Log:Rebels: Scratch Post

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The rebels meet with a potential contact on Cathar

OOC Date: February 9, 2025
Location: Cathar
Participants: Yer'ok'omam, Ben Relor, Vega, Darus Kethra and Hadrix Kora as GM

Cathar's history is fraught with 'interesting' moments. The Galactic Cold War with the original Sith Empire. The attacks and slave takings.

The era where the Mandalorians had almost hunted them to extinction - because the world was on the borders of their sector of space.

Today the Rebels have come for the purpose of speaking with members of the central government who has come clandestinely to meet; a chance to make a deal for the alliance to have a foothold here. Pre-empting potential Sith dominance.

It wasn't a sure thing though, the Cathar were a 'famously' moody people, after all. But Hadrix was familiar with the world, due to one of his fellow clan mates having hailed from this world and had been leading the party to the small copes in the middle of the vast forest lands - to give diplomacy the chance.

Accompany the deligation is Captain Yer'ok'omam of the Rebellion's Ascendancy Fleet. She carries herself in a loose, almost relaxed, posture as they are brought through the jungles to the site of the clandestine meeting between Rebels and the Cathar central government. The importance of this particular alliance, a preemptive attack that would further solidify the partnership with the Mandalorians, could not be understated so 'Roko' had done her homework.

There are few spy organizations in the Galaxy, or beyond, with as wealth a database on species as the Chiss Ascendancy. This isn't a matter of debate, it's a fact. As an Officer in their standing Military, Yer'ok'omam has come equipped with this knowledge, familiarizing herself with the preculiarities of dealing with the feline species.

Her usual easy smile is replaced with a stoic seriousness and she's made certain to wear every pin and medal of valor she's amassed over her long career in the Unknown Region and Established Career with the Rebellion. Her uniform is pressed and she exudes confidence. "To whom will be speaking?" She asks of Hadrix, if only to get a better understanding of what kind of cat and mouse game they'll be walking into.

Diplomacy isn't exactly Lieutenant Ben Relor's speciality, and he knows it. However, he likes to come along on these missions precisely because he /doesn't/ trust diplomacy. What if something goes south? What if the diplomatic party is double-crossed? He wants to be along for the ride -- just in case they are. Not just so he can blow stuff up (although he does enjoy that), but so he can strategize, out-maneuver, or play dirty if the situation calls for it.

For now, however, he's planning to be on his best behavior, relatively speaking. Loaded down with enough explosive materials to explode an entire base, sure, but well-behaved. For now. And smoking a cigarette, because that's what he does. His beat-up R5 astromech droid, Five, wheels alongside him. His wary blue eyes move from Captain Yer'ok'omam to Hadrix with a sort of uneasy curiosity.

Vega has came along with the others so that she might be of some use. Or maybe just to get off of Nar Shaddaa. Who knows. The Echani is sticking towards the back of the group and has left her longer over robe on the ship in case she needed to blend in a bit more. While she has diplomatic training...she's not in charge here given it is Rebellion side. For now, the diminuitve woman is happy to just make sure they aren't jumped from behind.

"Chrru'hahh Mrwas. He's aide de campe to Hruss Toh, the Minister of Economy, has a lot of influence on the matter of air traffic control and atmospheric transit on Cathar. Handles much of the authorizations regarding trade craft."

Branches of a large fern were pushed aside and the path becomes far clearer as if blooming from the undergrowth like a rampant fine laid out across the ground.

"He has watched the Empire striking further into the rim... some of my contacts here reached out, so I extended that out to the Council."

The wending route a ribbon twisting around thick clumps of trees stretching for the canopy, brows of rock and humps of rotting vegetation until widening into a field with broad winged instincts traipsing between flowering bushes in the small clearing where several of the felinoids recline beneath old fashioned cloth canopy.

If they have noticed they seem intent on not making show of it and the Mandalorian playing guide makes no movement to indicate if he feels they have or not.

Roko regards Ben, who represents an anomoly to her, almost more so than Hadrix. The Mandalorian's reputation grossly outpaces him. The Chiss tilts her head thoughtfully at the young soldier, "The Cathar are a very aggressive species. They may make platitudes that sound like threats and challenge us at every turn on our agenda for their planet and people. If I feel, certain, that the negotiations have gone 'Fubar'- as I understand you ground pounders call it - I will give you word and I would like you to 'directly' challenge one of the deligates. Brag and bluster. Posture without being insulting, but do 'not' back down."

