Log:Resistance: A Very Fond Farewell

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Tonight's remembrance is in honor of Leia Organa, but other souls lost in the war to-date are not far from attendee's thoughts. Or eyesight. A holo display set to perpetually rotate through the faces and names of the fallen sits atop a stout pedestal near the entrance /outside/, where all who enter or exit might give pause to pay their respects to the silent sentinels who (presumably) still guard their beloved leader in the afterlife. There are some new additions to that list, including Greeson Rais and Zonk. ALIVE guardians are also present, of course. Royal guard. Armed, dressed, ready to ensure that those gathered may do so without disturbances.

The courtyard is manicured stunningly and presently encircled by torches and a small symphony who's putting soft, light notes of an Alderaanian waltz into the air. Contributions for this evening's celebration of life have been generous. Verily. The memorial statue is still a work in progress in the hands of capable artists, but once Leia's likeness is rendered, it will be placed in a place of honor to watch over her New Alderaan.

For now, one must be contented to feast their eyes on the splendor of guilded halls, ornate floral arrangements, noble company, and an edible spread fit for royalty (The drink selection ain't bad, either). Inside this vast audience chamber, immense pillars support a magnificantly lofted ceiling from entrance to dais. Behind each colonnade, lengthy tables line the walls to accomodate assembling guests.

Large braziers flicker with eternal flames in front of each pillar in these colonnades, illuminating the way toward what /would/ be a throne but is, for tonight, a table is set with Alderaanian blue cloth and chairs for each of the designated speakers. Also atop the dais there is a podium. One brazier stands alone near the entrance, unlit, draped by an Organa white banner.

You can guess who that's for.

General Greystorm stands at table on the dais, waiting for the rest of her commanding fellows to join her before sitting her starchly uniformed rump in chair. Her face is clear of sweat. Makeup blurs the lines between real an synthe across the face mapped by war. A pair of delicate, gold hairpins hold her ornately twisted updo in place behind her skull. That, her posture, and a pair of tiny, teardrop earrings are small bodies of proof that she took Leia's many (many) etiquette lessons to heart. She might'n't be in heels, but she is presenting a most civil front. If unsmiling.


Nobody really makes dress clothes for seven foot tall combat droids. As such, Kayfive has done the best she can and given herself a fresh paintjob, covering up any wear and tear. A Rebel Alliance starbird has been added, emblazoned across her torso. She may have been on the 'wrong side' of things until fairly recently, but even before her reprogramming she'd respected General Organa. First as a competent foe and tactician, and after her rediscovery as a potential friend given that there didn't seem to be hard feelings. Kayfive stands in the audience area, a bit off to one side, her proportions not working very well with most chairs and not wanting to intrude in case, unlike the late general, some do bear resentment.


Merek has cleaned up nice, even trimmed up his stubble a bit while he wears the uniform, and a pair of nice gloves. Upon his uniform he does wear a special sash of his family name. Even his parents came to pay respects. His mother and father as well as his sister find a place to settle in, all of the same skin color save the mother. He looks to to projector and salutes to it, smiling to Rais and Zonk in particular, and anyone he knew personally in the war with the Order. Eventually, he finds a place at the table, settling about while he waits, keeping his attention to any that will be speaking.

[Bizz Bliptettjupp]

Bizz Bliptettjupp waddles around dressed in his holy robes. He has come to pay his respects on behalf of the Guardians of the Whills, one of many Force-worshipping sects on Jedha. He carries a globular censer of Dagoyan incense emitting silvery-blue smoke. The smoke is said to encourage prayers to the Force, to burn away negative emotions and reveal purity in the Force, and assist in meditations. He mutters to himself, "There is no death, there is only the FORCE." The monk's voice is kept low out of respect.

[Ban Iskender]

Ban Iskender stands among the New Alderaan nobility, one of several young men and women attired in white military dress uniforms surmounted by a black sash. He wears a short green half cape, and a ceremonial curved saber sheathed at his side.

[Zandra naMuriel]

Zandra naMuriel is quiet as she pauses outside the entrance, watching the memorial holos of those fallen. She stays there for a few moments, letting the enormity of the sacrifice sink in. Then she enters, finding a spot somewhere to the back where she can quietly take a seat as required or stand. She ends up probably near K5, and offers the droid a smile and a cheeky little wave.

