Log:Jedi Order: Like a Phoenix
The Jedi Order endures the loss of a Jedi Knight but witnesses the rise of another.
OOC Date: February 1, 2025
Location: Caathan Overlook - Cloud-Mother Herdship, Ithor
Participants: Ben Relor, Bizz Bliptettjupp, Qutha Buvu Pah, Rey, Rhala, Vega, Zalon Bo
[ Rey (R)]
The sun was setting over this section of Ithor. A dramatic sunset painted the picture of oranges, reds, yellows and purples that slowly shifted in to a gradient hue of darker shades. this part of the Cloudmother city granted a glorious view of the dying daylight, with the sun dropping down on the horizon, and long shadows cast across the overlook area, the pylons that separated the viewing spaces, creating dark swaths of shade over the otherwise serene setting.
A warm wind was blowing quite powerfuly tonight as well, the distant trees below were visibly dancing to the swaying claim of the winds rushing through them. As Rey stood near the front of the gathered individuals here this evening, she had publicly invited members of the Rebellion, many of whom were old friends from Rey's days in the Resistance, while those physically closest to her were members of the Jedi Order.
Twenty had made the trip here, since the planet had been taken back from the clutches of the evil empire, and since the passing of one of their own. But, tonight was about neither of those things, tonight was about the dawn of a new day, for one within their order.
Rey, dressed in earthen hued garments, stood with her right foot up on a small step in front of her, her right hand pressed atop her leg, while her artificial left hung at her side, mostly covered by the baggy sleeve of her voluminous dark brown cloak. She had her hair tied back in a series of ringed braids, while a pair of thick strands of dark hair framed her face, and were sweeping across her face in dancing motions, from the warm late summer wind here on Ithor's primary continent, in its largest floating city.
"Thank you all for coming tonight..." Rey softly spoke, through her voice carried well in this reasonably small space. She let her eyes roam over most of the faces before her, before she drew in a deep breath, and considered her words. Her head shook right to left once. "I don't have a speech prepared for this. this is not meant to be that kind of gathering. This is meant to be a recognition of a fellow Jedi, who has spent the better part of the past two decades becoming what the Force intended him to become..." She began, as she watched a few more people arriving, settling in to view, and to listen.
[ Bizz Bliptettjupp (bizz)]
Brother Bizz has had a full day of instruction with his gaggle of orphans, introducing them to the crystalline blue-barked Bafforr trees of Ithor from afar. Now the children have been given their promised Ithorian starfruit smoothies and are slurping loudly away. Most of them stop to listen to Rey's non-speech speech. Glim the pink Cragmoloid boy with his elephant-like trunk keeps slurping obnoxiously away so Bizz has to tap his trunk until the boy takes it out of the smoothie. For his part, Bizz has obtained an Ithorian ale which is famously unpalatable to humans. But the Ugnaught doesn't seem to mind the taste.
[ Zalon Bo (Z)]
The evening is approaching and the hues of sunset alight upon Zalon Bo. He's dressed as he often is in simple traveler's garb in earthen tones. He's without much in way of ornamentation or garish displays of wealth or status. If it weren't for his being the sheer size that he is, he'd be an easy figure to overlook. The way that he carries himself is another story entirely. He isn't hunched nor weary, but instead tall and unfailingly upright. He stands with his elbows angled outward and his large hands clasped together, with his thick fingers interlaced among one another. They rest draped together across his midsection and the sleeves of his robe hang down in an unintentional bid to conceal his hands away.
The Lasat's golden eyes drift around himself. It's clear that he's taking in the moment while he listens to the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order: Rey. Zalon's eyes turn aside to regard others around him, whether Jedi or upstart rebel. A faint smile tugs at one corner of his otherwise stern expression. It's a wry thing, threatening to overtake his features despite his best efforts to keep it concealed and controlled. Self-control wins out however and Zalon's smile begins to drift back into hiding and his attention moves to settle fully upon Rey while she speaks of the gathering and its intent. The mention of nearly two decades of adherence to the Force and personal growth as a Jedi does bring a twitch of the smile back, but against he suppresses it in favor of adopting a more sincere and dutiful appearance.
[ Vega (Ve)]
Vega's here, dressed in her usual black colors and being silent. Another trademark of hers. When Rey speaks there is a bit of a smile and a look around, trying to see who might be getting promoted to their next rank. She knows who she thinks it is, but she's not going to spoil anything!
[ Ben Relor (Relor)]
Ben is one of the upstart Rebels who's shown up tonight, although he's a bit late and sneaks in to stand near the back, alone. Too young to have been one of Rey's fellows in the Resistance, he's nonetheless here -- in uniform again, representing his rank of Lieutenant, with several decoration and service insignias decorating it. However, just like last time, it's a bit wrinkled and kind of too big for him. He really needs to get to a tailor one of these days.
