Log:Kyr'vhetine Festival
Kyr'vhetine Festival
OOC Date: March 17, 2025
Location: Surabat River Valley - Black Spire Outpost, Batuu
Participants: Cin'cirad/Sira, Zena Tane, Pax Dredic, Hani Marake, Navi Kryze, Rey, Bizz Bliptettjupp, Kademir Taerok, Asinis, Ben Relor, Azora Rer, Roan, Prism, Sumi Kora, Hadrix Kora,
The shouts and screams of kids as the grav coaster races off to one side of the fairgrounds. The coaster wrapping around one of the rather unique spires that are the remains of ancient trees before careening off at high speeds into a loop and twisting course. It's nothing overly extreme by the adrenaline junkie standards, but it definitely does get the heart racing as it zooms directly toward it, then sharply banks down and twists away. The coaster disappearing around the tall mountain-like feature on its track.
Toward the middle of the fair are all the games. A mixture of different ones, though a number of shooting games, all with a variety of pouches and satchels which are prizes for hitting the targets. A drunk tank is set up on one end, with people able to go sit in the tank or throw at the person within it. One of the Mandalorian children is holding up a satchel that looks like a Tooka and is shaking it back and forth while yelling "IT'S SO FLUFFY!!!"
Near to the area with the games is a area set up with food and drink vendors. Though most of the drinks are the non, or low, alcoholic type in fitting with the more 'family friendly' atmosphere. The food is a mixture of all sorts and cultures. Candied bofa fruit, spiced jogan fruit, spicy-sweet meiloorun, and about any other thing you could think of - most of it on a stick. Noodles fried up on a hot plate, bowls of steaming tiingilar, crispy dumplings, and of course all have vegetarian options.
There's a variety of people about. Some in armor, some not, and if they're Mandalorian - then they're armed of course (though there's sure to be some non-Mandalorians that are also armed).
Pax Dredic strides into the area with an efficient, measured, athletic gait. Despite the salt and pepper hair, he seems fit and lithe and spry. If he's a Mandalorian, he's an oddity, for he wears no armor. No, instead, he wears gray spacer's jumpsuit with 'Unbreakable XII' in a stylized logo applied to the left breast of the garment. A truly massive revolver hangs on a drop holster from his right hip.
His gold eyes placidly move from place to place to place. And, interestingly? When he sees all the games of skill and chance? His eyes light up like a kid's. A large, scarred, murderous kid's. He rubs his hands together in blatant and obvious glee.
Ben Relor wanders in, hands slung in his back pockets, his astromech droid, Five, rolling alongside next to him. *Bweerup-reeeeer,* says Five, spinning his flat top dome around to take in all of the colorful festivities. Relor, however, looks less sure about all this. As per usual, he has a lit cigarette dangling from his lip. "I dunno, Five," he says, rubbing his stubbly jaw as he watches all the kids running around (and the grownup kids, which apparently means Pax tonight). "There's a lotta kids here. That probably means there's no booze." But he smirks, patting his jacket pocket as he makes his way further in. "Good thing I always come prepared, huh?" *Wheee-oooop,* whirrs Five, sounding dubious.
Rey was just another face in the crowd. Dressed in comfortably clothing, a set of clothing with long blue tabards that whip in the winds around her legs, the Human woman is rushing around the fair grounds, with a gaggle of children in her wake.
The group hides behind a lone of stone blocks, next to a pair of wooden benches, with all of the children gathering around her. She speaks to them, while crouched, in a hushed voice.
"They're over there..." Rey points to a copse of trees. "I need us to split in to two groups. Jinx. You take Team Bravo. I'll take Team alpha. We'll split up, and spread around them, flank them from both sides." She spoke with a serious tone, to the wide-eyed children of all young ages.
"Sinya, you're with me, and your sisters. The rest of you, stick close to Jinx... You have your marching orders, so lets do this, and remember... May the Force be with You..."
With strands of dark hair flowing gently against the sides of her face, Rey gave the orders, and the groups split up, moving through the crowds toward the selected target hidden in those cluster of trees.
Lorraine Roan is also just another face in the crowd. She's wearing a black and red checkered shirt tied under some...considerable assets...and a swishy, pleated, tartan print skirt bounces at her hips. She's wearing some accoutrements of the Mandalorian tribes of Onderon and Dxun, strangely enough, but those are the only visual markers that might point out who she is. Her brown hair is tied into a ponytail, and shin-high boots make tracks in the mud.
Asinis comes wandering down the street, hands tucked loosely in his pockets, gait easy and unhurried. He pauses as he reaches the gathering, green eyes flicking over the scene, taking in the cluster of faces and whatever tension lingers in the air. A slight tilt of his head follows as he scans the crowd, expression unreadable, until he spots a familiar face. A small grin tugs at the corner of his mouth, and he lifts a hand in an easy wave toward Ben.
Mandos aplenty here!
Azora was wearing a hat with Tooka ears on it, the forked tongue of the Squamatan flicking out to brush over an candied bofa fruit, before she tucks it in her mouth, chewing down on it a bit before she swallows, wincing at the taste. She definitely wanted the non-vegetarian options, so she meanders that way, claws waggling in the air before she snatches up some roasted nerf on a stick, trading credits for it.
Hani comes up behind Pax and rests a hand on his elbow. Unlike the large human, she IS is amour, but Mando. It's basically daily uniform at this point. No helmet though and she doesn't seem concerned about 'sneaking up' behind him.
"I can't wait to see what stuffie you're taking home in the Unbreakable." Hani comments with dry amusement to him.
I mean, what would a Mandalorian Festival be without more Mandalorians right? Hence, yet another! Some of them are in normal clothes, some of them in armor, Sira - she decided for the armor this time. Though without the helmet, that was clipped to her belt. She swings her way by one of the stalls to grab herself a glass of some sort of alcohol, of the low alcohol content variety, and even a stick of street corn. Ya know, because everything tastes better on a stick.
Of course, she does come up a bit short as she spots the woman wearing some accoutrements from Dxun and Onderon. A bit of a squint to her eyes, and a tilt of her head, she makes her way slowly toward her. One eyebrow dipping down a bit more than the others, "Su'cuy gar, Clan Kast. It has been a while since I've sen one of ya about... How's Alor'Kast doing?"
Relor wanders over to the drink vendors, getting ash all over his clothes from his cigarette, hid droid continuing to wheel along next to him. "Lessee...one blue milk." He slaps down his credits, gets the beverage in question, and then proceeds to liberally spike it from the flask he's just removed from his jacket. Then he takes an experimental sip, smacking his lips and nodding. "Much better."
Someone's waving at him. He squints over to see who it is, then raises a hand in greeting to Asinis as he pockets his flask again, taking a final drag before he flicks the cigarette away. Litterer! Someone ought tell him this ain't Nar Shaddaa. One of the kids streaks past him, and his gaze moves over to Rey...his broken eyebrow raises slightly, and he smiles at her.
Brother Bizz is wandering around surrounded by orphan children of all shapes and colors: Ansra the human girl in her hand-me-down scavenger costume, Dia the little Twi'lek girl, Glim the pink Cragmoloid boy with his elephant-like trunk, Hylie the Mirialan girl, and Sonaa the tiny Togruta girl are among them. All including Bizz are gnawing on ears of foil-wrapped Mandalorian street corn slathered with a creamy Tiingilar sauce, though Bizz himself also has a smooshed Uj'alayi-style sweet cornbread in a napkin and Mandalorian kri'gee bitter in a festive mug with a Mythosaur skull on it. Maybe he filched the mug at Oga's Cantina.
The children see a grav-coaster and run off to get in line for a ride, squealing and hollering.
One cannot be another face in the crowd when it is covered with a helmet. Though the armor of a Shistavanen Mandalorian is likely unique enough. Kademir is not trying to blend in today exactly anyways. Just trying to get a feel for the crowds in general, and what the Festival holds in store this year.
