
From Star Wars: Age of Alliances MUSH
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Title: None
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Occupation: Smuggler
Profession: Smuggler
Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
Organization: None


After the death of his father, he has been going from place to place working for whomever would hire him. For the last year he was working with a small crew, but they were split up in a botched job on Nar Shadda so here he is, looking for a new crew; or work in general. Some way to make the credits that get him closer and closer to his goal of a ship and freedom.

RP Hooks

  • Pilot
  • Starship Repair
  • Starship Modding
  • Trader/Smuggler


  • Rose - Mini Translator (Pink)
  • Red - R3-D9 (Red)