Sirus Yume

Sirus Yume
Race: Echani
Sex: Male
Occupation: Business Man
Profession: Gangster
Homeworld: Hutta
Organization: Shadow Syndicate
Ship: Lucky Strike
- Log:Siya and the Space Junk
- Log:Saving a Zelton
- Log:Dat club is off the hook
- Log:Puff of Smoke
- Log:Skeeves spills the beans
- Log:Sunset on the Shadows
- Log:Keep your tongue,they love you.
- Log:One Arm and The Knife
- Log:New spice dealer!
- Log:The Fence gets in on it.
- Log:The talk about thieves and robbers.
- Log:The Yume Spat
- Log:Shadow seeking out new minions.
- Log:Anarchy at the Muse
- Log:Stranger Danger
- Log:Morning Visitor
- Log:From Moon to Desert
- Log:An Evening with the Muse
- Log:Shadow seeking out the attackers.
- Log:The credits need to flow!
- Log:Submitted for the approval of the midnight society.
- Log:That time we worked for a Droid.
- Log:One more joins the Shadows
- Log:Corruption in the Senate
- Log:The Unlucky Strike
- Log:The Galactic Tabac Pipe Grand Opening
- Log:Monkey Lizard Starport Disco
Bio Sirus and his twin are from a crime family hidden in the slums of Hutta. It seems they are out and about to try find their own way in the galaxy.
Places owned:
Bro-Come back to me little brother.
Hey darling-I'm a monster and that scares me! Wait what are you?
The gallery runner.- Finshed the job that my mother started. Can't hate you he is my warrior now.
The jill of all trades -She always get that job done no matter what. Fear this little cutie.
The siren.-You were too perfect and innocent for me.
The friend.-We will be greater someday together!
The lackey-Well you man up or die on the vine?
The other head-Sin is fun and grand. But don't let it rule your life.
The Dancer- If you fix him your are golden in my book.
The girl Don't let him push ya around.
The fighter- Always fighting the man and winning the girls. Well the girl.
-New suit to go with new gallery.
The look and personality! G-Dragon CROOKED
Good night with bro! Me V. Angry Mob- World Infernal friendship society
The past is not the future! Marilyn Manson - Long Hard Road out of Hell
The truth is always open! Falling In Reverse - Just Like You
The infamous banned music! FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE - The Violation
The gang is all here! Gangsta's Paradise - Vintage 1920's Al Capone Style Coolio Cover ft. Robyn Adele Anderson
Emotions suck....I hate them.......... Can't Help Falling In Love - William Control
Susanna-A girl used mostly for hiring others to jobs for Sirus.
Arshona- A young woman often used to hire as well. She is a skilled fighter on her own.
Albert-His family's trusted lawyer been with the Twins for years and now they have brought him to Nar Shada.