Log:Sith Empire: Knights or Nights

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A festival for the Great Hunt

OOC Date: January 17. 2025
Location: Iziz, Onderon
Participants: Tytos Wrex, Alys Zapal, Roan, Qar-duun, Aryn Cortess

It is morning time, and the start of a large celebration. Natives say it is seasonal holiday focused on the selling of treasures from hunting. All hunting clans have returned to Iziz, and massive market tents have been erected everywhere, the canvas displaying the colors from the Onderonian Royal House, a subtle (or not so subtle) way of showing support to the Despot's Princess bride.

The Imperials have been invited by the Princess Thea to celebrate the Great Hunt's end. A private viewing of the affair from the palace has been organized and furnished with all manner of food and decorations. Only the most prestigious hunters have been invited to display their trophies here. Shields from an ancient age have also been placed atop fire pits, and meat from the game sizzles and cooks in spice and other ingredients, filling the air with mouth watering smells.

Nobles of varied houses are present in traditional grab, wrapped in what equates to togas with strappy sandals. Mandalorian guards occupy the large stone doorways.

Among the Imperial party arriving to the social affair is Darth Kalus. She has not gone 'native' by wearing one of the Onderonian garbs, but she is dressed as an Alderaanian with a swept cape that hangs diagonally across her torso, its clasp an electrum make that catches the light and shines. She wears a tunic, the colors white, green, and brown with tall cuffed boots and gloves over each hand. Her hair has been partially braided back, blonde accentuating just how pale she was. It may have been why Kalus was sticking to the shade to avoid the glare.

When the wind blows, the large canvas can be heard making lazy leathery flaps. It smells delicious, and there's ample booze. More importantly, hunters who have canvased the land might be eager to share the details of their hunt.. maybe some of them have ventured near the ruins the Imperials are so eager to study...

Roan has a plate with a half a slab of rare seasoned steak on it. Half, because half of it is already gone. She's in formal dress, with black tights, double-breasted, high-collared shirt, an over-the-shoulder cape, and a peaked Imperial cap. Some might call the look Commissar-chic in another time, another place.

Roan is also practically drooling over the rare wares from the jungle world. Ancient armor here, a giant skull there. She bends and twists and leans as she checks out the rare silks on offer as well. Here and there she goes, compelled by the Force to SHOP. Or, you know, just compelled in general.

Alys apparently only owns one outfit. Or rather, owns like thirty seven instances of the same outfit. It's a good outfit, after all. Though it's hard to see under the hooded robe she always seems to be wearing. It's good for movement, alright? You never know when you're going to have to dole out some violence.

Though at least this time it does seem like she's at least -participating-. Wandering around, looking at trophies. She picked up a local alcoholic beverage served in a hollowed out fruit.

This might be as chilled out as anyone has ever seen Alys.

Qar-duun mingles effortlessly among 'fellow hunters,' eating and drinking without fear as he trades stories and exaggerates 'catch-sizes' and 'threat-levels.' To hear his stories every enemy he's faced is a slavering rancor, and his wit and bravery were the only armament within arms'-reach! He works the crowd over the space of a few drinks, assembling a picture of their jungles for later use...

Tytos Wrex walks with a measured stride, creating a distinct cadence to his bootfalls. Those boots? Shined to perfection. His uniform? Fit, clean, and serviceable. The holster on his side? Occupied. His cap is worn within regulations without a scoundrel's lean one way or another. He's without a cloak, sash, or other fashionable accoutrement. The Imperial's back is kept straight and his chin raised while he appears to wear a perpetually stern expression. The cold exterior seems to shift aside when he does cross paths with one of the locals. Diplomacy dictates that he put his best foot forward, not for himself but for the Empire. He sends a nod of acknowledgement here and there, before moving along to seek out at least some form of casual and polite conversation amid the growing crowd.

Live music has begun, a combination of percussion and wooden tiles give it a tropical haven sound. Other instruments join in and a singer begins her foreign lyrics, a sultry voice accompanied with the jingling of a belly-dance. This, naturally, draws a lot of attention. Darth Kalus among them, watching from a distance and enjoying a chilled drink. A few nobles have come close to speak with her, but the trio seem more drawn to the belly dancer/singer.

Princess Thea arrives, but it is no common entrance. The squawk and screech of her flying beast echoes from the distance then darts across the sky. Flanked by two other beasts, they make their approach toward a jutting platform which is furthest from the entrance everyone else took to get here.

The beast is something of a dragon mixed with a bird, scaled and with feathers, a beaked face and horned cranium. It is fierce to behold. When it lands, the stone floor shakes. The beast strides forward, and Mandalorians draw arms, a muscle reflex. But the Princess pulls back on the reins and the clawed beasts scratches to a halt. Two others land beside her and they dismount, armored warriors likely part of Onderon's famous beast riders. The two beast riders usher their mounts to take flight and leave, then arrive near the Princess' larger one and offer hands to help her from her mount.