Navi Kryze enters the festival grounds from the general direction of the spaceport, fully armored and carrying a worn semi-triangular shoulderbag that might date back to the Imperial Army. She pauses to doff her helmet, shaking out her long blonde pigtails as she secures the helm to her belt. It's a well-known fact that it's just not possible to enjoy the vast majority of Mandalorian snacks while wearing a full helmet.
"Quite the crowd," she murmurs, surveying the grounds with a hint of a smile. "I hope the shooting contests aren't too crowded." Her tone hints that she knows better than to hope; these are Mandalorians, and competition is in their blood. But she doesn't miss the sight of a taller woman directing a group of children, followed by them scattering in several organized groups.
"I wonder if there's a scavenger hunt on," she murmurs, watching them go. Waving to the woman in the lead (which happens to be Rey), she asks, "Excuse me, but is someone hosting a team scavenger hunt?"
Zena is always down for a party. Even if it's one without, you know, lots of alcohol, bar fights and as few clothes as possible. In this one, she gets to eat too many sweets, play some rigged games, and probably not have to get in a fight!
She's only a little disappointed at the latter. Fighting's fun.
Carrying a cone of virulently pink spun sugar, the leader of Clan Kloo stops at one of the shooting gallery games, eyeballing it. She left the armor on her ship. Because she felt like it. She doesn't need to wear it all the time! Instead, she's wearing a not-scandalously short black skirt with tights, comfortable boots, and a long black coat over a deep orange shirt.
She keeps eyeballing the game, considering.
Roan beams at Sira, "Alor'Kast is doing very well, thank you for asking!" She also takes a drink from a nearby vendor and sips it while watching Sira from overtop the rim. "Things have settled down, Princess is off on diplomatic missions, and people finally stopped murdering each other in the streets. Couldn't ask for a better outcome!" Roan stretches her arms above her, briefly exposing her midriff, and then tilting to the side with a *pop* of her back. "Ow...needed that."
Pax Dredic looks over to the armored figure next to him, shorter but, well, much more Mandalorian. His laugh is a silver and amused roll. "See, this is why you and I get along, Hani. Most girl's just assume I'm winning them a stuffie. You? You know it's ending up a trophy in the mess deck." He pokes Hani's arm, and there is a weird intimate-but-not feel to it. "Maybe I'll win two, and you'll get lucky." There's a little stress on that last word, and he smirks.
Then, by chance, he spots Roan, just as she stretches in such an eye-poppingly manner. He blatantly stares, then nudges Hani with his elbow. "Hey. I know that woman. Or, at least...I've seen her."
The Coaster zooms over and banks hard as it careens its way around one of the spires. People cheering out and throwing up their arms as the ride whips them into a smiraling turn and about the ancient tree to the other side. A loop and another twist. It's an absolute scream of a good time (as can be vouched for by the people literally screaming with delight. A BING!! of noise as someone wins something at one of the booths. The scents of all sorts of foods and delights. An, of course, there are the meats grilling right along with. Somtimes meat over noodles. There another that has some sort of avian leg that looks like it could be used as a club. Oh the choices~!
Sira tilts her head as she looks at Roan, and flshes a smile as she sips some of the beer. "Oh? I had not heard that the Princess was off. Though, uh, there was quite the -- lets say interesting time, with some of that. I have not had a chance to catch up with many of the goings on with Kast lately."
Sira turns her head as she sees Bizz walk by with a mug that has a Mythosaur skull. "Hey... I want one of those." Sira muses, before looking back to Roan, "Oof, you alright? That sounded like a good one. I do know a couple people well versed in massage if you need it."
Ben and Five are on the move, eyes narrowing as he watches Sira talk to Roan. Roan looks familiar to him, too, but he can't quite seem to place it. He gives Azora an upnod on his way over to Hani and Pax. "What's this game thing?" Squinting over at targets, and apparently that's how he's saying hello, tonight.
With her combat staff held in her right hand, its support strap dangling down beside it, Rey comes to another crouch beside a tree trunk, surrounded by old droid chassies turned in to flower planters and trash bins. Her group of children arrive with her, and crouch all around the brunette in blue. With her hair tied back behind her neck's nape, save for a pair of loose dark strands that flutter around her cheeks, Rey stares at her groupp issuing orders to sneak in different directions, while Team Bravo is across the grassy yard, doing the same, the two teams ever encroaching upon their would-be target.
With Navi approaching, Rey looks up at her, her face glowing softly in the sunlight, a rich pink hue touching her cheeks, as the dark strands of hair flow across them. She cracks a wide grin toward the woman. "We're spies, you see. There's an enemy just inside those trees up ahead. We're going to enclose upon them, and if needs be... well. For the Resistance." She informs the Mandalorian. "You're welcome to join, but this mission isn't for the feint of heart..." She gently shakes her head, as she looks to her team of children.
"prepare to move out on my mark... We make our final approach, on my command!"
the kids all look nervous as they peer over the droid chassis toward the line of trees in the park.
Roan shakes her head to Sira, "Oh, I'm fine, but thanks. Been cooped up in space for too long." Her voice has a strong Coruscanti upper crust sound to it, but she knows Mandalorian jargon like a second tongue, and easily slips in and out of it, despite the posh wrapping paper. "Yes, Alor'Kast had some novel ideas about how to run things, but eventually he and the Princess managed to see eye to eye on more things than not." She smiles warmly, seemingly genuinely pleased to be here. "Looks like Onderon officially belongs to the Mando'ade, in truth as well as on paper. For now, at least."
Hani laughs softly and leans in to bump shoulders with Pax. "Hey, if you win two, I wont argue with one for the Coin." She turns to follow his gestures and then shakes her head a little. "Congratulations?" She offers to the merc. "I know about half the people here." She gives him a nudge. "Go talk to her then. Be social."
Hani lifts her hand to wave to Navi and then smiles as she spots Sira already wiht her hands full of snacks. "I think I'm less invested in stuffie and more in snacks." She notes to Pax. "The corn on a stick looks good. And I can smell noodles." Priorities, Hani has them.
Navi returns Rey's smile. "I have never been accused of being faint of heart, and your brave troops will need support," she agrees. "Point me to where I am needed most, and I shall go. Is there anything else I should know about this spy? We don't want to nab the wrong person."
She draws the shoulderbag behind her hip, out of her way, casually resting a hand on the strap mount. "I await my orders, Commander."
Sira gives another couple nods of her head, her mouth pulling a bit to the side, "Well, something like that at least. I think it'd more appropriate to say it belongs in part to Clan Kast at least." She takes a sip of her drink, eyes flitting across to see Hani. Hani get a wave of the multi-colored corn, the creamy tiingilar sauce dripping from it. Thankfully not onto the armor or hands. Though that does give her enough of a reason to take a bite of it.
Another couple nods of her head and her head waffles from side-to-side, taking the time to eat before continuing to Roan, "I hear ya. Space can be hell on the back, personally, I like to just pop off the gravity generators sometimes and float to help work out the kinks. I love that shirt by the way, where'd you get it?"
"Hani," Ben says, a little bit louder, sipping his blue milk. It's left him with a bit of a blue milk mustache. He doesn't say Pax's name, but he does look at him again and grunt.
Hani looks over as Ben and Five come over to where she's chatting with Pax. "Oh hey Ben. I dont know the details of the games." She points to one set of targets. "I think that one's shooting." She points to where people are throwing brightly coloured balls into rings. "I assume that's some sort of throwing thing. There's probably more. I am fully expecting something with ducks /somewhere/."
Pax Dredic snorts. "Always thinking with your stomach. Never met anyone more interested in snack food 'n me, Hani." He follows Hani's gaze to a few different people, and the broad, scarred man grins. "Speaking of going and talking to people.....go get 'em, tiger. Come on. Tonight's the night. I'll even let you use the Unbreakable's big cabin. More room for...activities." He hehs.
