Saturi Kavan
After three years of self-imposed exile, Saturi has returned home to Pantora. Her skill with compartmentalizing had enabled her business to serve at the behest of many organizations. Living a life of many faces is a challenging one. What's even more challenging? Trying to escape and trim off all those loose ends. For the sake of her family, her brother's political aspirations, and own personal image, Uri has begun the slow process of severing her relationships with factions that are seen as uncouth by the average Pantoran. Although governments and corporations with seedy connections are generally agreeable with ending their business arrangements, criminal organizations are not.

Profile and Hooks
Aliases - Uri, Rockhopper
Homeworld - Pantora
Species - Pantoran
Residence - The Kavan Estate
Education - Extensive
Profession - Asteroid Miner
Ship - Endor's Light
Relationship - Divorced
Demolitions Expert
Mountain Climber
Adrenaline Junkie
Hutt Collaborator
Clinically Compartmentalized
"The best lies are the ones you can't bother to tell. What they don't know can't hurt them."
What started as a survival mechanism has become a potential relationship killer. Because of her ties to less than reputable individuals, Saturi is forced to wear many faces. To the broader public, Saturi Kavan projects a clean front. She is just another geologist with a small business. It's a bad idea to judge a book by its cover. Things aren't always what they seem. This greedy Pantoran has participated in some heinous history.
Maybe being an enabler and accomplice is in the past? People can change if given the opportunity. It's possible that her reunion with home has helped finally push her to disconnect with her corrupted side.
Character Interactions
Saturi is a character that can be plugged into a wide variety of scenarios. If you're ever looking for an idea, I have a list of half-baked thought experiments jotted down in a notepad.
Example Scene Ideas From the Past
Exploring an Abandoned Asteroid Base
Stealing Gems from Thugs
Joyriding on Speederbikes
Base Jumping off of Cliffs
Climbing Mountains on Orto
Dodging Mercenaries While Trekking Through Falleen Jungles
Mining Rare Minerals and Spices in SPACE!
Visiting the Great Library of Cinnagar
Impressing Investors on Bonadan
Cave Diving in Red Crystal
Defusing a Bomb for the Local Police
Building Bombs for State Terrorists
Breaking Into Corporate Offices
Burning Down Warehouses in the Gearhead District
Rescuing Wild Animals
Jumping Across Skyscraper Rooftops
Jetpacking Over the Oceans of Mon Calamari
Rendering Aid to Stranded Spacers
Talking About Rocks
Rescuing Freighter Crew from Pirates Above Socorro
The list goes on...and on...and on...
There is something that we can do together.
"I'm looking for a friend. Have you seen him?" A shrug is rendered to the Pantoran in response. "He's lanky but....without the height." One of her hands is brought up to her scalp, showing that B'haav isn't much taller than she is. "Always wearing a hat...most people seem to like the look of it, but I think it's..." A pause. 'eh?' slips past her lips, barely heard.
"Has anyone ever recommended that you try to stay out of trouble?" Saturi isn't really asking. She knows the answer. "This." A gesture is made to Muri and her general condition. "Isn't a good way to live." Her gait seems a little uneven, the rain having soaked the bottom part of her fabric shoes. "I know I don't /party hard/ like a lot of people that party, but if you party so hard that you end up in a bloody puddle..."
"This /thing/ is absolutely hideous." Saturi remarks as she climbs into the vehicle. <"How are you supposed to use this thing?"> She winces whilst sliding into the seat. Her hands prod at the controls, leaving a thin layer of red caked on them. <"Khalim."> The timbre of her voice sounds entirely different through the vessel's intercom. <"I don't know what I'm doing.">
"Absolutely revolting." Saturi's reaction to Freli's hopper based recommendation is exactly what one might expect from the socialite. Her face muscles contort into a digusted look, upset that the child is consuming bugs for his dinner. "Eating stray insects from a city garden...I can understand foraging for survival, but this is especially nasty."