Thea accepts no help as she is lowered by the beast itself, using its wing. She steps off gingerly and smiles. Her beast turns to leave, taking a stride before leaping back into the air to fly away.

Thea announces, "Let the party.. BEGIN!" Followed by a loud roar and cheer.

Roan is not Force Sensitive. Ample testing has proven that. And yet, when Tytos Wrex approaches, the back of Roan's neck tingles, as if sensing an approaching threat. Straightening up from where she was practically bent in half examining a Mandalorian ritual knife *supposedly* from before the Old Sith Empire era, Roan whirls about to see the prim and proper Captain indeed approaching the festival.

But then Thea's grand entrance happens, and Roan is flustered away by the beating of wings! She practically stumbles into Alys, and Roan has to hold onto her cap to keep it from being blown away in the bird-wash!

Qar-duun uses the space society deems one afford Force-users, and/or Sith, to move freely about the hall. Neither hunger nor jungle-predator sense determines his path? The slow rhythm of ripples in the Force compel him to inspect the trophy-case, *snif-snif* as if to detect the strongest geewgaws?

Unlike the Captain, Alys -is- Force sensitive. She can feel the Princess coming, the noble's signature in the Force unique and strong. She looks up, straight at the incoming flying beasts almost before they're visible.

This means she's prepared for when they land, the heavy thud and rustle of breezr merely making her shift a booted foot. Roan isn't so lucky, but Alys, who is not actually a heinous monster all the time, catches her in a rustle of black robe. She's silent as she looks up at the Captain, making sure she's steady on her feet before she lets go.

She didn't even spill her drink.

She doesn't approach Thea yet, merely watching her for the moment as she considers.

For a brief moment Tytos becomes lost in conversation with a pair of local warriors. No doubt there's some discussion about the beasts of burden and warfare that each employs and it is toward the sky that Wrex's chin tilts. He directs their gaze to the massive shape visible even from the ground and just beyond the planetary atmosphere and grip of its gravity. A comment is given to the pair, along with a cool smile before the trio return to their quiet discussion. It is the arrival of Princess Thea that seems to draw a conclusion to their conversation and result in Captain Tytos excusing himself in order to draw a few steps distant from his recent companions. He watches the arrival, the theatrics, and the pageantry of it all with his stern expression settled securely back into the place.

The few steps does begin to draw him in the direction of some of the other Imperials present, but not so close yet to draw them into conversation or begin inquiries. For now he is a bystander and he is there to see how matters may unfold. The boisterous cheer draws a nod, but he does not join in the cheer for it is not his cultural celebration. He remains respectful.

Beast Riders are armored like Knights, though weapons vary. It's odd, given the contention between the Riders and Mandalorians; in another dimension, they may have been perfect allies, sharing interests like beasts and hunting, and the like. In this age, the two factions stare each other down until the Princess moves toward the Mandos, then passed them to find refreshments and drinks. The riders remain where they are at the landing platform, chatting to themselves until a taller Mandalorian in red slowly approaches. Those who had been at the welcome party would recognize this one as the Red Wolf, the Imperial 'Mando' guide, and consultant on Mando diplomacy for this world. She strikes up a conversation with the beast riders, who at first look defensive, but then relax when she offers them both smokes.

The display that Qar-duun is at is a peculiar one. The hunter responsible for furnishing the trinkets the Sith Acolyte is looking at is lounging but watching with lazy eyes. The trophy case? Well there's a lot of familiar items inside to include the makings of lightsabers, old robes and boots, and even crystals of varied color. "What fancies my Lord?" Asks the hunter of Qar-Duun.

Captain Tytos is not alone for long. Darth Kalus approaches from his right. "Good morning, Captain," she offers, slowing to stand near his side and observe the theatrics with slight amusement. Both of her gloved hands hold a drink; it is not poised yet to be sipped, but held like a prop as if blending in. "Is this your first visit to Onderon?" She turns her gaze up, the Captain much taller than she.

The two Mandalorians who had approached the Princess, and had a stand off with the Beast Riders, are returning to their post. They appear to approach Alys and Roan directly, weapons held at the ready though muzzles oriented toward the ground. When it seems they might come within conversation distance, they march around them though one looks at Roan in passing, T-visor close enough to see her own reflection.

Qar-duun asks the artifacts' owner: "Were these retrieved from a ruin? Uncovered in the jungle? They are historical evidence of Sith culture."

Roan oofs when her momentum is arrested by the Cloaked One, Doombringer, Likely Eyeshadow Enthusiast. Freezing momentarily when she realizes who rescued her, Roan straightens up, adjusts her uniform, and nods to Alys right on the edge between curt formality and sincere gratitude. And a little fear. Just a little touch.