Then he gives Hani a nod. "Okay. I'll be around, and we'll see about that stuffie. Seriously. TRY tonight, for me?" He gives her a look, and then moves off towards Sira and Roan. Sirra gets a nod of the head. "I'm gonna give you a second apology for all the brains. I still feel bad about that." Finally, his gaze turns to Roan, and he makes no secret and mystery of looking her up and down. Then he meets her eyes, and smirks. "Long way from the beaches of Scarif, aren't you?"
Prism hitched at ride from Nar Shaddaa since her new ship is locked down with getting an upgrade and she looks nervous as she comes towards where the festivities are. Oh her form is a slightly baggy trooper armor, not even dressing down for the affair it seems. Her mismatched eyes looking around for a hopefully familiar face.
Ben gives Pax a disgruntled look as he heads over to Roan. It's maybe just clicked in his head who she might be. He shakes his head, looking back at Hani as he grabs his spare cigarette behind his ear. "You gonna play 'em, are just look at 'em?" He says that to Hani as he lights up with his thermal lighter. "I gotta say, I never really thought of you Mandos as 'game' people. At least games that don't involve things dying."
Roan starts to twist one way, then spins around on one heel the other, causing her pleated tartan plaid skirt to whirl dangerously high--just as Pax walks up to address her. The brown-haired, brown-eyed girl was about to answer Sira's question when she's forced to stop short, stumbling a bit on the uneven dirt. "Ack! Ack!!"
Wobbling and weaving, Roan leans back far enough to keep from going over. "Ah! ...Whew." Placing a hand on Pax to steady herself, Roan blushes, "I'm sorry, what did you--oh!" She seems to recognize him too...and blushes something fierce. "Um, yes. Wow, small galaxy, huh?" She smirks to cover embarrassment. "I didn't plan on swimming, so I hope you aren't too disappointed."
Then, to Sira, Roan nods, "I got it at Lorelle's of Coruscant." Same place Vapor said, actually...
Zena finishes about half of the sugary fluff. "Hey kid," she says to a passing youth. "Here. It doesn't have any goobies," she says, passing off the RAW SUGAR to the child. She just grins and the parents, and moseys to the closest shooting game. She grins at the carny running it, grabbing one of the rifles.
This poor bastard.
She examines the 'weapon' with the expertise of someone who may, in fact, shoot rifles for part of her living. She shakes her head, putting it down and moves to the next one. She does this twice more before she decides that this one is the least bad of all of them. "How many tries do I get?"
"Did you hear that, everyone?" Rey asked her collection of youngsters. "We have a Mandalorian on our side now. They are fearsome warriors... Who challenged in the Jedi Order themselves, once upon a time..."
The children all look to Navi, one of them making an 'Oooo...' noise. "I believe it's time we make our strike! Bravo Team looks to be in position, and I think our target is completely unaware."
With a smirk sent toward Navi, Rey lowered her chin, and kept up her character. "We're after a terrible droid, one bent on the destruction of the Resistance, and the rebirth of the greatest evil the galaxy has ever seen. Stick close to Sinya and Poppi. They will fill you in, as we make our last ditch effort to save the Resistance."
Rey sweeps her combat staff from her right hand, across her body to her left, as they move around the edge of the tree.
With a calculated stare toward the edge of the tree-line, Rey raises her staff up. "Lets go! Move out, we save the spark of Resistance tonight!"
All the children began to cheer as they rush out from their hiding places on opposite sides of the park, toward the trees!
Azora spies Ben's upnod, giving an upnod, all stoic and cool in her Tooka ears, in revenge. A brief glance, and a wave - to Prism as she arrives, and she stands up to her full height, deciding, finally, to gnosh on the roasted nerf-onna-stick as she watches the pack of children do their wargames. "I guess it's better than sitting at the meltdown, just..." she spies Kademir, and she approaches the Shistavenean. "So. What's this festival about?" she asks Kademir.
Bizz bites into that spicy Mandalorian street corn then soothes the heat with a bite of cornbread and a guzzle of Mandalorian kri'gee bitter from his Mythosaur tiki mug. The children are starting their ride on the grav coaster so Brother Bizz is given a bit of time to wander round, examining the games and the Batuu carnies.
Kademir Taerok has reconnected.
"We absolutely like games." Hani points out to Ben and laughs. "We're still /people/, you know. Even with the armour." Granted, many of the Mandos are aiming for the shooting games and well.. RIP to the ticket collection, but that's besdies the point. She starts to move, over to where she can get herself some corn with tiingilar sauce on it. "What's wrong with games, anyhow?"
There's a flicker of a smile as she watches Roan twirl and her skirt float out around her and then over to Azora as she upnods to Ben. There are, indeed, children racing everywhere, adding to the chaos.
Sira gives a bit of an up-nod to Pax, and a flash of a smile, "Meh. It happens, whatcha gonna do, right?" A half shrug and she takes another bite of the corn, enjoying the taste and bit of heat on the Tiingilar that's on that Mandalorian Street Corn. She gives the sort of tap-tap-tap of he hand to the back of the other in the form of applause for Roan's bit of athletics almost gone wrong... Whatcha gonna do? Hands are full!
"Oh yeah? Lorelle's of Coruscant? Huh! You know, I know another person who recommended that place. Go figure." Sira's mouth pulls a bit to the side. "I'll have to go take a look. Thanks for the recommendation, and it's good to hear about Kast. Enjoy the Festival, yeah?" She flashes another smile and starts to move away.
The person at the booth watches Zena go through the rifles. A bit of a frown crosses her face as she seems to know what's going on, "None of them are rigged. We don't do that /here/ at least." She glances back toward the targets, "Five shots. Hit all five and you win a satchel. Three gets you a pouch." She points behind her to the prizes.
Pax Dredic's large hand falls on Roan's hip, helpfully steadying her. His hand stays there for more than a moment longer than strictly necessary to lend a helping hand. The little drek-eating grin on his face grows some, and he offers to the woman, "Well. I suppose there's better things to do tonight than swim, anyhow. I doubt any of them will be disappointing in the slightest." Finally? His hand drops away from her hip. About as subtle as a hammer, he still manages to give the woman an amused and compelling grin before looking back to Sira.
"Do I have you to thank for all these games of skill and chance? Gotta say. I'm kind of looking forward to showing off my skills."
Roan looks caught in the tractor beams when Pax plants his hand on her, and she stammers a bit as she finds her way around words. "Um, I'm sure there are..." Smoothing down her skirt on both sides reflexively, Roan twists one way, then the other, looking around to keep from looking directly at Pax. "I apologize for never actually giving you a ring on the holo... Busy, you know." Still blushing. Still avoiding eye contact. Hands going behind her back, Roan dips into a bit of a sort of bow, "You've been...well, I suppose?" Yeah, she's not great at this.
"You're not people. I'm convinced of it," Ben tells Hani, and then he shrugs. "Nothing's wrong with games. Unless they involve me losing all of my credits, like I tend to do with Sabacc." He sighs, unholstering the blaster he wears on his hip. "Well, might's well, I guess. Here, Five, hold this." Relor hands over his blue milk to Five, who takes it with a manipulator arm and an indignant bleep. Hey, if being a drink server was good enough for R2, Five can hold Ben's drink for a minute.
Meanwhile, Ben aims for one of the targets, tongue sticking slightly out of the corner of his mouth as he goes for it. Not drunk enough yet for this to go badly...or not drunk enough or it to go well? Either way.
"With such a fearsome and gallant force arrayed against it, one I am deeply honored to fight alongside... I cannot help but feel sorry for the droid," Navi observes impishly, moving to join Sinya and Poppi. "I am Navi, of Clan Kryze and the Revivers. We shall march to glorious battle with our metal nemesis."
