Bright minds come together.
OOC Date: May 25, 2020
Location: Bonadan
Participants: Atrel Katah, Fyrris, Nerys Arda, Netep Muri, Saturi
[Atrel Katah]
Bonadan is not the most beautiful planet but there is freedom and room to grow. Freedom to do as one wishes within reason or at least if Corporate investments are not harmed. Atrel waits for the others at a stall just outside the pub. The food being cooked is given a long look that speaks that she is not likely to eat it but study it rather. Her datapad rests in hand and her other taps it into the palm of her free one. Tap. Tap. Tap. The movement is staccoted as she waits, tapping her foot as she hums out a sound and then glances down at her time keeper.
"Should be here I suspect or we did not give clear enough directions." It's actually still early. No one is late by any means but the Arkanian shows her classic impatience. "Fyrris. What are your thoughts?"
A sniff, "The tables here are horrible. The water is worse, the cigarra are a nightmare. You look amazing in that outfit..." He takes one more moment to consider what all of thoughts he has that she wants may be. So he goes for broke. "Purple."
Second thoughts, "That's not what you wanted..." adjusting his suit collars before he adds, "I expect that they were proper directions without just... putting up a signal repeater to broadcast our exact location. Or set something massive on fire."
"Now indigo." Today is a colours day.
[Nerys Arda]
Nerys was not late for this not so much a date as a meeting, but she did enjoy being punctual. She also enjoyed being fed, something anyone who spent any fair amount of time in her company would know. And she did, as it turned out, eat more than Uncle Wyrrick's Tastey Cakes. In point of fact, it seemed to be the smell of cooking meat, it was probably meat, right? that lead her in the direction of the pub that would be her eventual destination. It was even the sight of the food at the stall that caught her attention before the presence of the good doctor and her Manservant Hec--never mind, wrong universe. "Two orders, if you please," because that was the most important thing, "Doctor, Fyrris." Also the important thing.
Saturi appears from the farthest reaches of the city street. On the cusp of being late, her lavender dress sticks out against the drab background as she approaches. The Pantoran gives the stall a once over with golden eyes upon arrival. A scowl forms on the woman's face before a greeting is mustered. "Is this where the party is taking place?" She looks to Fyrris and Nerys with curiosity, never having met the pair. "If so, I think introductions are in order."
[Netep Muri]
Ah...there it is. Was. Whoops.
A Nightfalcon speeder bike goes blurring by in the stream of whatever speeder traffic exists here, then executes a sharp left to dive between cross traffic and disappear around the next conglomerate of buildings down the road. It's a looooong U-turn of sorts, but before /too/ long, the Nightfalcon makes a second pass, albeit much more slowly, and descends lightly from the fray to finaggle into a position that's away from traffic enough but also not in patio-sitters' laps.
But almost.
The petite rider dismounts with an expertly hiked leg and PULL of gravity that lets her just slither on off of there without totally falling on her ass. A light hop-hip-hop of balance restoration, maybe. Both hands wrestle the helmet off her head and free the unholy cascade of curls. Helmet hangs on handle and Netep's finally turning away from her ride to throw a hazardous guess of a smile toward some familiar faces gathered near that /delicious/ smelling stall. Seriously, she'll eat that.
"Like minds AND kindred stomachs....?" a low whistle of approval, even if it's not true. "I'm enjoying myself already. Muri," a thumb to her own person, before index finger singles out each face in turn, noting her last memory of encounter. TO Fyrris: "Pazac and Tabacc", Saturi: "Hutt real estate", Nerys: "Death-defying explorations", aaaaand Atrel: "Grays." A little upnod while she leans a look aside to the food. Salivating? Possibly.
[Atrel Katah]
The tapping of her datapad ceases when Fyrris answers her. "You know what I meant. As in the planet for location. It is far removed from Nar Shadda, of that I am grateful," she remarks with a look that might make him second guess continuing to rattle off colors. The datapad is kept in hand as the first familiar face is made known, a brow arching as the food beside her is bought. "You are going to eat that?" she asks of Narys as she inclines her head upon the greeting. Saturi gets another nod upon arrival and she hesitates, glancing from each as she straightens up and considers them all. "Yes, introductions," she begins and then pauses as Muri makes her introduction herself.
"Some of us are here for just the like minded. Food is questionable," she says giving a side eye to the cart before clearing her throat. "As not everyone knows your classifications," she begins actually faintly smirking at Muri, it fades face. "This is Fyrris." She motions to the Codru. "This is Nerys Arda, this is Saturi and this as we have all learned is Netep Muri. I am glad to see you all could make it but it would appear several others are not in attendance. I would like to know your first thoughts of Bonadan."
