Log:Rebellion: Dangerous Foray

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Rebel Spies receive information from an informant

OOC Date: March 5, 2023 (Optional)
Location: Taris
Participants: Rieve Selki, Nerys Greystorm and Reverberate as GM

The Whirlrock Hotel - luxury accoutrements for those who can afford them. A glittering spire rising above Night City, structure allowing it to widen as it rises to the sky and to the Glitterweb Ballroom where the executives of several of the galaxies shipbuilding companies have gathered. To discuss. To plan.

"The Empire has driven all to the boundaries, how can we compete with Sienarr when they're the sole supplier for fighter craft to the 'legitimate peace keepers' such as they are?" one voice snarls out and a ripple of cynical laughter meets it.

Well dressed corporate types mingle while elegantly dressed wait-staff weave through with platters of nibblies and drinks.

"Unless some outfit opens up that can provide a proper offer for supply for planetary enforcement, or even pirate and smuggler hunters, what are we to really do here, hmm?" another snide, politely toned, gripe that receives murmur of acknowledgement.

A pit of Gundarks, waiting for blood. Wanting a target.

"Well if the Verpine have something, perhaps it will be worth purchase, then maybe we can forward it and make -some- profit this year." "More engines? Please..."

Nerys Arda did not often find herself in a position where she was allowed to show her true colours. Indeed, she had not existed as an entity for the better part of nearly two decades. But, the daughter of one of the most influential designers on Corellia was not a woman who did not show out when she showed up, and she had certainly showed out today. Who she would return to being, when she returned home, well, one did not need to ask. That was a known quantity. For now, she mingled, dressed in the most fashionable, it might be said, attire to be found, hot off of the runways. It was an exploration on a theme, a cybernetic suit for a cybernetic age. Glistening and nearly iridescent segments molded to the slim, skin-fitted bodyglove she wore to provide some vague modesty, setting off the paleness of her skin and the fiery red of her hair to perfection. She looked every inch the young, twenty-something socialite. Credits could pay for perfection. And Nerys Arda (as she was tonight) had more than enough credits. A glass of some rare vintage, as she dipped and swayed in scandalously high stiletto heels between the gathered elite.

Rieve was not your typical spy, nor perhaps your typical military officer, what he was was a Courtesan who had fought a fighting retreat on Chandrila fifteen years ago or so, and been roused to take up arms against the Sith by what he saw that day. Normally he'd likely have been invited by one of the executives to wind down after a long day of exhausting discussions and seminars. His normal appearance was certainly flambouyant, blue hair and flowing robes, and today? Well he looked younger today than he had on Chandrila by a smidge... expensive HRO treatments had seen to that, Chandrilan attire of the finest cut and linens, his hair styled in the Chandrilan way and brown in colour. Everything spoke executive. Of someone who possibly fit in this scenario. Sure the elegance was there, the poise, the Hapan manners of noble birth, but no one would likely think this a famed courtesan... would they? Taking a nibbly and a drink, Rieve nodded his thanks to the wait staff who drifted by and continued to mingle. As one often did, only polite non-talk and assessments of those present. Listening in on conversations, footsteps quiet as if to take advantage of the noise already present as he approached various groups, he knew to keep an eye out for a supposed contact. Though listening in, he would seek to catch any snippets as he drifted, made small talk and orbited Nerys, casting the web far and wide.

"My master says that it is not just engines, but it is a complete system of dynamic propulsion and excess bleed-off flush that will provide for a faster cycling of power-charge to weapon systems compared to prior power supply draws used for common craft."

A Siak protocol droid, a common Roche designed to share appearance with the Verpine that designed them, stands before one of the entities of the Roche Asteroid Field. Its metal hull hued green, but with a shimmering band of red and blue that appears and fades with its movements and the light reflecting off it. The Verpine in question stands, dressed in a smartly tailored suit designed for its particular body shape, mandibles clicking and a chittering sound emitting for the interpreter.

A corellian and a kuati stand apart from the main group of a half-dozen, listening with sarcasm written across their features. Both shaking their heads and sharing glances without speaking up.

A group of serpentine Sluissi slip through, walking with Sullustans, both of which appear dressed in accordance with the Sluis-Van and Sorosuub corporations, trailing them the 'new suit' types of budding companies from the Corporate sector. Pausing momentarily to look to the Verpine presenting.

Nerys Ardda did enjoy her libations, though she was never so uncouth that she would drink to excess. Instead, she sampled from this tray and that, picking up a new drink as they were offered, passing off the old ones only barely tasted. It allowed her to both enjoy the environment and to flit from place to place within the room, as she moved as those serving the gathering were moving. She broke away, now and then, as one sample proved harder to find than another, as she did on approach to the pair standing apart, her voice soft and mild as she selected yet another glass from the server whom she had encountered.

The Corellian's eyes roll skyward at something murmured just before Nerys appears in proximity. A near-human with a tray barely catching sight of her in time to adjust her course around to sweep past the other pair. The Kuati woman, one of the ruling Matriarchs of the Corporate Castes, trills in her musical voice,

"What can you expect of the insects? They tinker and produce so little in lines. Like Squibs... It's a wonder their B-Wing was mass produced..." a sniff and a rough chortle from the Corellian man whose clothing screams of CEC.

