Log:A Tiny Hope: Maybe A Prison Break?

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A Tiny Hope: Maybe A Prison Break?

OOC Date: February 24, 2025
Location: Organa's Hope
Participants: Zalon Bo, Yuun, Ben Relor, Darus Kethra and Vega

A time and a place had been given for people to meet with Vega. Because she had a plan to pitch...and it was going to be something that was probably not the greatest thing.

The meeting spot was Organa's Hope as it was somewhere that Vega knew the Rebellion people and the Jedi could meet freely on.

In a meeting room, the white haired woman has a datapad and a screen set up for information to be shared with. Her fingers move over the screen as she waits for others to arrive.

Ben Relor is here, again. The Rebellion People in question. He seems to like hanging out with Jedi. Or he's just so restless that any time he has a chance to do something, to help someone, he'll be there. The young demo-tech makes his way into the room with his usual stomping gait, smoking, out of place with the generally serene Jedi in their hooded robes, but that's never stopped him before. With him as always is Five, his battered R5 astromech, trailing behind him, chirping and beeping the whole way.

"Beats me, Five. If I had any idea, I would've blown it up a long time ago." He takes off his cadet cap, scratches his head, and plunks the cap back on, staring at the Jedi through a cloud of smoke. Nods at Vega, wandering closer. "Alright, Vega. What's this all about?" Blunt, as always.

Yuun hasn't made it out to the Organa's Hope until now and he was very impressed with what the Rebellion has been able to do. Not dressed in traditional form, the dark skinned Jedi Knight finds the meeting area and he walks in. He smiles as he sees Vega and then Ben. "Hello, hope I'm not late." he says as he moves inside and takes a moment to find a seat. He then sits down and turns so that he can look between the two, "How're you two doing?" he asks.

It's out of instinct that Zalon Bo's head dips and his shoulders slouch while he seeks to avoid bashing his head against the meeting chamber's entryway. He lacks the uniform of the Rebellion's armed forces or anything that might particular note him as a warrior. Instead he's dressed like a traveler and a humble one at that. Loose robes hang from his frame and the hook of the cloak is thrown back to reveal the Lasat's prominent features; those same features are no devoid of the pair of intricate braided mutton chops that previously hung from his jaw. He strides upon feet that end in prehensile toes, creating only the softest sound of his passage as the rather sizeable alien begins to make his way deeper into the chamber.

That passage draws him closer to Ben Relor as the towering Lasat seeks to move by him and toward the available seating, even if he has no plans to seat himself. Zalon's golden eyes lower first to Fives, then to Relor, and a solemn nod is given from Jedi to Rebel. The blunt way that Vega is addressed doesn't seem to generate any recognizable reaction from Zalon, but a glance toward Vega and back to Ben seems enough as the Lasat slides on by.

His own question isn't directed toward Vega, as the pertinent question has already been asked. Yuun offers a solemn nod, but no words for the time being. It seems tonight the normally warm and approachable Jedi Knight has opted for a more quiet and reserved approach to his social interactions.

Darus steps into the briefing room with quiet intent, his presence measured and observant. His gaze sweeps across the assembled figures, taking in the tension that lingers beneath the surface of the gathering. The dim glow of the holoprojector casts shifting blue light across his features, highlighting the slight furrow of his brow as he assesses the situation.

He moves without hurry, slipping into a spot among the others, his hands resting loosely behind his back. Though his posture remains composed, there is a curiosity in the way his eyes linger on the speaker, absorbing every detail. He does not interrupt, nor does he draw attention to himself---he simply listens, waiting for the moment when understanding crystallizes.

Vega gives a nod to those that come in. Ben's blunt question makes her cringe a little, but she goes about getting him answered, "I'm looking for a bit of help with a future mission." she tells him.

"If you all want to grab seats, please do so. No ones late. Perfectly on time." she states.

"And hopefully this won't take too long on things." she adds as she taps the data pad and on the screen there is a picture of Mustafar that pops up. "For a very long time I was imprisoned on this planet and there are more like me still there. Long ago, the Knights of Ren would just kill Force Users that would not join them. The Empire doesn't do that. They exile or imprison them. And this is one of the planets where they are sent." she points out. "If you don't know what planet this is, it is Mustafar." she states.

Ben doesn't sit. He remains standing, smoking, rocking back and forth on his heels. Not very good at being still. Maybe these folks should help him with that sometime. He squints at Vega, then leans in to look at the picture of Mustafar. "Anyone who knows their history knows Mustafar, I'd hope." Ben scratches his stubbly chin, blue eyes moving from the picture to Vega. "This gonna be a rescue mission? I'm curious to hear the plan." The young human's just something on the impatient side!