An 'OOoooh' from Fyrris. Verbal pause denoting punctuation or not. It's happened, "Doctor Fyrris. I like that." oh he so very does. Clasping one pair of hands at his chest and the other moving with fingers laced to present a shelf for his chin so that he can look to Atrel with a tilt of his head with batting eyelashes.
"Atrel, dear, call me Doctor Fyrris. It's your prescription. As your attending physician... of... Things that... I. Me." hrmmm, didn't think that far ahead. "As your Doctor. I... suggest it is... good for you." still standing, still cute-ing.
That's why she keeps him around. Clearly. He correct the introduction though, looking to the others, "Doctor Fyrris Vochar... Ladies." the last said with a single brow waggling.
[Nerys Arda]
"Two more, no, three." Nerys offered, as she accepted the two servings she had already ordered, passing one over to Netep as the other woman came over from where she had parked her speeder. "Quite a few times, yes, or at least until my stomach is full or they run out of food." She did step away though, to wait for her second order to be made and to tuck into the servings she had kept for herself, "It's a mining colony. Not that different from most I've seen in my time. Less people trying to mind your business instead of their own, from what I can see, than the Moon."
Saturi watches Fyrris introduce himself as an attending physician. She appears amused, if only marginally so. The woman lets Nerys sum up the majority of her thoughts...it's drab, unexciting, but perfect if you have a large enough pocketbook. "This place is the reason I stayed in asteroid mining." Her look shifts to Muri, then back Atrel. "It's dark, dreary, and the people are all victims of poverty." The Pantoran takes a step forward, getting out of the street and nearer to the stall. "But, it serves a purpose."
[Netep Muri]
Muri doesn't even question what it is Nerys hands over - just takes it and puts a bite blindly into mouth. It's against her core values to second-guess a free meal. Or she's just suffering a case of munchies /that/ badly.
"I think it's a sad sight for sympathetic eyes," Netep voices her opinion of the strip-mined planet after chewing enough of the chow to squirrel it away into cheek outta the way of her syllables. "Caustic soil, what's left of it, an' wager has it the rain'll give Nar Shaddaa's a run for its ability to eat paint. Habitat only a tortapo could love..." Or simply endure. And chew, chew, swallow. Harsh review aside, she shrugs a shoulder benignly and tosses an eyebrow toward Fyrris and his spectacular suit. She can appreciate a bold color choice, yes she can.
"S'good to have a doc on retainer, hey?" And chomp - A second mouthful of mystery food goes down the hatch.
[Atrel Katah]
"It would seem so," remarks Atrel in regards to Fyrris being on retainer. She gives him a look again and then nods her head to each observation, taking them into account as her hand taps out something upon the datapad. "Correct, we will have less oversight and no involvement of the Hutts. The Order does not worry about this sector of space. The other option is to reach for the stars...to look for a station we might take over and thus, not have to deal with native environs. It would mean it might cost us a bit more. Perhaps take more time but I figure for now we might find something planet side and then sell it off when we become more proficient and well...rich. Land here will be cheap."
She regards each and then sniffs at the air. "It is not ideal, by any means but it is better than most options that are available to us. I was thinking there seem to be a few warehouses further out in this sector that appear to be abandoned. With some money we might retrofit it into lab spaces with some personal rooms so we need not have to travel for comfort."
"Money really shouldn't be too difficult to acquire. I'm an expert at you it. You lot can focus on your... Science stuff. All the beakers... and burners. The loopy pipes and bio-reengineering retro-virus induced protein strand... Thing. Stuff." Fyrris applies science words
Because he's a doctor. Buffing all four sets of nails on the lapels of his suit as he leans against whatever surface is available... then grabbing at a bit of meat on a stick, gnawing at it with sharp carnivore's teeth.
[Nerys Arda]
As the three extra orders were completed and paid for, Nerys laid them out on the table, leaving them for whomever wanted them as she tucked in, "The idea of having a station is wonderful, but it also brings its own challenges. Having to defend it, for one. It would be cheaper and safer, provided we have decent containment to begin in a location that might be more defensible than a floating laboratory."
"Finding a competent security corporation is difficult." Saturi adds, seeming to agree with Nerys. "Especially for cheap." Her eyes watch as the pair eye, lay out, and consume the orders. It's not her ideal meal from the look she is giving. "From what I have seen, it is easier to form your own security corporation...like a shell. And use their services as well as hire out." It's a gamble, a spitball, nothing more.
[Netep Muri]
Muri perches on a seat at table and nibbles obligingly at what's there while keeping an eye and ear on the topic of discussion. "I know a bit of muscle, pay'im by the job for my own security. Doubt he'd be keen to stay here on a permanent basis, though. Be better to source locally. Handful of miners lookin to make some extra cred, maybe?" The question accompanies a look to Saturi in the wake of her suggestion. "You have a couple sites in mind?" The question swivels to Atrel. "We see'em?"