"The utility is that KDY could place it in their already formidable A-Wing model, maybe even be the forerunner for a Mark III design." that comment gaining a -look- from the Kuati that could melt duranium, but neither Verpine or droid seem phased as one chitters and gestures and the latter translates, "He says: Imagine an A-Wing mounting the firepower of an X-Wing without the loss of speed from the engine draw?" the Verpine motions to a Givin, "A revitalization of Hoersch-Kessel's R-41. That gave Incom's Z-95 such competition. What if an R-42 Starchaser were to surpass even the vaunted X-Wing? A possibility, perhaps."

Rieve's comment, quiets others around and the Verpine's antennae begin twitching with its chitters, the droid turning and speaking with it's deep 'throated' voice moments later, "My master says it is good to hear an opinion that is Partisan to innovation, over holding to 'tried and true' that has not allowed the assembled companies to flourish since Chandrila." Sienar notably absent from the assembly.

The sharing of praise gaining derisive looks from the others.

Having selected her drink, Nerys did not linger. She was not a lingerer, though she was polite. It was, after all, both the best way to move neatly though the crowd, and to ensure that you received the best of what was being offered. Soft words were exchanged as she moved, a comment of interest here, a word of agreement there, taking no sides, and only feeding the conversations as they played out around her. She did pause, if only briefly, taking in the Hapan, looking for all the world as one might expect whenever one of that species as it suited your proclivities moved through the room. She even moved in that direction, eyes still focused on the brown-haired man and his closest compatriots, reaching out a hand to retrieve a second glass as she continued her approach.

Rieve grins at the Verpine. "Well the collective train of thought here seems to be complain about Sienar, while harbouring an overwhelming desire to avoid the tiresome drudgery of innovation that might well give them the break they need, while blaming everyone else for a lack of interest in their products. It matters not how many numerals one adds to the end of their product name, if the parts are much the same within and all you have is a fresh lick of paint." The derisive looks are ignored, if anything Rieve thrives on them as he offers the Verpine a gentle bow, allowing the chain on his Chandrilan styled waistcoat to gently bounce against Rieve's sleek form. "Anyway, do continue. I apologise for the interruption... I have a love of faster and more efficient power cycles, I could not help myself."

Again Rieve offers a light bow, his hand nestled against his chest as a show of respect to the Verpine. A gently mouthed 'thank you' is offered to both droid and Verpine as he takes a step backwards to give the Verpine the floor once more. And Rieve slinks away, a graceful step as he moves to find the nearest officious looking staff member. Indeed the Hapan is content to schmooze and apply a suitable amount of grease to many a wheel. That accent working to his favour, a warm promise of exotic Hapan, those fiendish pirates of yore. Gap-toothed smiles, gentle compliments and warm gazes. With warm tales of innovation and Rieve's own desire to see that rewarded, why it all bundles together to ensure that the secrecy of the Verpine's suite is soon breached, and the floor and room is obtained. The information noted, and the staff duly thanks. Why even a hint of smoulder might well have been deployed as he pushed away to return to the event and resume listening, watching, eying those present.

Every time Nerys selects a bit to eat or drink its met with a look of surprise from one of the server, as if her hand had appeared from the ether to claim libation.

"Chandrilans..." the Kuati and the Corellian share a sneer concealed poorly by their simultaneous sips from their drinks. The Verpine quiets, some and offers a bow of its head when Rieve retreats to attend other matters, politely quiet and giving the floor to the mournful faced Givin who begins to discuss the notion of H-K's preparation for a new snub-fighter/bomber class - noting it had been too long since they produced anything new to the field.

A barb aimed for the Kuati most like, while a human in Incom markings sweeps past with their own small pack of hangars on. Since the fall of the New Republic, the Fresia based company had been long quiet. Silenced perhaps?

Nerys being looked to by the inectoid alien and its droid now while attentions were gathered elsewhere. Antennae vibrating with considerable speed and as though to convey something like a radio signal, subtle but there before its mandibles click rapidly and it turns, fading into the crowd.

Ah, the one she came to see. With the Verpine having made his presentation and faded away, Nerys did only just catch the disappearance, eyes lingering for a moment in that direction, though, perhaps, she was seeking for the Verpine's erstwhile Hapan companion. She had two drinks now, after all. But, the Given had become the momentary star of the show, and Nerys, perhaps finally sated with her sampled, stood and listened with interest to the presentation. Soon enough, she too was lost in the crowd. The chase would have to begin again, of course, but she was patient. It could wait. He would not get away so easily.

Rieve finally returned, with the details of the Verpine's rooms, there was little to do but draw in beside Nerys and offer a warm and gap-toothed smile. "Madelle, such style and grace." The warm words flowing easily as he looked towards the next presentation, his right hand lightly waving at his side, perhaps seeking a drink to be lodged within his mitt, while conducting that distinctly accented compliment with a flourish of fingers and palm. His other hand slinks into his left pocket, standing there as he does in a most languid manner. Clad as he is in the latest Chandrilan cut, the linen barely crumpled. "I never thought a conference would be this interesting." His smile lifts on the left side of his mouth, his voice lowering lightly. "I'll be sure to have some wine delivered to his rooms, it was a fine presentation after all."