She moves with the pair as they rush for the trees. One hand supports her shoulderbag, with the other free for any action that may be needed. Are they supposed to tag the droid? She quietly makes plans to stay to the rear if anyone tackles the droid. Let the kids be heroes, right?
Prism offers a wave back to Azzy and begins to head over towards where she is lingering. She looks around as she approaches, ever on guard and causes, even at festivals it seems. A soft smile is given as she says, "Hey, sure are a lot of people out here." Her hand reaching up to rub on the back of her next as she turns to keep and eye on the crowd as she talks to Azora
Sira gives a shake of her head as she calls back to Pax, "Newp! I don't arrange these things. I'm just here for the fun." She gives another wave of her corn before she takes another bite, turning just in time to see some kids running for the treeline. Her head tilting to the side as she spots someone leading them. Her eyebrows furrow and she tilts her head to the other side... she thinks she knows that staff wield person, and she /KNOWS/ that's Navi following along with them.
"Huh." Her mouth pulls off to the side as she blinks in a bit of surprise before turning and almost running into Bizz. "Oop! Sorry about - Hey! I remember you from the races!" She takes another bite of her street corn and a sip of her own kri'gee bitter as she eyes that mug. "Where did you find that mug? I gott ask."
Stopping the process of crowd watching, Kademir has to take a second to realize he's been asked a question. His helmet vox crackles to life. <"Harvest Festival of some sort."> He glances down to the Squamatan asking him the question. <"Didn't really celebrate it where I grew up."> The visor turns itself onto Prism. <"Ah. Troublemaker."> The tone sounds more amused than condemning.
Pax Dredic idly moves around Roan, from one side to the other, so as to get a better angle to talk to Sira. He glances to Roan briefly, then asks the Mandalorian woman, "So, I meant to ask, is there a specific reason for this festival? Carnival...? Thing?"
Appearing on the outskirt of the gatherum Hadrix comes, cigarra in the corner of his mouth and much of the right side of his face looking as if someone had put new skin over the bones... judging by how much more pale compared to his already pallid complexion it looks. Taking a moment to survey the area and those engaged in the varied activities.
Brow knit and looking at the various targets on display the big man's head cants to one side before he looks towards Gripper as the old ID-10 hovers at his shoulder.
"Want me to get you food?"
"Would you?" Al'Verde Kora actually making big eyes at the droid that moves as if she were rolling her optics.
"You're the best."
"Shut up, Hadrix."
The big man chortling as the droid starts off on her way and he towards where more of the Mando'ade have gathered up.
Azora looks to Prism at first, her unblinking eyes of pink staring at her. "Yes, it is a festival of some sort. A lot of Mandalorians..." she says, her words flat, except with a little bit of a hiss around the s sounds. Speaking of, she turns her eyes towards Kademir. "So it is not even a Mandalorian Life Day. I guess you are celebrating it now on..." Troublemaker? Tooka-eared Squamatan turns her eyes from Kade to Prism, and back again. "I don't really know her, officer," she says, in quick response.
Brother Bizz discards his gnawed-upon corn cob in a waste receptacle, along with his napkin full of cornbread crumbs. He takes one of his purple booma balls of Naboobian core matter out of his satchel and whangs it at the target. Doink! It hits. And he doesn't even spill his beer. To Cin'cirad he says, "Oh uh, I think they sell them near Oga's Cantina. It will look quite handsome in my ship's galley. The legendary Mythosaur! They say Mangolorians used to ride these babies for kilometers."
The final charge of the Resistance was on, Team Alpha and Team Bravo flooding the park with the fearsome footfalls of at least fifteen children, and two adults! "They will write songs about us!" One of the dusty blonde haired children shouted in a squeaky voice, as he tripped over an exposed tree root, and face planted in a puddle of moist mud from last night's rain storm.
The rest of the children, and two adults, rush onward, passing through the treeline where the target was said to be hiding!
As the two teams converge, they indeed find a droid hiding behind said large tree's trunk.
A small Wheel of a Scout droid, with a cone head that swivels to his right when one team of Resistance fighters arrive, then to the other side when the other team arrives.
The Wheel droid rolls backward, and as he moves a little silver toy lightsaber hangs from the side of his chassi, jingling and jiggling against his wheel, as he shouts in a robotic voice, laced with a nervous energy. "Down with the Re-re-re-resistance!"
All the children begin tossing colorful powder balls at the droid, most of them smacking against the ground, and completely missing, while a few actually do score hits, causing Dio to roll side to side. "Ow, o-o-ow! Ouch! He-hey!"
Dio rolls backward, and falls over on to his side. Defeated.
Rey arrives, holding her combat staff up in the air. "The Resistance has survived another day! We are heroes for life!" The children all throw up their hands, and cheer loudly. Rey smiles brightly toward them, before she looks toward Navi, and nods once toward her. "Your service will be remem---"
Rey is hit on her chest by a bright yellow powder ball, it smacking against her form, and leaving a dusty yellow splotch on her tunic. She looks down at it, before she dramatically falls over on the grass, her combat staff rolling from her hand...
One child stands up, dressed in black. "I am the Dark Lord!" He says, his hand coated in a yellow dust.
"You never can be too careful," Zena says with a shrug. "Lots of places cheat like Sith." She settles herself, taking aim. It's a bit different without her helmet on, but she doesn't use a targeting computer anyway. Honestly, she makes it look easy. Five trigger pulls, five -PINGS- of impact. She sets the gun down, straightening.
"That felt almost unfair," she says, accepting her prize. "Maybe I'll adopt a real Nexu," she says as she slings the bag over her shoulder.
Now, to find booze.
Sumi is near a cooking fire, seated on a fold out chair that is threatening to break under the weight of her and her armor. She uses a small shields which she rocks back and forth, occasionally casting spices over it, or dumping some sort of liquid to create a loud sizzle. Whatever she was cooking smelled good at least.
Roan sloooowly starts to sidestep away from Pax and Sira when one addresses the other. But just as she's about to make her skillful exit, something Pax says or does makes Roan gawk at him. Just...dumbfounded! And she's just not ever going to be able to stop blushing, is she? But, regardless of whatever he said, Roan wanders off with a lazy swish of skirt and shirt knot, not deigning to answer.
But Roan doesn't seem annoyed for long as she passes a target practice game, eyeing the prizes with envy... She motions to the carny for a gun, plants her boots apart, and straightens up, hips locked in. She aims...
Hani has wandered off and as promised, she's gotten herself street corn. Snacks! She's also found herself a landscaping rock to settle on with her treat and get to just watch the rampaging chaos. A drink too, one of the non alcoholic ones, and she just .. watches. Children, adults. Sumi cooking, as expected, and people shooting the snot out of targets.
The call of a young voice declaring themselves to be 'The Dark Lord!" draws Hani's attention, and she manages to hide her snicker behind her corn on a stick.
Asinis wanders through the celebration, hands in his pockets, green eyes drifting over the sights and sounds around him. He moves at an easy pace, pausing here and there to watch as a game is played, the hum of laughter and conversation rolling past. A slight smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, whether at the players' skill or the sheer chaos of it all is hard to tell, before he continues on, blending back into the flow of the crowd.
Roan slumps a bit when her shot goes wide. Credits down the drain.
Ben chuckles as Bizz makes the target, giving him a little smattering of applause. Cigarette dangling, he takes out his blaster, aims it at the target, and -- nothing. "Dank farrik," he mutters, reaching into his belt to reload the damn thing before taking aim once again. Aaaaaaand...the first time, he misses. "This game is rigged!" Better try the other target...okay, that one goes a lot better. Relor hits it, and Five whirrs and beeps and flashes his lights in celebration.
When Ben gathers up his prize, he's surprised to find that it's a pouch decorated like a mynock -- the mouth is the opening. With a 'heh!' he shows it off to Five, then watches as Roan misses. He chuckles, shaking his head. "Better luck next time."