Yuun grins as he isn't late for a change for a meeting. This is for Vega and he wanted to make sure he was here for it and her. He looks over to Ben then as the others join, "Hello Zalon." he says to him, then Darus, "Hello." he says. The man turns to regard Vega as she begins to speak. Getting comfortable in his seat. When she shows them where the prison is, his eyes widen a little.

"I've heard of that place, it was in some of the old documents I read." he says to her. "That place is pretty hot." he smiles. "So we're going there to free those who've been imprisoned?" he asks as he looks to Vega.

Darus listens intently, his expression shifting as the image of Mustafar illuminates the screen. The burning world is infamous, its history as searing as its molten surface, and the weight of its significance settles over him. He nods slowly, the realization of what they are being asked to do setting in. A flicker of apprehension crosses his face, but he tempers it with quiet resolve.

His gaze lingers on the image for a long moment before he finally speaks, his voice measured. "I have heard of it," he admits, glancing briefly at the others before his focus returns to Vega. "Quite a stark contrast from the barren ice wastes of Arkania." There is a quiet thoughtfulness in his tone, an acknowledgment of the challenge ahead. Though he is new to such missions, the gravity of what they are about to undertake is not lost on him.

The description and overall direction of the mission's goal already stated by Yuun earns a solemn nod from Zalon. It seems tonight that he doesn't require deliberation or an opportunity for quiet wisdom to run its course. He speaks up, confident and certain, "I'm in. When do we leave?" Perhaps it's that readiness to depart that keeps him from seating himself. For now the powerfully built Lasat remains standing, unwavering.

Vega gives a look to Ben and then to the rest of them. "I mean, yes." she nods to them. "I thought we'd need to debate on it..." she admits with a bit of a look around again.

"I don't want to waste Rebellion assets or Jedi assets. When they moved me from Mustafar to the Ottega system to be executed there were still many Force Users there...and others that the Sith Empire imprisoned." she states.

"It is a very hot and very dangerous planet. There is also a lot of history there." she states. "And I was hoping to have a team put together in a week or so, Master Zalon." the Echani states with a smile. "If you all would be willing to go. It will require us to fight Imperial officers, but people rotting on that planet is something I can't continue to live with." she frowns.

Ben glances at the others and back at Vega, taking one more drag before he snuffs his cigarette out on his bootheel. "Freeing Force Users from the Empire? Blowing Imperial officers up?" That's not what she said, but apparently, Ben's going to interpret it creatively. "Oh yeah, sign me up. What sort of intel we got? Maps? Charts? Diagrams? You got a plan for all this, or are you looking to make one together?" Ben looks excited now, in an angry sort of way.

Darus remains still, his gaze fixed on the shifting image of Mustafar, the fiery planet reflected in his dark eyes. He doesn't immediately respond, instead letting the weight of Vega's words settle over him. His four fingered claws curl slightly at his sides, the only outward sign of the conflict playing out beneath his composed exterior. He shifts his footing, rolling his shoulders as if adjusting to the pressure of the decision ahead.

When he finally moves, it's a slow, deliberate nod. His jaw tightens, not in hesitation, but in acceptance. The dangers Vega describes are clear; if anything, there's a steadiness to his posture now, a quiet commitment forming in the way his chin lifts slightly, the way his breath slows. The fire of Mustafar is an inferno unlike any he's faced, but Darus does not look away, "I am in, of course."

Taking in the information that is being relayed to them, Yuun nods his head. "I'm in. Those Force users need to be freed." he says as eh looks up at her. "We will need to make sure we have a ship big enough to get everyone out or multiple and need to try to get on planet and inside without anyone knowing we're there." eh says as he starts thinking of what to do. "Again, I'm in." he tells her.

"They all need to be freed," Zalon Bo remarks with a stern brow and a golden-eyed glance toward his compatriots. While his tone is firm and his expression stern, the Lasat's meaning is quite clear. "Not simply those with Force potential, but anyone who we discover. The moral issue we'll encounter is that there will be legitimate criminals in the mix. We may be turning them loose against the galaxy, too".

