Log:A Tiny Hope: Darth Hadius
A Tiny Hope: Darth Hadius
OOC Date: March 11, 2025
Location: Mustafar
Participants: Ben Solo, Ben Relor, Finn, Jaq'n Greayf, Chewbacca, Yuun Darth Hadius and Vega
[ Vega (Ve) | 20:13:36 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
To recap!
Location: An Imperial Prison Installion on Mustafar.
What is happening? Vega had gotten a group of operatives together to perform a prison break of the people that were being imprisoned here by the Empire for either not wanting to join them or Force Users that were unwilling to turn to the Darkside. It had been decided in meetings that /everyone/ needed to be freed, not just the Force Sensitive people. Things were going well...that was until an explosion had caved in a hallway, cutting off Vega from the rest of the group and apparently stuck with a Sith Master.
[ Vega (Ve) | 20:16:08 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
The prison break had hit a hiccup. And by hiccup we mean that Sith Master Darth Hadius had been stalking his sister since she'd gotten rescued from her impending execution. It had been something that had infuriated the man, but he figured if anyone was going to kill his twin sister it may as well be /him/. The crimson light of Darth Hadius' lightsaber is what illuminates most of the hall as Sith is met with Jedi.
And from the sounds of it Vega takes no time in getting in close and crashing her head against the psychopaths, cracking the mask that he wears as she gashes her own face open, which causes Hadius to lash out with the Force and flings Vega down the hall as he rips the broken mask off of his face.
There is still chaos on the inside of the prison as some of the guards seem to be willing to turn allegiances fairly quickly. Some of the prisoners are not waiting to see if some of the guards are sincere, one gets smacked in the back of the head with an empty blaster rifle. Ronin's trying to keep things calm has helped, it looks like it might not turn into a complete blood bath, but tensions are still high and there are still cells to open.
[ Ben Solo (BS) | 20:24:48 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*
"Put down your weapons, own up to your crimes, and you will be spared the fate of this place." Will Ben spare surrendering imperials? It would take a more hypocritical man than he to look over at the wavering voices from the glow of his lightsaber and judge them condemned. "Defend yourselves but round up all who wish to LEAVE!" the Ronin calls to the rushing prisoners and guards.
"This is a rescue; we are shutting this place down." There is one. way. out. Black leather trailing his course Solo strides towards that blocked archway as not quite consternation-- but fierce focused stubborn thrums out through the sundered rock, to the battle on the other side.
|| "Is this the throne you dreamt of?" || Ben questions-- not quite scoffs-- of Darth Hadeus' vendetta. Even as he feels the connective fields along every rock, between them-- and Vega. "Someone help me get this clear.'
[ Ben Relor (Relor) | 20:27:38 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><
Well. Ben Relor's gonna stay the kark away from that red lightsaber-wielding psychopath and even his sister this time. Despite working with Jedi frequently, he still doesn't trust the Force or those who wield it. It secretly fascinates him, sure, but that doesn't mean he trusts it...
And he doesn't have said Force to open cells, either, but that's what he's focusing on right now. Blasting open cells, doing what he loves and knows best: demolitions. "Alright, I'm gonna get you out of here!" Yelled to the prisoners in his loud, raspy voice as he opens his pack and starts to chain together a series of detonite charges -- something he can do with an almost terrifying quickness. Five rolls around in circles, beeping, as Relor yells: "STAY BACK!" When he's a safe enough distance away, he sets off the charges with one button press. BOOM. Bars go flying, rubble everywhere, but it was a controlled blast, and no one should've gotten hurt (unless they didn't listen to him).
[ Chewbacca (Chewie) | 20:31:55 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
Chewie has been here the whole time. Honest. The grizzled veteran of many, many, many prison breaks has been the rear guard. Though the fairly sudden batch of (relative) quiet, has drawn him in to investigate, bowcaster at the ready.
Just in case someone needs shot.
His head on a swivel as he approaches the busted hallway, he squints at it. "wrall," he says. "rwal grarrrl grarrrl woeieowl grarrrl rwowoal rwarrl rwoarl worowl?" [Language: Shyriiwook]
[ Chewbacca (Chewie) | 20:31:55 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
[ Chewbacca (Chewie) | 20:31:55 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
C-3P0 'Threepio' (Protocol Droid - 3) repeats after Chewbacca, "What, Did someone let Other Ben throw a grenade inside?"