She grins, it's a fickle little expression on the wings of a pair of raised brows above red eyes that shift over towards Vega. A member of the Jedi Order. "You do not fall under my chain of command, but if you wish to be helpful.. do not present us from a position of weakness in front of the Cathar deligation. We're not here to 'threaten them', but if they think we're weak or 'need them', the negotiations will fall apart. Balance... Balance strength with vulnerability." A subtle glance between Ben and Vega, a nod, and she once more is looking to Hadrix.

"A fiercely loyal people hardly wish to see an increase of Sith forces in the region. I am certain I can work with that." She bows her head, "Thank you, Al'verde."

Relor is too hungover today to remember the ins and outs of the Cathar and the Mandalorians, apparently. Or anything else. It's all a bit of a blur right now. His gaze moves over to Roko, his broken eyebrow arching. His lip curls up a little, and he makes a 'hmph' sound. "I can probably handle that," he says, making it sound like it's not a big deal. And it isn't, really. If there's one thing Ben excels at? It's making a big fuss. He flicks his cigarette away and says to Five: "Hear that? For once, you don't have to hold me back." Five bleeps something that sounds suspiciously like: * Doesn't make much difference when I /do/. *

Vega listens to Hadrix and there is a nod at the vocoded words of his, but she doesn't say anything. The older woman seems to be quite content to just not say anything given it's not her show. She's here as backup! She gives a look to Roko as she speaks and there is a nod to her, "I do not plan to get involved unless violence should present itself or someone forgets how to politic." she states. Then she falls back into her silence.

Darus moves with careful, measured steps through the outskirts of Cathar, the faint scent of foliage and sun-baked chlorohyl filling his senses. Only a week prior, he’d been mired in the grimy streets of Nar Shaddaa—by far one of his least favorite places in the galaxy—and the promise of fresh air and open skies had drawn him eagerly into this mission. Despite his preference for tinkering and armoring rather than delicate negotiations, he’d joined Vega’s diplomatic endeavor without hesitation, hoping to find some measure of peace in the process.

For the first leg of the journey, the Arkanian knight held the rear flank, periodically pausing to scan the horizon with a critical, observant gaze. The hum of distant wildlife and the soft chatter of their diplomatic party wrapped around him, but his mind remained focused on potential threats. Ever the pragmatist, Darus trusted his instincts—if trouble were to surface, at least he’d be the first to spot it before it became a danger to his companions.

When he’s finally convinced that no unwelcome guests are following them, Darus lengthens his stride to catch up with the others, adjusting the strap of the small toolkit slung across his shoulder. Though the Cathar sun glints off the polished armor pieces he wears, he moves quietly, trying not to distract from the delicate negotiations at hand.

The Mandalorian drifts back among the group, his kind were a frequent source of tension for many of the residents of this world and so Hadrix seems more intent on maintaining discretion's stance regarding valor.

The speech, if nothing else, is enough to announce the position of the group, ears of one turning towards them and the party rising as a whole in one fluid movement. A pair of the cathar coming to the fore of the rest, hands resting close to holsters and sheathes while offering no word.

The only continuation of motion from them being one in plain clothes adjusting several platters suspended on anti-grav floats - bringing a goblet to one clad in loose fitting clothing that looks to be not unlike Thyferran silks - if lacking for the normal translucence that worlds denizens tend to prefer.

"How very Jedi of you." Roko says to Vega, polite smile and fractional bow of her head as it turns to once more regard Ben's assurance he is up for the task of what she's suggested. The interaction with his droid draws an amused expression on the Chiss' face, but she does not comment. Rather turning full attention to Hadrix when the big Mandalorian shifts backwards amongst the group.

Captain Yer'ok'omam, noting the have been spotted by the deligation, steps out from the dense jungles edge into looser foliage. Hand raised in greeting to those present. This is their planet. While she may rest upon the lorals of her command in matters of greeting and await being addressed, she instead shows respect by bowing her head in recognition of their dominant position and acknowledgement of their exceptional hunting skill for spying them amongst the trees.