Zalon finally brings some wisdom to the discussion and a very real matter that must be reconciled. Though he doesn't seem as though he's eagerly backing away from the plan judging by his answer directed back at Vega's explanation, "A week? Very well. We'll need a plan that doesn't involve running into this blind. I suspect one among us," Zalon comments with a glance toward Ben Relor, "will be thrilled at the opportunity of creating new entrances or exits."

Vega gives a breath of relief when she doesn't have to pitch anymore of the rescue mission. "We do have maps and a general lay out of the prison. I am trying to figure out if the guards are still on their normal rotations or if those have changed in the last few months." she admits.

"Thank you all for being willing to go with me." she states.

"I'm currently saberless, so I'll be using other means to defend should we be attacked." she admits. There is a look to Zalon when he lends his wisdom and the white haired woman gives a dip of her head to him, "Thank you." she reiterates.

Then she grins, "You like explosives, Relor?" she asks him.

Ben gives Zalon a wry sort of look back, and then snorts -- taking his spare cigarette out from behind his ear and putting it between his lips. "Do I like explosives?" He shakes his head, half a smirk curling at his lips. "Vega, I like 'em the way a starship likes fuel. The way a blaster likes tibanna gas. The way Mustafar likes being on fire." He lights up, rather pointedly, with a thermal lighter -- the kind used for lighting charges -- and then, his eyes flick toward the image again.

"Give me a layout of the place. I'll tell you where to put the charges, where to blow holes for an exit, and where to turn a couple guards into a cautionary tale." His tone is casual, but there's a sharpness behind his words -- this isn't just a job to him.

He leans forward, pressing the cig between his lips as he scans the others. "Prison break's gotta be loud or quiet. Middle ground gets you caught. You want a clean escape, we set distractions. Fires, breaches, controlled chaos. You want a message? We make it look like a kriffing volcano erupted inside their security wing." He exhales, nodding once, a flicker of something fierce in his expression.

"Either way, tell me what kinda hell you wanna raise, and I'll make it happen."

Darus glances between the others, his hands resting at his sides. The mention of Vega being saberless draws a small frown, but he stays composed. He offers a slight dip of his head, acknowledging the situation. His attention shifts toward the group as he sets his shoulders. There's a subtle undercurrent of concern in his expression, though he doesn't voice it outright.

"I only have a stunsaber myself," he admits, quiet but resolute. "I'm not sure how much use that'll be, but I'm in." The short statement is followed by a firm nod. Darus steps forward to show he's committed to whatever plan unfolds. He doesn't waver, keeping his focus on Vega and the mission ahead, the R2 and Mouse droid standing quietly by his side.

Nodding his head to Zalon, "I was getting to that, but you're right." he says to Zalon. Taking a moment to digest what is being said, his attention back to Vega. "We can use those maps, I say we try to meet up be again later in the week and plan it and go from there." he says. He then looks to her as she mentions she is saberless. His hand moves to his hip and touches something, then he looks back ober to Ben and he nods. "Ok." he says as he mentions needing to see the maps and where to place explosives as well as how to go about it.

Looking to Darus, "We will make sure we do this right and make sure we get everyone home. This isn't hte first prison break I've been apart of, we will need to make sure we prep and prepare as best as we can." he says to him. Taking a moment ot look at each person who will be joining in on this mission, "We have a good team here." he says and he looks to Vega, "We can do this." he says, a calm exudes from Yuun.

The discussion seems to satisfy Zalon. The part of potential legitimate criminals being freed has at least been brought to the table. His work is done. Zalon offers a bow to the gathering and it seems that he's prepared to retire from the conversation, having heard all that's important for him to hear. "Making the morally right choice is typically easy," he begins with a slight nod of his head as his golden eyes turn about the gathering, "from there it's only a matter of making the strategic and tactically correct choices. I've heard what I need to hear. There are people in danger. There are tyrants holding them. I'm will join you, no matter the odds."

Zalon begins to move away, but after only a pair of steps he glances to Relor, Darus, and others. He offers each of them a single, solemn nod before he concludes his own part, "May the Force be with us all".

Then he's moving again. Ponderously slow steps, but no less unwavering in his forward stride as he makes to depart from the meeting chamber. For Zalon Bo it seems that the moral decision has been made and there is no need for him to hear the strategic approach at this point.

Vega starts to bring up the plans and other things. It's hard to get a drone to really fly there...because they melt. So the pictures that they can get were grainy. She also sends the intel to the datapads that she can and she goes over things with those that are there. She is more than willing to change tactics or to let the others throw in what they want, because she's asked for the help.

At the end of things they have a good idea of what needs to happen...and where it will happen!