Log:Rise Above

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Rise Above

OOC Date: March 15, 2025
Location: Cloud City -- Bespin
Participants: Aryn Cortess, Lilac, Orris Vel, Mandl, Zena Tane, Kademir Taerok, Bors Thul, Akello, Bal Calrissian

The Credit Pirate Casino has been taken over by more fancily dressed pirates? While the decor has changed minimally due to the fact that the theme works really well for what Landonis Balthazar Calrissian the Second has planned. Which could be why there's a huge guarded treasure chest in the corner where various sentients have come by to make their donations. The treasure chest is, of course, nowhere near full but that's exactly what they are all here for. To fill it right up and help those affected by such terroristic activity.

Speaking of which, there have been a few changes to the decor. A huge holosign has been projected: Calrissian Cares Presents... The Cloud City Relief Event. There are is extra security littered throughout the casino since there are high rollers are to be expected for such an event. Could be one reason why it's happening in this here casino. If they can raise some credits and funnel some more through this gambling den, then Cloud City is sure to be back on their feet in no time. [ The event seems to be in a nice early swing and while the place isn't completely packed there's enough people here to have the party getting off to a pretty solid start. Credits are exchanging hands, some are being tossed into the treasure chest as sentients pass by, there's a ton of drinking and socializing that's happening amongst those that have gotten their gather on.

Speaking of on...

Landonis Balthazar Calrissian II wanders near the stage area where he takes up semi-residence behind a mic for a quick moment. He is, as is always, dressed to the tens because the nines are too cheap for this kind of event. His often jovial features have been replaced by something a slight step towards solemn. "Thank you." is said to get everyone's attention. At least for the moment. "Thank you to each and every one of you that have come out tonight." He lets that hang in the air for a moment before moving right into this heartfelt speech that he definitely didn't write and memorize. This is totally off the cuff. "Cloud City has always been a bit of a legend to me. My father, former Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian, fought for this place every single moment he was here. I never had an opportunity to see him in action, to see him doing so, but I imagine he gave everything he had to Cloud City. When he was forced out, I'm sure a hole was left in his heart that could never be filled again." Another one of those strategically dramatic pauses happens at this point.

"Unforunately, I am not my father." Bal attempts to lift his head a bit higher as if he's trying to see past the shadow of such a legacy as Lando Calrissian's. "He left Cloud City with his legacy mostly intact and to have such heinous acts committed within these very walls, well, I honestly don't know what to say. Which is why we're all here. To do something about it. To act. To show these sentients here that we are standing with them. That we will be right here to help them as they seek to rebuild and return to their lives. We will now allow the vile actions of the few to outweigh the generosity in our hearts."

Bal takes another moment before he straightens up fully, his cape draped over his shoulders for dramatic effect. "I don't know what my father would've done in this situation. But what I'm going to do is give. I'm going to give Cloud City my heart, my time..." Bal smirks just playfully enough. "... and my credits. And if you're here, I'm sure you're going to do the same." A wink is given as he steps over to toss a handful of credits into the treasure chest. "So eat. Drink. Play. Have a great time. And we'll give Cloud City the best of us. Thank you."

And with that speech given, he doesn't even wait for anything like applause or anything. He passes the mic off and steps right down to mingle...

[PASS ( +47)] Mandl's Entertain: Dancing @ (100) diff.

Mandl accompanies the orchestra when they can, demonstrating rare and exotic dances for the assembled crowd? Whether a large gathering of the rich and powerful cares to dance along to 'the latest and greatest synchronized trend!' in several genres of music? Few can say! But they are dressed smartly as a conductor/lead dancer, and may mill about the floor sipping champagne and donating extravagantly yet, in time!

The young politician speaks, and Kademir politely listens to the pitch. The armored Shistavanen with the glowing orange eyes does his best to not look confused. Apparently, Kademir had heard 'Pirates' and 'do something about it' and had shown up expecting to purge yet another spot of piracy with extreme prejudice. Instead, he finds himself politely mingling and trying not to look menacing more than he needs to. At least he can afford to donate some credits to the cause.