When the Mandalorians walk by, Roan offers them a sheepish grin and wave, righting herself with as much dignity as she can muster. And fighting a blush that wants to burn her cheeks.

The hunter regarding Qar-duun rises up then draws closer. "A ruin, my Lord? No. Well, I am not certain. A native group out by the city of Bellam hunt the lands around the coast. They traded me these trinkets, thinking little of their history and more to their value. Have an interest in these historical items?"

Qar-duun nods. "Yes! My division of the Empire is known as 'Reliquary,' and we maintain a keen interest in the preservation of Sith history and impact. If you can show me where Bellam is, or take me to these coastal peoples, Reliquary can see to whatever needs you may express..."

The presence of another doesn't seem to dissuade Captain Tytos from casting his attention toward the arriving princess, nor the interaction between beast and Mandalorian warrior. It's a fact that is undoubtedly filed away for later consideration and should it become necessary: use. The voice that draws close results in Tytos's chin shifting aside and his distinct green eyes settling onto Darth Kalus, whom he offers a polite nod. The question that is presented is met by a small smile and a conceding nod, along with a crisply spoken answer that sounds like he was born and raised amid the Core Worlds, "This is my first time on the planet, but I did research the history of it before my arrival in the system. An impressive people, give their history," he answers mildly.

The Mandos approach, seemingly loaded for bear. The short Sith stares at them. It -is- a challenge. Her feet planted, her purple eyes locked on the T-visored helmets. She's daring them to walk into her. Daring them to threaten her. Her right hand flexes, the lightsaber hilt at her waist quivering, but they split and walk past. She snorts derisively.

Her eyes flicker to Roan then, her head inclining just a bit. The barest hint of a nod. One of her eyes closes briefly in the Captain's direction, right before she surges forwards, heading for the Princess.

Did she just -wink- at Roan? No one will ever believe her.

She pulls up in front of the Princess, inclining her head. "Your Highness," she says. "Have you considered my offer?"

Roan gawks after Alys. She's just left standing there alone, and the Sneak Ninja is absolutely right. *No one* would believe her. She just folds her arms at the unexpected cheek. Not much else she can do!

The hunter regarding Qar-duun 'Hmmms' aloud, then retreats back into their stall to toss things around. When they return, it is with a rolled up map, and he flattens it atop a table and uses other random trinkets to weigh it down. "Bellam is not hard to find, but it is well south of Iziz. Run by a Duke or some such. On one side a vast jungle, and its other, a violent sea." He places his finger on the map and traces it down. Bellam must have been several hundred miles south. Its size was comparable to Iziz. Upon the map, the man had marked his travels and particularly trade routes. One such 'X' marked a random spot in the jungle. Thankfully, the map was grid-squared..

"An odd planet to be sure. Not many I know of share an atmosphere with their moon during particular seasons.." Kalus says, inclining her head toward the distant green of Onderon's 'Demon' moon. It occupies much of the sky, looming close and threatening. Kalus seems to watch it for a moment, eyes glazed as if experiencing some distant memory before washing it away with a sip. "What worlds hold more interest for you? Surely you have a preference?" Kalus' own accent favored the posh High-Core with a highland ring to it.

Qar-duun, in a voice that brooks no dissent, calls to Alys' BB. "You, Unit: Pict-snaps. Stereophoto at minimum, but you will receive commendations and extra energy-rations if holodata can extrapolate terrain."

Princess Thea has just accepted a drink when Alys addresses her. She ponders the other woman as if time were her commodity alone to spend, and sips the beverage. When it's lowered she smiles slightly. "I have given it some thought, yes. Though I worry my departure might trigger open rebellion, or upset my Despot of a husband. From the looks of it, I thought the Empire was /trying/ to earn his trust..?" She manages a small smile.

"One moment, my Lord.." Bids the hunter to Qar-duun. He retreats again, digging further and further for something. When he returns after a few moments, its an unprogrammed holo-puc. He syncs it with his datapad then offers the device to Qar-duun. Ushering with a gentle gesture, he says, "..turn it on, my Lord."

Roan then heads to an unlikely place: Princess Thea's side. Her voice is quiet, demure, and unassuming. Maybe even humble. "What if the Despot endorsed your departure?" Her plate of rare steak has been discarded, and her gloved hands are now clasped behind her back, watching the Princess with the same deferrence she might give to a Sith Lord.

"..and allow his greatest trophy to walk away? My blood is what gives him his power, what ties him to this place. A foolish notion of peace conceived through blood.." Thea answers the Captain, washing the taste of her own words away with a long drink. She sighs afterward.