There is the very discreet pat of her hand backwards, indicating that she does not any of the others to duplicate her platitudes, however. "Chrru'hahh Mrwas. I am Captain Yer'ok'omam of the Rebellion. Grand daughter of Grand Admiral Thrawn. These are my associates, Lieutenant Ben Relor, one of our most decorated Scouts and hunters. Accompanied by representatives of the Jedi, Vega and Darus Kethra whom accompany on behalf of the Council in good faith." And because she doesn't wish to set things off on a bad footing, she motions to Hadrix.

"And our representative of Mandalore, Al'Verde Hadrix Kora of the Clan Kora." Fully understanding that acknowledge they are working with Mandalorians may set them on a bad footing with the Cathar. "I do not wish for our negotiations to start off on deception." Explaining why she has not.

Relor (smirking a little at how he's introduced) takes up a posture that's not exactly hostile, but...it does have a certain 'don't mess with us' quality about it, despite his wiry body. What he lacks in bulk he makes up for in plenty of attitude. In interest of what they're trying to do here, however, he seems to be dialing any outright hostility down...for the moment. And so, Chrru'hahh Brwas gets a gruffly cordial nod from the young demo-tech. Although he /does/ give Captain Yer'ok'omam a brief double take for introducing herself as the granddaughter of Thrawn, because that hangover haze must be wearing off his knowledge of galactic history, finally. Whatever thoughts he might have about that, he wisely keeps to himself -- for once. Hadrix and the Jedi get a brief look before he goes back to staring at the Cathar.

"Are we both covering the back?" Vega muses to Darus as he catches back up to them.

They've been told countless times by Rey that they aren't Rebellion leaders and generals, so they aren't going to be anything near that today either! "I try." she tells the Chiss Captain quietly.

Then there is a look back to Darus, "Thank you." she states. When they are introduced she gives a bow of her head respectfully to those that they are addressing.

Darus offers a faint smirk in response to Vega's observation, folding his four-fingered hands neatly in front of his robes with a nod that all but confirms they're both firmly relegated to the rear. "Seems to be that way," he remarks quietly, admitting with wry humor that he's not exactly the best candidate for front-line diplomacy. When the granddaughter of Thrawn is mentioned, he allows a brief flicker of surprise to dart across his features- an uncharacteristic reaction for someone who usually keeps his emotions well-guarded. He composes himself swiftly, however, and dips into a respectful bow the moment his name is offered in introduction, silently acknowledging the weight of the conversation around him. Rising with measured calm, he re-clasps his hands at his waist, posture rigid enough to suggest both attentiveness and readiness.

Chrru'hah's head tilts, whiskers bristling and he takes a step forward with nostrils flaring, "The Boar-Wolf... One of ours shares his name." A slight narrowing of the cathar's eyes before a pointed shift of attention firmly from the armored figure to the others.

"I heard about Ottega. My ears hear that the Precious Gem has caught your Alliance's eye. Some of us wonder when you will turn that towards our planet, though the Sith maintain no... garrison here. Besides the picket monitoring the exports Coruscant and Chandrila buy."

The two bearing arms look from figure to figure when Roko names them - one with a brow ridge lofting towards the Jedi and the other sniffing towards Ben, "That one dabbles in chemicals..." A hissing, stuttering, sound rippling through some of them. Laughter?

"We want assurance that Cathar remains independent. The Ministers. The Empire could turn its eye here as a corridor to the Mandalore sector... Your rebellion might make us a target. What can you do to assuage concerns, Granddaughter to the Corpse Tactician?" one hand lifting to curl a claw through whiskers.

Pointing suddenly to the Arkanian, "You, Jedi. Your lot skulk shadows more than these Rebels. What can your mystics and seers do when you huddle behind trees as you do?"

It's truly a battle of tactical diplomacy where the Cathar are concerned, but the Chiss are almost as well regarded for their clandestine ability to navigate boardrooms as the feline xenos on whose planet they currently reside... and then only because so few KNOW much about Chiss at all.

