Log:Yux: Airis and Mandl buy things.

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Yux: Airis and Mandl buy things.

OOC Date: December 30, 2024
Location: Trader's Market
Participants: Yxuara-Wewinkle, Airis, Mandl

Logging Started: 12/30/2024 0:22:01



Deep blue skin, pearlescent white downy feathers, and a willowy frame are the first features a person might notice when they first glance upon Airis. The angles and slight elongation of her humanoid face gives her an avian appearance, even more-so with the crown of short, shimmering, pearlescent, downy feathers on her head. Dark golden eyes peer out from beneath a set of pearlescent white downy brows, holding a studious, searching intensity. Though she is a woman of few words, when she speaks, her voice is a high, sing-song tone, giving an even more solid impression of avian influence to her genetics.

Though her height is average for female human standards, her slender, willowy frame gives her the appearance of being small and fragile. When she moves, it is clear that what she lacks in brute strength, she makes up for with grace and nimble movements. Though her frame is slender and she holds the avian features, she still holds the modest form of what is considered female in human species.

Her outfit is comfortable and simple, hugging her modest curves lightly. She sports an off-white tunic secured at the waist with a belt. The neckline of the tunic shirt is dangerously low, showing hints of her bosom at just the right angle. The belt around her waist is dark gray and sports a few pouches on one hip and a gun holster at other. She wears snug black pants tucked into a pair of knee-high strappy black boots. A simple silver pendant hangs around her neck for a hint of glitter to her simple attire.

This is a festive colored Top Hat that can be worn to show your festive nature for Life Day. It is a crimson hat with a golden band around the base of the tall crown. The brim of the hat is adorned with leaves and garland that glitters in the ambient light. Little bells are afixed the stems of the leaves, and jingle as the wearer moves their head about.


Mandl: pale of skin, short, round about the middle-- most of the creature's mass is devoted to the dominating globe of their impressive Bith cranium. Faceted eyes shimmer a mysterious grey, while the wattles disguising their mouth are damp and tinged aquamarine by copious vasculature. Utterly hairless to the eye, the genderless creature is encircled by a wide belt.

An extravagant set of clothing from Nar Shaddaa's Corellian District. Nar Shaddaa fashion is generally urban, but Corellians have injected some flair from their own culture. Slick synth leathers, dark shades of grays, blacks, reds and blues are usually worn by pilot types. While grays, blacks, browns and reds are considered working class. Those who stick close to the nightlife often mix the darker shades with bright neon hues.


Yxuara, Trader

Second Officer Nocked-Sickstick "Nock Two"

Fourth Engineer Salvager Procurement Officer's Assistant Enocked-Landalan "Nock One"


Trader's Way - Dawnrise District, Nar Shaddaa

Trader's Way is a vibrant neighborhood located in the bustling Dawnrise district, known for its numerous establishments, venues, and services. The area is always abuzz with activity, with people hurrying about their daily routines and enjoying the multitude of offerings available to them; all drenched in neon advertisements that adorn the streets. Bright shades of orange, yellow, and pink dominate the visual landscape. These eye-catching signs advertise a wide range of businesses, from shops and restaurants to theaters and nightclubs, all vying for the attention of passersby.

Despite the frenetic energy of the neighborhood, there are also ample green spaces to be found, providing welcome respites from the hustle and bustle of daily life. These verdant areas are well-maintained, offering peaceful havens for relaxation and recreation. Of course, with so much activity and foot traffic, security is a top priority in Trader's Way. The neighborhood boasts a robust security presence, with highly visible patrols and state-of-the-art surveillance technology working in tandem to keep residents and visitors safe at all times. All credited to the Crimson Dawn.


It is a rare sunny day out. Clouds drift lazily way overhead past the tops of the skyscrapers. As such, people are milling back and forth, enjoying the sunshine and getting down to whatever gritty business they have to tend to. Amongst the denizens of the area is one Omwati woman, meandering past stalls and places of ill repute. However, one vendor does catch her attention. The weapon's dealer has a grainy holographic display of his current stock. It would seem it is chock full of things that go boom! Perking up, Airis makes her way closer to the vendor.

