Log:Don't Be Suspicious
Don't Be Suspicious
OOC Date: February 17, 2025
Location: Umbara
Participants: Alys Zapal, Qar-duun, Aitax Rendon, Tytos Wrex and ST
Umbara is a beautiful world, even if it is covered in darkness at all times. It makes life interesting for sure, but the people of the world don't seem to mind it one bit, they actually thrive in the environments that the darkness has caused. One of the major points of interest for Eternity City is the Umbaran Eternality University.
These researchers are some of the sharpest minds in the galaxy. Not to mention that they have been searching ruins for decades and finding things that hold signifigance to the Sith.
On a recent trip to the Ancient dark temple that is housed on this very planet there was a ancient scroll discovered. Orders have come down to retrieve this relic so that the Sith can study it further without the interruption of the Umbaran Scholars, but they have also been told to avoid bloodshed if at all possible.
Some would be stealthy, like pointes of deeper darkness in a veritable world of shadows. Others would be direct. Aitax Rednon was among the latter, walking directly to the university?s custodian of records attired in impeccable naval dress blacks, with his familiar floor-length quarter cloak secured over the left shoulder by a braided crimson cord across the chest. "Fair met," he greeted in a polished baritone. A gloved hand drew out a hologram puck and activated it to display the rotating image of a capital ship that had the profile of a long raptor's beak. "Though none are known to remain, these are referenced in Naval records as Umbaran Vixus-class light cruisers. Republic annals of the Clone Wars noted them as playing a significant role in the Battle of Umbara, where they were said to be armed with the electromagnetic plasma cannons unique to your people." He drew a deep, unhurried breath before speaking on. "I will require technical schematics of the vessel, precise accounts of the operation, crewing, training, and logistical supply these vessels and their armaments required, as well as surveys of their performance, a scientific analysis of their cannonry, and any engineering experts capable of conjecture on new chained applications of the electromagnetic plasma projection technology. Further, I will require records of who else has accessed any of those particular databanks in the past six standard months. To whom shall I speak."
The last words were phrased as a question, but lacked any uncertain inflection. His was not a simple request; it required multiple academic departments ranging from several specialized and separate fields of history, as well as engineering, physics, and archaeology, perhaps even a system defense force consultation. Searching the varied and diverse databanks would likely take significant time and effort, to say nothing of tracking down any professors or specialists with the needed know-how.
Everyone else here? They're the distraction. The front to tie up attention and time and resources. Alys is the insertion. The diminutive Acolyte stands off to the side, her hood up, looking bored as one can possibly be. Her expression is blank, her eyes flat.
She would rather be anywhere else but here, it seems.
For the moment, she just stands in one spot, keeping an eye on her fellows. She'll know when she must act.
Qar-duun, too, plays the part of a dull-witted bodyguard. All flash and menace, which one might then infer is his primary utility. Sneers and the threat of violence being his raison d'etre, surely beneath even remotely capable opposition he'll be revealed as pure bluster. Plus also he looks incurious and easily-distracted. Like he might pick his nose if he forgets he's literally covered in bony horns...
The bootfalls of Captain Tytos Wrex creates a simple but effective cadence to both draw the attention of those who hear it and instill a certain degree of dread within the listener. His steady march seems to carry with it portents of doom and humility. While others within the university or on its grounds may be pursuing their own particular avenues of distraction or infiltration, Captain Wrex is pursuing his own. In his case it is under the guise of a visit of the university itself and a tour sought. He arrived on-time as he always does, but shortly after rendezvousing with the Umbaran Eternality University representing in the main lobby, Captain Wrex had drawn attention to a particular element within the main lobby. Or a particular element that was missing in point of fact.