[Tallie Lintra]

Tallie imagines she can smell the starch emanating from the uniforms, hers nearly crackles when she moves. Only the white synth scarf tucked at her throat is not regulation. Her honey blonde hair glistens in an elegant twist held in place by a gold serpentine pin and like the general, she wears earrings, discreet pearls. She stands among Black Squadron watching the solemn assembly stitch itself together, eyes on Amber.

[Miri Sakir] Miri Sakir is by Tallie's side, the shorter, darker pilot uncharacteristically somber. No jewels. No earrings. Just Miri.

[Jax Greystorm]

General Greystorm isn't without her own support as a man about her age dressed in civillian dress clothes in blues and grey. He'd walked with her and once she's to the dias. He leans in to whisper into her ear and a squeeze of the hands before he disappears back in the crowd of civillians.

The older man makes his way back through the crowd gathered to the join the other civillians and family here. He meets up with his son, Jax and daugher in law, Sesti.

[Poe Dameron]

When the doors near the back (or front), or.. wherever it is that people come into this massive hall is, Poe Dameron squeezes by, stepping hastily past the guards and walking in dress uniform. Unlike most of his reputable and well decorated Black Squadron pilots, Poe does not sport a single medal save the fiery phoenix of the Resistance, and the rank plate denoting him to be a General.

Poe is every bit as dashing as the wanted posters have captured, with curly black hair that's loosely oriented across a tanned brow. He has an intense stare, and walks in a jaunty way, with a sense of underlying urgency. Poe makes no stops along the way, he takes the stairs of the dais to join General Greystorm at the table, nodding to her when he's in range.

[Kasia Ashkuri]

Kasia Ashkuri has slipped in somewhere along the way, lingering on the fringes of the memorial. She has a dark blue wrap around her shoulders, and a lighter blue dress, with all the necessary matching accent pieces. She finds a place to park herself quietly before her gaze sweeps others gathered, searching for the familiar faces in the crowd.

[Elrych Cometburn]

Who else had no metals? Elrych Cometburn had exactly 0 participation trophies or medals of honor strung about a sash or worn around his neck. Instead, the Corellian Jedi and Ace Pilot of Black Squadron wore his usual Jedi decor. It was, to him, seemingly more appropriate than borrowing a Uniform he felt out of place in and or his old Captain's Gear he used to wear around. This hearkens back to the old republic days where Jedi from his system would dress in dark greens was a nice mashing of both. His breeches, dark blue, complete with second class blood stripes were probably he only indication of military service her had. He removes the dark and thick rimmed shades from his eyes, letting the blue orbs glance around. He puts them away, out of sight and mind for the proceedings. However, he does produce a comb to run through his brown hair, styled modernly. Appearances had to be kept after all.

[Aryn Cole]

When the music changes, and a quartet of guards step out marching in the traditional way of Alderaan, it's then that Princess Aryn Cole steps lightly into view. She wears a light blue dress that hangs past her knees but shows a bit of leg. Her high heeled shoes match, open enough that her painted nails can be seen too, though her hands are covered with long gloves, so no one can tell if the nails on her hand match (they do.) A silver, glittering crown holds Aryn's bright blonde hair back, revealing the scar over her left brow/eye/cheek that could not be concealed with makeup.

She wears lipstick, which may have seemed out of character for anyone who actually knew Aryn, but it contrasted beautifully with her make up and grab. She clasps her hands together, looking nervously into the great ceremonial hall, then looks aside to nod her head.

So begins the heralding of Royalty and a call for "EVERYONE, RISE FOR THE PRINCESS OF ALDERAAN," and the horns segue to the triumphrate Call of Alderaan. Alderaanian guards in blue garb step out, marching in armor and thick boots, their footfalls miraculously in beat with the call. At each pillar a guard posts, facing the dais until every pillar had a guard in place. In unison, they all face inboard, take hold of their swords, and draw at once. A chorus of durasteel scrapping scabbards sword before glimmering ceremonial swords are angled upward.

That is when Aryn makes her way down the center toward the dais. Slow, deliberate, and graceful are these steps as her heels hit the shined stone and flames flicker. Aryn's father awaits her at the end, wearing the garb of House Cole (white tunic trimmed in green and gold.) He, too, bows his head and offers a gloved hand to escort her up the stairs. A quiet thank you is issued to her father.