Yxuara's poncho flaps in the sunlight as the Squib slowly passes down the street, sitting on the front crate of a slow moving cargo transport marked Gand Pannier Goods on the side in several languages. It's possibly a warning, as the transport slows and stops at the nearby Squib trade tent and the booth-minders come out to bolster their merchandise with recently cleaned canteens, neatly cleaned carpets, and a selection of shiny bar stools, among other things. Duty discharged, Yxuara leans on a booth support and looks at the crowd.

Grenades are brought to the counter as Airis discusses matters. Holding one up, she turns it over in her hand to examine the craftsmanship. Honestly, just as long as it goes boom with enough force to do some damage, it is good quality in Airis's book.

The familiar Squib's movement catches her eye and she glances to the side towards the Squib tent and such. Should Yux look in her direction, a nod is offered. "Fine. I'll take this." She says to the merchant. Merchandise and credits are exchanged.

Yxuara's large eyes widen slightly at that nod and the Squib looks over at the two unloading goods, pipping a short goodbye before stepping over to the explosives vendor. "Good day! Greetins!" he pipes to Airis, his eyes narrowing slightly as he takes in the grenade. "I was going to ask how your business was doing--I hope it isn't as bad as that." He offers a slight smile, to disarm any possible misunderstandings.

Airis slips the grenades into an over the shoulder bag. Thankfully they are small and easily stashed. Glacing to Yxu as he approaches, she gives a faint smile. "The galaxy is a dangerous place. It's a bantha eat bantha universe out there." The flap to her bag is folded over and closed. "If something tries to eat me, I will at the very least give it bad indigestion." A wink is offered. "Thankfully, I don't have need for these at this point. However, there may come a time that I will. I would rather be prepared than to be caught with my pants down."

- Airis has bought a Merr-Sonn Frag Grenade - 26153 from Storefronts (Vendor - 1194).

- Airis has bought a Merr-Sonn CryoBan Grenade - 26154 from Storefronts (Vendor - 1194).

Airis buys the C-22 Frag Grenades from Storefronts (Vendor - 1194) for credits.

Airis buys the C-22 Frag Grenades from Storefronts (Vendor - 1194) for credits.

Airis buys the WW-41 CryoBan Grenade from Storefronts (Vendor - 1194) for credits.

Airis buys the WW-41 CryoBan Grenade from Storefronts (Vendor - 1194) for credits.

"Rightfully, so!" Yxuara says with feeling. "And, so I might show initiative, if you are in the market for bantha goods, indigestion, or a pair of emergency replacement pants--" he points over at the Squibb booth and continues, "Our crew of experts have you covered." His inquiring eyes blink as a whole flight of grenades are handed over the counter. Weapons dealing is a dangerous business--although it looks quite profitable.

Honestly, the amount of grenades being bought is absurd. However, it seems to give Airis a wicked gleam in her eye. Once the weapons were stashed away in a rather heavy bag, her gaze shifts back to the Squib. Her gaze then looks to the vendor, "Hmm." The bag is shifted on her shoulder, "Alright. Show me your goods."

Airis pauses, "You got any soft blankets?"

Yxuara tilts and scratches his head, "Blankets and towels and isenflin sheets..." he leads the way back to the Squib trade-booth and takes a moment to greet the minders with hand taps on the cheeks before turning back to Airis and introducing them left and right. "This is Second-Officer Nock-Two and <FESPOA> Nock-One." He is careful to pronounce them slightly different.

The three Squibs offer Airis teethy grins and the left sitting Nock asks, "You are looking for blankets? With designs? Corporate logos? Plenty of those here, you bet." He pulls out a datapad and stylus.

Nock-two indicates one of the bar stools, "You'd like to inspect our goods by sitting on them, perhaps?"

Airis glances back and forth between the three Squibs. Something about their antics makes her grin. They are cute! But, she remains wary. Creatures can use that cuteness tot heir advantage! "Hmm. No logos. Just a pretty design. Oh! What about that white one?" The Omwati woman slips closer to a blanket that has caught her eye. "This one is nice. How much?" She reaches out to touch it.

"The white one! A very nice choice blanket--" the left Nock pipes, leaning forward to collect and bring the blanket to the counter. "--and a good bargain."

"400 credits," nods the right Nock. "Quite a good deal. Finest hotel quality."

"In case you didn't have the honor of being informed, Gand Pannier is a sort of traveling workshop. We manufacture and sometimes re-manufacture our own goods."