The moon is given all due consideration and it does solicit a nod of agreement from Tytos while his gaze lingers on the distant celestial body, "It's the only one that I've personally encountered during my time in service". Tytos finally lowers his gaze from the moon, flicks his attention toward the princess, and then finally toward Darth Kalus. He does not study her, but he does watch her and he soon answers the subject of his own personal preference when it comes to celestial bodies with a half-amused tug at one cheek, "Those that see the wisest path forward and join with the Empire, my lady". It isn't an altogether cheeky response either. He does seem quite serious with that particular answer. Though he does seem prepared to concede to the spirit of the question and provides that answer after a pregnant pause, "Many worlds are unique from another, but I'm not without those I favor. Though if we are speaking of worlds that I have not yet paid a visit? Then perhaps New Alderaan some day and see if it's as impressive as I've heard. The same of Naboo, though I have visited it before. It has simply been quite some time".

He's answered and now he dips into silence. Largely because a drink is brought along and his gloved hand moves to accept it. While he does not drink immediately, he does at least cradle it tenderly within the pinch of his fingers and settle his attention onto Darth Kalus while he remains within her presence.

Qar-duun does as his host bids, inscrutable behind his mask. There are times he must rely on the Empire's reputation to dissuade trickery or slipshod work, and such moments pass easier when no one can see whether a Sith Lord is holding his breath behind the screaming orangutan faceplate. He observes.

Alys's expression is impassive, almost blank as the Princess shares her thoughts on it. "The answer is, I think, to join the Empire. Or at the very least, allow us to build an outpost on your planet."

She's trying really hard to make this happen.

"I can see to it that I am assigned out here, and I can then oversee your training and not pull you away from your duties to this world."

Roan counters the princess's words: "To allow his wife and equal to pursue her own aspirations and dreams." Roan is firm now, planting herself like a concrete column. "Granting his blessing for your journey, while the healing process continues." Roan's expression darkens to 'grand strategist' mode. She's more than just a pretty face and a cap! "If he put his trust in you first, would you allow yourself a gram of trust in him?"

She glances at Alys, not in antagonism, but for support or reassurance in this. Alys has heard more of Roan's plan.

A clever response, Kalus notes, and perhaps a mention of her own sworn fealty to the Empire when that time had come all those years ago. Join or face destruction; the choice seemed so pragmatic at the time. She sips, cheeks reddening a bit and easily seen upon her pale pigment. It highlights the scar over one of her eyes, something she wears with pride much like any Alderaanian who earned such in battle or duel.

"New Alderaan is still within its infancy. A shadow of a once grand world with history dating back twenty-thousand years. One might find Naboo more tolerable over our colder, crisper air. Though I daresay their wine does not quite measure up." Kalus smiles.

Qar-duun is greeted by a holo image that begins to rotate in front of them. At first, the map is small, scaled back, but as it zooms in it 'travels' over the terrain of Bellam, and into the jungle and outcropped rocky crags beyond the city. It denotes terrain, topographical or otherwise. "Is my lord pleased?"

Thea, in dealing with two, stands her ground and listens to each petition as if she were born to it, though there are parts of the conversation that draw an expression or reaction from her. She responds accordingly.

When Alys references Thea's duties, the Princess laughs. "Duties? -- " Pausing to laugh again. "I am a Princess. I do not have duties." Spoken atypical of someone who believed in divine right, meaning they were born with the right to rule.

When Roan suggests the Despot would trust her, she scoffs. "He scarcely trusts me to leave the palace without --them-- watching.." She gestures toward the Mandos in the distant. "Leaving the world.." She hmphs.

"What even is this training? -- What would I do?"

Qar-duun nods. "Yes, this will do." He calls to the unit: "You are dismissed. Return to your... infernal tootling."

"It was my pleasure to serve, my Lord. Thank you for your patronage." The hunter bows his head respectfully to Qar-duun.

"It is a toddler at this point, my lady. Its current incarnation was brought into this world bloody and it has since began to walk," Tytos answers with his attention cast toward the party around them. He speaks formally and politely, but it's clearly that he's remaining alert to their surroundings. Not out of concern or fear, but for the sake of absorbing the culture around him. Naturally he still spends a suitable amount of time glancing to Darth Kalus, watching and listening. The mention of Alderaan's colder and crisper air seems to crinkle the corners of his eyes with the faint smile that plucks at each side of his mouth, "Acclimation to new climates is a crucial part of traveling the galaxy. On Naboo you must contend with the rains and swamplife, you adapt to the chill of New Alderaan, you learn to swallow the air of Thyferra, and you learn to thwart the boredom of Dantooine," he says with a tone that treads awfully close to amused. "It's all about finding the means to circumvent the adversity of the locale," he concludes.

For some reason, Alys seems to actually care about this. Whether it's hustling for rank or the desire to add another powerful Sith to the empire, or both, is hard to tell.

"The training is difficult. I will not lie. It starts with learning to feel the Force, to sense it. To -grasp- it. You are strong in it, it should not prove too challenging for you. After that.... It depends. You will learn how to harness your feelings for power. To channel them into the Force, to draw it back in and use it as you will." She pauses. "A great deal of physical activity as well."