Honestly, Orris Vel was unaware of just how or why Cloud City needed relief. That was all fine and dandy though because it was a reason to check in with contemporaries in the world of Academia....which means sentients that sponsor endeavors that make no money and sometimes produce very little in the way of results.

This time though, he has to dress somewhat dapper and attains it by means of a worsted grey suit and an extravagantly velvet purple cape.

At the man's side is someone far more suited to Galas though. Akello at his side but in control of this entire endeavor.

Lilac gracefully makes her way into the casino, lighting up at the decor and having taken a seat before Bal spoke his speech. Her lilac eyes focused on the host as he speaks about his father and his desires to give Cloud City his heart and his time. She stands, clapping at the end of his speech, slipping off to find the nearest bar to get herself a drink.

Akello is no stranger to charity events and that is the reason why she is here. Because good PR always helps out in the end of things. Plus with the unrest in the galaxy it is nice to just be amongst something that isn't on fire. And not Nar Shaddaa. The statuesque redhead is dressed in a green gown this evening with beading that catches the light as she turns and moves. There is a smile given to Orris as she tucks her hand into the crook of his arm and makes polite conversation with him.

Zena Tane, Mandalorian warrior, possible culprit for some of the chaos that caused this mess, has the raw gall and audacity to show up at this fancy event.

With no intention of donating. What a witch.

The petite Mandalorian is not in armor, that would be telling. No, she's in a very fancy, very clingy dress. A deep, emerald green that matches her eyes, the halter neck leaves her arms, shoulders and most of her back exposed. It clings to her all the way to her hips. It loosens around her legs, owing to a slit on the left that goes from floor to nearly her hip. Though it doesn't really show unless she moves.

Which she isn't at the moment, standing off to the side, watching people throwing dice with a drink in her hand.

The Lady Aryn of House Cortess had arrived before the event began, and has otherwise been occupied speaking with representatives from the Bespin's government. She had missed the speech in person, but Calrissian's speech was broadcast down every corridor with media aware of his significance and the important legacy his late father left behind.

"I knew Lando when he was General; then when he was Chancellor," Aryn shares with Sir Bors, the Alderaanian Knight she accompanies into the main casino hall. "How utterly disappointed I was that politics had tarnished a good man. He had allowed himself to be imprisoned by the constituency, and had put the Order to the question. His decree for justice against the Jedi Knights had been what opened the door for the Sith return and occupation."

"Dark times, sir. Dark times."

She looked to Sir Bors to lead them inside.

Clad in formal stately attire of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Thul, Lord Bors walked at Aryn's elbow, on her right side so that the cane he walks with would not be between them, nor the solid impact of its strikes at every left step.

"Mine eyes did fall and hold upon the form but twice in passing at function, but I do recall the weighty epaulettes of station did press down upon him so as the wheel upon the grain, My Queen. I've wishes that such a foul force not place its palm upon the younger, that it do ere as it had the sire."

Mouth pursed, brow knit - the old pilot frowns.

They said there would be... What do they call those things? Horse Doovers? A polite clearing of his throat and a grumbling sound from the butler droid that follows covering up the grumble of his stomach.

"I think that man is going to be quite busy for the near future, we'll swing back to bother the man in the cape almost as good as mine later?" Orris leans over towards Akello as he spots the bother that Bal is inevitably about to undertake in the way of banter. At the very least, he is standing close enough that Mister Calrissian gets to err on politeness and not engage on the matter of capes. If the sum of credits that the Good Doctor topples into the 'treasure chest' earns him that reprieve.

At this moment, now that he's said his peace, Landonis Balthazar Calrissian II is doing what all good hosts do and that's 'make the mingle rounds'. He's got a drink in his hand, brought to him by his faithful droid L3-DB, to which she gets a smile and a nod in actual gratitude. She sticks nearby in case of translation needs but to also watch Bal's back. Somebody has to and her head is almost always on a swivel.

As for Bal, he exchanges pleasantries with those that he's nearby and makes sure to point them all at the treasure chest before moving on to mingle with the next set of people. As he passes some Sabacc tables, he has to fight the urge to take a seat. He's not here for that, right now. He's here for Cloud City.

"You could just play one hand." L3-DB can tell Bal's feeling a bit antsy. All these credits and all this Sabacc.

