Log:Sith Empire: A Wealth of Minerals

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The Empire attacks Mygeeto with its battlegroups

OOC Date: February 10, 2025
Location: Mygeeto
Participants: Aitax Rendon, Alys Zapal, Tytos Wrex, Bors Thul and Reverberate as GM

Mygeeto. A world where geological activity had resulted in a cooling world with an abundance of mineral wealth seen in few others. Precious metals and crystal formations. The most coveted of such being Kyber. On Her command, the forces of The Sith Empire had come to Mygeeto, dagger shaped craft erupting from hyperspace in flickers of pseudomotion, eclipsing the shapes of any support craft that followed them.

"I want the world put under Imperial rule. I want the Professor Uix to have the materials she wishes and I do not wish to deal with the Banking Clan's bureaucracy and fees to get it. They should have accepted my initial commands."

Kessa's form, in holographic form, stood upon the command walk of the battlegroup command ships displayed at full size. Her face concealed in the shadows of her hood save for her lips.

Hanging in space above the planet, a pair of Enforcer class heavy cruisers were angling to intercept the Imperial craft, fighters and support craft, in the form of a corvette and a gunship, already scrambling to assist. Comm officers reported stand-down commands and demands for Imperial craft to leave the system, not bothering to put the Muun officials hailing on screen, or even directly to the commanders present.

The Empresses' hologram merely stands, gazing out towards the offending ships, holorecorder units angling to give her the view she demanded.

The Ravenous had joined the much larger RSD Enforcer at the Imperial rendezvous point for the final hyperspace jump into the target system. When the Empress' hologram had shared Her words with the commanding officers, Captain Rendon had brought both boot heels together at a smart attention, gloved hands clasped at the small of his back. A curt nod greeted their orders and as starstreaks shrunk into the pinpricks of realspace, Aitax's commands to his bridge crew were given in a precise, polished baritone. "Launch all fighters. Concentrate forward batteries and torpedos on the enemy corvette to establish starfighter supremacy. Signal Captain Wrex that we stand ready for battle."

Alys is not a captain. She does not have a capital ship. What she does have is a TIE/vn called a Silencer named Scarbearer, and the Force. The sleek and screamingly fast fighter floats in eerie stillness in the void of space, the Sith piloting it tweaking the controls, finalizing her settings for the upcoming fight. <Spider One to Enforcer command. Squadrons stand ready.>

She closes her eyes for a second, drawing a deep breath, letting it out, and cranking the engines towards full power while she holds the reverse thrusters on. The Scarbearer shakes, like a twitching snake ready to strike for its mistress to cut the reverse thrusters and scream through the silence.

"We will see it done, Empress," Captain Tytos Wrex answers crisply and succinctly. The Enforcer's emergence from hyperspace and the command to bring the system under the yoke of the Empire and from beneath the thumb of the Banking Clan. When the tunnel of hyperspace shatters into points of starlight and the blackness between them, he executes a sharp turn aside and begins to approach the forward viewport. Commands are issued to bring the ship to battle readiness even as the Banking Clan's ships throw their warnings at the Enforcer and other Imperial ships within the system. Warnings that are summarily ignored by the Enforcer.

He considers the field ahead and the reports called out by sensors officers aboard the bridge. For a moment Captain Wrex's bold green eyes dance about while he seems to analyze the information pouring in within his own mind. He seems to reach a conclusion ahead of time and begins to state his orders, firmly and clearly to the entirety of the bridge crew.

"Launch four squadrons; Spider Squadron among those. Retain two for reinforcement purposes," he then begins calling out further orders with a glance to his shoulder, while maintaining his straight-backed posture and unwavering crisp command voice, "confirm battle readiness and notify Spider Squadron to be careful of surprise reinforcements or planetary defenses."

He then calls out to the fleet comm officer, his brows raised and his lips bowed into a grim frown, "Inform Ravenous that we will screen their approach. Begin scans of the planet for potential defenses that may threaten our advance. Notify the Ravenous of our intentions and to maintain safe distance until the scans and results are completed."

Only then does Captain Tytos shift on his heels and turn his attention back to Empress Kessa, a slight bow projected toward her as he remarks, "We stand prepared to move into position and engage at your order, my lady."