The young soldier folds his arms and strains his neck over the small crowd, brow furrowing as he listens to Rey give her speech. His blue eyes, snapped with red, move over the others in attendance. Several of them were at Juria's funeral, and several of them he'd fought alongside on Geonosis not long ago. So maybe he does belong here, after all.
[ Rhala (Ra)]
The beauty of the view beyond the overlook has not gone past Rhala. For the longest time, she stood in the light of the setting sun, simply enjoying the change of colors in the sky overhead and beyond. It is refreshing. However, as more people arrive, the Nautolan turns to join the ranks of the attendees.
Rhala is dressed in the simple robes of a younger Padawan. They are clean and crisp, but otherwise no ornamentation of note. The only ornamentation she may hold is a single braided cord that dangles from a simple ring that fits comfortably upon one of her smokey gray and turquoise head tails. She is content in this moment, enjoying the positive vibes.
Unlike Zalon's more stoic nature in this moment, Rhala does allow herself to smile when she meets the golden gaze of the Lasat. Though, she does manage to withhold the 'thumbs up' gesture that humans seem to be so fond of. Though, noting his stoicism, she clears her throat and stands a little taller to maintain decorum. However, it's obvious the Nautolan is quite happy to be able to share this moment.
[ Rey (R)]
Rey's eyes went to a number of Ithorian dignitaries, as she saw them entering through the archways of the overlook passage. She cast them all a warm expression, before her gaze went back to those already having gathered. Bizz's orphans, ever a popular target for Rey's attention, earned a slightly larger smile, before she adjusted her stare to sweep it over everyone collectively. "I've been through a lot of harrowing experiences, since I personally embarked on this mission of learning the ways of the Force. I've seen things, and done things, that I never would have imagined possible, when I was their ages..." She stated, her natural hand motioning toward the children enjoying the colorful milkshakes. "And a very wise man once told me, in a very unusual fway... that the life of a Jedi is best described as only one word... Hard. It's a hard life. But it is a life that once you live it, you will truly come to discover who you are..."
Another warm breeze cast itself across the overlook, rustling the leaves of the plantlife in the various pots, planters, and arrangements that were dotted around the overlook's greenery spaces. It caused the loose strands framing Rey's face to continue their own dance, as she slipped her right foot off of the small step beside one such garden display. She placed both of her hands together in front of her lap, as she stood before the others.
"Zalon, a member of the Jedi Order, who has been with us since shortly after the rise of the Sith Empire, has been a stalwart in his studies, and his dedication to proving himself to be worthy of learning both the ways of the Force, and the ways of being as good, as honest, and as selfless of a person as he can be. It has been these traits, that have carried him to this point in his journey as a Jedi Padawan, and after what he has just faced? After staring in to the heart of the darkness that is forever trying to extinguish the light, Zalon has risen, and pushed back against it, with all the vigor, all the grace, and all the skill worthy of becoming something more..."
She faded her words for a moment, as she peered back over her shoulder, toward the setting sun, that cast an orange light across her facial features. When she looked back to those gathered here this evening, she smiled again. "As the light of another day comes to its rest here on Ithor, the light of a new Jedi Knight shines back, to push back against the ebb of shadow, the weight of night, and the darkness it brings."
Rey raised her right hand up, and motioned to Zalon. "Please, Zalon, step forward, and kneel for what I have to say next..."
[ Bizz Bliptettjupp (bizz)]
Bizz has a sip of his Ithorian ale. His orphans start whispering amongst themselves, wondering who could be getting knighted. Maybe it is this padawan, says Sonaa the tiny Togruta girl. Maybe it is that padawan, says Ansra the human girl in her hand-me-down scavenger costume. But no, it is Zalon Bo, so they all are shushed by Bizz. "Hold your Naboobian bubble spores." The children all close their mouths and puff out their cheeks, as if they have aquatic bubble spores from the swamps of Naboo contained within. Maybe it is a polite way of telling them to shut up.
[ Zalon Bo (Z)]
It's easy for Zalon to become lost in the words of Rey. The story that she weaves together seems to draw him like many young Jedi hearing of those who came before them. He does not at that single word that she uses to described the life of a Jedi and despite that word, it still brings a smile to Zalon's face. It seems that the Lasat wouldn't have it any other way. He does begin to step forward when he is called upon, but it's with a glance cast toward the setting sun and then back to those around him. He moves forward and his eyes turn to regard those around him. He seems to be taking it all in. Memorizing the moment and those within it, while he considers faces both familiar or new. A nod is given toward Rhala when her attention settles upon him, but soon he's looking forward once more.