"Administrator Gonn, you wish for me to believe that there hasn't been a single moment or opportunity before this very day that anyone has ever suggested that you hang an Imperial banner or adorn your lobby with static holos depicting the iconography of the Sith Empire?" The question is presented with cold, determined passion. It reeks of the condescending tone of a devout Imperial finding something unacceptable and in this case it is the lack of a strict love for the Empire that drives those words from the Imperial captain. He shifts his footing as some eyes turn to regard him with curiosity and concern, even as the gloved hand of the captain rises up to gesture around him as his voice rises to a commanding volume, all without shouting, "I have decided to tour your campus because I've considered my youngest son's request to attend your university and wished to review it for myself. Only to discover the possibility of DISLOYALTY in these halls? I am sure there are ears and minds on Coruscant that would be eager to hear of this discovery. I am sure that those same individuals would be thrilled to send representatives to inquire as to the views of this university, on an Imperial world, under the protections of the Empire."
Only then does Wrex's volume lower and his attention turn to hone in on Administrator Gonn as his green-eyed stare settles onto the scrawny Umbaran, "What do you have to say for yourself, Administrator? What do you have to say for this sorry excuse of a campus?"
The perfect distractions were incoming! Alys and Qar-duun can see that the University staff were not expecting anyone from the Sith Empire to show up. The shock on their faces is a bit priceless in all reality. Like being caught by your parents when you're trying to sneak in after your curfew.
"Well met, Captain!" one of the Umbaran's skitter over to look at the hologram information that he is producing. A critical eye combing over the departments that they'd need. "I can put you in touch with those departments or have one of the guards escort you to speak with those that specialize in this?" the man offers.
Alys and Qar-duun are seeing their opportunities unfold in front of them with the one Fleet Captain distracting.
And then that is when Tytos enters with his bootfalls heralding DOOM and there is an audible gulp from the Administrator. They give a dip of their head, "Captain...we were not aware of anyone touring the facility today and we mean no disrespect with the lack of decor from the Sith Empire, if that is something that we need to display we will do our best to rectify that before your tour ends." the Admin offers. Like they've got banners and hologram icons just in storage somewhere? Not likely, but they'd do most anything to not piss off the Empire.
Aitax Rendon gives a short dip of his head to acknowledge the response. "As I expect this will require multiple departments to meet the research to any satisfactory degree, I would accept the guard and guide. Further, I'll provide you with a suitable comm channel so that I may be appraised of anything relevant to this inquiry during my stay. I'll await your escort and the requested data." Another short dip of the head in parting and the tall captain surveyed the room, deactivating the hologram and clasping both gloved hands at the small of his back. At least one less guard the others would need worry about...
One moment, Alys is there, looking sullen and bored. The next, she walks around a shelf and simply never comes out. The Force comes to her aid, cloaking her, hiding her from the eyes and minds of all present and watching.
Of course if someone looks at the security holos later, they'll see her, but live? It's as if she's not there. Where she passes, it's like a wraith. People may feel a cool breeze, but nothing more as she moves deeper into the facility, hunting for the prize.
She'd rather not have to lightsaber anyone today.
Qar-duun and Alys have distinct styles, and Qar's is often brute-force practicality? Spending one's childhood hiding from beasts that can swallow you whole makes dodging docents and rent-a-cops trivial, for the disciplined religious zealot! He relies far less on supernatural means than timing and field-of-vision metrics, but the end result is no less accomplished: between heartbeats, between breaths or glances, he simply... isn't.
There is judgement in the baleful stare that Captain Tytos offers to Administrator Gonn and the answer that he's provided. It's an unacceptable answer. It's an answer that prompts a grim rise of Tytos' chin and his hands moving to rest at the small of his back. He begins to pace the administrative lobby of the university and, for those likely unaccustomed to such things in a place of higher learning, the captain's blaster pistol is quite visible within the standard issue holster worn upon his hip. Slowly the human-looking captain begins to pace and his capped head turns aside to stare upon Gonn throughout his unrelenting back-and-forth pacing that borders on being called a prowl.
