace jump.

<<"Got a group of E-wings coming in. Pirates and Mercs are moving up in the world, it seems.">> Ax mutters a bit, "Buster, make sure to key all those into the sensors as potential hostiles. Pretty sure those are our targets."

Saber Six (Rune)

Flying a new ship is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because like, whenever you purchase or receive anything new, it's bright and shiny, fresh, adventurous, interesting. A curse because... well, in a moment's notice, when the poodoo hits the fan, reaction and familiarity are a lot of what matters between life and death. Regardless, Jax was kind enough to let Rune fly his Aethersprite and the Padawan is definitely not someone to take a kind gesture for granted.

He had spent much of the time in hyperspace familiarizing himself with the layout, the display, and the difference in controls, the young Jedi attempting to remember each and everything about the cockpit for when the time to use whatever comes. When the starfield stabilizes, he's reasonably sure he'll perform alright, giving a thumbs up to the X-Wing that he cruises near. <<"Am I still Saber Six in this thing? Do I say Saber Leader? Eeeeer regardless, 'Target' reporting in... ready as ever.">>

Saber 07 (Karas Darkwing)

<<"Saber 7 reporting in and looking for fun.">> Karas says as he checks his sensor suite. Spark his R2 astromech whistles at him, letting him know he will boost the sensors range. "Thanks Spark, and yes I know I owe you an oil bath, we will get that done after this." Karas says. Keeping the s-foils closed for now, and knowing the OP, this mission is very important. <<"I know I'm not in command, but let's make sure we stick with our wing assignments, also call out for help and let's make sure our cubs get to their mother.">> he says to the squadron as his sensor board lights up.

<<"Copy that Saber 3. Locking S-Foils in attack position.">> he says as he flips the switch letting the s-foils open up.

Saber 12 (Zelo Parrai)

Zelo lives to train. Up to half of the day, divided between weapons and ships. Even though training maneuvers were only the pretext, he's taking advantage of the time in the T-85 X-Wing to familiarize and start to grow comfortable with the controls. Like swimming a new sea, every ship has ways it would like to drift, and ways it will fight you into a drop. Fresh to the Squadron, he's not eager to have shortcomings on his first official-unofficial outing. The Nautolan's black-pool eyes watch the Black Ocean as well as the multiple displays in the cockpit.

<<"Saber 12 copies, coming around to drift position.">> As the ship pulls out of the banking maneuver and heads toward the body of Saber Squadron forming, it occurs to him that drift position may be something only his dad and the village's squadron used: one ship flying a little low, putting on a little wobble to seem weak and less cohesive - but actually adding more depth to the enemy field and splitting attention. <<"Little low, but present, that-">> The Nautolan cuts off at the appearance of the E-wings, adding a little natural wobble to his path as he switches mental modes.

<<"Tangos looking for a good time. Saber 12 ready to oblige.">>

Saber 10 (Nerys Greystorm)

"I have a feeling all of the smugglers complaining about getting stopped by planetary security for transporting ryll are having the last laugh now." Saber 10's comms were open, as they usually were, as Nerys moved into formation with the rest of the wing. Minus her wingman Clutch, Saber 9, the little A-wing looked rather forlorn, but Nerys made do with what she had. "I'm coming into position." The comms from Ax brought Nerys' head around, her attention focused on the area where the E-wings were coming in. She was her own droid tonight. But she was used to that too. "They're coming in sloppy. I don't think they expected to have any opposition that could defend against them. I'm extrapolating flight plans, based on their current path of attack. I think we can use the gaps to our advantage." Like the good meatdroid she was, Nerys uploaded her calculations to the other ships.

Saber Leader (Jax Greystorm)

"You're still Saber 6 or Target. Unless you want to make the big pay on these mission, Six." Jax laughs, " And good eye, Break. Let's take advantage on that. Exine Reporting the E-wings are powering up weapons." Then Jax sent an intercept course for the e-wings. "This is Jedi Knight Jax Greystorm of Saber Squadron. E-wing Squadron, our sensors indicate you are powering up weapons to attack the Star Wind. If you don't break course and power down we will open fire."

The E-wings don't change course and don't back down there's a reply from the lead E-wing, "Stay out of this Jedi or you'll die too."

Saber 03 (Ax)

<<"Can't say they weren't warned,">> Ax says over comms as he keys up his weapons. Targetting the vessel that threatened them with death, he pushes the throttle to maximum and lets his rotary laser do its thing. Straifing runs were fun in this sleek little bird.

<<"Damn, forgot how agile E-wings are,">> Ax mutters. "Buster, keep an eye out for any more fighters entering the fight."

