Log:Sith: Here There Be Dragons: Part 2
Here There Be Dragons: Part 2
OOC Date: February 21, 2025
Location: Hapes Star Cluster
Participants: Aitax Rendon, Alys Zapal, Aryn Cortess, Bors Thul, Roan, Tytos Wrex
Following the detonation of the Hapan mass-pulse mines at the conclusion of the first battle, a new gravity well had drawn in elements of the nearby nebula, creating a colorful swirl of vibrant chaos that had disrupted trade lanes and escape routes alike. Of the six star destroyer groups which had initially entered the star cluster, contact with two had been lost in the unstable Mists, leaving their locations and fates unknown. Long-range sensors and communications were struggling with the new gravitational anomaly, leaving both Imperial and Hapan fleets half-blind and reliant on old-fashioned reconnaissance to scout out enemy movements.
Picket ships, fighter patrols, short-range probes, and chained communication relays; it was as if warfare had been set back generations. A chance contact between fighter patrols could lead to an isolated dogfight in the depths of a purple nebula, or it could spiral into a larger fleet engagement if one side or the other was willing to tip their hand by committing a capital ship. The Hapans seemed wary of biting at a diversion that might leave the approach to Hapes Prime vulnerable, and the divided Imperials were hesitant to blindly feed capital ships into what might be an ambush by the entire Royal Navy.
Ravenous Fleet (Aitax Rendon)
One such contact had just been made, a microjump away. A short-range probe from the frigate *Reckoning* had discovered a small Hapan battle group of four battle dragons with a trio of nova cruisers, scouting the Mists for a sign of the Imperial fleet. The probe was destroyed by Miy'tal fighters shortly after making contact, but a bite-sized piece of the mighty Royal Guard fleet was within reach; a fact shared without delay to all Imperial captains within range. <<"Ravenous to all ships: Hapan squadron of four battle dragons and three novas with fighter escort detected at coordinates 557-72 Epsilon.">>
The comm frigate in his destroyer group had proven to be Aitax Rendon's best contribution to the Imperial campaign, thus far. Even limited by the stellar phenomenon surrounding them, the specialized emitters and receivers of the Sentinel-class vessel were the fleet's most reliable means of long-range communication, becoming something of a relay hub for the higher ranking captains of the fleet. When the signals had come in and been shared out, Rendon ordered the microjump coordinates laid in at once before calling the *Ravenous* to battle stations.
Dark Pearl Fleet (Roan)
Damage had been minimal--almost nonexistent--for the Dark Pearl Fleet. Elegance and Grace floated some distance away, while Beauty was still lost in the mists. Roan is standing on the bridge looking thoughtful as she waits for the next phase of the battle to begin. Morale is good, ship is sound. Nothing to report.
Scarbearer (Alys Zapal)
Alys is one of those who volunteered to scout. In her personal starfighter, no less. She's a good pilot, as good as any in most of the Imperial fleet. What sets her apart is her skill with the Force. Reacting to things before they happen, her hands just acting to steer the ship with no input from her sometimes.
Floating in space, the message from the Ravenous comes through. "Acknowledged. Widow Leader en route." The co-ordinates for the microjump are entered, and the Scarbearer vanishes in a streak.
Enforcer Fleet (Tytos Wrex)
"Captain, we have incoming transmission from Ravenous. Coordinates have been relayed for a potential engagement with multiple enemy targets," one of the crew announces from the pit. From the forward viewport Captain Tytos Wrex seems to consider the news. He glances to the swirling cosmic mist beyond the viewport and after a moment of thoughtful consideration, he speaks up in answer, "Prepare for jump to the transmitted coordinates. Offset position by point-zero-five, point-one-one. Upon arrival launch two of our squadrons and order them to join our carrier's wing to push toward the target area. Instruct Lasher to accompany the fighters to offer additional anti-starfighter support. Enforcer and our carrier should remain hidden within the mist for possible ambush". The orders are conveyed and then Captain Tytos settles onto the bridge the watch and wait for the microjump to be initiated.
Merciless (Aryn Cortess)
The Captain for the Merciless sent a confirmation of the coordinates, and acknowledged the jump by joining the formation before making that leap through hyperspace. Within the bridge, Kalus watched from the main view port, and off to one side of her, the Captain of the vessel issued orders to the officers manning the various stations. When the helm confirmed the coordinates, they stood by for the order to leap forward and begin the next segment of this Hapan engagement.