Roan waits for Alys to speak, but when she has the chance, the Captain shakes her head slowly, eyes closed. "I asked you: If he did, would you? If you cannot, fine. But if he did have a change of heart, would you allow yourself the possibility of doing the same? Not immediately, not without work. But it has to start somewhere. So that is the question I put to you. You don't have to be the one to begin. You don't have to be the first to give. That onus is on him."

Kalus is quiet, bringing her attention to the older Captain as he speaks. Each world mentions brings up images in her head accompanied by her own experiences upon them. Though Dantooine appears to perplex her. She remembers arriving on Dantooine but..then it is blank. As if a memory has simply been plucked from her mind, its page /ripped/ out. "Oh," she says gently, a hand coming to her head. His amusement isn't missed, and she manages to regain some composure enough to laugh softly.

"Many years ago," Kalus starts off, "I was younger.." a touch of humor. "..and I had put together a ship crew to travel and explore this notion of digging up ancient history and artifacts because it sounded inspiring in school. That is where they get you.."

"Never made it to our intended target. Our ship crash landed on a world not unlike this one with a species of humanoids still experiencing their more.. primal age."

"Those that survived our landing were promptly captured. Used as sport against their great beasts and subsequently eaten to appease their gods or some such." Kalus allowed a moment to finish her drink, and she passed it to a droid rolling by with a tray. "I discovered my affinity for the Force there when I was faced with a similar fate as my companions..."

Thea watches both ladies quietly, eyes shifting from Alys (after she finished speaking) to Captain Roan. When her nose crinkled, it was to draw in a deep breath, and upon release, she smiled. "Physical activity? Hmm." Another drink and she nods her head in agreement. "I tell you what.." To Alys, "Let us schedule some time together and you show me this Force. Let me taste this power for myself. If it is as you say, I may be convinced to follow your teachings."

To Roan, her smile darkened. "As for my husband, I suspect he would take some -convincing-, hm? How am I to deliver these terms to him, and he intuit this onus and confer said trust? Am I to work through an intermediary? Or, have you his ear in some way? You seem awfully confident he might give something he has never given me."

While the people of Onderon and their customs do offer something of limited fascination for the likes of Captain Tytos Wrex, it's the story of Darth Kalus that seems to garner a greater slice of his interest. While he may have been appropriately invested in their conversation from a social standpoint before, now he seems to have found perhaps the most interesting thing in the room in the form of the Sith Master known as Darth Kalus. It's clear that he's become intrigued by the tale that is told and his eyebrows shift a little higher at a pair of moments: the mention of cannibals and it leading to Darth Kalus's discovery of her legacy within the Force.

"Xo?" The question is offered with a hint of curiosity, though he does not press further on the identity of the planet beyond that question. He does finally sip from his glass and visibly turns his eyes down toward the glass. He considers the drink and should probably be applauded for not frowning or scowling. He looks up again, back to Darth Kalus, and continues with their conversation almost without missing a beat, "While it's unfortunate that your companions seemed to have met with decidedly unpleasant ends, it does seem that there was great benefit within it for you and ultimately for the Empire. A tragedy to be sure, but one that has allowed for you to accomplish a great deal of good in the name of peace and order," he says with a slight lift of his glass as though to toast Darth Kalus and her successes since such dark times.

She shook her head no to 'Xo'. "The tragedy was their screams. Many might say it is difficult to imagine, but having witnessed all of them die, eaten whilst alive, it was then, as is now still, difficult to comprehend." Kalus shares, claiming another glass when a droid passed. "In nothing but under-clothes, I faced an arena of beasts with not but a stick, a shred of dignity, and no hope that my fate would be any different. They lunged toward me bearing teeth and I held my hand out and searched deep. Every instinct, every feeling, every fiber of my being sought survival and I could think of only one word to bring it all to pause." Glancing back up at him, she smiled, raising her hand as if acting the part of the story out. "..stop." She whispered, but he should have no problem with hearing it. She reiterated, "..stop."

"Difficult to fathom, but it worked. An esoteric field occupied the space between me and death and I stared upon the countless beasts that yield and sat, aggression gone and tails wagging." Kalus looked away. "Acclimation followed. What were these natives to think of this display save that they came to face a Goddess of some kind? They did not wish to part with me peacefully."

The Sith listens to the Princess, eyes flickering between the monarch and the captain. "Agreed. I will do this for you. Reach out to me, or your contact with the Empire, and I will come. I will demonstrate what the Force can do, and I will show you how to reach it."

Roan narrows her eyes at Thea's attempted barb. "He already agreed, your highness. I feared for his future, your future, and the future of your people. He was wrong, what he did was not the Mandalorian Way, and he simply needed to be reminded of that." She shakes her head, her voice lowering to a level only Alys and Thea could hopefully hear. "All that remains now is to see if you can do the same."