"A lack of patriotic decor and a distinct lapse in administrative capability? You weren't aware of any tours of your facility today?" There's a long pause and Tytos actively casts a look throughout the lobby as his slow pace comes to a slow halt. He locks eyes upon one of those manning the lobby's desk, then his stare turns back toward Administrator Gonn. He doesn't explode with outrage, but instead remains calm. Deathly calm. "Do you believe me a figment of your imagination, Administrator Gonn? Do you believe that the error is on my part and I've simply imagined this appointment? Do you believe that I've simply decided to take a holiday from critical work among the Imperial Navy of Empress Kessa, just to pay a visit to this university out some twisted sense of curiosity pertaining to your facility?"
Tytos doesn't permit an answer as his words run long. His hand rises up and his palm presents itself, signaling that his questions are rhetorical and they don't truly require an answer. For a long moment Captain Wrex's eyes drift closed, he seems to center himself, and upon his bright green eyes revealing themselves again Tytos' attention shifts from Gonn, to the others working within the lobby, "The sheer incompetence that I'm witness nears investigation. I wonder if Imperial Intelligence were to begin combing through the backgrounds of the faculty of this place of learning, what might they discover? What affiliations might be revealed that would explain such an unpatriotic, poorly motivated, and readily incompetent roster of fools?"
There are suddenly MANY volunteers that want to escort Captain Aitax to ANYWHERE but HERE where Administrator Gonn is being picked apart by Captain Tytos. "Captain...this way if you will?" a younger human attache with brown hair and blue eyes comes to escort him. "We'll start with the research wing first. That will get us ahead fairly quickly." the woman tells him.
Alys and Qar-duun have started their part of the mission flawlessly! Neither have been seen and no one is daring to look at cameras right now given that they are sure that they're going to lose their jobs any minute with the Captain tearing into things. They are able to get to the second floor with little issue!
Administrator Gonn pales more than any Umbaran before him has, eyes wide with terror as Captain Tytos speaks and raises his hand, causing the man to flinch as he thinks he's going to be hit. There is a smidge of relief when he isn't. But he's not too sure. "Captain, we will do what is needed to rectify this mistake, or I will leave my post as the Universities administrator so that it can be ran by more competent minds." he states in a tight voice.
Alys and Qar-duun are both looking for the same thing, Alys just manages to be quicker on her feet in this instance. The door to the lab that holds the ancient Sith relic is unlocked and all of the people that were researching it have left...or are out staring over the railing at Tytos and Gonn.
"Certainly," Aitax returns, beginning his booted steps toward the research wing. "Shall I expect the necessary experts on electromagnetic plasma cannonry to meet us there, or will a subsequent walk be needed?" he wonders as they go. Rendon restrains a tight smile at the unfolding panic that spreads from Tytos' bombast. No one plays the harp of bureaucracy quite like the Navy.
The benefit of Alys's talent is that she can move normally, walking in plain sight, and no one will see her. It's absolutely cheating, but she's a Sith. That's what they do: Win by any means necessary. She slips up the stairs, not quite running, but not walking slow. Her eyes are focused as she simply flows around anyone in her path, moving towards the room where the scroll is said to be.
'Empty. Interesting,' she thinks to himself, hittingthe button to open the door and slipping inside. Immediately she extends her senses, feeling for the residual Dark Side energy that would be on such an artifact.
Qar-duun's methods are pedestrian, though no less quiet or effective. He remains a few steps behind, effectively Alys' "rear guard," should anyone attempt to enclose or surprise them it may be his role to locate or silently eliminate them...
Tytos remains silent throughout the answer of Administrator Gonn. By the end of it the captain's chin rises and sends a glance up toward the railing, along with the eyes and faces that peer down toward himself. He scans the gallery of faces for but a moment before Captain Wrex shifts his attention back down and toward Gonn, a mirthless smile drifting across his stern expression, "Administrator Gonn, that may be the most believable thing that you've said thus far. I know that you will remedy these issues and that you'll do so with the utmost expedience. I have every faith that you and your fellow staff of his august establishment will strive to make amends to these shortcomings". His gloved hands clasp before himself after they drift from his back, his chin shifts this way and that. The slow movement of his chin seems to redirect his eyes, allowing his face to drag his hard stare across the lobby and those few staff that occupy it.