"Ottega was an important victory for the Rebellion." Roko begins, then cements her point, and assuages the Cathar's concerns, in the same breath. "As you well know, the Ithorian people regard the planet of Ithor with no small level of reverance. They herald it as a divine source of life and no individual who sets foot upon the planets surface may ever leave. It was towards that end that the Rebellion only broke the unlawful seige of the planet by their Imperial Occupants." Careful to word it as an afront to sovereignty rather than an act of Galactic War.

"Obviously, the system offers strategic importance for any faction who navigates it, with quick accessability to hyperspace lanes and neighboring sectors, but our primary intent was to allow the Ithorian's to dictate the future of their own planet. No Rebel bases or instillations have been established on the surface, nor will any ever be, in accomodation of the host governments edicts."

She motions, then, to Chrru'hah, "As would be the case in any partnership betwixt the Rebellion and the Cathar. You would not be 'subjects' of a new regime, but have unilateral authorization in how your system was regarded in the eyes of the Rebellion. Our goal, above all other goals, is the sanctity of freedom in the Galaxy. We, unlike the Empire, wish a Diplomatic and Democratic representation. With the understanding that achieving this goal 'will' require sacrifice and warfare. Unfortunate as these may be."

She turns, if fractionally, to Ben. Whom the deligate has called out and then looks back to Chrru'hah. "He has recently celebrated the birth of his sister's first born son. A continuation of his families honored line, but he is a respected and important member of our deligation and, with the risk that his night of revelry may offend, could not leave him behind." Her head bows.

"While the offense in this instance is mine, I welcome Lieutenant Relor to regain his honor as he sees fit."

She does 'not', however, offer anything to support the Jedi.

Ben's not big on being laughed at, and his brow furrows deeply when he gets the sense that some of them may, in fact, be laughing at him. Though they're not wrong about 'dabbling in chemicals' in more than one sense of the word, though he gives Roko a quick, slightly confused look when she weaves this lie about him. He clears his throat and says, in his raspy voice: "I appreciate that, Captain Yer'ok'omam, but I didn't tell you the whole truth of the matter." Relor looks very hangdog as he says this, hands behind his back (finally breaking defensive posture) to show just how sorry he is. "I told leadership I was feting my sister's child, but...I was actually on an unsanctioned hunt. I managed to bring down a young wampa by myself, though, so I thought a little celebration was in order." He glances to Roko with a heavy sigh. "My sincere apologies, Captain. I realize what I did was stupid and dangerous."

Vega gives a look to the others as they are talking and she has her hands clasped behind her back loosely. Watching to see if anyone is going to be getting up out of their seats and approach. So far, so good. There is a look to Darus when he is called out and she bows her head to him as she gives him a smile.

Darus stands a little straighter when the Cathar's sharp gaze singles him out, the flick of his snowy-white hair hinting at a faint shift in his composure. His pale eyes move slowly over Chrru'hah, then the others present, taking in the tension that lingers in the air. Though hardly the most silver-tongued of the Jedi, he gathers a calm, patient breath before responding, determined to show the measured grace of his Order. "The Jedi don't thrive behind trees, nor do we seek to manipulate from the shadows," Darus begins, voice low yet steady. "Our mystics and seers, as you refer to them, serve to guide; to protect rather than control. We value the independence of all peoples, and we have no desire to install ourselves as overlords in your lands. If we've come, it's to offer help where it's wanted, or perhaps some measure of insight when difficult decisions arise. Nothing more." He keeps his hands loosely clasped, respectful but not groveling, aware that the Cathar often read subtle cues in body language. "Your concerns are understandable," Darus concedes, "and I can't force you to take my word at face value. You'll judge us by our actions, and rightly so." He bows his head in a gesture of deference, the corners of his mouth settling into a determined line. "Still, I ask you not to conflate caution with deception. The Jedi's place isn't on a throne; our place is in service to the needs of the galaxy, whether guiding negotiations or simply ensuring they stay peaceful."

The leader of the Cathar delegation's abbreviated muzzle wrinkles and fangs expose as another rustle not unlike the sound of wind in reeds runs through them.

"Merriment isn't the reek... But his presence provides a curiosity." One of those of the Carhar party comments, nostrils twitching still and ears flicking at the mention of ice beasts and birth celebrations. Chrru'hah's tail sweeps to one side and angles into a wide curl - he himself quiet. At least until Darus offers his piece.