Bizz and the flock of children earns a solemn nod from the Padawan and Zalon's hand rises up, pressing itself atop the center of his chest as he offers a polite bow toward the children in particular. Then it's forward he goes as Zalon draws ever closer to Rey herself.
He sinks to a single knee and his earthen robes pool about him, shrouding much of his stature. He does not bow his head, but does look up to regard Rey from the step above. Though given his already impressive height: he doesn't have to look far. His arms move to rest both hands, clasped atop one another over his knee and his sleeves again fall in an attempt to conceal his hands within their folds. He does not speak or question, but kneels in reverent silence as his eyes remain uplifted to regard the master who showed him the first steps that would eventually lead him to reaching this milestone in his life.
[ Vega (Ve)]
Vega gives a grin when it turns out that it is Zalon that is being Knighted. She doesn't cheer loudly at the moment because that would be highly rude and she was not the one that this was about. She gives a smile to Zalon and there is a little dip of her head before she goes back to being still where she was watching from.
[ Ben Relor (Relor)]
Ben has never seen anything quite like this before. He watches the proceedings with a combination of skepticism and interest writ large on his pale face. The children get a glance as well -- a curious one. Who are they and why are they here? He doesn't entirely understand it. There's a lot he doesn't know, but there's a hunger in his eyes, mixed with the cynicism: he wants to understand.
He watches Zalon down on one knee like a warrior out of some old holodrama and scratches behind his ear. Perhaps the ancient nature of the Jedi Order is hitting the young soldier as he observes this unfolding before his eyes.
[ Rhala (Ra)]
Rhala perks a little more as Zalon's name is called. Her face turns to watch him move forward, her unblinking gaze taking it all in. She studies the kneeling Lasat, then the gracious Grand Master that bestows the honor of knighthood upon Zalon. Of course the young Padawan dreams of the day when it is her turn to be knighted as well. Oh how far she has come, yet how far she has to go. Still, there is no jealousy, only happiness for the man receiving the honor he has worked so hard for.
Her smoke-gray hands embrace in front of her robes. She stands a little taller, simply observing the ancient rite.
[ Rey (R)]
Rey observed the towering Lasat make his way forward, and kneel. Even kneeling on the step before her, he is basically eye-level with her, but it just earsn a subtle grin from the Jedi. She drew in a breath, as her waving bangs fluttered and swayed against her cheeks. "You know, when you first joined us, almost twenty years ago, Zalon... I had never met a Lasat before." She admitted to him, her tone much more normal, and far less speech-like in pitch and flavor. "I wasn't sure what to expect. I'd never even /heard/ of a Lasat before. Since then? Well, since then, I've come to realize that at least in your case... you represent your species with as much honor, dignity, and strength of character, as any I have ever met before. We live in a very diverse galaxy, filled with all kinds of colorful characters, and if you'll excuse the obvious pun... you're one of the most colorful I have met to-date." She allowed her grin to grow larger, before she shook her head from side to side. "You're as honorable as they come, and after what you just survived? I now know that you are ready for this next stage of your journey."
Rey's eyes left Zalon, and went to the other Jedi members, and the Rebellion soldiers that dotted the crowd too. "Luke Skywalker began my training, quite some time ago. It was not an easy thing, to make him believe in me. He saw uncertainty. He saw the shadows of my own past, the dark lineage that happened to exist before I was ever even alive. He thought that it would influence my ability as a Jedi, and that it might bring him a new failure to his doorstep, one he had slammed shut, after a failure had lead to everything he had worked for being burned to ash and cinder. I had to convince Luke otherwise, I had to swear to him that I would not be a failure for him. I've lived my life since, trying to uphold that promise, to a man that I truly owe everything I have to."
Finally, Rey returned her eyes to Zalon, and with it, she reached for her belt beneath her exterior robe. A quiet click, and she drew her dark metal saber hilt from beneath the swaying wind-swept fabric. Clutched in her natural right hand, Rey spun it around, and with it her thumb stroked across it activation ring. "Zalon. I have never felt that kind of darkness in you. Not in the 18 years that I have known you. I have never had doubt that you would reach this long path's end." She said, her eyes upon his. "I have always seen the light in you, and I have always seen you pushing the dark away, wherever you went. The latest incident? It only proved, to the Force, what I already knew in my heart."
A snap-hiss of raw power, and a glowing golden column of light came from Rey's saber hilt. She raised it up, and pointed its tip toward the darkening skies of the evening above.