Frowning, Roan glances between the Acolyte and the Princess. "Lady Alys here is deeply concerned for your well being. ...Let the taking of eyes be done, before the whole planet and the moon above are both blind."

Captain Tytos stands with stoic resolve in listening to the recounting of Darth Kalus's story. Some may become unnerved by such a matter of someone's personal history, but it's clear that Tytos is invested in the story and its conclusion. Though he does cease nodding along with the story turns to more gruesome elements, but his attention does not falter. Save for the occasional looks to the crowds around them and the unfolding celebration. He momentarily rests his attention on the presence of Princess Thea, Captain Roan, and the Sith among the three. Then it's back to Darth Kalus.

"Unsettling to be sure," he begins before shifting toward the latter half of the story, "I hope that your retribution was swift, bloody, and if any were permitted their survival that you've become a thing of legend within their dogma. A herald of doom and misfortune, perhaps".

Though the conversation does result in a lone eyebrow twitching upward as Tytos's gaze drifts away again toward Darth Kalus and the question that seems to align with the captain's own sensibilities is presented, "Have you since returned to this planet to bring its resources into the Empire? If not its people, then at least the territory itself can be of value?"

"Retribution?" Kalus allows a sound of amusement. "My power was fledgling then. My escape sudden. One might say chance provided my exit when a lonely freighter landed upon the world for emergency repairs. I was thankful I had learned Shyriiwook during my time at university. They took me in, and we escaped a small army." Kalus took a moment to sip her drink. When she looked back up at the Captain, and his questions concerning the planet, she lowered her glass before answering with a silent shake, no.

"I have not returned. It must have been...twenty years ago. Though I ponder the significance of the world now. Perhaps some notion of archaeology did not die with my crew?"

Her brow peaks, "Fancy acclimating to another world, Captain?"

Thea nods her head to acknowledge Alys agreement to a scheduled 'test drive' for their training. "I will send my steward to speak with your Empire's officials and supply my schedule." One matter settled, then Roan.

"My 'taking of eyes' has not yet begun. My father lays in a grave prematurely. My people were robbed of their rightful ruler and must now bend their knees to a savage from our demon moon? If you cared for his safety, taking me away would almost guarantee his doom." Though the way she says this, it's as if the wheel is already in motion. An avalanche long ago started, its crescendo not yet reached. A cryptic smile forms before it's hidden behind her cup for another drink. "Though, if he is feeling generous.. I can see if he will grant my leave.. provided Lady? -- Alys here -- earns my attention."

The answer causes Tytos to present a brief, shallow nod. He seems to accept the initial answer and the more obvious nature of it. Fledgling powers and all. While he may not be capable of utilizing the Force himself, its use is something he has long been witness to. Save for a brief period where it had become a resource of significant scarcity. The conclusion of the tale in the form of a daring escape earns a stoic nod and a grim cast to his otherwise stern expression. "If the world were capable of providing something of value to the Empire, then it shouldn't be lost to a morbid memory, my lady". He pauses, perhaps a matter of simple respect, before he adds, "If there was value sought before, it is possible that value remains. Whether in the form of materiel or esoteric".

The question of his own preparedness does seem to coax a faint smile out of the officer and he shifts ever so slightly in order to properly face Darth Kalus now. A slight, yet smart, shift of his heels. Back straight, chin up, and he answers with only the slightest swirl of his glass, "My tours of worlds tend to be after they've been made secure," he says with a faint expression of amusement that disrupts what's typically stoic, "though if that is what you are asking, then if it is in service to the cause of the Empire: I will not decline the opportunity. We are the firm hand and stern voice that brings stability to the galaxy."

"I will bear that in mind," Kalus says with a thoughtful nod.

After a long moment, she points toward the same hunter's stand that the Acolyte Qar-duun had visited. "An anomaly. All displays here are of grand nature, yet theirs is modest and quaint. Interesting.." Finishing her second glass, Kalus was looking a little more flush. She passes the glass off and turns back to Tytos. "Care to accompany me? Perhaps there is more to learn.."

Well, it's not impossible to make Roan mad. Smugness will do it. So Roan straightens up a bit. Shoulders square. "Very well. Lets plot the outcome then, shall we?" Roan is done being nice. This is how she speaks to enemy Captains, ignorant politicians, and children. Ice cold. "You killed Kast's son. His friends. Their sons and daughters. Kast invaded your world and your forces were decimated. He intended to make you suffer, but had a change of heart when he realized he was not following the path of Mandalore. I will make sure that every Mandalorian from here to Tatooine knows about this."

Roan's head inclines, continuing, "Your avalanche begins to claim lives. Onderon rebels strike at the Mandalorian forces, against which they are woefully outgunned and outskilled. Our Imperial forces, having already made an arrangement with Alor'Kast, join in the slaughter, with a few turbolaser blasts to level...let us call them 'unimportant cities' belonging to the rebel leaders to strip them of reinforcements and supplies. Your people, suddenly aware of just how doomed they are, call to you for help."