Prism offers a nod to Azzy as she says, "Never really been to these sorts of things before. I don't even know where I would start." Then she looks to Kade in his suit and utters, "I am not...Why tell such lies?" Her arms folding across her chest as she feigns a pout as she looks to the armored up Kade.
A variety of bells go off as yet more people win some of the contests. The coaster zipping about before emptying out and some of the children that Bizz is watching over are let on. The countdown beeps of '3', '2', '1', and it SHOOTS off toward along with the squeal and shriek of people as it barrels toward the large protrusion. Twisting and zipping along as it curves and shoots off all the same.
"Hah! I, uh, think the ones that they used to ride might be a bit bigger than that." Sira comments to Bizz, her head giving a bit of a shake as she grins and takes another bite of the corn, "Oga's Cantina huh? I might have to swing by and grap some then. - Hey! Nice throw by the way." She looks toward the target he hit and nods her head a bit, "Enjoy the festival, yeah?"
Turning she makes her way along and just about runs her way into Zena. Hooking one arm into hers, she's moving along toward the food section as well. She could use some meat... and something smells really good. "Hey there, Zena. Fancy meeting you." She takes another bite of the corn before tossing it away and holding up what's left of her beer for the other Mando woman as she's taking her in the direction of.
"OH! Sumi! Hi!"
Pax Dredic grins to Sira. "I'll see you later. Gotta see a man about a rancor." He looks thoroughly amused, watching Roan walk over and start in on a target. A nod is given to the Mandalorian woman, and he moves up the the long counter where Roan just shot. He glances over. "Fancy seeing you here, Captain."
Blinking over at Pax, Roan's eyes widen at the title. Then she frowns. "Ah... I see." Frowning, she spins the gun and hands it back to the carny operator. Folding her arms, Roan's hips tilt to the side. "...Should I just leave, then?" She seems a little self-conscious now, glancing to see who might have heard that.
Ben glances between Roan and Pax and just snorts. He wanders away, downing the rest of his spiked blue milk, taking in the sighs and sounds until he ends up somewhere near Azora and Prism. "You guys gonna try your luck at the games? You can win stupid shavit like this." He calls it stupid, but he's grinning as he holds up the mynock pouch, waggling it around.
Navi hastily pauses to help the fallen child to his feet. "I will not abandon you, Brother," she says, passing him a cloth with which to wipe his face, and he gratefully passes her two of his small supply of powder balls. But it's not until they encounter the droid that she realizes just what she's supposed to do with them, and by then the battle seems to be over!
At least the kids got to be heroes! She lifts a hand in celebration with Rey. "A glorious victory! Let our names be remembered in joyous song and..."
And then Rey is splatted by a powder ball and goes down dramatically. It's a moment of shocked silenc for her before she realizes this is part of the game, and raises her hand over her head. "We are betrayed! Avenge our brave Commander, Soldiers of the Resistance! Oyaaaaa!" Handing off one powder ball to the nearest child, she tosses the other at the 'Dark Lord'!
Prism looks to Ben as she says, "I mean.. I could try but if it is a whole bring your own weapon, I am out of luck in that regard."
Pax Dredic's hand drops to his drop holster is a blur of motion, and Roan is treated to what sounds like a lightning bolt splitting a tree five feet away. The concussive blast of the handgun fills the area with sound that is felt as much as heard.
And the results of the shot are equally ridiculous. The target, 10 meters away, basically explodes as it is hit dead center bullseye. It's a good shot.
He looks over to Roan, the poodoo-eating smile on his face growing a little larger. "Looks like I win. YOU, though, win a stuffie."
Roan shakes her head at Pax with a light rock of her tied flannel shirt. "I want that one." She points over at Hadrix, smirking a bit at Pax. "Kitty." Folding her arms once more, she tilts her hips the other way, defiantly standing her ground.
The 'Dark Lord' child is hit from Navi's powder ball, leaving a red puff of smoke in the air in front of him, and a big crimson splotch on his baggy black robes. He hunkers over, and clutches his stomach, his hood falling back over his eyes. "Ugh, was there a rock in that thing?" He groans out, before some of the other children begin pelting him with their own powder balls. The 'Dark Lord' is defeated, and falls to the ground, crawling his way toward Dio. "Give me the secret plans, D-Zero!" He tries to urge the droid.
A chubby devaronian child comes up behind the 'Dark Lord' and pelts him with a green powder ball right on his bottom!
"Ow." The 'Dark Lord' says, before he makes a noise, emulating the throws of death and demise. The children shout in victory once more, with powder balls being tossed aimlessly in to the air on the edge of the park.
Sinya, a little blonde haired girl, leans down beside Rey, declaring that SHE is the medic, and that SHE is healing General Rey. She scans her hands over the fallen General, before she just lightly smacks her forehead, and shouts 'Healed!'
Rey twitches when she's slapped, and opens her eyes. She begins laughing openly, before glaring at Sinya. "that is not how you heal someone!" She exclaimed, before she reached for Sinya, who jumped up and yelped, as she began to run away, laughing too.
The little target goes zipping off and Hadrix frowns a little deeper, stepping towards one of the carnival games. Jaw working to roll the cigarra from one side of his mouth to the other and he looks over the choice of faux weapons, right eye turning this way and that as if looking for gripper before he lifts one of the rifles up.
"... near yon pure crystal fountain... and on it I will pile... all the trophies from the desert. Will ye go, verda, go...?"
Apparently a tune stuck in his head... Shouldering firing in a snap shot that results in a 'DING' of contact.
"... If our Alor truly were gone, we'd surely raise another. To lead the Grand Crusade..." Smoke curling out of his nostrils as he gives a nod, setting the rifle back down and blinking when a tooka cat is shoved into his hands and there's a momentary pause where he is looking down at the plush and actually holds it against his chest, cigarra drooping slightly, before he moves off.
Ben shrugs a shoulder. "I can lend you one if you want," he tells Prism. "You just hafta give it back. But you don't hafta use a blaster -- you can use anything. Something else you like fighting with more? Use that."
Zena is in a fantastic mood with her cute new sack. She can fit so much stuff in there. Like ammo and snacks! The important things when you're out in the field doing WAR.
When Sira shows up, her eyes seem to go even brighter, though she laughs. "Isn't this kind of backwards? I'm the one usually in armor most of the time." Regardless, the other woman is hugged fiercely before arms are linked, and they walk.
Zena, of course, drinks the beer.
"Shoulda smuggled my flask in here," she whispers conspiratorially as the end up by Sumi. "Oh, hey. I think I might have something you're looking for, Sumi."
Pax Dredic sighs, rolls his eyes to Roan, and then the gun whirls, another thunderously load explosion fills the air, and Roan is possibly deafened forever. The casual expertise with which he plugs a second target is making it clear that it's not luck.
The guy running the stall, though, is less amused. He scowls, puts a finger in one ear like he's trying to restore his hearing, and then points at Pax.
"Enough! Here! Take yer damned Hello Nexu stuffie!" He comes over, deposits the thing between Roan and Pax, and then wanders off. "Get out of my stall!"^
He looks over to Roan, then, and nods to the stuffed, cartoonish Hello Nexu kitty stuffie. "Fine. You know how much I /charge/ people for that kind of shooting, Captain?"
Hani cleans her fingers off as she pushes off from her rock. She smirks as she watches the blonde hair girl 'heal' General Rey with a smack on the forehead. There's a firm nod as she passes. "Looks right for healing to me." So says the Mando combat medic.
Hani has been drawn in by the shooting game and she comes up to where everyone else has been getting cute satchels and pouches. She watches for a while and then reaches for one of the pistols. She might be the medic, but she's still a Mando.
Hani laughs as she's offered a Gorg pouch for her efforts and she laughs. "Oh my goodness.. this is fairly adorable."
Prism shifts on her feet as she says, "I mean.. I wouldn't keep your gun, it isn't mine. But.. I guess I could give it a shot." She glances back at the range before looking back to Ben.