<<"Acknowledged, launching.">>

With only his and another squadron to command, Bors in Alpha Lead was out with other fighters being disgorged from the Ravenous. The two squadrons splitting into a double chevron formation - each rank six craft that formed the squadrons so they were four ranks deep.

<<"Continue formation until we reach engagement distance, listen for command - but if engaged break to wings and fly evasive until we have orders.">>

<<"Beta copies...">>

The TIEs scream forward, heedless of the danger the other command ships, and their corvette screen, present to them.

When the Star Destroyers begin firing and spewing fighters into the darkness the Muun craft rotate in a lazy bank towards the smaller of the pair, the Return rotating in the face of the deluge of fire being showered towards it - attempting to keep shields moving and freshened in response to the threat.

The anti-fighter support corvette sliding ahead with its multitude of point weapons beginning to 'spool up' and behind it the Interest and the gunship Zruun are coming up - bracketing the smaller, svelte, cruiser with concentrated fire intended for the smaller of the two Imperial flagships.

Fighters, seeing the Enforer's multitude of TIE craft inbound alter their courses, the veritable walls of fighter craft meeting in a boiling, churning, tying up at least half of the total fighter craft fielded by the Empire today.

The *Ravenous* glided forward through space in line with the gigantic *Enforcer*, guided aggressively into the teeth of the two Muun heavy cruisers. The Victory II's original target of the Banking clan corvette was swiftly annihilated by the Resurgent's heavy guns, wasting the concission missile locks the Ravenous gunners had established. Aitax retargeted the turbolaser batteries with speed and precision, shifting fire to the nearer of the two Munificent heavy cruisers, but it took time beofre the salvo of torpedoes could be fired. Then, in concert with Tytos' larger flagship, Aitax watched the sheilds melt from the Munificent.

He'd trusted in the stout shields and durability of the old Victory II, and the Muun had taken the bait. "Alpha Leader: continue your work, sir," he ordered the fighters, who took good advantage of the preoccupation of the defenders to make unopposed runs along the length of the capital ship *Return*. A bridge officer informed him that shields were holding at seventy percent, which was acknowledged with a short nod. Throughout the unfolding battle, his statusque composure had not shifted, nor had his stance. "Helm, bring us to point oh-seven. If the Muun seek to flee once their first cruiser falls, I wish us to be in position to cutoff their hyperspace vector." He was answered with a sharp Yes, sir.

Alys cuts the reverse thrusters, and the Silencer blasts forward, the scream of the twin engines silent in the void. Seeming a little rattles for some reason, the Sith still lets the Force guide her hands, making her reaction time superhuman.

Even so, that little bit of rattling has seemingly negated a lot of her advantage, but it's enough that she's not dead in a ball of fire. She leads the Enforcer's squadrons into the vicious cloud of fighter craft, swarming like enormous wasps, bolts of ionized gas racing out into space as the two groups meld up in a conglomerate of violence that seems to be going absolutely nowhere for the moment. An even push and pull with no clear advantage to either side.

"Get it together," she growls to herself.

Enforcer begins to roll and drift forward, moving into position for engagement. Captain Tytos Wrex remains aside the hologram of Empress Kessa, as though she were truly present aboard the Enforcer's bridge. The Imperial is dressed to kill. Quite literally in this case. His uniform neatly pressed, his cap smartly in position, his code cylinders properly arranged and level, his boots shined to a radiant gleam, and his gloved hands clasped at the small of his back.

"Batteries open fire on the enemy corvette. Reduce their ability to threaten our fighters," he commands in a smooth, succinct tone. A glance is cast toward the officer that oversees coordination with the starfighter squadrons and relays a command to that particular officer, "relay orders to tie up enemy fighters. Push through with what we're able and retain a squadron in our reserves."

The information is relayed and while it can be difficult to spy the movements of the starfighters from the bridge, Captain Tytos's brow furrows while he makes an effort to watch their progress regardless.

The Enforcer begins to move forward under power and as the range begins to close, its batteries begin to open up as orders are relayed to do so. Captain Wrex watches as the beams of energy slash through the darkness of space, hammering the corvette with devastating effect. While some may find themselves smiling at the marksmanship of the gunnery crews, Captain Tytos remains as stern-faced as ever as he watches the fiery husk of the corvette begin to break up.