Bal shakes his head. "Later, L3. I need to focus." Bal tries to shut that line of thought down but he does keep staring at the table for a moment too long.

"Fine. But if you're all pent up like you were last night, don't expect me to do what I did again. My gears are still--"

"L3!" Bal's eyes go slightly wide before he takes a long sip of his drink.

Akello laughs at Orris' comment, "Almost as good as yours, hmm?" she teases him. "Alright, Doctor. We'll bother him later, but that begs the question of what would you like to do? Socializing? Dancing?" she asks him. Maybe there is a little bit of hope in that dancing question. Unless he's going to be an old fuddy duddy!

Making it inside, the pair arrive with a brief pause to take in the festivities. Aryn is quick to point with a gloved hand, the one free from holding the Lord's elbow. "Over there, my Lord. A grand buffet of food and drink. I daresay I could do with a beverage myself, sir."

In no way was she in a hurry to speed Lord Thul along. She matched the pace he set with his cane and stepped as he did as if they had rehearsed this approach a thousand times before.

"Do you think he intends to use this event as a platform for office, sir?"

Mandl takes a break themselves, finding a flute of something exotic and bubbly while making elbow-rubbing rounds. They sip from a long straw and discuss pleasantries, dance-related and charity-benefit related. Perhaps whether their mining-ventures remain committed to supporting independence galaxy-wide? Such is life atop a corporation's ladder!

At the very least, his mistaken idea of what was going to happen on this station was going to work out. Kademir is prepared to at least drop off a lot of credits as a general donation. His helmet had been clipped to his belt to leave his distinct features visible. He's got the look of someone who can understand the gambling games but does not partake in them. For now it is best to post up to a seat off to the side, he chooses near the buffet so he can Sentient-Watch with the interest of someone wanting to perhaps see a new species.

"I am not in your debt enough to get me onto a dancefloor of any sort, miss." The sidelong glance at Akello speaks volumes. How dare she suggest such a thing. "Socializing. Someone here might be willing to front an excursion into the unknown. First rule of Academia, and Archaeology, make good with the money sentients who are willing to to sponsor. I promise the patronage system is alive and well in the galaxy."

The weaving in and out of Bal and L3 gives them a chance to speak to a bunch of individuals and also listen in on their conversations. His ears perk up when the talk of 'office' strikes true. He turns to look at L3 and they share a moment of 'huh' before they continue to move along. There could be some merit in that.

As well as credits.

Could he even follow in his father's footsteps? Who knows. But there's a good chance that might be on the table now. L3's already started prepping campaign slogans in her memory banks.

Somehow, Bal manages to swing past those making the most hefty of donations so that he may offer them a personal thank you. Almost as if their donations got them a little more face time with the Young Calrissian.

"Nay, queen of realm and heart, methinks he seeks to establish the peace that his realm wishes to engender. The City upon Clouds is well associated with moniker for good or ill and I espouse that a search to expunge the terror of recent violence would be prudent, mm?"

Bors's lips purse again and his monocle scrolls information before his right eye, the silver-gold band glimmering in the light - but the notion of sup and drink is paid keen attention to - the Lord's gaze falling to the butler droid that issues a drawn out, rumbling, growl of a sound before it starts to clump for the buffet.

"My queen, forgive errors in my temerity - but familiarity privies mind to preference of Her Excellency. I shall assure that L7 acquires that which I most expect to be fancied." The cane is then lifted to point now even as he nods, "But I feel best if we make our way for the man of the hour, to assure that Alderaan stands with those of pedigree, moist behind the ears as it may be, yes?" the cane comes back down again with a definitive *klud*.

Lilac looks relieved as she reaches the bar, ordering herself some delicious, strong, and fruity. Her lilac eyes curiously look around to see if there is a familiar face or someone she can go and chat with. As her drink arrives, she picks it up and takes a sip.

Akello's face falls when Orris tells her no to dancing. The MONSTER. "Maybe you will be in my debt enough one day, Doctor." she tells him in a bit of a soft tone. Then she straightens, rolling her shoulders a little as she eyes the surroundings. "I'm sure someone here is looking or a dance. Should I leave you to your expansion of Academia so that I don't blow your chances of a patron?" she asks him.