[ Yuun (Yun) | 20:37:52 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*
Battles were always chaotic and sometimes one can lose themselves in it. Yuun wasn't one and as the fighting started he made sure to keep with the others fighting and observing, making sure they weren't getting flanked as they moved.
When Darth Hadeus made his presence known, he had felt a disturbance in the force and as Vega is sent flying in a different direction, his eyes narrowed just slightly. A Sith Master, and he took only a brief moment to see where she went. He felt her lightsaber on his belt, taking a moment as Ben Solo spoke, it's been a while since he's been with Ben in a fight but he never lacked surprising Yuun. "I got you Ben." Yuun says as he moves up beside Solo and he glances at the others for a moment. "I need to get to Vega." he says to Ben.
"You heard him surrender." he tells those who are attacking. Yuun doesn't lower his weapon at all, he brings his lightsaber up into position, his stance changes from Form 1 to Form 6 as he gets ready.
[ Jaq'n Greayf (Jgreaf) | 20:41:01 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
Jaq'n Greayf moves through the battered hallway, blaster in hand, stepping over rubble and the twisted remains of broken cell doors. Smoke curls through the air, the facility trembling with each explosion, but his pace remains steady, no rush, no panic. Another panel sparks as he slices into it, the lock hissing open.
The distant rumble of detonite charges signals another way out being carved. Blaster fire cuts through the haze, but he barely spares it a glance, no time to slow down, there are people to free.
[+PO] Vega has added Jaq'n Greayf to the pose order.
[ Finn (Fn) | 20:41:17 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
Finn has been with Chewie (for the same whole time) so that also mean he's been here the entire time. Perhaps he spent a lot of the time making sure that nothing else was going to be a bit of a problem. It's always good to be around a Wookiee when you're providing some sort of back up for those at the front of this particular mission.
His approach to the busted hallway comes up short as he stands alongside Chewbacca. Considering what is currently transpiring, now might be as good as a moment as any to draw his lightsaber.
[ Vega (Ve) | 20:56:50 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
~Formerly the Master of the Knights of Ren and formerly Supreme Leader...you would talk to me about Thrones?~ the white haired man laughs easily in response to the Ronin that invades his mind with his scolding. ~This is a family matter, none of your intrusion is needed, Kylo.~ he manages to drip so much venom on that last word through the link. ~Also, this will be twofold. You killed one of our Acolytes recently...I will take this overgrown Padawan as payment.~ the Echani states.
Vega is...well...she's not good when cornered and while she keeps moving to avoid the lightsaber coming into contact with her she can't outrun a blade forever and there is a stab to her shoulder when she tries to juke her brother.
There is the shudder of rocks and then a light filters through. The woman reaches out with the force, seeking to reclaim her lightsaber that had been surrendered to Yuun, but she can't quite connect with it at the moment. Like it's busy or the bandwidth is being taken up. She rolls to duck another swing and she punches the Sith in the stomach, knocking the wind from him momentarily.
Outside in the prison, the guards that are going to help do. They help get the prisoners rounded up, for the moment the prisoners trust them...because if they didn't that might mean getting stuck here and no one wanted that. The guards that /don't/ give up either take off in different directions deeper into the prison or are subdued by the prisoners that are able to fight. They still have to get all of them though and then load them onto the ships to depart.
[ Ben Solo (BS) | 21:07:32 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*
With a resounding *THRUM*, felt rather than strictly -heard-, the rockslide rumbles, trembles, and flows anew-- this time out from the mouth of the corridor Vega vanished down, sweeping around the pair of Jedi poised before it, lightsabers illuminated. "Her safety first." Partly because of the urgency with which Yuun states it, Ben directs his focus literally.
"I would!" Like to talk to you about your Lord and Thrones. The Ronin calls out into the corridor as the echoes of tumbling rock fade, as he steps into the dusty passage without hesitation. 'Steps' might be understating. Blue lightsaber tilted forward, hilt swept back in a dual grip, Solo sprints up one wall, springs to the other, and aims to leap right in between Hadius and Vega to seperate them-- his saber weaving side to side before himself-- defensively, but dangerously. And perhaps intentionally keeping his own back in Chewbacca's line of fire-- for a moment, at least.
