Miz Viasco

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Miz Viasco

Race: Human
Sex: Male
Occupation: Scavenger
Profession: Scavenger
Homeworld: Ord Mantell
Organization: Independent



He certainly doesn't clean up well considering the dirty brown hair that's haphazardly styled on the top of his head. Matching brown eyes are set in his human's facial structure with relative ease. His light skin tone makes it easy to spot the various smudges of dirt and grease that show he's definitely no stranger to getting down and dirty.

His frame is slim but athletically toned; he possesses a runner's frame. Across his torso is a long-sleeved shirt, light grey and homespun from a soft cloth material. Those sleeves are slightly rolled up, showing off more dirt-layered skin and a pair of custom designed fingerless gloves; brown and made from some sort of animal hide. Over his chest is worn a X-shaped chest plate made from a leathery hide and providing a holsters for tools and offering some slim protection. There's even a small pouch built into the back to give him even more storage space.

Loose fitting, dark khaki-colored pants are tucked beneath a utility belt of customized origins. Like the rest of his outfit, there's a a layer of dirt and grime that ruins the colors of the light fabrics worn. A pair of animal leather boots, dark brown in color, have suffered quite a bit of wear and tear. Even if they do look sturdy and work related.


Episode I: A Scavenger Is Born

The Viasco family has always suffered from bad luck. Some believed that their lives had been cursed. Others believed that their family had been shunned by the Force and were destined to fend for themselves in the galaxy. The more practical minded Viascos understood that things were just the way they were. They understood that things would never change for them and they accepted that fact. They knew that they were destined to be nothing more or nothing less in the galaxy and that's how they lived their lives each day. Actually, there was a lot less living and more going through the motions.

Then came Miz.

Born on a Sabacc table in the back of a shady casino on Ord Mantell, Miz seemed to be the change that nobody was waiting for. His mother, Tanda, refused to get up from the table when his birth started. She had her next quarter's rent in credits on the table and she wasn't going to let a little thing like giving birth stop her. Tanda pushed her luck, won her hand and brought life into the world all at the same time. This once in a lifetime moment put Tanda in the local lore for years to come.

Miz's childhood was interesting to say the least. He had no idea who his father was and neither did Tanda, considering her promiscuous lifestyle. Their small apartment in the slums of Worlport always seemed to be filled with more friends than family. Miz never seemed to be bothered by this. He accepted his mother for who she was and accepted the lifestyle that she lived. He loved his mother and did whatever he could to keep her from going too far off the deep end into irresponsibility.

From a young age Miz worked. He spent the bulk of his childhood as a runner for the various casinos that his mother frequented. Being young and working for credits under the table, Miz had to find his own way to get things from Point A to Point B, sometimes without the limited local authorities knowing. Miz possessed a natural athleticism that helped him with this. He found a way to run, jump, climb and scurry his way in and out of places with a learning curve ease. As he grew up, so did his reputation and various shady types would hire Miz to handle their retrievals and deliveries.

Miz had no idea he was playing such a dangerous game. He never asked questions about what he was carrying or why. All he knew was that he was getting paid to pick something up or drop something off and those credits helped keep a roof over his head and food on the table. This became even more necessary when his mom got pregnant, again. Miz realized he needed to change things up. He couldn't rely on being just a runner anymore. It was a touch and go business that didn't exactly pay the kind of credits he was going to need if he was going to get his family out of the slums and get his mother clean.

Against his inherent love of freedom and the thrilling enjoyment he got out of racing across rooftops and crawling through air ducts, Miz took a job away from the city to work in the mines located in Ord Mantell's natural environment. It was here that he met a Corellian by the name of Remmy Pax. She was older, wiser and about as hot as he could dream up. Miz was smitten almost instantly.

While their relationship stayed on a platonic level it was Remmy that showed Miz that there was more to the mines they were working in and more to the planet than casinos. She introduced him to caves of wonder and ship graveyards that seemed to hold nothing more than junk. However, Remmy knew where to look to find something more buried beneath the wrecked starships and dark caverns that littered the planet's surface. They worked together for years and Miz blossomed as her unofficial apprentice, biggest fan and friend.

Miz found that he took to scavenging just as easily as he took to running. He combined his talents for both and soon was able to support himself on these talents alone. He quit the strip mining and took up scavenging as his trade du jour.

Episode II: The Scavenger Hunts

Coming home to a holonet message that's nothing more than a set of coordinates shouldn't have been all that significant. Granted, the home that Miz came back to that morning had been ransacked and wrecked beyond all hope. There were blaster burns and holes in the walls. There was blood all over the floor. Most heinously, his mother and his sister were nowhere to be found. Those coordinates were his only clue into what possibly could've happened to his family.

Wasting no time, Miz charted passage to Nar Shaddaa. Remmy had told him about the Smuggler's Moon. It was there that Miz found a pilot willing to take him to those unknown (to him) coordinates... for an engorged amount of credits. Turns out those coordinates were for the desert planet of Jakku. Miz spent ten days at Niima Outpost before he received a parcel addressed to him by name. The package was empty save for a datapad with a list of items. Items that seemed to be hard to come by. At the bottom of the list was a running chrono that had less than a week of time on it.

Miz got right to work. He didn't know who was pulling the strings behind this and he didn't care. All he knew was that he wanted his family back and if he had to dig around in the sands of Jakku to get them back? So be it. He searched the dunes for hours and found item after item on that list. Every time an item was scanned it disappeared off the list. Miz got closer and closer to getting his family back as the timer continued to count down.

Miz found the final item on in the wreckage of a Rebellion passenger transport. Sorting through the wrecked starship reminded him of the stories he heard in the casinos of the Empire and the Rebellion as they fought their epic war. He searched through the wreckage, uncovering various symbols of the Rebellion and eventually the final item on that list. He scanned and bagged the item, the timer stopped and the datapad's tracking beacon binged continuously for the next four hours.

Miz was moments away from losing consciousness by the time a skiff arrived. It carried three humans: Tanda, his mother, Raena, his sister and... Remmy Pax?! Without hesitation, Miz tossed the bag of items onto the skiff while Tanda and Raena were let off the skiff. Remmy aimed her blaster at Miz and apologized. She informed Miz that she had no choice, that she had debts to pay. Then? She shot him.

Episode III: The Scavenger Awakens

Miz woke up on Nar Shaddaa flanked by his mother and his sister. Apparently, that pilot that brought him to Jakku saved him and his family from dying out there in the sands of Jakku. He brought them all to safehouse on Nar Shaddaa before heading back into the galaxy to make some more credits for himself.

It took Miz a few days to fully recover and in that time he heard the news that Remmy Pax had been shot and killed by bounty hunters that were after her. Considering things to be safe, Miz put his family on the next transport back to Ord Mantell. He had chosen to stay on Nar Shaddaa in an attempt to start his next adventure.

It's a big galaxy. Somebody has to scavenge it.'


  • Need something found? Need parts? Hire Miz.
  • From Ord Mantell? Let's talk. We might know each other.
  • Organized Crime? I knew it on Ord Mantell.
  • Need something to go from Point A to Point B with no questions asked? Then you need me.
  • Did you kill Remmy Pax? I owe you one.
  • Every good Scavenger needs a Droid for a friend. Including me. Droids? Hit me up.
  • Miz is about that Nar Shaddaa' life. Catch him at Parmac's Spaceport or in the Meltdown' Cafe.
  • Miz is a Resistance Sympathizer. Maybe one day he'll join.


Coming Soon.


Scav Stats


Coming Soon.


Coming Soon.


Coming Soon.