Pax Dredic resets the safety on his Modified "Enforcer" 48 - 26135, sliding the slugthrower back down into its holster.
Roan goes from amused to deaf in zero flat, and her expression doesn't improve when the carny caves to Pax's 'alternative solution'. The Coruscanti girl rolls her eyes and sighs. "Fine, we'll talk later..." She shakes her head a bit to get the ringing out. "Though it *was* amusing to see you back away from challenging..." She motions at Hadrix's back. "...That guy so quickly. Seems dangerous!"
Sira lets out a bit of a chuckle, "Yes. Yes it is. Well, some of the time?" She gives a crinkle to her nose and bumps her hip lightly into Zena's as they make their way toward Sumi and her make-shift stall of cooking. "Sumi! That smells delicious. What in the world are you cooking up?" An unhook of the arm and she moves around the 'grill' to give her 'battle sister' a hug with one arm and off to the side so she's not getting too in the way. Best not disturb the cook too much.
Looking over, she sees the rather loud commotion brought on by Pax using a rather larger boom-stick, her mouth pulling off to the side and she gives a half-shrug, people-will-people. Thne the eyes are looking around to spot Hani getting a gorg. And then... Hadrix hugging a Tooka satchel-plushie. That makes her do a double take and a head tilt. Of course the sounds from the trees not far away, calling out of Dark Lords and healing of the woman laying on the ground net her a bit of a half-smile.
It is definitely... a Festival.
"I think she wants you to walk it off, Commander," Navi offers, shaking her head and grinning as Rey stands and chases after Sirya. She looks to her fellow 'soldiers' and raises a hand above her head. "We were fortunate today. The Force and our ancestors smiled upon us. Our enemies have fallen, and our brave Commander yet lives. But there will be other battles. Remember your training, stand together with your friends and your fellow soldiers, and you will win."
She finally breaks kayfabe and moves to right the wheel droid, and help the 'Dark Lord' to his feet. "I hope you are both unhurt? If you are, you should get cleaned up. There's a lot more festival out there to enjoy."
Asinis continues moving through, hands still in his pockets, his pace unhurried. Spotting Roan, he shifts course slightly, heading her way, but doesn?t stop. If she catches his eye, he offers a small nod in passing, then carries on, gaze drifting as he takes in the celebration with quiet curiosity.
She dumps the rice in, the butter too, and the food begins to sizzle really loud. She uses her gloved hand to move the shield about, reaching with her other to scrape the contents and mix it all together. Veggies with onions and some dark sauce bring out a lot of flavors and good smells. Some of the Mando kids have come with bowls in their hands eager to try.
Sumi has her helm off, so it's easy to see her smile. As the heat dies down a bit, she nods to the first young lady and says, "Hold your bowl out, but don't eat it yet. It's reallllly hot. Ready?" Scooooop! On to the next bowl!
When Sira calls out, Sumi yells back "Nerf fried rice! -- More butter, more better," She claims getting a few chuckles.
The gunfire from Pax doesn't even draw a flinch as the big man makes his way towards Sumi, a heavily modified revolver of his own hung in a Morellian Cavalry Draw. Hadrix nods as he approaches the much smaller member of Kora, lifting up the satchel as he nears,
"Sumi'ika'Alor... as'ba ru'Sprite." It looks like Sprite did. A somewhat sheepish look towards Sira as well, while Al'Verde Kora seems to have taken a particular affection for the stuffy.
Sidling up to look at what she is cooking even when a platter of various roasted items are shoved towards him so that he has to use one hand to hold it, and then look to the Tooka satchel... then the food.
Rey chased Sinya around the trunk of the largest tree that Dio had been hiding behind, before Sinya broke off and went racing back toward the food, with the other children who had undoubtedly worked up an appetite by now. With a heavy sigh, Rey placed a hand on her hip, and smirked toward the passing Hani. "Perhaps you're right. It was effective, in the end." She stated.
Dio was back up, spinning around several times to shake off the powdery colored dust. He raised his cone-head up to look at Navi. "Th-thank you." He stated, before he zoomed off after the children.
The 'Dark Lord' was up quite easily too, pulling his black cloak off his shoulders, his hair a mess and colored powder strewn across his face. "I'm gonna go get a bantha burger." He grumbled.
Rey crouched to retrieve her combat staff, and smiled to the 'Dark Lord' on his way by. "Good work out there, tomic. I'll make sure they write those songs."
When Rey looks to Navi, she offers her a big grin, and a little shrug of one shoulder. "We won today... But the battle rages on..." She said, her skin a bit shined by the exersion of her playing around. "Thanks for the help." She stated, offering Navi a hand to shake. "It's always nice to have help with these major battles."
Roan beams as she hugs her Bantha satchel, twisting about to put it on. It puts a bit of a strain on her tied flannel shirt, but it's totally worth it once she adjusts the straps. She twirls about, acting like a Core World school student, and not caring one Whill about it.
"You're both very welcome. Eat well!" Navi calls softly after Tomic and Dio. And when Rey offers her hand, she accepts it warmly. "I was glad to. I can't remember how long it's been since I participated in such a glorious battle with such worthy allies."
She glances down at her hand as she releases the handclasp, wincing faintly as she sees red powder dust on her palm. "Sorry... I forgot I had the powder ball in that hand. And I forgot to ask your name, too... perhaps I forgot my manners in the thrill of battle."
"Cute," Sumi replies to Hadrix. She scrapes out some of the contents from the shield and puts it in a bowl for him to eat from. He's given a pair of chopsticks, and she gestures toward the nearby zesty sauce, if it was something he desired. There were also other spicy options.
Sumi was nearing the bottom of the shield and it was about time to start the next batch. A lot of the kids got plenty to eat though!
Rey shook the Mandalorian's hand, though some part of her was still on-edge around the warrior people. Times have changed, though, and she's met many of them who are nothing but helpful and kind hearted people. Still, when the question was asked, Rey glanced back toward the interior of the fair, and could feel a number of tendrils on the Force, that suggested she was not entirely surrounded by friendly people.
She also had one of the most recognizable faces in the galaxy, with a bounty on her head that was... sizable.
"Blue." She had to say back to Navi. "Name is Blue. Happy to get the chance to fight alongside you, Navi." She stated, showing another faint grin, as she glanced at her red powedered hand. "It's fine. I'm a right mess as is..." She stated, glancing down at herself. "Probably about time for me to go get cleaned up, in fact."
She raised her eyes back up to the other's, and nodded once toward Navi. "Call out for Blue, should the enemy rise again. I'll see about paying you back." She stated, yet still letting a grin tug at the corners of her lips, as she shifted her combat staff around to serve as a walking aid.
Pax Dredic watches as Roan moves off, and he laughs to himself as he pulls a datapad out and jots something down. He looks pleased with himself, for whatever reason. And then he moves to Hani, moving up into her area with precisely ZERO regard for anyone nearby. The bag of fried corn in his hand wafts its delicious smell up into Hani's nostrils as he sets it in front of her with a knowing smirk.
Looping one of the shoulder straps over his arm so as to be able to use his other hand, Hadrix's know knits at the chopsticks. Staring at them before carefully placing them on his platter so that they don't go rolling and bounce out on the ground, a spoon pulled from a range pouch on his belt, stuffed into the mixture and then he goes for the spicey sauces.
Giving another nod to Sira and turning to look out at he festivities as he continues be a savage, forgoing his spoon in favor of dunking his corn into the mix Sumi has served up to him, gnawing off a healthy, mixed bite, and managing to chew with his 'gar still hanging out of the side of his mouth.
"A lot of aruetii for a gathering of the verda..." gaze flicking from face to face and offering nods to any who meet his gaze.