"This is a fool's crusade, even for the Sith! Look around you; she's here to save you as surely as the rest." Perhaps -more- surely; this hate-filled warden's vigil is the truest exemplar of the insidious ire of this entire institution.
[ Jaq'n Greayf (Jgreaf) | 21:08:29 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
Jaq'n crouches beside the control panel, blaster resting loosely in one hand as he works. Sparks jump from the interface as he inputs the override, but instead of the telltale hiss of a lock releasing, a shrill error tone blares through the corridor. The screen flickers, then goes dark.
[ Ben Relor (Relor) | 21:10:56 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><
KABOOM! While it's not quite as spectacular an explosion as the first time, the second set of detonite charges that Ben Relor sets up still do what they're supposed to do: blow those doors off their hinges and free the prisoners. "C'mon, c'mon! Hussle, hussle! You're almost FREE now," Relor yells, and gods, he really is SO loud when he wants to be sometimes.
His astromech, Five, does its part in helping along -- flashing helpful lights for the prisoners to follow to wherever it is they need to go, bleeping and beeping to keep them guided and encouraged.
[ Chewbacca (Chewie) | 21:13:09 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
The rocks fall, and Chewbacca shifts, lifting the bowcaster to his shoulder and taking aim. He peers down the sights, placing the Sith Lord's back square in the middle of them. One claw curls around the trigger, pressure starting to draw it back, and then... There's Ben.
"rwowoal! woeieowl rwowoal rwarrl grarrrl rwarrl, wrall rwarrl rwarrl grarrrl!?"
He mutters something under his breath about Skywalkers and Solos. [Language: Shyriiwook]
[ Chewbacca (Chewie) | 21:13:09 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
C-3P0 'Threepio' (Protocol Droid - 3) repeats after Chewbacca, "Junior! I had a clean shot, what are you doing!?"
[ R2-D2 "Artoo" (R2 Unit - 4) () | 21:19:32 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
R2-D2 "Artoo" (R2 Unit - 4) bleeps chirps and briefly fanfares behind C-3P0 and Chewbacca. "Her brother?! SAVE him?!? You know what those red blades DO you misfiring rolling scrapyard!" [Language: Binary]
[ R2-D2 "Artoo" (R2 Unit - 4) () | 21:19:32 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
C-3P0 'Threepio' (Protocol Droid - 3) repeats after R2-D2 "Artoo" (R2 Unit - 4), "Artoo Her brother?! SAVE him?!? You know what those red blades DO you misfiring rolling scrapyard!"
[ Yuun (Yun) | 21:20:26 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*
The force is his ally as well as all Jedi and as he assisted Ben, he felt the rock and debris moving away to clear the path. He wasn't speaking not right now, as the debris cleared he sent waves of reassurance to Vega. In tuned with his senses, there was urgency here to help her but she is a Jedi. "Calm yourself Vega, breath!" he says loud enough for her to relax and as it's cleared, he followed behind Ben as he rushed down the hall. The Sith Master is a concern but his ally and friend needed help. Holding his left hand out Vega's lightsaber detaches from his belt.
As Ben interposes himself between Vega and Hadeous, Yuun takes this moment. "Focus Vega, it's time!" he calls to her. Conviction and purpose is in his voice and his confidence in Vega can be felt through the force. He throws her lightsaber to her though it does fall a bit short but he still doesn't allow that dissuade him.
Yuun steps forward, still ready for a fight. He's not tangled with a Sith Master before so this was going to be something. He felt the explosion on the opposite end yeah they didn't have a lot of time left but they have to do this.
[ Jaq'n Greayf (Jgreaf) | 21:21:13 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
Jaq'n crouches beside the control panel, blaster resting loosely in one hand as he works. Sparks jump from the interface as he inputs the override, but instead of the telltale hiss of a lock releasing, a shrill error tone blares through the corridor. The screen flickers, then goes dark.
He exhales through his nose, expression unreadable as he flicks a glance toward the reinforced door. Another explosion shakes the facility, dust sifting from the ceiling. With a small shake of his head, he holsters the slicing tool and tightens his grip on his blaster instead.