Saber Six (Rune)

<<"Six, got it.">> Rune replies as he corrects course for the E-Wings approaching their mission. He listens idly to the comm chatter, eyes widening at the threat from the leader of the opposing force. <<"Oh... goodness. I do not think he knows exactly who he is dealing with.">> Then again, maybe they do... he did crash his last ship just trying to land, afterall. I mean, there were some specific circumstances, protrusions, dead bodies in space, the inside of a Star Destroyer, but everyone else made it.

Whatever the fact may be, it seems like these fellows were ready for a fight and that's just what Saber Squad was bringing to the table. Rune reached forward to power up his weapons and shields, each toggle being flipped and the system readout coming active. <<"Time to show them exactly who we are.">> he mentions over their network, maneuvering to line up one of their foes to depress the trigger and lace with blaster fire. Shoot he does, though for all the good it does, the shots streaking by in space, no one really would have known it. He curses quietly and yanks hard on the yoke, screaming his ship around to pull onto the E-Wing's tail, ready for another go.

Saber 07 (Karas Darkwing)

Karas lets out a calming breath, it was time to get to work. Listening as Jax tries to get the mercs to break off, Karas knew they wouldn't and he's right again. Gripping the sticks, Karas watches as Ax attacks, Karas isn't far behind, pushing power to the engines of the ETA-2c, the Jedi Interceptor streaks forward. With help from Spark, the targeting scopes is able to get a lock on Merc 3. "Time to punch in." he says as he pulls the trigger on the main flight stick and ruby energy darts fire from the two large dual energy cannons. As the ruby energy darts hits the E-Wing, Karas knows that this fight isn't going to be easy the E-Wings are pretty tough but that's only part of being a pilot, you have to be good behind the sticks, and Karas knows he's good.

Saber 12 (Zelo Parrai)

"They are just downright antagonistic..." Zelo's musings, not broadcast, reach only an audience of one, who chirps and tweets back. The binary translates a moment later on a panel in the cockpit. "Of course, but... Incivility's not required, Befour." The Nautolan speaks casually with the BB unit while his muscles try to tense and his mind tries to relax them. The best thing to do right now is to keep it tight and loose.

<<"Saber 12, opening up to engage.">> Finally on comms, the X-Wing's foils open for the engagement as its pilot lets the throttle open up to burn up the gap between the attackers and defenders. His thoughts flit elsewhere for a moment, but as the range approaches that magical 'just right' moment, his black-pool eyes are only on one thing: one E-wing in particular. Saber 12 drops 'lower' and puts on more speed to come up from beneath, finding the right moment, the perfect lead, and releasing a barrage of laser cannon fire, two bolts finding the target's shield and putting a hurt on it. Zelo continues up and past, ready to loop around and give chase.

Hopefully, this will disrupt their formation. Hopefully. Or land Zelo in hot water.

Saber 10 (Nerys Greystorm)

Nerys was no jedi. She was more vaguely jedi adjacent, given her relationship to Jax. But, when someone ****ed or proposed to **** with her cousin, the ****ed with her. So, with her usual lack of regard for her own welfare, the little A-wing that could dove in, making no attempt to fly defensively as she aimed for one of the e-wings still vectoring in on the transport, moving to both fire and get in its way. One solid hit, as nerys came in, playing chicken with the enemy fighter.

Saber Leader (Jax Greystorm)

Jax's s-foils flare open and goes to shooting to firing at target number 7. Jax deftly fires at the E-wing strafing it with a couple of shots but leaving a lot more into space than connecting. "Target Seven? You're not in trying anymore are you Exine?" The R2 unit just raspberries at Jax.

Six of the E-wing break formation and begin to joust with Saber Squadron but four of them a flight stays on course, target locking the Star Wind and that's even with Jax and Zelos targeting them. Jax calls out on com, "Target Targets Seven through 10. They've got target locks on the Star Wind. Yeah my Astromech's got a sense of humor."

The Star Wind for its part tries to take evasive actions as it runs towards its jump point.

Saber 03 (Ax)

Grumbling, Ax breaks away from his target and goes after the fighters locking onto the freighter. <<"Roger that, Saber Leader, Saber 3 going in hot.">>

Ax banks hard and sets his sights on target number 7 and unleashing a volley of fire from his ships rotary cannon. "You're gonna take it, and you're gonna like it!" he exclaims, fortunately without keying up his mic.

Saber Six (Rune)

<<"Copy that, pulling for one on the Star Wind.">> Rune replies, breaking chase from his target to line up one of the ones attacking their defensive assignment. The Padawan sights in over the edge of the cockpit, lining up the indicator with the tail of the ship, the solid note from the console letting him know he has a good bead on the E-Wing infront.

"Let us see you dodge this." 'Target' remarks, red death being sent forth from the cannons on his ship... and the pilot in front of him doing just that, deftly dodging. "Oh... ok.... very well then."