"I could always go on a'wanderin' to see whom I might be able to rub elbow with as well, as far as helping find security. Of course I hope you expect," Fyrris motions to all of them, "that I will have you lot vet whatever I find. Again - no expert on companies. But I know people eh?" the Codru beams, proud of himself as he chews on his meat-snack food thing... on a stick.
[Atrel Katah]
"We will need some security. I figured we might bring in someone to set up surveillance and keep the equipment running. Be sort of our eyes and ears." She remarks and Fyrris gets a nod. "It can be easy, its not always," she remarks. Atrel taps her datapad again and motions over in the direction of the warehouse. "A afew are in use but I think there is a rather good fit for us not too far from here. The construction seems to be solid it will just need to have work done on the inside," she points out.
"The ultimate goal will be a space science station. But for now..Bonadan will allow us the freedom we seek at an affordable measure." She nods to Nerys at that before she looks to the food. "I will wait until you are done eating. Are there any other concerns any of you have?"
[Nerys Arda]
"Oh, I can walk and eat," but since not everyone was...eating that is, she quickened her pace. "Or get it to go. Not the first time I've had to have leftovers. But I'm in the same boat as Muri. I've got a couple of hunters I can call in to do security, but neither of them are the sort that can put down roots. But I will reach out as well, and see if there might be a company or part of a company looking for new work." She tucked away the now empty plate she was using in the trash receptacle, and did not bother to uncover the next serving closest to her.
Saturi holds any comments, concerns, or other related jargon for later. The woman positions herself behind everyone else, looking out towards the warehouse Atrel was motioning at. She adjusts herself accordingly, ready to move at the leisure of the rest of the group. Although she isn't doing a great job showing it, she is excited to see what they have to look forward to.
[Netep Muri]
"I also know a gal who could wire up more remote security measures. Bored as she is presently, I'll bet she'll do it for a decent price, if it means change of scenery and we give her a bit of creative liberty..." Muri's eaten her fill (for now) but sends the remainder into a rubbish bin rather than tote it along. "In regards to that interior overhaul...y'got plans for financing it?" A vague gesture to Fyrris, for his prior self-promotion as financial manager. "We all pitch in as equal partners?"
Fyrris shrugs at the notion of equal partners and combined cash influx. Why? "I leave that to you all, I'm simply the pretty one here... Though it is a stiff competition. I appreciate you all making me work so damned hard to maintain my title." the codru beams, "But I can help look at the numbers as needed, eh?" all four limbs moving to fold his hands behind his back, one pair at the small and the other at his waist.
[Atrel Katah]
"My plan is to fund most of it myself," Atrel begins, addressing cost first as it is the natural power in the corporate sector over all else. "But if you would like to fund equally, I would not be against it." The Arkanian glances to the Codru, "It is true that Fyrris has a better chance at digging up the funds than most of us but that is simply by the nature of his skills. And he is pretty." She finally admits and then goes on. "As for security, yes we will need outside help. I thought to have someone on call for us even if she does not remain but I would gladly take the names of any of those you wish to procure and offer me."
SHe begins to lead the way as they all seem capable of following while eating or have just finished up. The pulls up the stats of the warehouse. "It is just up this street here." As they enter the district near the pub, warehouses in varying degrees of decay pop up here and there but the one closest to the pub that they pass first has been retrofit or so it seems as there are a few figures moving in and out."
She ignores it and moves on, making a motion as the sixth down on the left side. Its been kept up a bit more than the rest. A lot less work to be done. "This would give us plenty of space to expand should we have others that show interest in our venture. On that note, do not forget to also send me the names of those who might consider."
[Nerys Arda]
"Sadly, I barely have the budget to keep my ship up and running, so going in equally isn't something I'm going to be able to afford." She was at least honest about that. The unopened portions she passed out to a few who looked as though they needed it, before she followed the good Doctor towards the warehouses. "The names I can get you." But what about the warehouse, "It's not a bad place to start. But that is me saying so, and my needs are not going to be at all as specific as the rest of you, I suspect."
[Netep Muri]
Well, Muri COULD walk, but...
The nerdy space gypsy lags behind for a minute, deciding after a few steps that she'd rather not leave the Nightfalcon to safeguard itself. It purrs oh so eagerly for the chance to unleash its potential and seize that speed...
But the bike is destined to be as frustrated as its rider, forced to idle along with a low whine alongside the pedestrian pace of Muri's fellows. Dammit. Netep's helmet continues to hang from its perch, because worst thing that'll happen at THIS speed is she'll fall asleep and take a nap. "My spatial needs are as flexible as my skillsets," Netep stifles a small yawn into arm while hovering along their flanks. "Equipment costs relatively low. I'd be willing to invest a modest sum of 50k upfront for curiosity's sake, see where this alliance goes. Y'know. For science."