[ Finn (Fn) | 21:25:38 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
Finn is here to protect and back up all those that may need his assistance. With Chewie and Ben (Solo) handling what's further along, Finn works to assist with those prisoners that need to get free. He makes sure to watch their backs while keeping a close 'eye' on the Force, as it were. Seems like he's going to feel out the situation with the others while he physically works alongside those that need to be freed.
He'll be ready if the other confrontation needs him. But for now... Multitasking for Jedi!
[ Vega (Ve) | 21:41:20 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
Hadius rounds on the Ronin when the rocks are cleared and Vega is unceremoniously thrown back into the closed doors at the other end of the hall like a ragdoll with the force. "You are larger than life, Ben Solo." the short Echani muses to the taller man. "You think that the Jedi will take me back a second time? I've already betrayed them once with what I did to her." he points his lightsaber at his twin. "We are not as lucky as you." he tells Solo. "And the Sith are Eternal, they don't like their Lords tucking tail and running." he explains to the man. With Solo's words and the sense that he might be gravely outnumbered he doesn't force an attack at the moment, but he seems to be debating what to do.
"Really getting tired of you throwing me down hallways..." the Jedi states as she spits out blood onto the floor and she leverages herself up as she holds her shoulder and shuffles over to reclaim her lightsaber. "You are my brother, Saga. I do not want you to die. But if you turn to violence another time then I will not be able to save you." the white haired woman states as she keeps her lightsaber in hand, but not ignited.
Those that are dealing with prisoners can tell that they are slowing, the tensions and the panic seem to be dissipating and in its place there is a sense of unity as guards and former prisoners start helping to guide others towards little areas to get ready to get the hell out of this place. "Hey, there are a couple of people that can't walk! Do we have a medic or someone that can help us move?" one of the people calls out to those that are helping.
[ Ben Solo (BS) | 21:50:27 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*
"Don't ask yourself what the Jedi think, don't ask yourself what the Sith will think." The Ronin bites back, with a forceful intensity just shy of venom. "Just look around you." Solo reiterates, reds and blues flickering, clashing in the shadowed corridor.
The Ronin paces gradually, but with purpose, opposite the fallen Vega-- since crossing to her would surely draw her brother's wrath anew. "Saga." Ben echoes Vega's use of the name, his tone softening only slightly. "The only thing special about me is somehow weathering the -terrible- weight of what travelling so far down this dark road meant." And to be fair, he did have to die for that. "Feel what the Force has become around you, what you perpetuate through it. Ask yourself what /you/ want? Is this /right/? Is this even real strength?"
All Solo sees here are broken down prisoners, distorted spirits, guards horrified at or too far past their humanity to care-- and Darth Hadius. Cornered. Fighting for dominion over a hell made manifest; for vengeance on someone who is not his tormentor.
"Forget what any of them think; do you -believe- there's a better way, or is this pyre how you wanted it all to end?"
[ Chewbacca (Chewie) | 21:56:21 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
Chewie looks back at the call for aid. He's not a medic. Even with his attention split, the bowcaster doesn't waver. It's still leveled on the cornered Sith. Junior is on his Redemption Parade, and the old(ish) Wookiee gets it. He spent enough time around Luke, Leia and Rey to get it.
He still doesn't -trust- it.
It took a long, long time for Chewie to forgive Ben for the actions of Kylo Ren. He's certainly not going to forgive this Sith Lord who is wavering. In fact, he steps closer, heedless of the danger of the lightsaber in the Echani's hand. He's faced down Darth Vader himself. This guy isn't anywhere near as terrifying.
[ Ben Relor (Relor) | 21:57:07 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><
While Good Ben and Vega continue their Jedi/Sith psychodrama...Evil Ben is doing the dirty work. Both are equally important. And Ben Relor doesn't mind; that's what he's here for. His face is covered in soot and the edge of his jacket is a bit singed, but that's nothing new. He's trying to help a prisoner who's limping, offering his shoulder for help as he squints into the chaos. "Hey, anyone got some medpacs? People are hurtin' over here...Five, help me out."