A slow walk to the podium, and Aryn's voice can be heard. "Apologies for all the ceremony, please.. find your seats." Aryn gestures smoothly and looks out over the gathering. Easily thousands of people have come to pay their respects to General Organa. "We have gathered here, on New Alderaan, to celebrate the adventurous life of someone special; special to all of us. I am certain there are stories enough about the late Princess Leia; stories you all could tell, but it would take a lifetime: Perhaps many lifetimes to convey the impact and detail she has made in all of our lives. As Princess, and formerly, Leia's pupil, I am honored to be among those who knew her in life. To begin, I call this Alderaan court to session. Please, enjoy the refreshments, and drink the wine as we begin to remember our Princess and General, Leia Organa."

Aryn turns slightly, raising a hand to gesture. "Please give your warmest regards and respects to our first speaker: General Ambrosia Greystorm." Aryn steps back slightly to make room for the General.

[Ambrosia Greystorm]

Whatever Kort said almost puts a smile on Ambrosia's face. Almost. Solemnity is maintained, however, when Poe joins her there and the guards herald their Princess's arrival. She dips her chin politely when gifted the floor and walks with some degree of hesitancy to the podium. Grumpy Greystorm was never a woman of many words. Her fists were always more eloquent in getting a point across. But tonight...it's for Leia. One last time.

"There /are/ many stories." Her mouth crooks to one side, head giving a little shake. "Just pick a decade. But. I cannot do justice to General Organa's memory with any amount of words. One of the most frequent notations in my psych evals o'er the decades, says I ought to speak more, though, fight less. So. Maybe I'll try a few." A subtle wink twitches at the gathered assembly spread out before them. Brace yourselves, because it's more than a few.

"We gather here to salute a life which has touched, has shaped, countless scores of others, whether directly so or through her vision. Her efforts. What she stood for has carried many names, embodied by many movements, and she herself has worn many titles. Princess, Senator, General, 'Jedi', mother, wife...friend."

There's an inner struggle occuring shallowly beneath the surface of Ambrosia's expression, uttering this word she has never taken lightly and very rarely used. Unsurprisingly.

"She was my friend," the old 'Ice Queen' finally manages to get out with just a lingering touch of emotional waver. A commanding clearing of throat remedies that. "In spite of our..." An irritating eyelash is plucked away and conveniently along with goes the droplet of moisture. "Differences."

"When I joined her rebellion, almost...almost forty years ago, I wasn't more'n an angry, vengeful kid lusting after blood." WAS?? A sly curl of Ambrosia's lip suggests she's aware of the misused tense and her own contrary nature. Time doesn't heal all wounds or mellow all tempers. "She didn't create the monster within, but she and her vision refined what I could become. Gave me purpose. A chance to do better than.."

Her voice breaks - just a little - and she takes a moment to recompose. Unblinking. Fingers flex around their stranglehold on the podium's lip and her posture turns all the more rigid. An effort to counter this softness shed.

"..than my first masters ever thought me capable of." A blink of a glance flits over the faces of her husband and offspring out there among the masses. They know what she's alluding to. "A blessing that I'm not sure even /another/ forty years' allegiance could repay."

"Leia was a beacon of light for the broken. The oppressed. And she, the charismatic force to help the downtrodden rise. To inspire hope. It was through this hope and the dedicated efforts of kindred spirits that the galaxy was able to confront an impenetrable Empire..." Her left fist goes up a few inches, clutching air, only to lower back alongside its companion. "..and bring it to its knees. It was our intention to fight that war and suffer the losses, so that you never had to. So that our children would know peace. Freedom from tyranical rule. A NEW Republic born."

Another pause sees her gaze wandering over aaaall that nobility out there. All those politicians. Like oil and water, she and they. "And when we found that peace, we trusted too much." (Slight burn!) "Became too comfortable. And the growing darkness went unchecked for too long. In this way...the New Republic failed. But Leia was determined. It was through her resolve to NEVER," a boom of her voice there, carrying a remembered note /of/ that resolve through the hall, "permit that darkness to rise anew that the Resistance was born. And here it is still, survived against the odds, just as the Alliance did so many years ago."

"It falls to you now, all you young people, to pick up the sword and continue on. This is your inheritance. A new generation of leaders...a new chance to get it right. For not all is grim and grey. In spite of all we have lost, WHO we have lost, we have sent a clear message to the First Order, to the Sith, that all she has stood for - all WE stand for - cannot be cowed. You are here today, because you have answered the call, because she loved you like her own. I know she saw the potential you ALL possess to carry this legacy. Resistance, Republic, united." Greystorm's voice softens from its authoritative tone again into something quiet. Something kind. Relayed to all ears by the mic on her collar.