The reports begin to stream in as more and more devastation is wrought across the battlefield. Still Captain Tytos does not stray from his position aside the Empress's hologram, but he continues to receive and relay information or commands from his place upon the forward walkway of the bridge. He stares out at the Banking Clan's cruisers and the planet Mygeeto that acts as their backdrop. A task is passed along from Tytos to a comms officer, who in turn relays a transmission from Captain Wrex to the Ravenous intended for Captain Rendon.

'Ravenous, Enforcer. Requesting your status. Enforcer will act as a screen for Ravenous should the need arise.'

'Enforcer' continues forward in a bid to utilize its formidable armor and shields to bully its way deeper into the system and within more strategically optimal positioning to engage both Banking Clan cruisers. It's to those Banking Clan cruisers that Captain Tytos Wrex's next communication is relayed, without the visual, "Notify the opposition that following the execution of one of their support vessels, the Empire is willing to offer them surrender with terms. Inform them to cut power to their engines, power down weapons, and lower deflector shields. Advise that they will be permitted particle shields to reduce the risk of damage by debris". The instructions are relayed and then it's too the gunnery crew that Captain Wrex's next commands are briskly and clearly spoken, "If they refuse or scans indicate they've failed to comply, all batteries are to punish Cruiser Return. Notify Lady Zapal that Enforce is ceding fighter command to her and Spider Squadron's judgment."

One less thing on the plate of Captain Wrex and now he settles in to watch the fruits of his labors from the walkway of the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer 'Enforcer'. The tremble of its batteries unleashing for another barrage vibrates through his boots and into his spine. Despite the successes thus far, his expression remains fixed into his stern glare toward the forward viewport.

As the battle is joined the double formation flows like water in the vacuum, granted passage by Enforcer's fighter screen tying up the defense squadrons and following Ravenous's turbolaser volley into the thick of the fight.

<<"Alpha port, Beta starboard, break and strafe by wings.">>


The two dozen craft spiraling out of the approach pattern to begin raking fire on either side of the blocky defense cruisers shields, causing cerulean flares to wash across the bubble of defense screening. The flash of Enforcer and her fighters eliminating the threat of the corvette splashing illumination across the impassive 'face' of his flight helmet when the craft is destroyed.

<<"Continue sweeps, Alpha starboard, Beta port. Weave pattern. Makes holes.">>

The fighters weave all around the defending cruiser, stabbing emerald into the shields of the big ship that begins to show 'holes' in the matrices of defense screens as they struggle to keep up with the weight of fire from the cruisers.

"Captain Wrex, this is Rendon: we are holding our own, sir. I pray you let the enemy continue to spend their dwindling strength against me to their own doom; should you intercede they will surely flee."

Comm frequencies begin filling with emergency signals as communication between smaller craft lance back and forth to one another.

"Captain Wrex, Mygeeto is attempting to hail again." A comm officer from the starboard pit announces, her expression dispassionate while a hand comes up to her earpiece, head tilting as she listens to the varied signals and communique going out.

The Banking Clan cruisers continue their attempt to pound the Imperial ships - even while craft bearing official markings and others displaying independent IFFs have begun to break atmosphere with clear intent to flee the area.

"I don't care about their lesser craft. Let them run and tell the tale. Eliminate resistance or force capitulation..." Kessa hisses to both ship captains simultaneously, her head bowing forward while she glares at the assault at hand. "Inform me of success." and then her image flickers to dissolution.

Return begins to bank as fires erupt along her hull in the conflict, her gunship continuing to seek weak points in Ravenous's shields and the pair of them trying to keep distance from Enforcer.

The shields of the venerable old Victory II class are beginning to falter under the continued assault of two heavy cruisers with gunship support by the time Aitax looks calmly aside to his comm officer and orders, "Bid Commander Zircon summon Delta squadron." The grip of his hands at the small of his back shifts with the opposite hand taking the other wrist. "Send a full salvo of consussion missiles and maintain barrage until the Munificent cracks." A short bow of the head and shoulders was given to the Empress' order. "Yes, your Grace." The image faded. Informed that shields had fallen to 39 percent, he simply sniffed. "We have them. We won't let them escape by losing nerve. One can't win a worthy scar behind shields, sirs' do your duty."