[PASS ( +54)] Mandl's Entertain: Dancing @ (100) diff.

Zena disengages from the dice game, ditching her empty glass with one of the server droids. She slinks through the party, moving deftly through the crowd towards one of the bars. It just so happens to be the one that Lilac is fluttering near. She orders a drink. Something strong and spirit forward.

"So," she says, looking over to Lilac, green eyes glittering in the light. "Come here often? I've only been a few times. Just missed the chaos, apparently."

Mandl, summoned like a lamprey to the hip of a particularly shiny fish, probably heard 'dance' from across the hall! If allowed, they'll sweep up (Akello? Orris? Does it matter which?!) in a particularly daring and dippy tango to whatever tune the orchestra sees fit to put up! The rhythm's gonna get ya!

[PASS ( +58)] Aryn Cortess's Spot @ (100) diff.

"Hm, very well.." Aryn comments back and turns her gaze to finding a fellow cape-wearing Calrissian. Once more pointing, those this time more polite about it, she indicates the location of the young Calrissian. "There, sir. Lead the way." Beware, Bal. They approach. KLUD.. KLUD..

[PASS ( +97)] Bal Calrissian's Spot @ (100) diff.

[FAIL ( -38)] Lilac's Spot @ (100) diff.

"We can grab a drink first. If anything, the fame of one Akello, the Actress would only help with matters of finding.....Oh dear." Perhaps Orris isn't quick witted or fast footed enough to release Akello or snag Mandl himself. Instead? Mandl gets two separate hands of two separate people.

Bal takes his spot near the treasure chest to sip his drink and do a little sentient watching of his own. Not to mention he's doing some of the classic Calrissian to make sure that everyone knows where he is but also that they are going to make sure to donate to the cause. He keeps L3 nearby because she's kind of his security blanket droid or something.

As his eyes pass over the crowd, he can see that there's some of the more important (and potentially deep pocketed) sentients are headed his way. He straightens up and prepares a classic Calrissian smile for those incoming.

L3's not as easily impressed. She just crosses her arms and waits.

Lilac looks to Zena with a smile as she responds to Zena as she says, "My first time here actually if I am honest. But I wanted to come and show my support. I'm Lilac by the way.And if something was about to come upon them, this Hapan is absolutely oblivious.

"Well, have fun." Akello states as Mandl dips his way over to her and Orris. There is a look to them and then to Orris as she takes her hand back, "He needs a good dip." she points her thumb over her shoulder towards the Archaeologist. Then she's heading off, leaving him to his surprise dancing fate.

There was dancing! Honest! Sort of. Orris is a poor partner and he'll exeunt from the situation as soon as nearly possible to try and track down who brought him here. Or. Who he brought here. The situation was fluid. "Theres maniacs out here. What a strange party."

"Mister Calrissian."

Bors's voice carries with barely a raising, long years of courtly training no doubt, leading Queen Cortess on his arm the distance that stands between she and the son of Lando, each second step punctuated by his cane - the butler droid coming abreast with a noteworthy silence despite its size in comparison of the man and stately queen on his left.

"Landonis Balthazar Calrissian the Second," The old Lord's attention on the younger man rapt and the others in audience taken note of but nary acknowledged, "You are presented with Her Most Royal Excellency; Aryn of the Ancient and revered House Cortess. Liberator of Delaya. Champion of Cophrigan. Resurrector of a Lost World. She who commanded The Centerpoint. Queen of Alderaan and its demesne."

Lord Thul himself makes no mention of himself, merely taking a half-step to give the Queen her due space before he turns towards her to offer a bow at the close to her titles.

So many different species to watch here from his perch at a random table near the buffet. Likely a bad idea to be so close to food in general, yet in Kademir's experience food and drink always bring people to one relatively close spot. For the most part, he's discovering most are Human, or Near Human. Wait, there's a Bith! Kademir gets to put that on his Species Bingo Card for this trip. There's a Zane, whose name he does not recall gathering, but the least he can do is wave if the opportunity presents itself.