Relor gently leans the prisoner he was helping up against five, who uses his little mechanical arms to keep him in place, as he kneels over a young woman whose leg appears to be bleeding. He sighs, scratching his stubbly cheek. "This ain't really my strong suit, but..." But bacta is bacta, ain't it? And Ben has enough training for /that/. He stabs her with it and she gasps as the medicine floods her system. Successful enough -- he offers her a hand up, and now she's on her feet.
[ Yuun (Yun) | 22:04:22 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*
Looking over to Finn he gives a nod of his head and then he looks towards Vega as she reclaimed a part of herself that he was holding on to. If she looks towards him he will give her a slight bow of his head. Taking a calming breath and closing his eyes as Hadeious spoke. Yuun immersed himself into the Force, allowing the force to flow through him.
He didn't say anything right now as there was no need. Ben and Vega was already talking to Vega's brother. His guard doesn't lower at, as he opens his eyes he looks to Saga, taken in the scene. "Listen to him Saga." Yuun says in a low voice, concern shows, compassion as well. "There has to be a better way then fighting through all of us." he says simply.
[ Finn (Fn) | 22:16:57 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
Finn deactivates his lightsaber at the sight of those prisoners that are in need of assistance. This is what he's here for. Another glance is given to the confrontation that's happening but he focuses up and extends a hand to help one of the hurt prisoners up to their feet. "Lean on me. I've got you." He becomes a wall, a crutch for this prisoner and takes a moment to focus, raising a hand to dedicate this moment of Force usage to lifting some of the more injured prisoners towards what's hopefully become an assembly line of Free The Prisoners.
After a moment, Finn offers a small almost smug grin to himself and whispers, "That /is/ how the Force works."
[ Jaq'n Greayf (Jgreaf) | 22:19:55 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
Jaq'n Greayf steps back and starts helping to usher released prisoners towards the others who seem to be here to help. Not being versed in treating injuries, he helps the best he can. Grabbing up someone who doesn't seem to be too hurt and helps them down the corridor. "Thank you." he says to the nearest of the rescuers as he approaches.
[ Vega (Ve) | 22:33:02 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
"I've killed my parents for the Sith...for what I would think would bring me more power." Saga states as he looks to Solo, then past him to Vega. The look there is disdain, but...he doesn't know why. "I grow tired of good against evil. I would like to go on my own way most times. But the Empire doesn't want us out there without a leash of sorts." the man muses.
"I believe there is a better way of things, but I don't think I will be a part of putting them to a course." he admits. "So do what you must with me. I will sit in a cell or on whatever planet you wish to stash me away on." he tells the gathered as he puts his lightsaber down on the ground and rolls it to Solo. With that he doesn't give another look to Vega.
Vega for the moment just tries to stay calm and press her hand to her bleeding forehead. "Whatever Master Finn, Master Rey and the others decide I will not oppose it." she states as she dips her head to Solo and the others. "Thank you, Master Yuun." she tells the man for the return of her lightsaber.
And in the prison proper people are starting to get loaded up for transport. There are sadly a few less people to load in given they had been dead a few weeks, but they save who they can in the end. It is going to be a VERY busy time with trying to get these people settled.
[ Ben Solo (BS) | 22:48:10 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*
"Above my paygrade." Solo undoubtedly has thoughts about what to do with Hadius; but he doesn't let them off half-concocted, in the wake of battle, and around numerous other Jedi, Rebels, prisoners, and Imperials.
"What I /can/ tell you is that the will of the Dark Side is insidious, and alien; its own malicious desires and the chorus of all the ancient Sith unable to accept their failures, even in eternity. That removing yourself from the game is parsecs better than smashing the whole table. You'll find youself again; and the Galaxy outside a lava river death camp and a pointless vendetta." Because Vega already dared to see something better beyond all this darkness; as Saga aptly notes, the Sith prefer a leash, while speaking of broken chains. A small smile is passed to Vega and Yuun as Solo take a moment to escort the Echani Sith to more secure custody; just in case. From there? Finn and Relor have the right idea.
"Thank -you-." Solo offers to Jaq'n with a careful clasp of one shoulder. "This is no small thing to endure." He won't say they're safe now; but at least they're free. Those who still need escort to the transports get the Ronin's aid; and quiet comfort in the Force as... final preparations are made, and R2 does a series of mechanical checks on Red Five with a fastidiousness that might imply some underlying anxiety. The X-Wing will fly all the smoother for it, out and away over the fireball of this hellhole.