The swarm writhes like a living thing, like two hives of Raptor-wasps encountering each other in the wild. Bolts of green and red slice through space, but this time, one hive proves to be the stronger. Not a hive of wasps. A nest of spiders.

The Imperial fighters start to gain an edge, pushing the enemy back, taking out a fighter here or there before critical mass is reached.

In hindsight, she may have been doing this on purpose. Like a trap door spider, baiting the enemy out, laying in wait, then striking with overwhelming force. It's like a gigantic maw opens wide and begins to swallow the enemy squadrons.

"We have them now. Finish them."

'Enforcer' begins to roll again as its batteries begin to cycle to full. "Engines and shields ahead full," Captain Tytos remarks without turning his attention from the viewport ahead. He's honed in on the battlefield laid out ahead of Enforcer and the reports that continue to roll in from among the crew pits are received without acknowledgement. Despite the lack of acknowledgment, the crew itself seems to be well accustomed to the methods of Captain Wrex. The reports do not cease but instead continue to be declared clearly and loudly from console operators to the pit bosses, who in turn relay those developments to the walkway and to Captain Wrex.

Tytos in turn continues to dispense with orders as necessary, though there is little change for the time being. He does not speak to Empress Kessa's hologram or even truly acknowledge its presence for the time being. It isn't his place to interrupt the bit of theater that she's elected to indulge for herself.

When Empress Kessa suddenly begins to speak however, Tytos shifts to face the Empress and the command that she delivers. Captain Wrex offers a swift bow of his head and an answer to the command, "As you will it, it will be done, Your Imperial Majesty".

The hologram winks out of existence and again Tytos shifts, turning forward once again. His back straight, chin up, and his customary near-sneer affixed to his features he unclasps a lone hand from his back to gesture in the direction of the Banking Clan's cruiser dubbed 'Return', "Break its spine and gut it. Full speed toward target 'Interest'. Let it know that its presence hasn't gone unnoticed."

The orders are relayed, along with a status report of Spider Squadron and the fighter squadrons successes thus far. This earns a firm nod and a remark that isn't relayed to broadcast, "Lady Zapal is wreaking havoc. Good. We can expect our fighters ready to engage the enemy gunship in short order."

"Advise Ravenous that we've heard their request and that we will not impede their attempt to draw glory to themselves," Captain Tytos answers with a grim nod. Then again it's into silence that Captain Wrex settles to watch as the battle continues to unfold.

<<"Lead, there are gaps ventral, just fore of the engine nozzles">> One of the TIE craft begins hammering with laser fire to point out the intended spot and soon the other 23 start a winding helix to focus fire.

<<"Copy seven, all wings focus on target, open the hull for ordnance to be made effective. It's a slow chipping, but the thick cruiser hull would be better proofed against the concussion missiles that TIE craft carry.

Even Bors's Silencer.

The pounding by Enforcer's cannons spewed fire and molten durasteel all around the TIEs as they continued their swarm tactics on the Muun cruiser, cutting figures of eight around the geysers of destruction they're forced to navigate,

<<"Alpha, Beta. Target the holes they've opened up, full salvos, dumb-fire if needed then bring it all about to fire on engines.">>

The Muun ships continue to barrage, having shifted from coherent energy to primarily ordnance now as clouds of missiles intended to strike directly as well as munitions rarely used in space warfare - the ordnance erupting at proximity rather than on impact - showers of ionized particles creating ball lightning for the star destroyer to have fall upon its protections.

The Debtor class gunship only able to watch the fighters swarming its mother ship while their heavy guns are levied against the Ravenous with renewed vigor when reports of failing shields come back on sensor reports

Interest continues to pace itself to use the Return while it is hammered on by the Imperial craft. Ignoring its cries for permission to retreat. From the calls of fighters as they continue to burst like life-day crackers under the overwhelming assault of the Empress's TIE craft.