"I grant you the rank of Jedi Knight, and with it, I know the dawn will come back even sooner, to Ithor, and to the galaxy at-large. Welcome to your new path." Rey declared, as she gestured her saber down toward his shoulders, a safe display, before she pulled it back up toward the sky.
"Rise as Jedi Knight, Zalon Bo."
[ Bizz Bliptettjupp (bizz)]
Some of the children gasp when Rey ignites her bright light sword. Brother Bizz starts golf-clapping since he has a drink in his hand when Zalon Bo is (Jedi) knighted. The children start clapping and cheering too, even though they are holding Ithorian starfruit smoothies in their little hands. Dia the little Twi'lek girl even yells "Zalon Boo!" and the other children start shouting it too.
[ Zalon Bo (Z)]
While Zalon may be nearly at the same height of Rey, it doesn't prevent his eyes rising up to meet her. The tale of her own trials before none other than the famous (or infamous) Luke Skywalker results in a solemn lowering of Zalon's head. He remains in reverent silence while Rey speaks and speaks of her own experiences along the path he walks, but when her tale finds a tributary that allows for it to weave into his own tale, Zalon's head rises. He watches in silence while Rey speaks of his own achievements or strengths, but it's clear that Zalon's not about to permit those compliments to go directly to his head. Again his head bows humbly and he listens with his eyes downcast.
When the sound of a lightsaber snapping and hissing to life is heard, Zalon does not start. He remains still and silent, awaiting the next commands from the Jedi Order's Grand Master. When he's granted a new title in recognition of his training and achievements, Zalon's head rises up again. He watches Rey as the lightsaber lowers and nearly kisses his shoulder, but never grazes. When her lightsaber rises again and he is called upon to rise, Jedi Knight Zalon Bo does.
The earthen robes that pooled about him fall slack around him once more as he stands to his full height. First he bows before Master Rey, holding the low bow for the span of a few heartbeats.
The bow is held for but a moment before he rises up again to his full height and turns, shifting himself around to face the gathering of Jedi, Ithorians, and rebels. He then bows toward them, lower perhaps than he had toward Jedi Master Rey. For if he is to be a servant of the galaxy and its people, his bow to them should be at its lowest.
It is held for a moment before finally Zalon rises up to his full height with keen posture, a slight rise given to his chin, and large hands that move to clasp together before himself as he stands before the gathering a Jedi Knight.
[ Vega (Ve)]
Vega's happy for Zalon. He's been a constant source of Jedi ideals since she got rescued. There is still part of her brain that chides her. She could have been there ages ago, but...the Force had other plans for her. When Zalon is given leave to rise, she applauds for him.
[ Ben Relor (Relor)]
Ben appears to be listening to Rey's speech with rapt attention -- squinting, frowning, but totally enraptured. Especially when she starts throwing around names like Luke karking Skywalker. Normally, Ben would have all the stories of every hero and villain in the galaxy right on the tip of his brain, but a little too much Corellian whiskey means that the details are a bit fuzzy today. So all the shavit Luke did isn't top of mind. Seem to recall he was a pretty crack pilot...or was that his dad? Anyway...
When it seems like people are applauding, Ben applauds Zalon, too. It's all pretty interesting, for what should otherwise be a boring ceremony, and maybe he'll pepper Rey and Zalon with a ton of questions afterwards if he's feeling bold enough...
[ Rhala (Ra)]
It is cause for celebration! Rhala brings her dark hands together in generous applause for the fellow Jedi now named a Knight! It is truly a momentous occasion that not all get to achieve! Each time she brings her hands together, her head tails jostle in harmony. She joins the chorus of huzzahs and hoorays, unashamed to allow the happiness of the occasion to fill her with joy for her friend!
[ Qutha Buvu Pah (Koof)]
Managing to keep the klumping of his boots to a minimum, if even his movements seem uncoordinated and perhaps even clumsy for the whimsy they display, Qutha drifts along the outskirts of the affair.
Was he here the whole time? Or did he just arrive? One such as he, a mystic, is never late. They arrive precisely when they were supposed to.
Or perhaps that's what some might say.
But draped in his long coat, fashioned from an old hooded robe, with his tool belt swaying and his hands folded behind his back the Zelosian comes. Eyes glazed and expression distant, if pleasant, while his path wanders as though he were being pushed along and not walking under his own power.
His head keeps towards where Zalon is, watching, not. Peering at the lasaat and perhaps within at the same moment while he does.
[ Rey (R)]
Rey stood before Zalon, as he made his rise back to his full, and impressive, height. She kept her saber blade up in the sky, the golden energy growling with a ghostly core to the humming chorus that emitted from its hilt. When Zalon reached his full height, a round of applause started from someone off to Rey's left. A man stepping in to stand beside her, dressed in dark grey Jedi attire, mud hued trousers, and tall leather boots. Jedi Master Finn, with a deep and dark beard across his strong jawline. He clapped his hands together, encouraging others to join in.