A chuckle as Sira shakes her head and gives a shrug, "Eh, I have a real one back on the ship. I'm sure she's terrorzing one of the droids as we speak. But I like your Tooka Satchel." She takes her own bowl from Sumi's offerings, and bumps her shoulder lightly into Sumi's, "It looks fantastic." She moves around to Zena again, "Make sure to get some of it too, Sumi's an excellent cook."
Sira starts her way off toward where she last saw Navi, using the chopsticks to eat the rice on the go. Her eyes scanning around till she spots her friend. "Oh hey! Navi, fancy seeing you here." The eys flick to Rey and she arches an eyebrow before looking back to Navi, "Play any of the games yet? Either of you really?" She nods her head to Rey to mean she was referring to her as well.
"Oooh." Hani looks at the bag of fried corn and then up at Pax as he arrives next to her. "I won a pouch." She seems pleased with herself as she reaches in to get herself a handful of his snack. "Where's your pretty girl?" She looks over to where Roan had been and then back up to Pax. She waves to Hadrix as he looks aorund, offering him a quiet smile before turning her attention back to Pax.
Ben happened to be looking Hadrix's way, and he nods back at him. He wanders in that direction, Five trailing along after him. "Yo, Hadrix. So this is how Mandos party, huh?" A glance over at the grav-coaster. "I wasn't expecting rides, I gotta say."
"I shall remember, Blue. Until we meet again," Navi replies earnestly. "And I hope you enjoy the rest of the festival. I think I shall look in on the shooting galleries."
Sira finds her before she can take her leave. "Hello again, Sira. I've been busy with great and glorious battle against fearsome foes. Have you met Blue?" she replies, smiling and gensturing to Rey. "She let me join her brave army. Blue, this is Sira, a dear friend and sister in arms."
Prism sighs softly and just slips away as Ben get distracted and begins to wander through the festival, glancing over to the hard target and just leaning on a structure nearby to just silently watch.
Pax Dredic holds up his datapad to Hani, shows her something, and then smiles very widely indeed. "Mission success." The datapad is snapped back over the forearm of his jumpsuit. "That corn is incredible. I've already eaten two bags of it." Watching Hani's face, he asks, "Did you fly out here on the Coin?"
Asinis his path carries him near the crowd gathered around the shooting range. He lingers for a moment, watching as one shot after another rings out. After a brief glance at whoever?s overseeing the game, he asks casually if shooting is required. Once assured it isn?t, he waits his turn, then steps up. Without much fanfare, he squares up and drives a punch into the target, the sound of the impact solid and satisfying.
The wheel-bodied Scout Droid rolled over to Rey's feet, and began rapidly moving in circles around her, as though he were the first place driver in an intense 1-man pod-race. Rey, seemingly oblivious to her own droid's antics at her feet, nodded once toward Navi, and was about to speak when Cin arrived. She looked between the two of them, her chin covered in a bit of yellow powder, as was her tunic doused in it across her chest and stomach. "I haven't." Rey answered Cin, showing a hint of a grin. "I have to be on my way, in fact... But, if I have the time, and the fair is still ongoing, I may return after... Well, after I get cleaned up and finish with a meeting."
She had dimples form on the corners of her cheeks, as she smiled toward them both, her loose strands of hair framing her face fluttering in the wind, causing her crimson powdered hand to stroke them out of her eyes. "I hope you win big, though. Shoot true and straight..." She stated, her voice soft, but sincere, warm and meant to be kind.
"Come on, D. Lets go see if this powdered washes off, or if the salesman lied to us..."
Dio suddenly stopped, his body covered in all manner of powdered colors, his conical head looking up to Rey. "am I like this for-forever?" He asked, wheeling beside Rey as she began to walk, her combat staff at her side.
"Maybe we both are." Rey replied.
Hani smirks a little and goes back to eating corn. "Good job." She notes to him and then nods. "Of course I did. It's a very long walk from Nar Shadaa to Batuu." She looks up at him. "Why?" She lets her gaze flicker out over the crowds of people a moment and then back up to Pax at her question to him.
A sidelong look when Relor approaches, brow ticking up slightly and after swallowing he notes, "In opposition of your assertions that we're all, apparently, glory seekers with invulnerability complexes..." Eyes narrowing minutely while they remain focused on the little man, "We're a people, just the same."
Hadrix dunks his corn once more to scoop up more rice, taking a spiced bite and exhaling curiously 'tingly' smoke in the direction of whom he addresses through his nostrils.
Gripper, meanwhile, floats to hover just above his right shoulder. Notably quiet for the moment.
Released, Zena sniffs the air. "Yeah, that does smell good," she says. "Too bad I gorged myself on sugar already." Someone needs to mind this girl's nutrition. She won't be fit for battle if all of her intake is sweets, junk food, and booze.
"It is nice to remember that life isn't all clandestine missions and violence."
Sira's eyes flick to Rey again, and she nods her head, "Yeah, I've met Blue before. Though it's a been a while. Once on Nar, and another at a different sort of event I guess you could say. Not as much cheer, but thankfully not one with shooting." Sira looks back toward Navi then and flashes a smile. "How have you been Navi?" She uses the sticks to eat a bit more of the rice in the interim. A little nod of her head.
"Oh? Brave army?" Another bite of the rice, "By the way, that aside, Sumi is cooking up some rice. She's quite the cook." She jerks her head back in that direction, "Plus all the other stalls. Quite delicious." She gives a little wave with the hand holding the chopsticks, "Good seeing you again, Blue." And with Navi also making her way off, Sira finds her walk in the direction of Prism while eating still from her bowl - even if it is almost empty.
Pax Dredic mmms, softly. He looks over to Hani, something about the way he looks at her significant. "I wanted to do that thing we talked about, last time we flew out to Cantonica." He pauses. "I'm curious how that would go." He turns, casually, and snatches a piece of fried corn from Hani's bag, and pops it in his mouth as he talks.
Relor's brow furrows as he gets another cigarette out of his jacket. "I don't think that about you all. I think you're some of the bravest people I know. You just have a bit of an unfair advantage over the rest of us. And I ain't talkin' the armor, either. Your culture just makes you better-than-average warriors.
Brow still furrowed, he attempts something like a smile. The contrast fits the situation, somehow. "Did I put my foot in my mouth again? I kinda, uh. Do that a lot." Five warbles in clear agreement of that fact.
Hani nods to the data pad. "I think you have a prior engagement." She points out as she munches on more fried corn out of what seems to have become a shared bag of the treat. Her tone is casual, a half smile touching her lips. "Punctuality is important."
"I've been well, overall. I remember Sumi's cooking from the beach party, so I'll definitely make time to stop by after the shooting. Take care, you two. Until we meet again," Navi replies to "Blue" and Sira, making her way over to the shooting gallery.
She pauses to watch the shooting, since the line for the gallery is long, and by chance she finds herself standing near Prism's resting place. "I hope I can shoot half as well as some of this crowd," she muses.
Pax Dredic smiles to Hani. "Believe it or not? That would get lower priority." He nods to the datapad. "You know my feelings on the matter." His grin is sudden, wide, and wolfish.
More butter, more better she had said, and it was the first thing she put in with mushrooms and onions. The sizzle is real. The last bits of the nerf fried rice were scooped out for Sira, who had bumped Sumi's shoulder and complimented the work. Sumi just grinned; she never really handled compliments that well and preferred to live beneath the shadow of humility. When she went on to praise the rice to Zena, Sumi turned her head to share a look with Hadrix. She needn't say it for him to understand the body language. She agreed with the comment, though.
With onions cooking, she dumped the next bit of rice in and started the scraping and shoveling in the shield. She seemed to just enjoy cooking this way as it reminded her of times on the hunt, just the fire, the wilderness, and possibilities!
"Really?" Hani looks up at Pax, her expression full of skeptical. "That seems like a one off opportuity, versus something that isn't going anywhere." She reaches for more corn and then looks over to Pax again and flickers a smile. "It's okay."