More ships rise from the surface, breaking for the edges of Mygeeto's gravity well, where they can attempt to leap to safety in hyperspace.

Captain Rendon had allowed a brief smile to curl his lip at the message from the Imperial flagship. The sturdy Victory II's shields absorbed volley after volley of cascading turbolaser fire, dwindling to 11 percent but still holding. Their opponents were not so fortunate as the lengthy battle was seeing the hull of the *Return* scored and gashed. When the Resurgent divided its fire and moved to engage the remaining Muun cruisers group, Aitax on his bridge went so far as to rip his cap on the RSD's direction before ordering a final volley of torpedoes into the crippled Return. "Finish them, Alpha leader. Delta Squadron has arrived and is yours to command." That said, he ordered turbolasers shifted toward the next target.

The swarm of fighters becomes more brutal. Brutal is likely not the word. Precise. Like a predator taking out prey, the squadrons of TIE fighters seem to act as one, moving in concert and striking without mercy or even consideration of it. In her cockpit, Alys is grim, as always, and utterly focused, her hands steady and precise on the control yoke.

"No survivors. Destroy them. Then we will go aid our compatriots."

Blaster fire rains down on the Banking Clan fighters, some of them turning tail, but in the mad scramble, crashing into each other in flares of light and debris. That's just one less that the TIEs need to deal with.

The dagger shape that is 'Enforcer' continues toward 'Interest' while its guns continue to fire upon 'Return'. Again and again the ship of Captain Tytos Wrex hammers the Banking Clan cruiser until, suddenly and seemingly abruptly, its batteries go silence. The battered and cracked shell of Return is open to space in places and both the Ravenous, its support ships, and fighters continue to harry the Banking Clan cruiser. The destruction of 'Return' is no longer on the list of objectives for Enforcer it would seem.

The gunners open again and this time it is upon the Banking Clan's gunship that has been offering fire support and targeting data for their larger cousin. It's time for that to come to an end.

"Begin firing on the enemy gunship. If it doesn't withdraw, then its husk will be a monument to resistance of the Empress's authority," Captain Wrex declares solemnly while still holding his usual grim expression. A voice from the crew pit rises up, clearly preparing to question the order and no doubt it would be on the matter of the remaining cruiser's engagement. A glance aside and a baleful glare seems enough to silence the protest. That matter dealt with, Tytos shifts his focus ahead again.

"Express our congratulations for her impending victory to Lady Alys and request that after she's concluded her clean-up that she intercept the ships attempting to flee Mygeeto," Captain Wrex remarks after a brief glance toward the sensor crew's section of the starboard pit. He nods once as the instruction is relayed as a message to the Sith. Then, now that Empress Kessa's holo has dissipated, Captain Wrex steps closer to the bank of forward viewports in order to take in a broader view of the battlefield.

"Send the following to Ravenous: 'Captain Rendon, well done. Ravenous has earned its glory today. Combine fire on the remaining cruiser. Advise dispatching fighters to intercept ships attempting to flee planetary gravity well'," the message is concluded with a solemn nod from Tytos and again the Imperial officer's attention turns ahead to the continuously developing battlefield.

<<"Ravenous, do you require screening?">>

<<"Lead, it's venting.">>

<<Six, Three. I'm making my run.">>

Bors resists the urge to crane his neck around in the heavy atmospheric suit he wears - letting his eyes take in information from the compressed 360 view as well as displays to the left and right on his peripherals.

<<"Negative...">> A chin toggle switching to command frequencies, <<"Understood Captain. Utilizing.">>

<<"Alpha Lead, Delta Lead">> Another dozen TIEs bursting from the hyperlanes at close range, <<"We have received Enforcer's signal and are here to engage.">>

The fresh fighters join the stinging swarm that begin pouring bright, almost pink, concussion warheads into the rent hull.

<<"Acknowledged, Delta, pour fire and prepare for fire orders from Ravenous">> Tapping a comm-key on his control yoke that sends out a signal for all three squadrons, thirty-six fighters breaking away from the cruiser to join into a corkscrewing line that banks around.

As they come on their run they begin firing on marks given by Bors, a spiraling line of missiles that is guided in to smash again and again into the marked point until the spine of the Return breaks and its durasteel hull balloons out - fire is short lived in vacuum, but when the reactor goes it is a brilliant flash leaving behind a field of flak for the TIE craft to navigate through.

