
Title: Captain
Race: Chiss
Sex: Male
Occupation: Captain of the Illumination
Profession: Naval Officer
Homeworld: Csilla
Organization: Rebellion
Ship: Illumination
Minimal intelligence on Ferr'ai'ovumlu, or Raio for more common tongues, exists. His past is an unknown mystery and he is not the type to volunteer much information about the years he spent growing up on Csilla. He is currently part of the Rebellion Naval Command as the Ship Captain of the Illumination, an MC75 Star Cruiser. Seemingly a textbook loyalist in this regard, he understands the fight to restore order to the galaxy and embraces whatever role he is destined to play on the path to absolute Chiss Suprema-- freedom.
Biographical Data
- Corename: Raio
- Height: 1.85m
- Weight: 77.6kg
- Date of Birth: 16th of Telona 1131
- Education: Chiss Military
- Affiliations: Rebellion Navy Command, Chiss Military
Details about Ferr'ai'ovumlu's personal life are graciously limited. However, some intel has been discovered through conversations with various sources that does not include Ferr'ai'ovumlu himself. Ferr'ai'ovumlu never got an opportunity to know his parents. An orphan of war on Csilla, Ferr'ai'ovumlu sought refuge and safety wherever he could find it. Introverted almost to a fault, Ferr'ai'ovumlu spent most of his days attempting to stay afloat in a world of strife and turmoil. Luckily, he fell in with a group of other orphans just like him and together they worked to keep each other alive and get themselves off Csilla.
Personality Assessment
Perhaps too logical and tactical for his own good, Ferr'ai'ovumlu operates as if he's always at war. Beyond the handful of individuals he considers to be friends, everyone else is an asset or an associate that can be used to further his own plans and ideals. Pleasantries and small talk are rarely found on his lips as a breath wasted is a moment in which he could be gaining the upper hand -- even in conversation. Due to his lack of a stable upbringing, Ferr'ai'ovumlu now leads a very structured and self-deprivation lifestyle in which pleasures and enjoyment take a far backseat to pushing forward the cause and seeking rebellious retribution against those that would dare threaten the Chiss Ascendancy.
Despite his conscious and continuous attempts to remain wholly logical and strategic in all things, even Ferr'ai'ovumlu cannot completely deny his emotions. They often inform his decisions, especially in the heat of battle. There is an aggressive side to him that shows when he is commanding from the bridge of his ship. He strives for excellence in all things and expects nothing less from those that serve alongside and underneath him. What bit of humor he allows himself to have is composed of dry wit and biting sarcasm.
- Acts of Rebellion: Despite his logical and strategic demeanor, Ferr'ai'ovumlu is prone to acts of defiance and rebellion. Most of the time, these are done in service of the Rebellion he is aligned with but sometimes he feels the need to question orders if he sees a better strategy or tactic on the field.
- Chiss Superiority: As a Chiss, Ferr'ai'ovumlu believes in his superiority to the point that it is not a complex but a part of him. This 'forgone conclusion' of an attitude can put him at odds with others. Chiss also receive special treatment under his command because why wouldn't they?
- Ambitions of a Risah: Superiority and Supremacy are some of Ferr'ai'ovumlu's greatest goals and therefore he's always looking for ways to advance his life and career. His past of never having much informs much of this ambition and woe be to those that stand in the way of his acquisition of accolades and achievements.
Trivial Intelligence
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
@Work | @Home | @Work | @Home | @Home / @Work | @Home / @Work | @Work / @Home |
12:00 - 22:00 | 12:00 - ?? | 15:00 - 22:00 | 12:00 - ?? | 12:00 - ?? | 12:00 - 21:00 23:00 - ?? |
9:00 - 14:00 20:00 - ?? |
- Chronically Online - I'm almost always online in some form or fashion. If not connected to the game then I'm likely lurking around on Discord. This puts me in a unique position to be available to chat, plot, scheme and maybe even do some light social RP beyond my General Availability. Just poke or ping at me.
- Whistle While @Work - I've notated above when I'm at work and while I can usually RP from work there are times when I may have to tackle some actual work sometimes. It annoys me to no end but them do be the breaks. I will try to inform scene partners and event runners if I'm having work related distractions or if I must disappear because of such things. Also, if I know it's going to be a busy work day and I've scheduled or signed up for an Event, I will reschedule or bow out ahead of time, as early as possible.
- RL, Interrupted - Life is life. Sometimes I have errands, spontaneous house cleaning moods, requested quality time with the SO or vegging out self-reflection times. I'll be sure to keep people in the loop when these things come up so scheduling and scenes can be modified.
Recurring NPCs
Name | Role | Notes | Appearances |
Sgt. Riggs Mur'Tah | Rebel Soldier | A loose cannon Rebel soldier that's been at this for far too long. He's always a few days away from retirement when he gets pulled back in to help. Effective despite being Too Old For This Chit. | Log:Rebellion:_Some_Old_Comrades Log:Rebellion:_Riski_Rishi |
Lt. Trilliam Jinz | Rebel Soldier | A gum-chewing slacker of a Rebel soldier that's just happy to be around. He has a sordid past with addiction and his gum chewing is the result of it. That same gum chewing may or may not have also managed to get someone promoted to Colonel. | Log:Rebellion:_Impervious_Metal |