"I hear all. I see all. On the Kyr'am Ra Kote especially..."
The droid floating by Hadrix's head pointedly turns her multiple red optics on Ben. Another bite taken and chewed slowly while he looks down at Relor with one brow faintly raised up over the bionic eye, balor glow tinting the flesh around it crimson. Another draw on the cigarra is held and his demeanor shifts, if faintly, that his hackles seem to lower but the predator's assessment on the other remains.
"Every being gets one... The next time you decide to spout off insults about my vod... you'll find out how much of my fist is metal without the gauntlets, tayli'bac?"
A look towards Sumi, a slight tick of his head and faint movement at the corner of his mouth before he speaks to Ben once more. "Now try some of Sumi'alor's cooking, or she'll be offended, 'lek?"
Pax Dredic grins to Hani, and takes one of her tasty fried fried-corn treats. The grin turns into a wide smile. "Damned right that opportunity's going nowhere. I have plenty of ammo and the will to use it."
Roan slides her Sonn-Blas SE-44c Blaster Pistol - Executive Order out of its holster, bringing the weapon to bear.
Roan flicks the safety into place on her Sonn-Blas SE-44c Blaster Pistol - Executive Order, sliding the weapon away.
Asinis accepts his prize for the first target with a small nod, tucking it away without much fuss. After a glance at the harder target, he decides to try his luck, slipping back into line. When his turn comes, he steps up again, steady and deliberate, and drives another punch into the tougher mark. Stepping back, he waits, eyes on the attendant to see if it's enough to claim the grand prize.
Roan has retreated somewhere quieter--near some folk band of mandos using ancient instruments. She's nodding along, moving her hips in time, but not really square dancing like some.
Funny how Sira ends up walking over and stopping at pretty much the same point. In fact, she does a double take at first - seeing Navi once again near her. "Huh!" Sira lets out a bit of a chuckle as she flashes a smile to Navi, "We go our separate ways and wind up together again. Waiting in line for the shooting?" Sira raises her eyebrows as she glances to the line and then back toward Prism.
Sira always did enjoy Sumi's cooking, so she's busy stuffing her face with the last few bites with the click of chopsticks on the bottom of the bowl before she finishes with a sigh. "She's such a good cook." A flicker of a smile, as she looks to Prism, "So! Here as a friend, just enjoying the frivolities, or maybe Clan less?" Her eyebrows come up.
Relor sighs, shifting from side to side. "Listen, man. No offense was intended. I just run my mouth sometimes. It gets me into trouble." He looks like it might be physically paining him to say this, but he says it anyway: "I'm sorry."
At Hadrix's entreaty, he turns to sniff over at Sumi and her cooking. "Oh, sure. I mean, if she wants me to have some. What kind of meat's that, Sumi?" Five turns his dome and bleeps at Ben, something very try about how he's proud of him. Relor makes a face at the little droid.
Prism glances towards Navi with her mismatched eyes before she comments, "Everyone will beat me. I don't have a gun. The ones I keep looking for are never in stock. And I am not really made of a lot and I already owe for a loan so I can't really... just settle. If I plan to delay paying back my loan, it isn't going to be for just anything that can shoot something." She looks to Sira as she says, "Clan less? Oh I don't have one no. I'm an orphan. No one wanted me, so no clan." She might be misunderstanding a bit.
"You're incorriable." Hani notes to Pax as she watches his grin shift to a wide smile and she leans up to settle a kiss on his cheek. Utter fondness is evident in the action, and long familiarity.
That definitely net a furrow of her brows from Sira as Prism said she's an orphan, along with a tilt of her head. "Oh, uh, okay! Probably friend or enjoying the frivolities then." A flicker of a smile, "Clan less is a reference to some Mandalorians who don't have a clan for one reason or another." She looks toward the line that Navi is probably standing in as well, and she jerks her head in that direction.
"You don't need to have a weapon. They're games. Really, you're supposed to be using the ones they have up there. Though... some people didn't." She flicks her eyes toward where she saw Pax last for a moment, then back to Prism. "And there's all sorts. Throwing games, punching, shooting. Just pick what you think you'd do best at."
"The stalls have rifles you can use," Navi offers to Prism, gently. "They're not top quality stuff, but adequate for a gallery." Sira's arrival is met with a smile. "We meet again. And yes, I am. I may be waiting a while. The gallery seems most popular."
"Cin vhetin, jag'ika." Following Ben with his gaze when he steps towards Sumi, nodding towards the food as he addresses her with a notable shift in tone, respectful if familiar, "Sum'ika, gotal'u'val majyc'janad'shya... haran'ast"
A corner of Hadrix's mouth comes up as he speaks to her, then quiets to resume the most important thing. Eating. Gripper just hovers bobbing as if she were speaking and the big man's head gives a faint nod after the glowing light of his bionic flickers rapidly.
Pax Dredic grins at the kiss, his smile nearly angelic. Clear, pure fondness appears on his face, and he reaches over to pat her cheek. "I'm headed back to Unbreakable. If you stop by, bring more of that fried corn, or I'll change the codes on you." He grins, leans over, and kisses the woman's forehead. "Talk to you later, be safe."
Navi takes up one of the gallery guns as she finally reaches the front of the line. Several shots later, she returns to Sira and Prism, holding a nicely-sized pouch made from a cute animal plushie. "I won a prize! I'm not sure what sort of animal it is, but it's got stripes and it's really cute," she says, giving it a little hug.
"I'm headed back too." Hani confirms for Pax. "To the Unbreakable, or the Coin." She looks into the bag of fried corn. "Does the half bag we didnt finish get me on the Unbreakable or are you going to change the code on me?" She smiles at the kiss to her forehead.
Prism blushes softly as she looks to Sira and says, "Oh no, I um, I am not a Mandolarion. Just a friend of one but he had to run." She looks at the weapons mentioned and responds, "Oh, I didn't see the others and assumed it was a bring your own weapon situation. And pity that people didn't just use what is available to try and make it more even for all." She shrugs softly and says, "I may try something. I dunno." As Navi comes back over, she smiles at the prize.
Pax Dredic huh. "We'll discuss it while we walk. Come on." And, with that, he strolls out.
Sira laughs a bit, crinkling her nose with the smile as she looks at Navi hugging it, "I think... that's a Chitlik. Small creature, and they are quite cute. I thought the Bogling one was just as much so. Though, there was a Mynock one I saw that also was pretty great. A Bantha too that I just adored, had horns. Absolutely loved it." She holds the bowl and chopsticks in one hand as she glances to the lines,
"Looks like they're starting to finally settle down, if you wanna try your luck?" Sira jerks her head a bit toward the stalls, "Otherwise, c'mon over and say 'hi' to some of the others. There's some good cooking."
Zena got distracted by something shiny, wandering away from Sira for a moment.
"No, I'm not going to haggle with you! Just take my credits and give me my beers!"
It's a couple minutes later that the petite Mando rolls back up on Sira, holding out one of the beers.
It's in a Mythosaur mug.
She's sharp-eared enough to catch the end of it, frowning slightly. "In the hole and nothing to show for it? That's rough. What do you do?"
As the day eventually winds down, the lanterns turn on. The festival starting
up with its night time activities. From the grav-coaster (which is still
running), the event below almost looks like a time-lost scene of glowing
lights cast about haphazardly on the streets of some forgotten city. The only
difference being the random bright lights of a sign or the on-off of lights
amongst some of the games.
The cheers continue, though many of the children are being carried now. The mirth of the day carrying on even with the setting of the sun. Much like the festival's purpose of Harvest for the coming winter, the setting shifts to the more personal and less chaotic of the day. Many of the loud-sounds seeming muted or simply being turned off. Music plays, but the sound is less riotous. Firepits started and people gather about them.
It's a peaceful end to the brightness of the day and the settling of the night. Some of the stalls even closingdown and their employees running off to enjoy the rest of what's left of the evening.