A glance in the form of swiveling ears had been spared for Roko and Ben when they weave stories. But his eyes keep to the Arkanian. "We're unsure if Jedi are wanted. Here. The trouble they bring is more grim than a famine." Whiskers bristling again, "If Jedi come with your rebels, it salts this meal with danger..." A narrowing of lids and then he has dropped to all fours, prowling towards the gatherum - the two guards following while remaining bipedal.

"Yer'ok'omam, Chiss make for poor liars and your bomber isn't much better... That you have such with you is curious." nostrils flaring again. "So. You say you won't bring us trouble. I suppose you want a little place to tuck away some of yours... No throne. No deference demanded... I do not know if we are convinced..." standing up when he can rise up to be eye to eye with Roko, "When poison floats so easily, if so poorly, as you breath."

Yer'ok'omam meets the eyes of her spoken detractors unwaveringly, "We seek allies. Allies that under the tribulations of the war we face and an understanding of the gravitas of failure. You stand much to lose in this engagement, which I do not take lightly, so it is with a humble... no.. I am not humble. It is with deliberate intent that I say this..."

She sets her hands behind her back, fixed low near her waist. "The matter of Lieutenant's sobriety is not the point of our visit, nor the catalyst for our wish for diplomatic relations. If the deligation from the Cathar people are so adament about the matter, I can offer only my apologies, but I cannot change the fact he is here. Nor the weight of his contributions despite last nights celebration." Roko, who has largely remained quite level of tone, does not back down from the challenge of 'lies' or 'deception'. "Why he is here is what is important. His 'contributions' to the Rebellion and his 'importance' to our intentions. Not 'because' of his substance usage, but in spite of it."

If there was ever a moment where a Captain and Diplomat were willing to burn negotiations to the ground in support of one of their own, it is now. She stands with red eyes locked upon those of Chrru'hah's. "He is a valued member of my team and the Rebellion. I hold his opinion, regard, and capabilities in the highest esteem when he is 'three sheets to the wind' over those of any adversary. If negotiations 'here', 'right now' break down because he was intoxicated, yesterday, understand that I am willing to burn that bridge, with all due respects to your traditions, culture, and personal inclinations, but I will point out only this.."

Her right hand come up to hold a finger aloft, "I'm willing to lose the support of your people in support of my friend. /That/ is the measure of what we offer to the Cathar. To be allies in the sanctity of your planet and sovereignty, to the absolute exclusion of those who may wish to deface it. So, tread carefully, you're speaking ill of one of MINE..." It's a measured level of 'explanation', 'respect', and 'threat'. Playing into the Cathar's pack mentality and fierce loyalty to one another.

With her piece on this matter said, without directly addressing whatever lie she may, or may not, have told, Roko dips her head to Darus and looks back to the Cathar as if the matter on Ben is settled. "It may not be known, but one of the Jedi Order died in protecting the freedom of Ithor. The Jedi represent the moral compass that war often lacks. The young representative, Darus, worded it far more elegantly than I."

Ben sighs and scratches the back of his head. "I /thought/ they might've meant that," he mutters to Five, who beeps in agreement at him. Never one to care too much about titles or orders, he decides to speak up anyway, adding to Roko's encouraging words about him. Although her talking about his substance usage seems to make him a bit uncomfortable, actually. And the way she seems to be fiercely sticking up for him? Perhaps even moreso.

"Bombing's not all I do," he tells the Carhar, brow furrowed, thumbs slung in his belt. "It's just one of the many services I provide. I'm also a mechanic and a pilot and a scout, like the Captain said earlier, and a million other things. So I'm handy to have around in a small party. Not like it should make any difference to these negotiations." He holds his ground -- not aggressive yet. "And I can do all of this shavit completely wasted. I'll prove it to you, if I have to." Downright cocky, the way he says that.

"If you do not want Jedi present going forward all you need do is state that and we will not be here." Vega states in a respectful tone to the Cathar that comes closer. "We do not want to jeopardize your safety or that of the Rebellion either." the diminutive white haired woman states. It's a very short, sweet and to the point sort of thing that she says, but there wasn't going to be beating around the bush from her.