There is a final nod and Tytos' eyes cut aside, settling their serpent green glare upon Gonn anew, "Task your people with seeing these matters resolved. Now, Administrator Gonn, will you be conducting this tour or will you scurry away to these correct these issues personally?"
Checkmate. No matter the answer, there's a trap waiting. Captain Tytos knows it too; judging by the stern scowl that resides etched into the middle-aged mans expression.
"We'll have them meet us there. No need for you to walk more than you already have and witnessing all of...that." Sheileen states. And sure enough, there is a small group of scholars waiting on the two of them to discuss the schematics that Aitax had wanted.
Alys reaches out with the force and she can sense the scroll. Like it has its own personality within the Force. Qar-duun can also sense it as he enters the room, there are faint whispers that seem to rise up, but go quiet after a handful of seconds. The scroll is not trapped or sitting any pressure mechanism. It's just on a protective mat and has a case that the scholars have been putting it in. Easy to pick up and make off with!
Back downstairs with Administrator Gonn and Captain Tytos there is a moment where the Umbaran man feels like he might be getting a second chance, but he realizes that it's a trap! "If it would please the Captain I will have my head of scholars escort you. And I will tend to this grave error personally so that it is remedied quickly." he gives a dip of his head.
And the Head of Scholars must have been close, because a tall Umbaran man strides in quickly, bowing deeply, "While our Administrator fixes these errors I will show you around, Captain." the man states. And with that said Gonn scurries off to start barking orders at underlings and others also disappear quickly to start flying the patriotic colors of the Sith Empire.
Aitax Rendon accepts brief introductions from each of those assembled, before laying out what the Empire requires: a new application of the Umbaran electromagnetic plasma cannons that had last been deployed 74 years before. Fleet command wished to explore the feasability of chaining the cannons to create an interlocked field of fire that would function as are denial to starfighter scale craft. Aitax silently looked forward to discovering whether the proposed project was even possible.
Alys, after a moment of static, hones in on the scroll. She slides towards it, giving it a look before she rolls it back up and slips it into the case. Feeling a bit smug, she slips the case up into her sleeve and exits the room.
It's almost enough to make her laugh, she who never smiles. It was so -easy-. In and out, invisible to the naked eye. It's -almost- enough to bring the tacitern woman some actual joy.
It makes her uncomfortable.
Regardless, she's down the stairs and out of the building in no time, making her way back to the extraction point. Let the captains have their tours to sit through. Mission accomplished.
Qar-duun's struggle with his emotions can wait. Anticipating the joy he can wring from making his co-workers agog with too-vivid descriptions of 'nude rituals enacted by firelight, part one-hundred and seventeen,' he stores it neatly in some secure case on his armor's webbing. He creeps smoothly, unseen and unheard, after Alys toward the exit...
"Hm," is all that Tytos answers back to Administrator Gonn and the choice that is made. Was it the correct or incorrect choice? The sound is decidedly neutral, yet filled to bursting with judgment. The arrival of the tall Umbaran results in a glance cast his way, but Captain Wrex's attention turns back to Administrator Gonn as the captain watches after the scrawny Umbaran as he rushes off to begin frantically commanding underlings to his bidding. A lazy look is cast toward the Head of Scholars and Tytos' head rocks downward once with a rather severe nod. An introduction is in order, of course, "I am Captain Tytos Wrex. I am here to review this university ahead of my youngest child's intention to commit himself here. A commitment that will not be made if it does not meet with my satisfaction first". An introduction, a purpose in his visit, and a potential resolution that is sought. All the necessary elements of an introduction for a matter such as this.
It doesn't take long for Tytos to begin move. His uniform pressed and squared away, he cuts an imposing figure as he sternly marches the corridors of the Umbaran Eternality University. His judgment is unwavering and without remorse. When necessary he puts forth a rather forward observation and calls into question the things that do not appeal to his sensibilities as an Imperial officer. For the next hour Captain Tytos Wrex makes himself the largest, most wickedly barbed thorn in the paw of these intellectuals and more than likely he loves every moment of it.