"So make her proud. She deserves a peaceful rest, wherever she is...even if most o'that time spent'll be keeping Han out of trouble. No doubt."

Ambrosia's lips press into a thin smile. She turns her back on the podium for a moment to return to table. To pull a flask. To pour for all seated there. And then, to raise her glass - Alderaanian whiskey - overhead. "To Leia," facing the audience once more. Her eyes skim over the crowd like she's considering disappearing amid the herd, but boots remain rooted firmly in spotlight. She passes the glass into her left hand, freeing the right to draw the crystaline blade from her hip. It catches the light beautifully - a green sharpness mirrored by the glint in her steely (if a bit moistened) gaze. Its tip points high into the air for salute and glass lowers to hover nearer to lips.

"To our beloved Alderaanian Princesses. Old and New." A sip, a bow, and the floor is yielded to Poe. Amber, booze, and sword tuck back into their assigned seat.

[Bizz Bliptettjupp]

Bizz Bliptettjupp places his globular censer of Dagoyan incense on an empty pedestal, not wanting to sit down and fog himself out at the banquet table. He goes to seat himself and starts immediately pouring beer into his goblet. The selection of beverages is fit for royalty, so Bizz isn't shy about sampling a few of the finer things. "Do they have L'lahsh?" he asks Zandra naMuriel, whom he sat beside. "Oh I hear it was a popular drink on Alderaan. And some boiled blue ruica? Someone once told me that Princess Leia disliked ruica." Then he settles in to listen to the speech.


Already standing, Kayfive gives Aryn a respectful nod and straightens somewhat, before returning to her usual neutral posture. The speech... It's genuinely moving. Anyone who says that droids can't have emotions is wrong, and the proof is in the subtle shifts of posture, the tilt of her head, the way her hands clench and relax.


Merek stands up for Cole, then when that is finished up, he settles back into the seat at the nice table while he waits, watching, nods.

[Ban Iskender]

Ban Iskender was already standing when Aryn made her entry, but comes to a dignified attention when the herald calls. A brief and quiet word is shared with an older woman in green with whom the young nobleman shares a familiar resemblance, before Ban gives ear to the Princess' words and seats himself. Amber's address holds his eye throughout, even when she cast her oil and water eye and ever so slight shade over the assembled nobility. His expression remains stoic, until he raises his own glass to seal the offered toast, echoing, "Old and New."

[Zandra naMuriel]

Zandra stands up, as the Princess enters. There's a look of pride on her face as she watches Aryn, a bright smile for the princess if she looks Zan's way as she passes by. She catches sight of Kasia all alone out there, and nods her way as well. When the opportunity to sit is offered by Aryn, Zan takes it, the young woman in jedi robes, rather than the black squadron uniform, rather like Elrych, honestly. Amber's speech is listened to thoughtfully, and there's a drink in her hand conveniently just in time for the toast. "Old and new," she murmurs, bemusedly, and then she raises her glass in a salute before quietly taking a sip. Her gaze goes to Poe now, as the floor is ceded his way. She still has more to drink so it should last. And hopefully she won't end up in tears. So far, the serene presentation is hanging in there.

[Tallie Lintra]

Tallissan swallows against the tightness in her throat. The General rivets her attention, but she also watches the others on the podium, eyes lingering on the handsome form of the late commander and now general, Poe, then moving onto the transformation that Aryn's elevation to princess seems to have wrought.

There is a rustle of silk and starch throughout the hall as the assembly takes up glasses to respond to Amber's toast. Captain Lintra holds her own up, whiskey, suitable for the Leia she knew. It glints golden, catching the light as she holds it up, repeating, "Old and New!"

[Jax Greystorm]

Jax clasps his father on the arm as the older man slips past. Though the pair are talking for a moment and hadn't quite gotten seated when Princess Aryn Cole makes her way into the room. Sesti standing to join them. Though they quickly sit down at the table as they listen to the matriarch of the family speaks. Then as Amber raises her drink to salute they join, "To Old and New."

[Poe Dameron]

Poe rose for the arrival of Princess Aryn, and sat when told to do so. He crossed his legs and sat comfortably, looking out over the crowd like a quiet sentinel as Amber addressed everyone following Aryn's retreat from the podium. For those who know Poe best, the look he wore was one of nostalgia, and parts of Amber's speech, particularly, the parts where humor was strategically planted, earned a handsome grin from the Black Squadron ace.