Roan lifts a hand with a slight turn of her head, "But...you are not here. You are secluded, learning to harness the power of the Force." Her hands go behind her back again. "Your anger and hatred at seeing your world reduced to a smouldering, still Mandalorian-ruled husk will be fantastic fuel for your conversion into a magnificent Sith Warrior." Roan continues in the same, heartless, emotionless, fact-laden tone, her eyes laying even with the Princess's. "Either way, your highness, we win. Choose your preferred future."

Alys never seems to smile, but she does seem pleased that the Princess agrees. Though her expression turns a little sour as Roan gets mad and unleashes a torrent of, well, harshness. Not that she's opposed to harshness. When she teaches Thea, the Princess will beg for mercy and none will be granted, for she is to be Sith.

This, though, seems a little unnecessary. Then again, Alys is a Sith, not a diplomat. She will try with words once. Once.

She folds her arms in her robe, waiting for the fallout.

"Confidence is often quiet, my lady," Tytos answers with a shallow nod in answer to her own observation regarding the more modest nature of one of the hunter's stands. The invitation to join her investigation is met by a deeper nod of acceptance and respect. Much like Kalus, Tytos follows her own lead. It isn't because he's drained his glass and wishes to free his hand of it. It's clear that it didn't suit his tastes and it's something that he may simply rid himself of before he steps away to consider the latest draw of his attention.

The moon above earns a glance, as well as the wedge-shaped object that resides up there. The Enforcer makes itself known, albeit quietly. Its presence being all the statement it need make for the diplomatic efforts underway.

"If my joining pleases you or may be helpful, my lady, then I would be remiss in refusing," Captain Tytos answers with his same crisp, perfected Core World dialect that harkens back to the training academies of the Galactic Empire of olde. He begins to move, though doesn't stride ahead of the Sith. He notably remains aside Darth Kalus, but a half-step back in order for her to both lead the way and out of respect for her station. That doesn't diminish any of his own imposing presence, but it pales in comparison to the capabilities of a Dark Lord or Lady of the Sith.

Thea defied the Empire once before when they sent the Knight of Tears after the Panteer political prisoner. She stood before Darth Durandus, childishly earning his ire until he took hold of her throat with nothing more than a gesture. Now, every time she felt threatened, or got angry, she recalled that moment and found it hard to breathe. Were it not for her naturally tanned face, the red would have betrayed her fury.

"There once were days when threatening royalty earned the harshest death. We oft examined what the constituted martyrs, cutting out piece by bloody piece. Science being what it is allowed the body to carry on, for pain to be felt. Young Kast threatened us once." Thea's nostrils flared as she considered dumping the contents of her glass on Roan's face. Alas, there were none to fling.

"Alas, I am reduced to suffering threats in my own palace. When my game concludes with Kast, my attentions will turn to you. -- Good day."

Roan answers placidly, "No threats were given, your highness. Only facts. We do not play games in the Empire."

Kalus led the way quietly. She gave little thought to the moon, the nobles and hunters, or even the Princess throwing her little posturing tantrum. There was some measure of pride to be found in the fact the two Imperials seeing to her had caused such emotion to rise, but it came with the territory.

Upon arrival, the hunter beneath the canvas was behind a table cleaning up a mess. He glanced up to find Darth Kalus and Captain Tytos and his eyes lit up. "Hello, good day my Lord and my Lady. What wares have your fancy, hm?"

Kalus inclined her head, having to look up at the hunter/trader, too. "A hunter visited your tent not long ago and left with something of value. I ask after the knowledge he sought, and what you said to them."

"The Lord asked of the origins of my trinkets. Belonged to sorcerers, they did. See for yourself, your ladyship.." He opened a box, showing the same things Qar-duun gazed upon. The components of a lightsaber and colored crystals. There were other things too, of historical purpose, esoteric and mystical in nature. "I traded with a group outside Bellam. Within the jungles. A unique clan to be certain. Dangerous lot, too."

The merchant-hunter's explanation doesn't seem to draw a physical reaction out of Captain Tytos. No eyebrows rise, no tilts of his head, or uncertain shuffling of his feet. His gloved hands do shift about to clasp together behind himself and he spares a glance first to Darth Kalus, then back to the merchant. He studies to components, as well as his other wares, before turning his attention back to regard the merchant. The components are given another moment of consideration before green eyes rise and settle onto the merchant, "What is your name?"

The question is presented and the time to answer is provided. Whether it is provided or not, Captain Wrex's next question comes a few seconds later, "What did this clan ask in return for these trinkets"? The question is delivered and Tytos's attention shifts across the assembled and accrued wares. He seems to pay little attention to them, including the remnants of the crystal and lightsaber. About as much as one might while browsing goods that don't particularly inspire interest. Judging by the way that Captain Tytos looks back to the merchant though, it's clear that he's open to the merchant selling him on just how important his goods may be. Along with the information of what was given in trade for them.