Saber 07 (Karas Darkwing)

Saber 7 streaks through the void, moving with a purpose to eliminate the threat to their charge, but also watching his fellow pilots and not straying to far from them. Karas checks his sensors as threat indicators start blaring, rolling and diving down, the E-Wing that targeted him manages to get a hit on his shields. "Spark..." he stops as he sees the diagnostics coming up, his astromech was already working on the situation.

Pulling back on the stick and feeding power to the engines, the ETA-2c comes out of it's dive and begins climbing and rolling. Having not needed to chase a target, Saber 7 comes up under Merc 8, his HUD goes red with a target lock and Karas quickly presses the trigger, firing red energy lances up towards the enemy fighter. <<"Status check, how's everyone doing?">> he asks as he continues chasing his intended target.

Saber 12 (Zelo Parrai)

Zelo keeps the pressure up on his chosen opponent, finding out with names coming out that he's dancing with Target 10, who has not broken formation but is locked onto the Star Wind and not breaking, no matter the X-wing behind. The Nautolan comes in for another run, watching some stray fire zip past that... *May* have been meant for him? He'd been where they intersected his path a few seconds earlier, but at these speeds, that's a pretty large gap...

<<"Saber 12, keeping the pressure on Target 10.">> Direct approaches from the rear can be trickier, because you have less lead and more of a gut feeling of knowing exactly where the enemy is going to drift. That's why Zelo has always preferred to strike from the top or bottom - to see more of the picture. In this case, what he misses is the subtle curve of adjustment, that leaves his own cannon fire going half as wide as that which had been intended for him. More speed. Maybe if he just sits on the thing's tail... Maybe that will do it. He finds a little more speed in the already screaming T-85. <<"This one's stubborn.">>

Saber 10 (Nerys Greystorm)

"I'll be back with you in a moment," Nerys offered to the e-wing who couldn't hear her anyway, but it was the thought that counted, as the dumpy little ship veered away, heading for the marked targets called out by Jax, hitting her thrusters to try to catch up with the rest of the flight, and, with luck, intercept the ships locking onto the transport. She settled, briefly, into formation with Zelo's Saber 12, the two ships strafing fire at the same target. "Almost out, but not quite." Sadly. "Think I should ram it?" That would work, right?

Saber Leader (Jax Greystorm)

Four Torpedoes slam into the shields of the Star Wind and the transport shields are hanging like a thread. The E-wings that didn't die in the volley are setting up another run. While their squad mates are trying to chew Saber Squadron to pieces. A male twi'lek voice with a heavy accent can be heard on coms, "They do that again and we're gone. If you can cover us for 20 more seconds we're gone but in a good way."

Exine is mournfully making whistling sounds as Jax and bring up sensor reads of the Star Wind. "I see it. I see it." He says as he finishes off Zelos and Nery's target. "Alright guys we got to stop them. I know their buddies are chewing on us. We take out the two E-wings with target locks. It's rough but well we're Saber Squadron. May the Force be with us."

Saber 03 (Ax) With target seven getting vaporized by Ax's lasers, he goes after the next in line hoping for a similar result. While the rotary lasers hit the opposing fighter, it was not nearly as glorious of a strike as his previous one. <<"Softened them up for ya, guys and gals,">> he says. "Buster, status report of the Starwind."

Saber Six (Rune)

<<"Copy, on the ones with the lock.">> Rune replies, shifting his focus slightly from the one he had been tailing to the one designated at 'eight' on their readout. The Aetherspite responds admirably, almost as smoothly as the ETA-2c he was used to flying. The ship rolls and comes up behind the E-Wing, the tone from his display sounding loud in his headset, and with a depressed trigger, the ship sends forth red streaks that impact the target, bypass the shields, and cause fire to begin lacing from its wounds. Shortly after, the E-Wing explodes in a ball of fire, coming apart at the seams and spreading debris in the immediate vicinity. <<"E-8 is down!">> Rune calls, unintentionally flying through the rubbish before he pulls up and searches for a new adversary. 'Target' splashed his target...

Saber 07 (Karas Darkwing)

Karas shifted his attention for just a moment, just one damn moment and he takes a series of heavy laser fire from the E-Wings wingman. Quickly trying to break away, red laser fire stitch the left side of his fighter, and now he's trailing a bit of smoke. "Crap that hit hull! Spark, I know you're good at your job, I need you pal." he says as he rolls and speeds away from the engagement zone to give his astromech time to repair their shields. He comes back around, as the fight continues, "Going in for a shot, I will keep us safe." he says to Spark. With that, Karas tries to line up a shot but the fighter is shaking a little and when he fires, he misses pretty badly. "Kriff!"