The death of its compatriot, the gunship and the last of the fighter defenses presents a desperate choice for Interest. The Muun ship seeing the writing on the proverbial wall begins to roll, trying to present stronger shields and opening up with the ventral batteries on Ravenous before it starts to angle.


Mygeeto may be a great interest to the banking clan, but the commander of the last remaining defense craft isn't interested in sacrifice for noble gestures. It's not a good investment. Thruster nozzles flare and the craft attempts to slide past the Imperial craft while more ships of smaller, faster, make leap to hyperspace, most of those being independent trade ships that had selected a poor day for runs to the far outer rim.

Captain Rendon acknowledged the communique from *Enforcer*, directing his own destroyer's main guns to concentrate fire with the Resurgent on the outmatched Banking clan gunship. "Alpha Leader," was hailed and instructed to, "Take your squadrons on a single pass of the enemy gunship." While his turbolasers added to the barrage besieging the doomed Muun support craft, he ordered the capital scale concussion missile guidance systems to lock onto the remaining heavy cruiser. No sooner as the three squadrons of Lord Thul completed their explosive task than ordnance opened fire on the fleeing *Interest*.

Aitax noted with wry amusement as the wounded cruiser fled that his *Ravenous* had still not fully lost its shields. "Alpha Leader. A fine showing, sir. You are ordered to intercept fleeing civilian vessels and order then back to their moorings on Mygeeto. Warning shots for any craft which ignore you; you are free to destroy any vessel which opens fire." A steady breath was drawn in and let out. "I expect reports on damages, and remaining stocks of ordnance within ten minutes."

"You," Alys says, marking various TIE fighters on telemetry, "Finish these fighters. The rest of you, form up around me. We are going to screen the Ravenous." The Sith wrenches on the Silencer's controls, sliding it in a horizontal axis spin like you see in some speeder chase holofilms popular on Nar Kanji. She redlines the throttle, and the Silencer roars silently through space, followed by the slightly slower fighters. They start to swarm and helix around the Ravenous, taking potshots at the Interest as it fires on the Star Destroyer.

Though she's not surprised to see it fleeing when she looks up.

The destruction all around only drives Captain Tytos to push Enforcer and its crew further. Total victory is at hand and it's clear that he desires it. Not only for his own service record, but for the Empire itself. "Engage tractor beams on fleeing ships that we are able. They may be smugglers or dissidents," he remarks with his cool, crisp tones. A glance is cast toward the fleeing form of the remaining cruiser and a nod is given, along with a simple command, "Give it everything. I do not want to report to Empress Kessa that our gunners failed to prevent that ship's escape. She was quite clear in her expectations".

Then it's to the starfighters of Enforcer, including Spider Squadron, that the Imperial officer's voice transmits, "All fighters, Enforcer. The smaller ships are no longer our concern. Engage the remaining cruiser. Open defiance of Imperial order will not be tolerated. Their surrender was offered and ignored. The offer will not be made again, nor their escape permitted".

Captain Wrex turns his attention forward once again. Now to watch that his instructions are heeded and the remaining Banker's cruiser is likewise wiped from the board.

Already he's mentally rehearsing his planned delivery of good news to Empress Kessa.

The trio of squadrons under Ravenous fan out, thirty three of the TIE craft begin to form into what looks like a three taloned claw with Bors's Alpha Lead and the squadron commanders of Beta and Delta forming the base from which they extend.

Reaching towards the gunship first and raking the fire that sees its engines die and the craft begins to tumble as venting pressure and a silencing of maneuvering thrusters result in a wild swaying of the corpse vessel.

<<"Target destroyed.">> Blue eyes flicking to one side when Aitax's command comes through, head tilting, <<"By your command...">> The claw formation moving still towards the fleeing cruiser, <<"Finishing the job before policing.">>

It's a desperate play for Interest - weapon systems powered down to funnel all the freed energy to shields and engines in a desperate bid to get clear. Get to Muun and report on the happenings far swifter than it might otherwise reach the homeworld.