The Squibs mutter amongst themselves in Squibbian, <It's a fine price for someone who buys grenades!> <Maybe a discount IS in order?>

Right nock flips over the corner of the white blanket to reveal the "Made Exclusively for Aldera City Spaceport" tag on the corner. "Very fine antique. 400 is a firm price."

Airis blinks as her hand hoovers over the blanket. The price seemed a little steep for a blanket, so her hand slowly retracts. "Four hundred?" She turns her gaze back to the Squib. "Will the blanket give me a foot massage every night?"

There is a beep and a chatter that comes from a pocket on the side of her bag. She flips up the pocket flap and a small droid chatters at her, effectively interpreting what the Squibs have to say. The mention of grenades cause her brows to rise slowly. "I do buy grenades. I know how to use them too." Feeling rather devious in the moment, she reaches into her bag. "Here, I can show you..."

Mandl arrives from Parmac Intersection.

Mandl has arrived.

Mandl is looking at you.

Nock-one's whiskers pull back as he raises a finger, "The blanket? It does not give foot massages--" His ears perk up as he listens to the chatter. "Your device needs updating. It clearly does not know how to introduce Fourth Engineer Salvager Procurement Officer's Assistant Enocked--Landalan correctly."

"We will throw in a foot massager--just 200 credits. Refurbished," the right Nock says.

Yxuara rubs his arm over the white blanket and says to Airis, "This is actually quite nice--perhaps you'd like some clear water while we continue our negotiations?"

The Squibs pause as Airis opens her pack, though none of them move as flashing around purchases in the middle of the market is quite common!

Airis eyeshifts between the Squibs, pulling her hand from the bag. She does not pull out a grenade. "200 for a blanket /and/ a refurbished foot massager. /That/ I can get behind." She glances to Yxu, then reaches out to touch the fluffy blanket. "I do like the blanket." The corner of the blanket is lifted to brush on her cheek. "I do feel that we all need a little softness in life."

Mandl wanders the market themselves, in a smartly-tied poncho and headwrap. Having just come off an attempt to sell some high-end wares, their droid assistants help them roll carpets and tarps, and stack poles for ease of transport. Airis is recognized, and Mandl gives her a friendly wave!

There is a collective dipping of ears as Airis' hand comes out of the bag, empty. A short pause by the Squibs as one remarks somewhat crestfallen. "...No?"

The right-side Nock was just about to complain the total for this transaction was to be 600 credits, but at the easy acquiescing of a flat 200 credits, she pipes up, "We have a deal!" The squibs lean back in their seats and Yxuara hands over a small bottle of water while the two Nocks busy themselves.

"Would you like this wrapped? Or everything inside the blanket, fine?"

Yxuara glances over at the new tent being set up nearby. He will have to check it out once it is in place.

- Airis has paid you 200 credits.

Mandl *bows,* hands held together! "Are you both recently back from Kashyyyk, then? I do try to make the pilgrimage every year..."

The bag did not hold her coin. In fact, her hand goes to a pocket in which she pulls out money to offer to Yxuara. "Wrapped in the blanket is just fine." She seems quite pleased to have found such a soft blanket. "Thank you!" The water is accepted and she is in fact quite parched, so it is brought to her lips for a hearty chug.

Mandl is also recognized and after wiping the water remnants from her lips, she offers a friendly wave herself. "Hello Mandl. It's been a little bit." Her gaze shifts to the tent being erected, "What are you selling today?"

Yxuara nods and says, "Indeed! It was a nice trip, other than I missed a connection on the way out." He nods, recognizing the gambit where he doesn't mention the free trip back home as some sort of shared secret. "I too am interested in making a good deal today."

Mandl *handwaves,* admitting: "I should probably use the auction-house, I didn't have many takers for my luxury items? An extra power cane and a .75 hyperdrive unit, mainly. Duplicates of things I have less use for than coin."

The blanket and foot-massager are wrapped together and passed over the counter. "That was good business--the part about a blanket massaging your feet. I'd never put both of them on the same shopping list without the clear notice," said the right-hand Nock.

Yxuara's eyes light up, "I don't know much about hyperdrive parts, but I bet a .75 hyperdrive probably saves a lot of travel time." He tilts his head and indicates the other Squibs, "If you have a full crew and cargo you might want to get where you are going quicker."