"I just insist I have rooms for suits. This is the most important." Fyrris pauses, "OK. Booze too. My bottles. Also most important." walking along with a casual drawing of a coin from a pocket that begins its journey spinning and flipping from hand to hand, bouncing and swinging through his many fingers while he lets Atrel speak about how great he is.
He's really great.
Also the building is good.
[Atrel Katah]
As they stop before the building, Atrel nods to each. "I understand that credits do not come easy to all so the idea will be that we buy this location first and slowly retrofit it was we need. I am sure we will be collecting samples and artifacts as we go. I would like to have a safe place for them so there will be a hope for something far more secure in the future. We all have different strengths in our respective fields and this alone will prove to be to our advantage. If we were all the same then I would think we would have little outlet for exploring different angles of any given project. There will be interest enough for all which in turn is why exactly I am doing this. I would like to be able to have on hand individuals with great strengths that are counter to my own."
"Such as Fyrris." She nods to him and then considers, a soft sound made at the back of her throat. "Does Bonadan appeal to you all or have we gone too far out of the way and should consider something more in the general core sector which would run the risk of drawing unwanted attention?"
[Nerys Arda]
"I've got no problem with setting up a base on Bonadan. I'd prefer a place as non-partisan as possible. I've no desire to have to live under the rules and regulations of the Hutts, or either of the galactic powers trying to divvy up the galaxy out of the remnants of the war. At least the Corporate Sector makes no attempt to convince you of anything beyond the fact that they care about their bottom line, and as long as we don't threaten that bottom line, we can do as we like."
Saturi speaks up from the back of the crowd, the woman lingering near the rear for the majority of the presentation and discussion. "We'll. You have my support. Financial investment or not." She inhales the stale air, seeming to approve of the warehouse...provided that it can be renovated. Her feet draw her away from the crowd and to the edge of the room, golden eyes inspecting the walls. "How soon are we going to begin? Setting up here, that is?"
[Netep Muri]
"'Appealing' is not the word I'd use to describe this overexploited rock, however I've no grievances with the location. I don't really /live/ anywhere in particular for more'n a night - two if I've been lucky--" ahaaaa, there's a devilish grin, "but if I did, I certainly wouldn't pick the /Core/. So." Netep kills her forward thrusters altogether and powers down in favor of getting a closer, hands-on look at the building. "This seems as good as any."
Says the woman who lives in her ship.
"Overexploited often finds itself unnoticed." Fyrris offers as he strolls. "People don't check rocks like this for high sciencing type lab places." Technical terms, "Gives a guy like me plenty of room to spread out and find a few corners to peek around to see about spreading out my own operations." Fyrris smiles to himself - peering about the area, his mind in a million places at once and not at the same moment.
[Atrel Katah]
"True, very well. It seems that though this planet is not all together appealing as it were, it is good enough to serve as a temporary base of operations until a better one can be found." Atrel ticks the datapad closed and she steps up beside Netep. "We will see about acquiring this shortly. I do believe there is a large enough space at the back that is unused or was once another few warehouses that no longer exist. We can consider possibly getting a landing pad installed." Four fingers curl around the edge of the pad. "Feel free to look but I do believe we had a name offered up for the group. Collective was one but the other which I find appealing on many levels is Convergence. Any other suggestions before I sign off on this land sale with that as the company name?"
[Nerys Arda]
Nerys glanced to Netep, nodding as though she agreed with the other woman's sentiment, "I'm based out of my ship as well, so having a place to lay my head isn't really something that I'm concerned about. So if this will get us the space we need to do the work, that's all that I really care about. And I think we can find ways to make the load out of the facility as efficient as possible. But we can talk about that later." She ducked her head into the warehouse, looking around one of the structural members, "I would prefer Convergence." And with that, she looked back towards the group, "It's rather evocative and it fits what we're attempting to do."
[Netep Muri]
"Convergence..." Muri echoes, trying the word on for size. A wag of her head mulls the idea around for a few seconds before offering a nod. "Agreed." And, with her gaze still very much fixed on the building's imagine potential, she points in the direction of the proposed, future landing pad. "At the very least, we'll need a vehicle bay. Transport what needs movin to and from the ships until we've a proper hangar built on site. If at all."
The little linguist passes a final, seemingly indifferent look over the structure then flashes the Arkanian a thumbs-up. "I'll send word to some friends, gauge their interest level pertaining to security setup, and link you up for a meeting if they say 'yes'."
"Oh. What about Federated Yield Regent Research Information Society?" Fyrris beams. "Or Convergence. I like mine more... Has a pep to it, don't you think?" Big eyes, big hopes. The Four Armed Codru will be denied. But Atrel admitted to his prettiness.
Victories where you can get 'em. The Long Game.