When Amber made her salute, Poe uncrossed his legs and rose up. His own glass of brandy was held up in a similar fashion and given a moment of study before he took a healthy sip and set it down. When the podium was relinquished, Amber was stopped in passing and given a firm, endearing squeeze on the arm and a moment where Poe said something that couldn't be heard, but for those who could read lips, it looked like '..that was beautiful.'

Rather than take the herald of a title, and his name being mentioned to the court, Poe politely waves at Aryn to say it was okay, then stepped up to the podium to smile in his charming way. "I'm Poe. Poe Dameron." He begins, his smile widening a bit as he unhooks what passes for a mic and steps from behind the podium to stand before the crowd as easily as one, who is not afraid of attention or crowds, does. His free hand hooks to his belt casually, while the other holds the mic.

"It's hard to follow such a hearfelt message from a hero like Amber. But I'll try."

"It seems like a lifetime ago that I stood in the presence of royalty, uhh.. present moment excluded.." He amends, waving sorry to Aryn. "But I did once when I served in the New Republic Navy. This may surprise a lot of you, but I was due to face Court Martial for defying orders to carry out a covert mission to discover the depth of a threat I knew this galaxy must contend with. I'll admit it, just as I did the moment Princess Leia stepped in front of me that day, that I'd do it again. Not many would have shown such cavalier rebellious insubordination to a woman like Leia, but she handled it in her own way; and smiled."

"Leia's smile that day was as contagious as it was her last day, and her words carried a meaning with which all of us could feel the /fire/ of devotion behind it. When Leia believed in you, and I mean../believed in you/, you had it made. Because no where in this galaxy, or any other galaxy charted would you find someone more loyal to you until the end."

"I once had the pleasure of sitting in front of another hero. A man responsible for helping us track down the legendary Commander Luke Skywalker. His name was Lor San Tekka, a humble man, an explorer and a believer in the things that were good in this galaxy. I recall telling him after collecting the datachip, how elated General Organa would be. For a moment, Lor thought, and the look he had on his face is the same look we all have now." Poe pointed as he walked casually and stopped, turning again, practiced. "In his humble way, Lor said in context to what Leia was for him, .. for me; she's Royalty."

He points again. "To all of us, Leia is something. And whatever that something is, remember it. Remember her fondly, remember her sacrifice, remember her struggle. Remember that she once, no, twice.. held the weight of the galaxy upon her shoulders, then remember that she never once faltered."

"When I think back now of Leia, I want you all to know; that for me; she's Royalty." Poe reaches back to collect his glass and holds it up again. Smiling his charming smile, Poe says finally. "For Leia."

[Miri Sakir]

A shorter figure approaches the podium. A slow breath, and a nod. "I didn't know the General as long or as well as some of you, but... she was special. She knew how to talk to people. Even idiot pilots waking up in parks without their shoes. The last time we spoke, she said she didn't have much time left, but I thought that was just... you know. That thing old people do to make a point. We were supposed to drink this damned wine she had sent to my ship. Together." Miri's words catch in her throat and she looks angry. Angry at what? At Leia, for dying? At herself, for these emotions? "This isn't how it's supposed to go." That's all that she has to say. She slinks away before she can make things worse.

[Kasia Ashkuri]

There are heralds and a procession, and Kasia watches as they move by, listening as things begin, and Ambrosia is announced. She listens intently to the words that are shared, a faint smile curling at the corners of her mouth every now and again with a fondness for the woman being honored. Poe is next, and again her attention is on him, listening the story he shares. When he concludes, she murmurs softly in response, "For Leia."

[Elrych Cometburn]

The heralding causes Elrych to slightly startle, quickening his putting away of the comb her had been using to fix his hair. He was standing at this time, having yet to really find a seat at one of the long tables. His eyes turn towards Aryn as she enters... and his jaw hangs open. He's never seen her gussied up before and well... it was impresive. "Woah." Said with a whisper, gaze following the princess as she moves towards the podium. As she asks everyone to take their seats, the hot-shot pilot appologizes in whispers as he crawls over other people to get to an open seat somewhere near Brother Bizz and Zandra. "Well... this is nice..." He says in a low tone, leaning forwards so the pink haired Jedi can hear him. He smooths out his Robes, making sure his black and gold trimmed Lightsaber isn't hanging down between his legs uncomforably as it sits on his belt.

