
Yxuara-Wewinkle Yucks-are-ah Vee-wink-le
Title: Yxuara
Race: Squib
Sex: Male
Occupation: Citizen
Profession: Master Trader
Homeworld: Skor II
Organization: Squib Merchandising Consortium
Ship: Gand Pannier
"Master Trader Yxuara, trader and author--you've read my stories? No? Signed with the large Yux, like my ship? Please, this way to my office--no, it is no problem finding chairs for someone your size, let me make a quick adjustment... notice! this green coatings here--a particular shine keeps the wrenches and things from corrosion, yet very thin coat so it interferes very little with standardized sizing. Profound--profoundly horrible tasting, eh-heh, so I wear gloves.
I am very as they say upfront with customers. I can see you have no time today, so let's skip the pleasantries, although I did have a just opened case of-- it is no matter. If you don't want to remove your helmet, I make no judgements. Sell you a pack of straws?"
As Author
Yxuara spends his time while in warp writing thrilling stories for the exonet and is a famed adventure writer who specializes in detectives, collectors, scavengers who end up tipped off by old Squib contacts, a talkative alien, or lost diplomat. They find something either valuable or "haunted", in a secret compartment at the bottom of a shipping crate, hidden room, old bank vault, under a temple and nearly go to ruin before managing to distance themselves from the organization dedicated to recapturing it. The stories are interspersed with complex figure diagrams--if a wrench is mentioned being used in a repair of an oxygen handler, the model number and specific torque required for the job is attached in the technical appendix along with all sixteen bolt locations.
Yxuara's major accomplishment is his travelogue on 1001 places to eat before you die, which due to the changing political nature of space presents a formidable challenge in these modern times.
As Spacer
Yxuara was born in a medbay on the AVAGS Refueling Orbital #33. His parents were successful enough to train Yxuara and his siblings on the complete collection of skill tapes from the 2099: Proficiency -- A Nighttime Nebular Technical Encyclopedia before apprenticing them out to other Squib ships on the Rimma Trade Route. Yxuara's combination of deep space experiences and a head full of subconscious technical jargon combined to make him a successful writer and profitable enough to secure not only half the interest of the Gand Pannier as well as adoption from the captain of the ship herself.
The Gand Pannier
The Gand Pannier is a Squib needle ship. Currently under-crewed by several key positions, Gand Pannier has been landed in the junkyards of Nar Shadda and set up shop as a refuse processing plant with several storage warehouses and an outlying workshop. The ship runs on a two-shift schedule maintaining business contracts. Also useful for the odd repair, building demolition, recharging equipment, decrypting documents, chroming bar stools, and recovery of materials such as turning stripped casino hotel carpeting into non-food grade isenflin sheets for use as personal rain protection.
Positions on the Gand Pannier between officers, salvage crew, engineers, traders, and gunnery crew shift depending upon need and the current emergency. Steward-to-Officers is perhaps one of the more important positions as someone had to be responsible for the ovens not burning things down while the others were busy discussing scrap.
Crew of the Gand Pannier
- High boss-Chief-In-Charge-Of-All-Things-Squib (Captain)
- ____ Wewinkle "Twinkle", Pilot, Owner, Hiboss
- Assistant High Boss-Leuitenant-Deputy-In-Charge-of-Funds (Captain-Assistant)
- Haggnap-Starwonner "Haggy", Paperwork
- Lower Boss-In-Charge-of-Bosses (First Officer)
- Pigzig-Nofifteenth "Ziggy"
- Officer-Assistant-to-Assist-Officers (Steward-to-Officers)
- Whirring-Irtones "Irk", Salvager Claims, Cooking for Guests
- Second Officer
- Nocked-Sickstick "Nock Two", Paperwork, Trading
- Assistant to Second Officer
- Position Open
- Third Officer
- Position Open, Navigation Officer
- Assistant to Third Officer
- Position Open
- Crew Boss Fore Salvager
- Crew Boss Assistant
- Position Open, Gunnery Officer, Grabber Beam Hiboss
- Medic Salvager
- Position Open
- Medic Assistant Salvager
- Faaluut-Landalan "Falutin", First Aid
- First Engineer Salvager
- Position Open, Communications
- Second Engineer Salvager
- Sniville-Refaffleros "Sniv", Cook for Crew, Skilled with Grabber
- Third Engineer Salvager Procurement Officer
- Position Open, boss of marketing
- Fourth Engineer Salvager Procurement Officer's Assistant
- Enocked-Landalan "Nock One", Hijacking Swoops
- Fifth Silent-Engineer*
- Yxuara-Wewinkle, Co-Pilot, Trader, Author
- Gunner Salvager Purser
- Position Open, credit disbursement handled by Haggy
- Gunner Salvager
- Assistant Chief Boss of Tractor Beams - Sixkiller-Zalzzabar
- Gunner Salvager
- Position Open