Merciless (Bors Thul)
"Yes I am aware."
Bors was striding back to the holo-table in the wake of recent events, a bacta plaster on one temple where he had been batted by a slip caused by the multitude of detonations.
"I need status of available fighters. How many can launch when this resumes its insanity?"
Ravenous Fleet (Aitax Rendon)
The skirmish begins sharply, as the Imperial ships (less one Resurgent) drive hard at the Hapan formation. While the new Hapan fighter deployments are much more promising, and get their fighters into the fight at once, rather than being swallowed piecemeal, the sheer number of TIEs spells disaster for the outnumbered Miy'til squadrons. Tactics the Imperial starfighter corp has been refining for decades cannot be so easily aped, and the overmatched Hapans are quickly reduced from a proud nine squadrons to the remains of two.
The guns of Ravenous, Dark Pearl, and Merciless blast apart the first battle dragon at closing range with pitiless turbolasers and volleys of concussion missiles. A second looks soon to follow before a full hour of battle has even passed, when- contrary to what would seem wisdom, the remaining battle dragons launch a spread of mass-pulse mines, effectively locking down the one sided battle in a gravity well.
The reason becomes apparent quite soon, as in response to the first contact signals, the main Royal Guard fleet hyperjumps into the new gravity well, emerging already right on top of the three Imperial destroyers.
It is not the full strength of the fleet that had survived the first battle, but it is near enough to it: thirty-one new battle dragons, and 18 nova cruisers, which immediately launch their full complement of Miy'tal fighters, and the ten potent squadrons of Hetrinar bombers.
The battle is no longer so one-sided.
Dark Pearl Fleet (Roan)
And...go! The Dark Pearl and her carriers microjump right on top of the Battle Dragons and their Nova supports, firing a withering hail of turbolasers at point blank range. "Give them hell, Alys," Roan says over comms, watching grimly as swarms upon swarms of TIE fighters streak out into the dark, immediately ripping into the Hapan forces.
But then, an unexpected alarm comes through: Mines. Roan immediately turns and makes her way to a viewscreen, leaning over an officer to do so. "Mines! Activate the rear deflectors, half power." Punching a fleet-wide comm button, Roan alerts the Imperials, "They may have reinforcements waiting. Watch for an ambush!"
But the words are pointless as the Royal Guard drops right on top of them. "Evasive maneuvers! Full shields!"
Enforcer Fleet (Tytos Wrex)
The Enforcer isn't to be found on the battlefield. Instead its influence is felt by other means. Where the place in formation that one may expect Enforcer and its support craft, there is a blank space. Just as one may begin to question that blank space a swarm of TIE starfighters come screaming from the mist, followed a moment later by a Raider-class corvette. The mist clings to solar panels and hull as they roar from the swirling field of celestial fog. The TIEs break apart in an effort to spread their influences and provide support to their compatriots across the warfront. The corvette steams along in pursuit in an effort to catch up to the faster starfighters that lead the charge.
The battle is engaged and the TIEs handle themselves well, swooping in and out of the dogfights that spread out across the battle. The corvette eventually pulls into the fight and its guns begin aiding fighters from the Merciless. When some of the fighters begin to break away from the dwindling number of enemy fighters, they surge into the newly placed field of mines and their laser cannons begin chewing through the fields of mines. It isn't much, but it's honest work.
Merciless (Aryn Cortess)
The Merciless rained down a significant amount of fire. Picking apart one dragon, then damaging another (in conjunction with the fire from the fleet), the battle looks decided. Only it's not, and the Royal fleet arrives in style, immediately launching fighters.
The Captain makes a monotone, "Ah, there they are," comment before turning back slightly. "We need focus on those bombers. -- Gunnery, begin targeting the Nova Cruisers. Helm, adjust heading twenty-five degrees and take us ahead at half impulse."
Merciless (Bors Thul)
<<"Squadrons are scrambling.">>
"Understood, provide assistance for Dark Pearl and Ravenous. Sweep the field and leave their dragons exposed." Bors stands up straight again, turning and walking with his punctuated alternating 'tak' of the cane touching down with his left foot.
The butler droid that seems ever at his service, even in combat droids, standing up straight and following - a holodisplayer broadcasting the table readout before the Alderaanian lord while he walks to the fore of the bridge.
"Aurek execute Beta-Kappa Three. Osk support. All other squadrons support. Split to wings and continue to sweep. Sphere formation and fire for gaps. Put them in crossfire."