Darus shifts his stance, keeping his hands folded in front of him while the Cathar leader's words echo through the gathering. A flicker of concern crosses his pale features at the open hostility toward Jedi involvement, yet he maintains a calm demeanor, letting Roko's impassioned defense of her teammate ring across the clearing. The Arkanian dips his head in a small, respectful nod to show he supports her convictions regarding Lieutenant Relor. They may not share a longstanding personal history, but Darus understands the loyalty she displays, recognizing the strength it might signify to the Cathar in front of them.

When Chrru'hah describes the perils that a Jedi's presence might bring, Darus' eyes meet the Cathar's squarely. There is no defiance in his stance; only quiet resolution. "We do not come to sow conflict or hardship," he says, tone grave but steady. "If caution is all you feel for our presence, I understand. War tears through worlds, but the Jedi seek to mitigate suffering and safeguard lifel our own survival demands that we tread carefully. We're here as part of a larger alliance that respects your people's sovereignty. We ask no subjugation and claim no special privilege. We merely wish to help where we can... however, we shall not intervene where we are not wanted."

He inclines his head once more in Roko's direction at her mention of the Jedi's sacrifice on Ithor. "The one who fell did so protecting the rights and freedom of a people not their own; an act that reflects the values our Order has been tasked to uphold for generations," he murmurs. "Whether that is enough to earn your trust, only time will tell. But we'll stand by the Cathar's decision, come what may, because we truly believe that all people deserve the chance to choose their own fate."

With that, the white haired Padawan takes a step back, no longer having any more words for the diplomatic endeavors.

The thinning of lips and exposure of fangs again as the cathar remains practically nose to nose with the chiss. Ears drawing back but not laying flat just yet. Slit pupils dilating to wide pools while he remains still and intent.

One ear turns to Ben the next to Vega and Darus but Delegate Mrwas's eyes are still and locked on the crimson of Roko's. Hands folded behind his back and his tail held in an upward sickle curl. The other cathar seem to have slunk back to reclining, save the obvious guard. Some have even taken up glasses to sip from, but all of their eyes are watchful.

At length, the silence drawn out, Chrru'hah's ears turn fully to the captain again and he allows a half step of additional space between he and the chiss.

"Interesting." At last his tail swings, straightening and curling again before he speaks again, "What would you do, on Cathar, if allotted space?"

The matter of Ben and Jedi left to the side.

It is a very turbulant few moments betwixt Deligate Mrwas and Captain Roko. The Chiss does not look away from the impetulent stare of the Cathar. Her hands remain fixed upon the small of her back with her expression neither aggressive nor submissive in the exchange of intent, deliberate, eye contact.

Until the Cathar speeks.

It had been Captain Yer'ok'omam who had ripped the band aid of negotiations away, but in the face of questioning intent, she took a play directly from the Cathar's book and remained silent. She let the weight of the moment sit heavily for as long as the feline Xeno dictated. With no clear indication that there was a concern for time.

Until he finally speaks.

Then she does as well, "We would bolster your naval capabilities in the event Sith forces took interest in your system for it's strategic value. We would expect what resources you were able, without sacrificing your own security, to be brought in defense of worlds allied with the Rebellion should the Empire deside to retaliate." Her words are matter of fact.

"The governance of your world would be yours, not ours, but we would request the sanction of rebel bases established upon the surface to support your troops in defense, should it ever be necessary. Likewise, we would ask that you provide strategic support in the system, provide captains and soldiers to bring our own Officers and soldiers to the level of the Cathar in matters of the hunt, against our shared enemy."

Her jaw sets for a second.

Then, "We wish for you to become part of the pack against oppression. You may do so as discreetly as you wish, there are other planets who support this growing conflict who are not yet openly known, and I respect your annonymity. But when the missiles hit the durasteel, we wish, with great respect, for the Cathar to be beside us in all future victory."

It's out of character, perhaps, but Ben goes back to pretending to be the strong, silent type and not the wiry, mouthy type. He remains with his thumbs slung in his belt, Five at his feet, and his gaze squarely on the Cathar. And that's about all, for now.

Vega's posture is never threatening and her facial expression is never one that is outwardly challenging. She was a mediator in the end of things. When things don't come to blows and talking resumes she relaxes just a touch as she stands in silence.