"Good job, Zalon." Finn said, his smooth voice confident and proud. His brown eyes focused on the Lasat, and he upnodded his bearded chin toward the new Knight. "You're going to become a legend." The Jedi Master said, as he looked over and down to his shorter, and greener Padawan.
Standing beside Finn, a short alien raised a bowl of soup up to his chin, tipping it back to drink from it, as he stared up at Zalon, his dark eyes blinking with an inner curiosity. When he lowered the bowl down again, he smiled openly toward the ceremony, with a twitch causing one of his pointed green ears to flicker about, before he raised his left hand up, and raised one thumb up toward Zalon.
Rey, lowering her saber down again, keyeed the power ring, causing the glowing beam to pull back inside the hilt, before she clipped it to her belt, and began to applaud along with Finn beside her, and the Ithorian delegation that had come to watch the ceremony too.
[ Zalon Bo (Z)]
The commentary from Jedi Master Finn earns a look from Zalon and in particular it is his assurance that the newly minted Jedi Knight would someday become a legend that finally earns a chuckle from the Lasat. He's maintained the stoic manner for a time and perhaps he's to be commended for holding it all in for so long, but soon enough that chuckle escapes him and rolls throughout his immediate vicinity. "Thank you, Master Finn," Zalon answers with a polite dip of his head toward the more experienced Jedi and war hero.
Then it's back to the gathering that Zalon turns his focus as he begins to move forward, his prehensile toes gripping at the smooth ground beneath his feet as he steps forward as though to rejoin the crowd. It seems that it's this moment he finally elects to speak and make a speech of his own, "We suffered loss recently, but for all of our losses there is the opportunity for growth. It is a perpetual cycle that even in the most peaceful of times we must embrace and find the light within," the new Jedi Knight pauses in his steps to look across the gathered crowd. From rebel face to Jedi to Ithorian and all throughout his golden eyes travel, moving from one smiling or somber face to another, "I left the peace and seclusion of my people because I saw darkness reaching its hand across the galaxy and I knew, even with the limited numbers of a nearly extinct people, my duty was to the stand against that darkness. It is the path I've committed myself and will do so until I can do so no longer".
He pauses then and while his expression has again slipped into neutrality and stoicism, Zalon's tone remains hopeful and even optimistic, "We can win because we have one another. We can bring peace back to the galaxy. True, genuine peace. Know that I appreciate and respect all of you here today, but let's look to tomorrow and the day after that."
He pauses again and this time his chin inclines and a slight smile tugs at his stoic features, offering seemingly with some finality, "May the Force be with us".
[ Bizz Bliptettjupp (bizz)]
Brother Bizz takes the opportunity to finish his Ithorian ale. But the children keep hopping up and down and clapping because it is fun to make noise. Glim the pink Cragmoloid boy with his elephant-like trunk even gives a celebratory trunk-toot. They know enough to simmer down when Zalon Bo starts to speak. Bizz nods at Zalon's words and echoes, "The FORCE."
[ Vega (Ve)]
Vega is standing towards the back and there is still a smile on her face. She however doesn't stay for celebration, she has a mission to take care of! But she would make sure to tell Zalon congratulations before she departs.
[ Qutha Buvu Pah (Koof)]
Brow ticking at some things said, head canting at others. The zelosian has come to stop - one foot actually held out mid-step for several moments before it gently comes to touch down once again. Hands still folded within his sleeves, held before his body, he lets out a soft exhale. Thinking but unable to do so quietly it seems.
At least it's not a Bizz styled exhalation. Just a small sniff.
His pace picks back up, regardless, and Qutha's path takes him to the vicinity of the lasat, looking up at him with a nod before he just sticks a hand out.
"Hope 'ee fin' more f'ye path as ye go..."
Whatever in the seven hells of Corellia -that- means.
[ Zalon Bo (Z)]
The offered hand is met by Zalon's own extending forward. One large hand accepts Master Qutha's and then Zalon's second hand moves to embrace it between Zalon's own. It is given a light squeeze and pump before Zalon's withdraws and he offers a polite bow of his head in answer to the comment offered. Whether Zalon's hazarding a guess or seems to have some idea of what it is Master Qutha's said, he answers with the bow of his head and an answer paid, "If we follow the guidance of the Force, we will". The Lasat's smiles may have dissipated, but the warmth has not. While he may oft wear a stoic or even stern expression, he always possesses an undeniable warmth.