Orris doesn't have to worry about Akello, she found herself a drink and a corner to hide in from people talking to her after she was bombarded by some journalist who were at the events. They were asking her about her latest boyfriend and rumors of her new movie. And she couldn't /wait/ to get the hell out of there. While she is an actress...she is not the greatest at socializing, but hey, here they were.

Cheeks redden slightly at her announcement to Mister Calrissian, but the Lady remains quiet and offers Bal her gloved hand in greeting. "It is nice to make your acquaintance, sir. I served with your Father, he was a good man."

Gesturing back to Bors, Aryn adds, "The gentlemen escorting me this evening is Sir Bors the Knight of the Black, Lord from the ancient Great House Thul of Alderaan (the system)."

"We have come to offer our support for peace."

"Zena," she replies to Lilac, frowning slightly. "I can't place your accent. Someplace I've never been, which is a rarity," she laughs. "So, i'm a freighter pilot, if you'll believe it," she says. She cleans up real nice for one, that's for sure. She sidles a bit closer, just to make conversation easier. "Quite the party, huh?"

At least running from Mandl means he does not have to be standing near Bal when the pronouncement of Queenhood is made. It took a bit to find Akello though, all tucked away from adoring fandom or whatever it was that ushered her away. "A pleasure to find you here in safety. I think its a political party, not a have fun party."

L3 rolls her optics at the long list of titles but is a droid so doesn't really have to comply with the tactics that are being presented in this moment. In fact, she has to stop herself from scoffing when she catches a side-eye from Bal.

As for the New Calrissian on the Block, he offers a pleasant smile upon the approach of those that are clearly so higher up in the galaxy than he but here they are, at a shindig in which he tries to repair the city that his father made famous so long ago. His sincerity is written all over his face.

Bal pays close attention to every single title that has been listed and offers an identical bow to the one Bors performs because Bal is nothing if he's not good at making sure he's doing the right thing in front of the right people. As he straightens back up, he keeps that smile on his face. "The pleasure is absolutely mine." Bal offers with an almost playful grin. "Thank you." His eyes cut over to Bors as well. "Both of you." But his eyes run right back to Aryn because why wouldn't they?

"Your support means everything. I've long since wanted to come here and learn even more about my father's legacy and the things he did here. Instead, I flew across the galaxy playing spoiled brat. But then... all of this happened." He pauses here because he barely even wants to give those terrorists the press. "And it made me realize that if I didn't stand up, if I didn't do something, then I wouldn't ever be able fill my father's shoes. And that's something I'd very much like to do." A soft glance off into the distance. "Someday."

It takes him a moment to look back at the pair. "My apologies. I ramble when I'm seeking purpose." He straightens up a bit more, trying to look like his father, probably. "The presence of you both will go a long way to showing the sentients of Cloud City that we do indeed mean business."

[PASS ( +2)] Bal Calrissian's Charm:impress @ (100) diff.

[PASS ( +98)] Aryn Cortess's Sense Motive @ (100) diff.

[PASS ( +74)] Bors Thul's Sense Motive @ (100) diff.

[PASS ( +37)] Lilac's Sense Motive @ (100) diff.

Taking her hand back, Aryn clasps at her back comfortably, concealing both beneath the confines of her own cape. "So you mean to resume the Barony of Cloud City? Or, become a General of the Rebellion? Or Chancellor of a newly formed Republic?" Aryn asks with a touch of mirth, her subtle smile giving it away. "Regardless, I wish you good fortune in these endeavors. Peace is what we all strive to maintain. May it come easy for you, sir."

"Alderaan remembers, Mister Calrissian. For all your father did for and to Alderaan and its people."

The old pilot reaches up to pluck the monocle from before his right eye and holds it out to one side for the butler droid to clean with a second set of arms that extend from its abdomen. Most like to not force himself to take his other hand away from his cane. The lens tended he tucks it back into place, the grooves before his eye seemingly permanent for how long, and often, the thing must be worn.

"If My Queen forgives the boldness of my words, I can only hope that some of the behaviors of the Father might be repeated by the son."

A small sniff and Bors lifts a glass of something slightly magenta and bubbling is taken from L7's tray and offered to Aryn.