Airis takes her blanket wrapped parcel and tucks it under an arm. She looks like a lady who has gone on a shopping excursion today! What self respecting woman wouldn't be proud of buying grenades, blankets, AND a foot massager in one fell swoop? Her gaze shifts to Mandl, "Funny thing. I have one of those hyperdrives. However, I don't have a ship to put it in!" She laughs softly. "I am hoping to be in the market for a ship soon." Her head cants an she blinks her overly large eyes, "What is a power cane?"

Mandl waggles their own, fastidiously cared-for although yes, used as a brace and a support as much as a weapon. The gem/handrest is an expertly-carved piece of coal! "It is for self-defense? It functions as a cane, has a stun-tip and a hidden vibroblade in the shaft. Like so."

Power Cane - 11950

The Palandrix Personal Protection Gear power cane is a deadly vibroblade disguised as a cane. Manufactured from high-density plastoids, and covered with exceptionally strong hardwoods, the power cane has the appearance of a simple walking cane.

Hidden inside a spring-loaded compartment however, is a 30-centimeter stiletto blade, which is attached to a power source and vibro generator.

When desired, the handle of the cane can be released by the spring, sending the hidden short sword into waiting hands. It also has a power point on top, disguised as an ornamental gemstone-like top, that can be used to deliver a shock as well.

Mandl flips the mode toggle on its Power Cane - 11950, switching it to Stun mode.

There is a bit of muttering from the Squibs at the trade-booth. <A bit tall for a cane.> <Yes--but I'm always looking for something to clean under counters...> <--a ultra-low power gripper cane>.

Nock-one (the Squib on the left) asks, "How much are you wanting for it?"

Mandl's brows go up. "You have ninety thousand on you? That's a discount."

Airis glances at the cane and her brows go up. "I know someone who could use that..." She says in her flute-like tones. A small bird-like whistle comes from her, a sound of appreciation. Though the price makes her grimace a bit. Her gaze slides to the Squib, taking stock of what he may say.

The Squibs' eyes grow wide as they laugh! "Ninety--?"

"It doesn't massage your feet, you can bet!" pipes Nock-two (the Squib on the right), causing all three of them to slap the sales counter.

Mandl admits to Airis: "I hate buying things speculating on profits. Holding them until someone with more money than sense comes along. But I am not iron-willed, and I end up staring at things that cost 'several starships,' and. Everyone is uncomfortable! Ha!"

Yxuara gives Mandl his second-best smile and says, "Sorry. I was checking ship prices recently--ninety thousand credits would buy something very nice that doesn't smell like fried bantha."

"Yet!" says Nock-one. "Wait until after the open-ship party."

Airis suddenly laughs along with the Squib..Squibs.. Squibi? She is unsure what the plural of Squib is. Her gaze shifts back to Mandl "I know someone who might enjoy having such a prize. I am tempted. Though I have been trying to save for a ship of my own.." Says the woman who just bought enough grenades to outfit a small army.

Mandl *snorts* amusement. "For those of us blessed to live in the olfactory realm over the visual, 'fried bantha' is a symphony compared to the... ehm 'unique bouqet' of Nar Shaddaa. Take it from someone who navigates by smell."

Yxuara nods and tugs on his poncho, "That is why I wear this--it helps somewhat that I don't have to touch everything that brushes past me."

Airis lifts a hand to rub at her chin. "How about seventy thousand?" Airis makes an offer on the cane.

Mandl nods. "Alright. For a friend, to a good home, I'm willing to forgo any notion of 'getting wealthier.' It isn't quite what I paid, but it's not as if I'd notice the loss. Seventy thousand it is."

The Squibs blink and mutter. "<It's not quite fair to make big deals like that without opening your tent,>" Nock-one says to Nock-two. "<Maybe we should check his license.>"

"We are just speculating," Yxuara says, "if you plan on marketing to your friends on this corner of the market for very long?"

Airis knows she just got a STEAL! When Mandl agrees, her already large eyes widen a bit in surprise! "Really?!" She glances to the Squib, then back to Mandl. "Deal!" From her pocket, she pulls out the money and hands it over. (Her pocket is looking near empty now.) She takes the cane with a shit-eating grin on her face! "Oh, this is going to make a great late Life day gift."

