Alys Zapal
From Star Wars: Age of Alliances MUSH

Alys Zapal
Title: Acolyte
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Occupation: Acolyte of Shadows
Profession: Assassin
Homeworld: Coruscant
Organization: Sith Empire
Ship: Omen's Vigil
- Log:Death's Embrace
- Log:Sith: Dragonslayer
- Log:Log: Mygeeto Aftermath - Uncomfortable Questions
- Log:Sith: Landfall at Mygeeto
- Log:Sith: Here There Be Dragons: Part 2
- Log:Don't Be Suspicious
- Log:Sith Empire: A Wealth of Minerals
- Log:Yux: Squib on the beach
- Log:Sith Empire: Revanites
- Log:Rebellion: Hold the Line Pt. 3: Garden Ship
- Log:Sith Empire: Taking Control
- Log:Sith Empire: Knights or Nights
- Log:Sith Empire: Beneath a Demon Moon
- Log:Rebellion: Hold the Line Part II SFC Fight
- Log:Sith Empire: The Storm Above Onderon
- Log:Sith Empire: Training
- Log:Bloody Resonance
- Log:Something Wicked
- Log:Sith Empire: War Drums from the Deep
- Log:Sith Empire: Aggressive Negotiations
- Log:Sith Empire: Balosar Customs
- Log:Hutt Cartel: Emerald Entertainment
- Log:Sith: The Iron Fist
Alys Zapal is a fairly recent arrival to the Smuggler's Moon. She's often found wandering the streets, watching people and disappearing in a blink. Her occupation is a mystery, but her gaze is piercing and she moves like a hunting cat. Occasionally she can be spotted at one of the many bars on Nar Shaddaa, doing the same thing everyone else is and trying to forget her troubles. That dangerous glint never leaves her eyes, though.