"Honestly? I'd settle for winning a hand in Sabacc." There's an opportunity for some self-deprecating humor in this moment and Bal's going to take it. He doesn't actually know what he wants to do but he knows he wants to be like his father. That's enough. "Whatever endeavors may come my way, I'll meet them as head on as I possibly can. Right now, my only focus is helping out those that have been displaced here. Helping them rebuild. Helping them to cope with their losses, as material as they may be." Those sincere words are for Aryn. If that means Barony? Then so be it!

As Bors drops some knowledge on this part of the conversation, Bal's eyes turn that way. "If you'll excuse my arrogance, I don't believe I've heard these stories." A look back at L3. "How come I haven't heard these stories?"

L3 starts winding up one of her hands and Bal slings his attention back to Bors and Aryn. "Well, I do hope to at least make Mother proud. She misses him. And if she can't have him back..." Bal almost sighs, as though his mother is stuck with the likes of him.

Lilac emits an airy laugh before she says, "Oh, I am Hapan. So perhaps that is why? But yes, it is quite the party." She sips her drink as she looks around before she says, "It is a pleasure to meet you Zena, I shall admit, I am just adventuring a bit myself, it just depends on the where and if I have a travel companion or not."

Akello manages to get lured out of the corner by some dashing silvery haired man wearing all black. There is an offer of a hand and a bow along with it that causes the tall woman to give a bit of an 'oh you!' look, but she reaches out to take it and get whisked away to dance for a good length of time. Laughing as she does.

"Hmm, yes. The displaced denizens; may their anguish find quick resolution and all hurts be put on the mend." Aryn says. She brings a hand out to accept the drink from Sir Bors. Had she a complaint about the bold words from Thul, not even her expression hinted at it. She hazards a sip of what passes for wine and looks back to Bal, studying him a moment. "We will observe your career with great interest, Mr. Calrissian. -- Do not let us keep you from your guests, sir. Be well."

"An adventurer, huh? That sounds neat," she says. "It does get pretty lonely out there in the depths," she says, sipping her drink. "I did that for a while. Needed to clear my head of some business. Back doing the cargo thing, and a few other things in my free time," she says with some kind of knowing grin. Like she's aware of a joke that no one else is. She sips her drink again, sidling just a little closer. Because she can.

"What kinds of adventures have you found in the void, Miss Lilac?"

Other species are marked on his mental Species Bingo Card by this point in the night. Along with a special notation of royalty due to Alderaanians just because it amused him. Kademir has finally slipped out of that seat to approach the buffet himself. May as well have a go at trying new cuisines, relying on his nose to keep him from anything too spicy.... or just plain weird. He's definitely going to need to make a donation tonight, if only for the appreciation of Carnivore Delights present.

Lilac gently shrugs her shoulders before she responds to Zena, "Well, mostly mine is with the trades. So just see all the unique things that people request to be transported. I would like to actually explore more places, it could be fun and potentially find something new and or unusual."


Offered to Aryn's comment on Bal's career - one hand free to finally sample these horse doovers... Hours Door-vores? Hub Deyveyrs? Some space damned word that sounds like it came from the depths of pretentiousness.

But this one appears to be made of thin sliced roba wrapped around cheese.


A nod from Bors goes to L7 who seems to engage in its mission. Acquire more fried roba wrapped cheese nuggets. Priority one.

Because as much as he may be properly presenting himself as a Lordly Member of the Noble Houses of Alderaan there is a constant that one can attribute to the likes of Lord Thul: A-Wing pilots are karking nuts.

"Thank you both again." Another bow from Landonis Balthazar Calrissian II to the two wonderful people that he'd just spent a few moments talking to. Already he has questions to ask his mother on their next holocall. So many questions. "I hope we see each other again soon." With that, he does move to go off and mingle with some of his other guests.

It takes L3 a moment to follow but first she has to stop, size Aryn up and down, then thumb over her shoulder at the treasure chest. Bors gets a narrowed optic look as well before she servo-clanks after Bal.

Totally not jealous of Aryn at all. Nope. "Watch where you're going!" L3-DB remarks to a random pirate flavored server after -she- almost bumps into them because of keeping an optic back on Aryn. Oy.