Mandl *Bith-frown,* some extremely subtle flapping of their wattles and pulsing of the temples. A rush of purple bloof somewhere. "Ladies and gentlemen I have been buying and selling ores and licensing heavy mining equipment since before you crawled out of your mothers' pouches in search of a nipple. Do not make me display my fury by displaying a lifelong study of electronic devices, as an example." They shake. their. cane! Scrooge McDuck moment!

Yxuara's eyes widen and the Squib gives Mandl a small bow, "Er--my apologies sir for my crewmates and I unfortunate words. Perhaps you would like to visit our tent and browse our wares?"

"We give a special discount for the elderly, you bet!" says Nock-one with a smile.

Mandl energetically pantomimes the Bith equivalent of 'kriff you!' that doesn't involve facial expressions. "The *elderly?!* I turned 44 last week!"

Nock-two holds up a bottle of water. "Perhaps we can begin our negotiations over a bottle of water?"

Mandl , incandescently furious! "... only 33 credits, I'm sure!"

Nock-two's whiskers pull back in a smile, "That sounds like a good deal for us, but not favorable to you. But let us factor it into your second purchase. Apologies before--offering the elderly discount is now cancelled."

Nock-one begins making a tally on the datapad, one water -- 33 credits.

Airis watches the merchants banter back and forth, eyes glancing one way, then the next. She cannot help but to smile and even laugh at some of the antics!

Mandl says, "Blessed Life Day to you and your friend, Airis, but I must get back to low lights and soothing noises lest there be a murder."

Yxuara hmrmp, "Please, this is a very serious greeting."

Nock-two, "You don't want the water?"

Airis leans to Mandl, "Oh, you should always drink water."

The Squibs nod. In unison.

Mandl starts counting their chits onto the counter. "At this point I might just be paying $33 to drink water in silence. A splendid deal." - Mandl has paid you 33 credits.

Airis winks at the Squib.

Nock-two looks very happy to conclude the transaction and is about to say something just as Nock-one puts a hand over her mouth. "Hmh!" Nock-one makes note on datapad. Silence. Investigate value of.

Mandl heads into Parmac Intersection through the East exit. Mandl has left.

Yxuara says brightly to the others, <Well! The very first thing he bought after getting all those credits was from us.>

Yxuara taps his fingers on the sales counter.

Airis watches as the Bith walks away once the water business is concluded. "Well, that was entertaining." Her gaze goes back to the Squib Trio. "Thank you for the blanket. I will make sure to tell others to come to you for their shopping needs. Also, if you find any good deals, let me know." She grins at them. "I will see you soon.." She stops and then leans closer in a hushed tone, "And if you see goons with bronze cuffs on their arms that hold this symbol etched in, get away. They are out to make trouble." She shows them an image of the symbol that appears to be some sort of gang symbol not from Nar Shaddaa.

Yxuara leans in with the others to look at the logo in order to get a good view. "Hmm."

Nock-one (the left hand Squib) is the trader wearing slightly better clothing and he says with authority, "We're not familiar with this symbol. I've never seen it."

YXuara asks, "Perhaps I could use it in a story. They grow organically--" "What me means he steals ideas." "--perhaps you would like a drink and we can talk about this gang?"

Airis takes in a breath, "They are from Coruscant, looking to establish a foothold here to expand their operations. They.. well.. " There is a moment where airis falls quiet, glancing out over the crowd, "They can be a potential problem. If the Crimson Dawn finds out, there could be blood in the streets. It all just depends on how it pans out." She leans in closer to the Squib, "And you didn't hear this from me. I am simply letting you know to stay away from them. I don't want you to get caught up in the middle."

Aww. She likes the Squib.

Nock-one nods, "Licenses are very expensive here, nobody likes a thug moving in."

Nock-two says, "Good advice. If one of our crew is saved by it--we will view it most favorably, you can bet! Perhaps you can leave us with your contact details and if we see any of them, we will inform."

Nock-one, "...and Yxuara can write something about it, showing our clever Squib negotiation tactics."

Yxuara nods and asks, "Should we work on this understanding?"

Airis gives a single nod. "That sounds good. Though, this place is one of the more secure areas due to the Crimson Dawn, some of the lower end thugs are just looking for their next fix. The higher ups keep them compliant by giving them what they want. I say this just so you can be careful. If you see some, do let me know. I will pay you for good information."

                      • D I S C O N N E C T E D ***********