Attention is carefull paid to Amber as she speaks, a nod here and there in agreement. He finds a flute of something, he's not sure what, and takes a sip when the toast is given. "Old and New... I can dig it." His gaze settles on Poe as he is called next, brows raising in curiousity for what the General will say. "Hi Poe..." Elrych says back to the Black Squadron commander, binking in surprise at himse. "Ah. sorry." HE clears his throat and listens carefully, the (other) General's words striking a bit more to home. She found him, Leia, and gave a wayward kid purpose. THat kid was him. Was she a mother? No... maybe not even a mentor. She was a friend though. He raises his glass again and takes another drink.

[Aryn Cole]

Aryn smiles when Poe politely waves that she remain seated nearby. Honestly, it was a relief, one that showed on Aryn's face. Though, for all the speeches that followed, Aryn was seen gently dabbing her eyes with a small cloth to maintain her make up and to keep the joyous tears from celebrating Leia's life from marring the work that many had spent hours doing. For both toasts, Aryn lifted her glass and said the words, then drank. And finally, it was her opportunity to close out the ceremony and open the floor for all.

Lady Winter, Leia's closest confidant and longest friend (who looked like Leia save for her white hair), offered a hand to help Aryn to her feet. Aryn accepted and shifted, brushing her dress down a bit, and walking to the podium.

Winter returned to stand near Lady Kiko Alde and the golden protocol droid Threepio, who looked freshly shined and poised with bright yellow eyes to watch over the proceedings. Aryn arrives at the podium and smiles. "Even with but a fraction of words spoken, our hearts are heavy. I have prepared a few words of my own in lieu of this. Permit me, if you would, just a few more moments to speak about Princess Leia."

"When I say the name Leia Organa, what comes to mind?" Pause. "A leader for the rebellion, a senator, a Princess from the ravaged world of Alderaan, a General. -- Sure, Leia embodied all of these things, but like the figures throughout history, she was portrayed without flaw, without personality, without justice."

"We are, all of us, here because of her resolve for justice. Let it be known, that Leia Organa was more than a Princess, more than a General, more than a senator or figurehead from the Rebellion. She was a daughter. A sister. A mother. A mentor. A friend. -- When people say hope, they envision a galaxy of justice. A time where they no longer struggle against the tyranny of evil. When I say hope? I see Leia."

Aryn dabs a tear. "I see Leia because she was hope. She defined it. She embodied it. If ever there was a problem in this world, I only had to look to Leia to see the smile on her face, and /that/ look in her eye.. and I knew it wasn't a problem anymore. Like hope, which is synonymous with so many things... Leia holds true to that as well. When I say Leia, each and everyone of you feel something different about her. You ponder back to her influence in your life, how she touched you, how she touched others. The galaxy was a bright place with her in it. She was luminous, like the stars in a night's sky. Now? Now she resides in all of us. Shines.. in all of us. Her light was /not/ snuffed out. It was brightened, and in the end, her troubles tapered off and fell away because she looked at us.. all of us.. as we looked at her. To Leia, we meant Hope. Do not disappoint her. Go forth and be luminous, and remind everyone that hope lives on, that it endures."

The guards near the unlit brazier pull the Organa cloak from it with a loud snap, and begin to hook the banner of the ancient Elder house to a pair of clips and hoist it high upon the pillar. The brazier, bearing a holo image likeness of Princess Leia, came to life and a bright flame flickered bright, the orange and blue licking outward where it could be seen. The memorial was like all the others of famous Alderaanian people, like Bail Organa, who had made such a lasting impact in the galaxy that their flames would never be snuffed out. Leia, in this hall, was luminous, bright, and burning like the flames.

Aryn lifts her glass with finality this time and smiles, dabbing her eye with her free hand. "Hope endures."

[Ambrosia Greystorm]

Poe's quip about insubordination incites a quiet snort of good humor to crack the somber expression turning Ambrosia's frown lines deeper than gravity already has, but she keeps her head ducked brandy-ward. Her lips maintain a possessive hover over the throat-warming substance for the duration of his speech, then she uplifts with all to repeat the encantation. "For Leia." *Sip* And the sip almost comes back out when another body unexpectedly takes the stand for a few words.

It wasn't in the script, Greystorm certainly isn't going to raise a hand to stop the little she-wolf. In fact, she can empathize with Miri's sentiment entirely. This /isn't/ how 'it' was supposed to go. It doesn't feel right to be sittin here, drawing breath, long after Leia took her last. Not when you're already a reanimated corpse, it doesn't.