A string of acknowledgements sweep over the comms broadcasted by L7 and Bors stops at the view port, cane tucking up like a crop in the crook of his arm.
Ravenous Fleet (Aitax Rendon)
The sudden and violent close quarters brawl that the battle has become is intense and chaotic. Despite the orderly grid formation of the Royal Guard, and the spearhead array of star destroyers blasting away at one another, the seocnd hour of battle sees fewer catastrophic explosions as the heaviest losses are borne among the starfighter corps. The massive numbers of Miy'tar are taking grievous losses against the higher tech TIEs, but by their determination and quantity, they are beginning to establish local superiority. The Imperial squadrons have been driven off the work of clearing mines, focused fire is threatening the shields of several Imperial capital ships, and for the moment at least, there looks like no escape.
On the Ravenous, Captain Rendon orders the weapons of his old destroyer to turn toward the mass-pulse mines, confident in the Victory II's armor to weather whatever hard the Hapans may hurl. "Prepare a proximity detonation in the next spread of concussion missiles. Take us forward, to draw pressure off the escort craft."
Dark Pearl Fleet (Roan)
Explosions rock the Dark Pearl, and the carriers are taking heavy fire as well. For every Battle Dragon they cut down, two more seem to swarm in. Roan has had enogh. "Those mines are sapping our combat power... Turbolasers, switch to wide diffusion and start clearing out that damn field so the others can start focusing on the Hapani!" A comm button is hit, "Carriers, match our targeting!"
Scarbearer (Alys Zapal)
Alys is no longer listening to coms. She's not looking at sensors or readouts. She's not even listening to what Red Eye, her BB unit is spouting. No, she's piloting with the Force, and it seems to be working. Despite the losses, she swings through the void, unleashing hell via heavy laser cannon and concussion missiles at the emerging bombers.
The first pass is mediocre, but the second is glorious. bolts fly through space from the TIEs as they scream in silence, the Hapan bombers shredding like paper under the assault. Alys in the Scarbearer is particularly effective, faster, more agile, and with more firepower than most of the fighters with her. She's a beacon, leading them to conquest.
Enforcer Fleet (Tytos Wrex)
Where the Imperial starfighters screamed into battle dragging streamers of celestial mist before engaging in a deadly contest of skill with the Hapan starfighters, the Enforcer makes a far more dramatic entrance. The Resurgent-class Star Destroyer emerges from the swirling mists like some immense leviathan. Almost immediately its guns show that they are primed and ready as they begin pumping fire into the Hapan lines. Starfighters launch from the Enforcer and the carrier that travels in its wake. As Hapan fighters begin to surge toward the minefield that will surely trap the Imperial fleet, the Enforcer signals all fighters to engage as well as the Raider-class to support.
The battle over the minefield largely turns into a stalemate for the time being, but some of those mines explode under the guns of the most unlikely of sources: the Imperial carrier.
Meanwhile Enforce begins to angle itself into the battle, cutting a mist-streaming trail in the direction of the Imperial battlegroup.
Merciless (Aryn Cortess)
"Continue pursuit and destruction of those damnable Nova vessels. Helm, adjust course and move the Merciless to intercept that fire. Gunnery -- continue to focus your fire on those Novas."
The Merciless' engines glow bright as the large vessel continues its slow movement. Cannon and battery fire is continuous and brutal.
Merciless (Bors Thul)
Despite the rolling success of the initial moments of the engagement the Hapan reinforcements forces Bors's narrow eyed frown into a grimace.
Each voice calling out and then being silenced making him tighten the crook of his arm about the cane tucked there. His free hand is balled at his side, glove squeaking while he observes the display projected before him and the melee through it.
"Full evasive and defensive skirmishing, they have numbers. Relay run to allow your wings to restore shields. Fire by rank and peel off to reform."
More Hapans were pouring out into the morass of cannon fire and wreckage filling space, eyes narrowing again.
"I should be out there, I apologize."
Ravenous Fleet (Aitax Rendon)
The second clash between fleets was much bloodier than the first. A full 8 Imperial squadrons of TIEs are destroyed or routed, and worrying scars have begin to rain down on the critical carriers od the Dark Pearl fleet by the time the two navies accept a temporary impasse. The Hapans had lost ten full squadrons, and a further trio of capital ships, with two more teetering on the edge of destruction by the time the great guns go silent.