[ Chewbacca (Chewie) | 22:50:51 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
Chewie looks between Ben (Junior), Vega, and her brother. He makes a vaguely threatening rumble in the surrendered Sith's direction, the bowcaster still leveled at him. He's an honorable Wookiee, he accepts an honorable surrender. He still doesn't trust the guy with Evil Space Magic.
He rumbles again, taking up a position behind Saga as they start to march him out. He's not quite nudging him along with the heavy weapon, but the idea is still there. "rwarrl grarrrl, rwowoal," he rumbles to Good Ben. "rwarrl wrall rwal rwowoal rwarrl. rwarrl rwarrl rwowoal."
Chewie didn't bring the Falcon, he hitched a ride with someone else. Probably Finn. At least the ex-prisoners and the new real prisoner don't have to ride in a transport with a Wookiee. [Language: Shyriiwook]
[ Chewbacca (Chewie) | 22:50:51 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
C-3P0 'Threepio' (Protocol Droid - 3) repeats after Chewbacca, "Good job, Junior, Your mom would be proud. Your uncle too."
[ Finn (Fn) | 23:06:11 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
Finn has been focused on getting the prisoners to safety and turns back to make sure that the others have the situation well in hand. It looks like they do. So he merely does that thing where he lingers, just in case but also keeps an eye on the newly free prisoners and their transport.
Also, he has to linger because Chewbacca is his ride.
[ Jaq'n Greayf (Jgreaf) | 23:12:08 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
Jaq'n Greayf nods to Solo as the man clasps his shoulder, "It is good to be getting off of this rock." he admits then adds, "I would not have endured had it not been for a friend." he says as he continues to help free prisoners. "Name's Jaq'n Greayf." he offers to the rescuers.
[ Yuun (Yun) | 23:15:07 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*
Once Saga dropped his weapon, Yuun reached out with the force and took the weapon. Careful for any last minute tricks, he takes out the power unit so that the weapon can't be used then clips it upon his belt. He lets out a breath and thinks that this is only just the beginning. Saga's words do bring concern and he knows they will need a way to dampen his abilities while he's imprisoned. Looks like getting some Yslamirri is going to be on the agenda.
Looking around to everyone, "Is everyone ok?" he asks. Trying to quickly take in everyones state of well being. "We need to move quickly." he states as he moves to help anyone who is left, his weapon still activated just in case of any poor would be attackers want to try to mount a rescue.
[ Ben Relor (Relor) | 23:16:15 ]<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><
Yuun is right: they're gonna wanna move quickly. While the Jedi and Chewie are busy getting everyone to safety, Ben Relor gets to work. And he can't stop grinning about it...because there's pretty much nothing he loves more in the entire galaxy than blowing Imperial compounds to utter smithereens. Or really... anything to utter smithereens. But especially that.
His supplies are limited. His time is even worse. But that's fine. Because the best explosions don't just use what's in your pack -- they use the world itself. And right now, he's got a whole kriffing planet to work with.
Mustafar is angry: a seething, molten hellscape just begging to be let inside. So Ben obliges. He and Five move fast, stuffing what explosives he has into the key underground vents -- feeding the fire, tapping into the pressurized gas pockets, the unstable rock formations, the geothermal veins already waiting to rip this place apart.
And then? Oh, then it happens.
The first detonation rocks the ground beneath them- -- then another, and another, until the entire prison starts to shake apart. The vents rupture, sending lava gushing like arterial spray, fire and molten stone exploding up through the metal husk of the facility. The sky turns black, ash swirling in suffocating clouds as the ground fractures beneath the weight of its own destruction.
Ben and Five hightail it out of there, reaching a safe distance just as the entire structure keels over, a sinking monolith swallowed by the planet's wrath. The last screams of steel and flame are music in his ears.
Ben watches the final collapse, grinning like a man who just won a private war. He plucks the cigarette from behind his ear, holding it up to a still-glowing shard of wreckage until it smolders at the tip.
Then, exhaling smoke, he mutters, "Tell me you bastards felt that in hell."