Ben Relor

Ben Relor
Title: Ben Relor
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Occupation: Demolitionist, Propagandist, Insurgent
Profession: Scout
Homeworld: Eriadu
Organization: Rebellion
- Log:A Tiny Hope: Darth Hadius
- Log:A Tiny Hope: Prison Break
- Log:A Tiny Hope: Maybe A Prison Break?
- Log:Surgical Precision
- Log:Rebellion: Blockade Run: Hapes
- Log:Bespin: Back Alley Tactics
- Log:Void Helix Swoop Race
- Log:Hapan's Third Training Mission
- Log:Hapan's Second Training Mission
- Log:They're coming out of the walls!
- Log:Shock Boxing at the Pit Fighters Palace
- Log:Rebels: Scratch Post
- Log:Rebellion: Rescue Moi
- Log:Jedi Order: Like a Phoenix
- Log:Rebellion: Freedom's Sacrifice
- Log:Rebels: Robrains
- Log:Rebels: Swamp Walk
- Log:Mandalore: Tunnel Work
- Log:Mandalore: Tracking
- Log:Rebels: A Bug's Plan
- Log:Rebellion: Impervious Metal
- Log:Mandalore: Poachers
- Log:Rebellion: Riski Rishi
- Log:Rebellion: Night Market Meeting
It's just a war for territory
Under the guise of justice and glory
Who will get to impose their authority?
Who will get to be the author of your story?
- Rabbit Junk, "Shadow Horizon"
On the surface, Ben Relor is a scruffy young ne'er-do-well with a chip on his shoulder, a scowl on his face, and a knack for mouthing off and getting into drunken cantina fights.
But to those who know him, he's one of the Rebellion's most notorious operatives -- a volatile mix of inspiration and unpredictability and a grizzled veteran at just 23. A demolition expert with a pyromaniacal fascination for fire, Relor has earned a reputation as a master of destruction. His fiery rhetoric and impassioned writing inspire recruits and rally hope, making him a symbol for younger operatives. However, his impulsive nature and disdain for authority often challenge leadership. Despite his scars, Relor's relentless commitment to the cause keeps him in the fight, a polarizing figure whose brilliance is rivaled only by the chaos he leaves behind.
- Proud Rebel Scum: In the Rebellion? Ben's tactical mind, his demolitions skills, his propaganda, and his ruthless streak make him stand out. Maybe you need his help, willing or not.
- The Firebrand: Ben’s got a big mouth and even bigger opinions. He’ll rant about corruption, oppression, and revolution to anyone who will listen -- or fight him over it. Maybe your character agrees, disagrees, or wants to shut him up. If you’re looking for heated debates, ideological clashes, or chaotic bar fights, Ben is a prime target.
- Human Wreckage: He drinks too much, smokes too much, and gets into all the wrong kinds of trouble. Maybe your character enables him, tries to pull him out, or just watches the wreckage unfold. Does your medic patch him up after another brutal fight? Does your bartender listen to his rants over whiskey? Does your crime boss hire him for dirty work, knowing he’s too burned out to care?
- Old Ghosts, Old Enemies: Ben’s past haunts him. Maybe your character knew his father -- a nightmare of a man with Imperial ties. Maybe they fought beside (or against) Ben in the war. Maybe they hold a grudge, owe him a debt, or want to test what’s left of him. He doesn’t believe in redemption -- but maybe someone else does.
- Explosives Expert & Pyromaniac: Ben has a thing for fire. Whether it’s controlled demolitions, tactical sabotage, or just watching something burn, he’s got the knowledge, the skills, and the recklessness to make things explode. If your character needs a job done -- or is trying to stop him from doing one-- sparks will fly.
- Pre-Mor Shake - Nicholas Britell
- Cursed - Gost
- Terrorist - Stromkern
- Turn On The Light - Bad Religion
- Watch ('Em Burn) - CONNÖR & Dark Smoke Signal
- Hot Ashes - Rotersand
- Resist and Disorder - Rezodrone (Jason Charles Miller & Jamison Boaz)
- Fuck Authority - Pennywise
- Art of Defiance - Rabbit Junk
- Spring Into Action - Test Dept
- Youth Choker - Babyland
- Revolt - Fear No Empire
- Full Scale Revolt (DOPE STARS INC. Remix) - Sirus, Dope Stars Inc
- Andor (Main Title Theme) - Nicholas Britell
- Justice Way - Processor
- Facer - X Marks The Pedwalk
- God Game - Nitro/Noise
- Reaktion - Rexodrone, Alexei Brayko
- You Can't Bring Me Down - Suicidal Tendencies
- Manic - Wage War
- Stripdown - Agent Side Grinder
- Idiot - Squarehead, Celldweller
- Leaders of Tomorrow - Perkele
- Rivers in the Desert - Queen Side - FamilyJules, Sapphire
- The Farthest Star - VNV Nation
- Past/Present Sirus - Nicholas Britell
- Death of a Profiteer - Naethan Apollo