Smaller craft being caught in Enforcer's tractor net inspire others to break towards the night side of the planet while they angle away. More and more escaping to hyperspace - opting for more fuel spent than risk trying to get past the Imperial craft.

Demands from Mygeeto for the ship to fight are ignored as the engine nozzles belch fire and it makes the gambit for escape, leaving the husks of its fellow picket defenders behind.

Captain Rendon devotes his immediate attention to the concussion missiles; the turbolaser targeting solutions are firing well, but he knows the missiles will grant just a bit more range if the target lock is calibrated correctly. The Victory II and its frigate send all firepower they can muster at the flight of *Interest* but the crippled destroyer looks set to escape the Ravenous guns. "Finish it, sir," he states under his breath, monitoring the last pass of fighters.

The fighters finish their jobs. Wiping out the Banking Clan squadrons and rejoining Alys and the rest of the squadrons as they helix around the Ravenous. With a grim nod and nary a smile, the Sith just says to her fighters, "With me."

Bors and his squadron form up in a three clawed talon. Alys somehow manages to coax her flight frouping into some kind of eight legged monstrosity, the legs flexing and widening as they get close to the fleeing ship. "Fire on my mark," she says, counting the seconds in her head.


All of the TIE fighters unload. Cannons, missiles. Fire streaks through space, forming a web of destruction as the Silencer and the rest make a pass, splitting up to break off and come around again if necessary.

Havoc rains down upon the remaining Banking Clan cruiser and as the batteries let up to allow for the starfighters to dance along the cruiser's surface. Tytos watches on in silence and his grim expression seems all the deeper and severe. The ship will either break or escape. There may be the chance of the hyperdrive motivator exploding from an unexpected hit, but it's still unlikely.

The batteries slip in shots as they're able and while doing so, Captain Tytos signals his communications officer to open a holo channel to the Ravenous itself.

The results themselves seem of lesser importance as the flickering image of Captain Tytos Wrex appears on the older Victory II's bridge near Captain Aitax Rendon, "Captain Rendon, please give my regards and congratulations to your crew. Their performance and your commend has been exceptional". Tytos seems to look aside for a moment, perhaps back to his own viewport. He watches the progress of the remaining cruiser's harrying and then back to the holocam itself, "With the glory comes the report, Captain. I look forward to reviewing it prior to its final submission. I will notify Empress Kessa of the fruits of our labor. Enforcer, out".

The broadcast is terminated with a nod and soon Captain Wrex begins to make his way from the bridge. To follow it is a broadcast to Scarbearer or Spider Leader, "My lady, your performance has truly been an inspiration. It has been a privilege to work with you and I hope that the pilots of Enforcer have met with your satisfaction". Unless Alys has a response to give, the transmission is cut off soon after.

The final verdict of 'Interest' will reach him by the time he's arrived at his ready room. Over a long life he has been witness to hundreds, if not thousands, of ship's destruction. One more won't suddenly become all the more fascinating. For now he sets himself to the task of preparing to contact the Empress to deliver the news of the Empire's grip on space around Mygeeto.

The claw formation envelopes, fighters tracing hard lines of molten durasteel in the wake of Enforcer, Alys's fighter swarm and Ravenous's barrage.

<<"All wings full barrage. Ordnance and cannons.">>

A chorus of affirmatives rising around Bors over comms while he gooses the throttle of his own fighter, heavy cannons cycling up on the TIE Silencer - finding weak points opened up by the deluge of viridian that pounds into the hull of the cruiser. Concussion missiles streaking on blazing comet tails join the screaming energy fire that cycles such that the barrels of all thirty six fighters begin to glow white hot for the threat of overheating.

<<"Until it is finished.">>

The command bit out and as the fighters pass the Interest's engines flare, as if on the verge of making the leap to hyperspace before the craft erupts, tearing itself apart as ion engines overload and systems are unable to vent the rampant, uncontrolled, release of energies that turn the destroyer into a blossom of white light that quickly burns down to orange and nothing at all.

<<"Splash target, Ravenous. Moving to policing actions.">>

Alpha, Beta and Delta squadrons breaking to begin wrangling those ships that cannot get away. The Empire victorious, but there was still work to do.