Saber 12 (Zelo Parrai)

Four torpedos finding their mark, devastating Star Wind's shields. It's a miracle that none of those armaments got through.... The work of the rest of Saber Squadron finishes off Target 10, leaving a small cloud of debris for Zelo to narrowly dodge as he pulls around and banks to the next target. Lining up on Target 8, when... Another debris field to dodge. Another roll, and Saber 12 comes up on the tail of Target 9.

<<Saber 12, weapons free.">> There's a split second from when the Nautolan intends to pull the trigger and when he actually does. That split second gives him just enough time to crank hard on the stick and bring the X-wing around as the last bombing E-wing pulls to one side. Zelo follows, but his shot isn't prepared for Target 9 to so quickly bounce back, and his cannons blast plasma off into open space.

"Kriff it." There's no luck in his shots tonight. The Nautolan finds a little more speed and runs after the E-wing, trying to outrun it in a move so crazy to him it could only have been inspired by one person. He might not make it in time, but he's going to try...

Saber 10 (Nerys Greystorm)

"I got you, Zelo." While it was unlikely that Nerys had heard anything Zelo had said to himself (her ears were good but not penetrate a two hulls and the vacuum of space good), never the less, she had been flying as close to a wingman as was possible to Saber 12, and she was firing where he was firing. Together, they managed one good hit on the last remaining E-wing harrowing the transport. "I should just ram the ship." Who cared about the vacuum of space? Not this girl.

Saber Leader (Jax Greystorm)

Only one of the E-wings remains with a target lock and they unleash their torpedos on the Star Wind. There's a massive explosion and a rupture in one side of the ship as frozen Ryll sprays out into the void shinning like diamonds in the night sky. The ship remains together though and runs to hyper space with part of the cargo intact.

There work done the E-wing's take parting shots at Saber Squadron and turn to run themselves. "See you around Greystorm. You and your crew are no Luke Skywalker and Rogue Squadron."

Jax sighs as he shakes his head, "Saber 7, what's your status? Exine's saying not good. Can you make it back to base or do you need to land?"

Saber 03 (Ax)

<<"Then why ya runnin?">> Ax asks over open comms, doing a little roll. Then back to squadron comms. <<"And why are we protecting spice runners anyway. I'm a smuggler and don't even dare haul Rryll. That stuff is the downfall of everyone it touches.">>

Saber Six (Rune)

Rune gives two separate winces, one for the cannon blast that rocks his shields, the other when the Star Wind takes the last torpedo and ejects a crewmate into space. His eyes follow the unfortunate fellow while he flails until his movement ceases. With a sigh that means many things, those hazel eyes next find their defense leap into hyperspace, escaping a worse fate for the moment.

The comms come alive and one of the remaining E-Wings chirps a response at them. Rune simply grinds his teeth and removes his thumb from the button to respond, it's not worth it, these scum wouldn't care anyway. Instead he turns to chase their foe to make sure their tails are well and tucked, the cowards flying as fast as they can from the system. <<"Six here, dinged but well enough. Let us go home...">>

Saber 07 (Karas Darkwing)

Spark has been working and Karas wasn't fast enough to evade but the blow has done it's damaged. Spark is quickly working overtime, and Karas sees the Star Wind take that hit, "Kriff!" he shakes his head, grumbling to himself and he quickly focuses on his ship. <<"I can make it back but I will be without a fighter for a bit, but then again, I will help Vega and our crews.">> he says as he already is vectoring to jump. <<"Is everyone else alright">> he asks.

Saber 12 (Zelo Parrai)

Zelo watches a final scattering of plasma fly after him as the wounded-but-not-dead freighter manages to jump to hyperspace. A parting shot comes over the radios, and the Nautolan can't help but chime in. <<"Mercs and pirates are discourteous and unfortunately inept dance partners anyway. Wouldn't worry about impressing you in the first place.">> Saber 12 disengages as Saber Squadron reforms to assess the damage.

<<"Saber 12, somehow not a scratch. I couldn't intercept that last torpedo... I'd prefer no one tell Vhe I was thinking about it.">> Some chirps and whistles translate in print that Before is making no such promise. "At least, not before I do, Befour."

Saber 10 (Nerys Greystorm)

"Because Rill isn't just a recreational drug," Nerys offered as she formed back up on the squadron. "It's used to by quite a number of pharmaceutical companies to make painkillers and general anesthetics. As with most drugs, it's useful beyond just idiots using it to get high." As Karas came into formation, Nerys continued, "Some damage here, but nothing that I can't handle for the trip back."

Saber Leader (Jax Greystorm)

"What Break said Squint. That was pharmaceutical grade meant to mixed with some other medicines for a Bacta substitute." Jax shakes his head as he closes the S-foils. "Alright Sabers Back to the barn. We got some things to go over. Thank for the help. May the force be with you." Then they jump to hyper space.