The galaxy is cruel.

The bulk of Aryn's address to her the audience is heard but this general appears to have withdrawn inside herself again, stare vacant. The occasional nod offers sign of life. "Hope." She echoes and eases back into present with another swallow of soothing spirits. She rises from the table, held to attention by the raising of Organa's banner and lighting of the flame. It is glorious. But it pales in comparison to the glow of the soul it represents.

A solitary tear exfiltrates around a batted rim of lashes and rolls down her cheek. There is no effort made to wipe it away.

Leia, with this droplet of sorrow, we who are too oft without emotion salute you.


"Old and New," that's what Merek mentions, while he seems to wait as well as watch. When people begin to speak, he begins listening. He does look to Miri, then it's back to Amber, while he offers a salute to the speech. "Hope." He nods.

[Ban Iskender]

Ban Iskender remains solemn as General Dameron offers his fond remembrance. When he speaks to Leia's legendary loyalty, Ban draws a long, slow breath through the nose. His glass remains on the table before him, Ban's green regard shifting to Aryn as the daughter of Duke Cole offers her words. When she has finished, the gentleman gives a small nod, raises his glass again and echoes before drinking, "Hope endures."

[Zandra naMuriel]

Zan by now does have tears coming down her face, and she doesn't try to wipe them. She raises her glass with each cheer but doesn't say anything. Her gaze goes to the memorial and she stares at it as she quietly lets the feeling flow through her. "Hope endures," she says finally, looking over to Elrych and then even over to Kasia. Her words are husky, and there's no doubt that Zan is impacted. "And we can all carry that hope within us." That too, though it's not to the room at large, just to those nearest her.

[Tallie Lintra]

Each of the speakers mirrors another aspect of Leia's life, a lodestone, a guiding star for so many, her steady presence in Tallie's life felt permanent as fixed as the stars overhead. Perhaps it is her youth speaking, some deep place inside of her refusing to admit mortality had never imagined life without the princess. Now, they must use her lessons, heal, and move on.

Seated again, she thoughtfully tilts the glass of whiskey then takes another sip, listening intently to Aryn's words. Elrych's comments make her lips twitch in a smile.

The next salute to Leia, her banner and holo image bright behind Aryn, brings the hall to its feet again. "Hope endures," echoed from a thousand throats a fit embodiment of Leia's legacy.

[Jax Greystorm]

Jax raised his cup ever time they had toasted Leia. He'd called out with the toasts. Then to a private aside to Sesti, he shares, "I think I've turned into a light weight." THen he calls out, "To Alderaan! to D'Qar! Princess Organa! Princess Cole!" Kort shakes his head, "Son."

[Poe Dameron]

With the final speech given, Poe raises his glass to echo the young Princess' words. "Hope endures!" Joining in with the thousand other voices. He finishes his whiskey and stands to salute when the beacon brazier takes its flame and the Organa banner is lifted in honor. He cut his salute then, and lift his glass there on the table.

Now it was food time, right? There was free food? Poe's first thought was to look out over the crowd and he spotted Kasia, and where Kasia was, Hex? Free food? Hex? Poe heads down the stairs of the dais to the floor to mingle with the crowd. He's almost immediately greeted by others, with handshakes hugs, drink, and free. food. Where's Tallie? Where's Elrych and Zandra? Where's Jess? (Probably on the beach with Kare.) Rekk it. It was time to celebrate Leia's life the right way.

The Rebel Way!

[Elrych Cometburn]

Standing, Elrych nods to Zandra before finishing off the glass of liquor. "Let us steady, sharpen, and steele our resolve with it." The Corellian even surprises himself with how good that sounded, noding slowly, and face turning downward in a 'not bad' sort of way. He clears his throat and looks towards the the banner and holo. "Got somethin' in my eye..." The Jedi states as he looks down, his hand coming up to rub away the thin that was in his eyes. Totally not a tear or anything (it was).

[Sesti Greystorm]

Sitting quietly next to Jax, Sesti too had lifted her cup to each toast. Although, she lets her husband do all the talking, her voice only joins with the "Hope Endures", and she doesn't seem to notice when he calls out a few more extras. "It is all that clean living you have been doing," she tells him quietly about being a lightweight. "You have lost your tolerance."