Darus remains still at the edge of the forest clearing, letting the muted scents of foliage and distant wildlife sharpen his already watchful stance. Negotiations seem headed toward a more hopeful resolution, and with a subtle calm, he lifts his gaze toward Vega. The Arkanian remains focused on the conversation, his eyes steady on the lead Cathar. His four-fingered hands remain clasped in a non-threatening posture, and despite the dryness in the exchange, he offers the occasional, thoughtful nod when new terms are put forward. Though not an expert in diplomacy, Darus senses a growing willingness on both sides, and a faint light of satisfaction flickers in his pale features as it dawns on him that; here, among the Cathar and the Rebel representatives; an alliance might be forged.

"I can't finalize such decisions. But perhaps I might have a parcel of territory." One ear turning towards the other cathar in the group while he speaks, "Such a pledge is... exposing as well for now. The Empire takes its trade and pays the tariffs for now."

Mrwas's fangs expose again, albeit briefly, and one hand lifts to comb a single claw through the fur on his chin. "Cathar has gone to great lengths to avoid Kessa's eye. She has them all over and ears if the rumors are true. Ears difficult to speak out of hearing of as her eyes have few blindspots."

For a moment he looks to one of those who still sits with a goblet in hand, sipping from it, ticks in head movement and tails electrifying the air between them. When his gaze settles back on the rebels again, it starts with Ben, then slides over the Jedi, the dark spot in the forest behind them all and finally again on this chiss.

"A listening post would be a start. Or a relay of a kind." Head tilting and nostrils flaring again, "A small start. A simple start. Easily denied if it were to come to it."

Roko remains there, standing with her hands up amongst the small of her back, as the deligate speaks. Offering only the slight nod of her head when the Cathar speaks, understanding the weight of what she's suggesting against the realities of the galaxy as it exists for everyone.

Until the offer is finally presented: A listening station.

She inclines her head slightly, brow perking in a curious manner that does not reflect in her words. The expression says far more, however, than what she says, "It is the safe option and an understandable position for the Cathar to take." The brow remains elevated as she bows her head. One hand slips from the knit behind her back to be offered to Chrru'hahh.

"Our resolve in your system's security will be measured, weighed, and found acceptable. I thank you for the meeting, Deligate. I look forward to proving your concerns hesitancy in overt sanction unwarrented." It's a subtle barb, a diplomatic barb, but it 'is' a barb. She's jabbing at their pride in the face of fear of Empress Kessa.

"Good decision," Ben says, because apparently, he can't keep his mouth shut for long. "I think you'll be happy with the results." He takes the cigarette he always carries behind his ear and rolls it between his fingers, as if in anticipation of getting to light it up...any moment now, he surely hopes.

No one had to get shot. He didn't have to bluster. And he definitely didn't have to blow anything up. If only Ben felt better about all that than he does!

Vega sees that it is time to leave, or well...it's heading that way. She gives a diplomatic bow to their hosts, "May the Force be with you." she states and then straightens. She then moves to the side, allowing for Roko and Ben to go before herself and Darus in the exiting fashion.

Darus stands quietly near the edge of the gathering as they start to move, four-fingered hands folded as the final exchanges of dialogue wind down. At the smallest hint of final comments from Ben, his gaze flickers momentarily, but he offers no outward comment. When Vega dips into a polite bow and wishes the delegation well, he echoes her gesture, inclining his head and murmuring a subdued, "May the Force be with you," before falling into step beside her.

"Don't light that here."

Gaze lingering on Roko, while the cathar's tail has shifted to 'point' at Ben when he speaks.

"We'll see." Returning to the conversation at hand, the comment of the rebels not becoming burdensome to have on the world. One hand extending to have a goblet placed in it and finally taking a moment to quench any thirst. Sniffing slowly and remaining standing in the same place. "You might do well to keep the Arkanian on hand."

The other Cathar at the tent turn and resume their lounging as if they had not been interrupted - but Chrru'hahh Mrwas persists in watching. Perhaps waiting until those sent to parlay have gone before he might return to his own distractions.

But it's something for the rebels to work with. Pebbles in ponds and all such metaphor.