At first, Rale gets the sort of look that nobody wants to receive. It's the facial expression you see when someone really wants to say 'you have no authority here' and to 'be quiet'. The look from the Captain, and the two crewmen, seems to intensify as the small creature starts to support Saturi's opinion. "It's an /obligation/." She objects with a glare to Rale. Then, the man's backstory is revealed. Everyone goes really quiet and the two crew members adjust their gazes to the viewport. The older human steps back to Uri, whipsering. "If you hold this ship from responding to that distress signal, our business together is -finished-."
<"We have what we came for."> The objection is broadcast a little too late. Saturi can only watch as Xyomara turns to chase down the Falleen fighters. She blinks rapidly as the Chiss's fire clashes against the nearby rock. <"You don't have to do that."> The Pantoran points her ship away from the fight, working to try to recharge her own shields. Her golden gaze takes another glance outside the canopy, watching as the Falleen catches an ego, turning to engage Xyomara once more.
<"I've been doing this for over a decade now."> Saturi pulls back on the yoke, piloting her fighter away from Amal's craft. <"We take pride in being able to say that we've never lost anyone on the job."> She slips between a pair of rocks. Her fighter disappears from view and her signature on sensors becomes sporadic. <"Well, save a few droids."> A brief silence. <"They don't count.">
"Financial backing?" Saturi appears surprised. She must have misunderstood part of Zyrette's message. "I don't need, nor want your credits." Her feet shift about, weight rocking back and forth in a slow sway. "If anything, you need to find a way for Zhu Yan to pay me." It's as if she is trying to find a way to throw the 'shadowport's captain' under the bus. "Joking...well." She lets the thought trail to a quiet death. "I'll be able to launder as many credits out of this as I need." The woman taps her chest softly. "I intend, unless otherwise directed, to use a legal loophole to acquire the contact. Once I've obtained the mining rights, I'll write them over to you."
"I don't think it's appropriate to compare gifts." The Pantoran steps forward, watching as Eriu Jynx unveils the dress. Blue hands reach out to feel the fabric. She examines the garmnet carefully, a smile slowly spreading across her jawline. "Every relationship is different." Her fingers cling to the clothing with a wrapped fist. "It wouldn't be fair. The thought alone is what counts." Golden eyes flick up to focus on Eriu. "And...I don't understand why you would be jealous. It's beautiful."
The calls from the luxury suites continue unabated. It seems louder as time goes on. "We're all going to need your help once we go deaf." Saturi jokes as Katya appears. She doesn't bother to explain too much. It's best to get right to work. "One of our spacehands lost a leg in an accident." The Pantoran points towards the screaming. "It's best that we do this while Rale isn't here. He kept recommending that we kill him." Three or four times to be exact. "This way. Please." Her hand beckons for Katya to follow, the two of them guided by Captain Hilok towards the patient.
<"I don't know."> is all that Saturi can muster as a response. Her words sound muffled to anyone not on the channel, her external speakers turned off. 'I don't know' translates directly to 'not well' when considering the conditions and her tone. She is used to planting explosives in rubble, just not rubble that used to be a business or a home. The woman follows closely behind Callax, notably without a blasters in hand. By her guess, the First Order might wait to kill her until /after/ they've searched her if she doesn't have her weapon out.
Saturi bites her tongue as she is spoken at, looking upon the slug before her. A few years ago, she foiled a contract with a droid peddler because she didn't care for the insectoid look of his product. She holds back a grimace as she ascends part of the dais. "Actually." The woman stops a conservative distance from the Hutt Lord so not to overstep her welcome. Her eyes look to the utilitarian selection of chairs closest to the lord. "Mighty Gooza the Magnanimous, I am here to make an offer that should help you." A bold claim, but she says it with confidence...and sometimes that's all that matters, right?
"Yan." The blue woman says over her shoulder as she drums up an awful plan. The tone of her voice indicates that he should be worried. Nimble fingers work to tie the string of bombs into the ship's main power grid. Lighting on the starboard side of the ship flickers wildly before cutting out. Sparks shoot out from the bulkhead, showering anyone on the right side of the ship with heated arcs. Bright flashes of energy jump along the walls, providing brief flashes of light for the crew. At least there weren't any explosions! "We're not dead." Saturi nervously laughs from the blackened hallway. " have a torch?" The question is directed back at the stressed Captain. "I don't think the lights are coming back on."