This plays out poorly. The fury boils up in Alys so quickly that it almost shocks her. But it's honed and focused. She rounds on Roan, her normally gemlike purple eyes shifting to the yellow-red. The Force -boils- in her and around her, the light seeming to dim in her aura. "I," she rasps. "We will speak of this later," she manages to get out.

In a flare of black, she turns away from both the Captain and the Princess, stalking off, leaving the gathering entirely. With a thought, her lightsaber is freed from her belt and flies into her hand with a slap. It ignites in a blaze of crimson, and with a yell of frustration, she begins to lash out at the nearest inanimate object.

In this case, it's a gate console. Again and again she hits it, the plasma blade carving into it, melting components. Bits of molten metal and plastic fly as her boundless fury is vented on an object that can be replaces instead of, well, harming someone who, if she learns how, could be a friend.

The merchant is caught off guard thinking he has ensnared the Lady by showing her his wares and emphasizing their mystical origins. When asked for a name, he chokes at first, then coughs. "Your Lordship may refer to this one as Lii-Kah, or Lii (Lee) for short, if it pleases.."

The following question gets a nod first, and he continues. "Just common things for survival. Furs, rations, ammunition for hunting, and first aid supplies. There are rumors of old ruins in the jungles, but I have not seen them myself. The clan, they have a unique name. Uhh, I am trying to remember it.."

"..it is something Knights.. or Nights.."

Kalus appears to be in thought. In truth, her power has begun to swell in that moment, creating a wave through the force that branches out and sweeps wide. She manifests this cosmic energy and directs it toward Lii, invading his mind without him knowing and listening to his surface thoughts as he tries to formulate sentences and organize his thoughts. She detects truth to his words, he is not misleading them, but she does not voice this. Instead, her blue gaze follows him as if captured by the mystery of the topic.

The Princess has turned, and pauses when Roan gets her final say in, but Thea either chose to ignore it or not weigh in much further. "I said, /good day/."

She is not present for Alys' moment, but when the commotion broke out she observed from afar and saw that Alys was laying waste to the console of that faulty door.

Lounging into her seat so a staff member might take to her feet and massage them, she nurses a plate of food. The entire room was upset by the display, and the silence that fell from it. When eyes shifted to her, Thea waved it off. "Pay it little mind," her voice called out. "..that drek door panel /had/ it coming." Nervous laughter, but Thea hid her fear behind a goblet; a very large goblet. And drank much.

"Your highness, ..relax.." Bid the staff member quietly at her foot. "Too tense."

Roan watches the display impassively. Internally? 'Holy sith spit on a platter, what the poodoo!' But externally? 'Meh.' Whether Alys notices or not, Roan manages to reply to her 'We are gonna talk!' with a droll, "...Quite."

But then...a glance. A sweep. A survey. "Ah, Lady Alys..." She leans in slightly, "Did the Princess just...leave?" Internally: Wow. That takes some serious brass. Externally: Dumbfounded shock.

A shallow nod is given to Lii and Tytos remains laconic at best, "I see". The answer seems intended to build suspense and to reinforce the lack of interest. He reaches out and toward the crystals, though he does not touch them. Instead his glove hand hovers above them and the Imperial captain's eyes lift to stare their green intensity toward the merchant. It's clear that there is a silent question presented: may I touch them? It's not hard to imagine that the Imperial likely wishes to inspect them for himself.

After a moment Wrex's chin shifts and his gaze is cast toward the otherwise quiet Darth Kalus. He does not intrude upon her silence, but instead turns his attention back to regard the merchant and the wares. The questions are interrupted though by the outburst of a furious Sith. It's not the first he's seen. It will not be the last. From afar Captain Tytos watches on in silence, his posture straight and his chin elevated in the fashion one may expect of Imperial standards. He does not comment on the display of wroth, but simply observes it for a fleeting moment. Then his attention drifts away and back to Darth Kalus, then to Lii. He has no further commentary on the goods, though he seems to linger upon the difference between Knights and Nights, but not enough to keep him fully invested in the conversation.

"These ruins. Are there rumors of them or is their existence the length and breadth of the rumors," he asks with a certain degree of boredom beginning to bleed into his tone.

The commotion took much of the steam from the conversation, and even Darth Kalus is brought to look upon the rage of Alys and the destruction she left, with large molten gashes, upon the door panel and its sparking interior. She sighs a bit of frustration, the noise having drowned out the merchant DEAD SET on selling his product.

Captain Tytos had been given leave to touch the crystals, though his question fell in volume to the answer that plagued Lii's memory. "AHA! I remember now.."

He said, his chest puffing a bit.

"They call themselves Revanites." A beat, and he answered the Captain's question, too. "A bit of both, your Lordship.."