Race: Falleen
Sex: Female
Occupation: Archaeologist
Profession: Thief
Homeworld: Falleen
Organization: None
Ship: Ophidian Huntress
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Widening Gyre: Part 2
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Dig Yag'Dhug
- Log:Shadowport: Come On And Slam
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Widening Gyre: Part 1
- Log:Knights of Ren: Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth
- Log:Falleen Echoes: The Rise of House Xzehur - Part 2
- Log:Falleen Echoes: The Rise of House Xzehur - Part 1
- Log:Knights of Ren: Skipping Stones
- Log:Shadowport: Unknown Cargo
- Log:Natural Disaster: Danger on Taanab
- Log:Nar Shaddaa: Gang Wars
- Log:Knights of Ren: Suffer the Children
- Log:The Shadowport: The Urban Wild
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Jewel of Am-Kharad!
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Metal Men of Mandalore!
- Log:The Vexation of Tiriel (I)
- Log:Fowl O'Clock High
- Log:The Shadowport: Lord Kavendish: Tick Tock
- Log:Shadowport: Lord Kavendish: The Lord Knocks
- Log:Zhu Yan and the Necroflesh Hordes!
- Log:Hopp's House of Horrors
An air of brisk confidence and pragmatism envelops this woman. Delicate Falleen features carefully composed in muted expressions of dispassionate indifference, with gentle ridges that rise from high cheek bones and brows, disappearing in a slightly receded hairline. A ponytail or braid most often girds that thick, long hair, of emerald black, leaving smooth column of neck exposed. The supple scales of her flesh sometimes reflects mood or intent, but most reliably appear in a rich, olive green and almond shaped eyes are a burnished amber. Lips an emerald green a shade or two lighter than hair complete her facial features of note.
Species: Falleen | Gender: Female | Age: 35 |
Height: 5'9" / 1.75m | Weight: 140 lb / 63.5kg | Eye Color: Amber |
Hair Color: Multicolored | Skin Color: Olive Green | Handedness: Ambidextrous |
Known Ships
A Mon Calamari shipyards produced Deepwater Light Freighter, the Huntress is lightly modified into an excellent courier and light transport vessel.