A broadcast from the Royal Guard allows the recovery of wounded, with the threat that any betrayal of this temporary truce will result in the execution of all Imperial prisoners.
Aboard the Ravenous, Aitax Rendon draws a slow breath through the nose as the reports from across the fleet are routed through the *Reckoning*. "They're getting better," he observed simply, before leaving orders for the recovery and rescue vessels to launch.
Dark Pearl Fleet (Roan)
"Minefield cleared!" cries one of the junior officers, and Roan stabs a finger at the viewport, "Concentrate all fire on the nearest Nova!" A blistering hail flies from the dagger-shaped starship and the Nova buckles like an imploding flower.
Roan is pleased, and is about to issue new orders when the order to withdraw comes through. Roan hits the railing with a fist, "Those damn mines! They keep slowing us down." She sighs, "Fall back with the fleet. Excellent work everyone."
Roan is about to comm Alys to return when she pauses. Her eyes fall across the sheets of red that were once expert pilots. She hesitates, just for a moment, and pushes the button. "Well fought, Scarbearer. All squadrons, recover lifepods and return to base." The button clicks off, and Roan is silent. That's a lot of dead pilots she was praising as the best in the Empire, just weeks ago...
Scarbearer (Alys Zapal)
This is too much, even for her. If she was by herself, she might be able to do more. She might be able to use her powers to their full range. When she's got squadrons to manage, it's too much. "Pull out. Retreat," she growls into coms.
The best part about her abilities is doing things that should be impossible. She hauls on the yoke, fingers flying across thruster controls as she seems to invert the facing and attitude of the Silencer fast enough that the ship should tear apart. It doesn't. She fires the throttle to full, and the Scarbearer roars back towards the Dark Pearl, withdrawing.
Enforcer Fleet (Tytos Wrex)
As the Imperial fleet begins to exchange withdraw codes with one another to signal its organized retreat, the Enforcer begins to recall its fighters after a particularly grueling exchange of fire. Whether it's the war waged between capital ships or the smaller scale war that rages among the starfighter squadrons, the losses are felt but returned. The starfighters are supported by the Raider-class corvette, but the exchange seems to be a slow descent into Imperial losses. They thankfully don't suffer a resounding defeat but the slow drip bleeding of the Enforcer battlegroup's starfighters is enough to cause them to begin their withdrawal.
The wedge-shaped Resurgent-class Star Destroyer dubbed 'Enforcer' lazily rolls and wheels about, but does so at slow speed. It's clear that the 'Enforcer' is shifting position to shield the withdrawal of the pair of Victory II-class Star Destroyers and their own support craft. Tractor emitters begin to fire, snagging the ball-shaped cockpits of TIEs and other wreckage that contain lifesigns. Despite the Hapan offer of a temporary truce, judging by Enforcer's movements it appears that it doesn't trust the potential deal. Potential casualties are recovered as promptly as possible as Enforcer and its support craft begin their steady, organized withdrawal.
Eventually the Imperials begin to slip back into the stellar mists like a suburban father sinking into a shrub in order to avoid notice. Under these circumstances it's necessary to permit the Imperials an opportunity to lick their wounds, replenish personnel and craft, or even attempt to signal for aid. The Enforcer slides into the cloud that has become its home these last few days and the mists part as the great craft plunges into the shroud. Soon the wedge-shaped craft is fully enveloped, obscuring it from sight and concealing it from scanners.
Merciless (Aryn Cortess)
"See about the recovery of our downed pilots," the Captain orders. He retreats from the Dark Lord to look over the tactical table to ponder their next move for the time this respite is granted. Kalus remains where she is, quietly meditating and appearing to watch out the viewport, hands still clasped at her lower back. The most unnerving thing is that her eyes remain open, staring blankly into the void.
Merciless (Bors Thul)
More dying, the sheer numbers the Hapans are fielding here are telling and the battlegroup assembled lacks for the close in reinforcements that those of the cluster enjoy.
"Iota Lead, you're all alone. Move to hunt, keep on wings with numbers on them - prioritize by proximity. Aurek, continue to sweep with Osk. Weaving. Joust and force them to break formations."
From where he stands it all looks so very impersonal. The right eye with the monocle pinched before it ticking at the corner each time he sees another TIE destroyed on the display. Another IFF title going red and then wiping away to clear the field.
"Bring them back in, recovery teams haul back as many as can be salvaged and all pilots we can locate. Don't squander this opportunity..."
To regroup.