[Aryn Cole]

Aryn turns back to the podium and clasps her hands. "This concludes the memorial service and celebration of life for the late Princess Leia Organa. Please, if you've words, share them on the mic and enjoy these refreshments and Alderaanian wine. Be healthy and merry in the company of friends!" Aryn steps back, nodding to Poe as he casually strolled into the crowd without much of a care. Aryn turned to her entourage and nodded, and she proceeded down the central path, escorted by Lady Winter on one side, Lady Kiko Alde on the other, and followed by Cedar her BB unit, the shuffling Threepio, and her royal guard.

The music came back to life then with merry tunes (like one might hear at the taverns in town), and merry singing began. Dancing started in one corner, and the scrape of plate and cutlery was indicative that FREE FOOD was being enjoyed.

A MASSIVE beast, Jalar the Worst, was roasting over an open flame, the banner of Drik's royal family on display as the heroes who slayed the beast in Leia's honor. The Manka meat was cooked tender, juicy, and well spiced with an assortment of grand vegetables, and gravy. Mother have mercy, the gravy!

[Ambrosia Greystorm]

CLEAN LIVING!? Not in THIS household, mister Jax. Er. Family. Mm. Well. Ambrosia no longer gets a say in her grown son's lifestyle choices, but rest assured that her insides would burn with shame if she knew how tipsy her boy was right now!!!

Fortunately, she's not paying attention. Because this Alderaanian brandy is still calling her name and the aroma of the arriving platters of roast this and baked that are reaching her nostrils. It'd probably be best to put some of that FREE FOOD in her gut to accompany the liquor or tomorrow's going to be a more miserable sunrise than usual. Or Kort might win another hand of their long-standing sabacc match. Or both. The shame.

Reluctantly, Ambrosia moves from her place at table after Aryn's processed out and Poe's ditched her dour company for the merriment on main level. Oh, to be young again. She might steal a dance. Later. Show these kids how it's done...

The rebel way. Minus Ewoks.

A grimace sees the last of that brandy down her throat and she swipes a thumb over her mouth while taking slow, surveying strides down the dais steps. Jalar is smelling mighty fine, she can't deny. And that gravy?? She's hoppin aboard this cholesterol train. For Leia.


Merek looks to be content with the drink!

[Ban Iskender] Ban Iskender rises to his feet as the Royal procession departs the dais, and walks down the central aisle. The entry of the main course, commencement of revels and some comment made to the nobles nearest him brings a tight smile to his face for a moment.

[Tallie Lintra]

After having caught a glimpse of the wild light in Poe's eyes, Tallie turns to the other pilots in the squadron, "Come on, Zandra, Elrych let's mob Poe. Resistance style! We are going to be dancing on the beach at dawn! Did any of you see Ektor? Never heard of that man turning down a free drink or food." Tallie makes her way against the current of the crowd towards the food table and Poe.

Zandra naMuriel]

Zan finally wipes the tears away, finishing her drink. She rises with the crowd, watching as Aryn processes out. At least she's got folks there with her for support. That done, Zan finds another drink and then heads for food. "C'mon, Elrych," she says. "Let's find the rest of our squad and - celebrate." Which means she's hunting Tallie and Poe, Merek and Miri. Which leads right into Tallie's words ... look out, Poe.

[Elrych Cometburn]

Elrych stands then and backs away from the able, peering over some other people to watch Aryn leave. "Huh..." Though, he turns towards Tallie as she comes over along with Zandra asking him to join in the shinanigans. "Oh... well. It's Xer. He probably got rekked already because he couldn't wait and fell asleep in the Shaak." The Jedi shrugs as if that's just a normal katunda for them. He hazards a glance towards the food, his stomach growling just a bit.


Merek stands up, while he brings that sash and gives that to his family, while he walks about the place, coming upon Zandra and Elrych. He does offer a smile, "Hey you guys," he says.

[Poe Dameron]

"This Manka is rekking good!" Poe shouts over the music to a group of soldier. "Get some of this! And the gravy." Poe mock dies as he picks at his small bowl of strewn together chow, standing off to one side beside his buddy and pal, BB-8. Where the laughter is loudest is where Poe Dameron can be found. Standing distinctly and lookiing dastardly; certainly up to no good!

[Jax Greystorm]

"Son, I'm pretty sure you were adopted." Kort says with a chuckle at the mention of his son being a lightweight. The old fighter pilot rises up, "Sesti, he gives you any problems they probably got a barrel of water to dump him into some where. I got a General to dannce with and another one to remind that no matter how cool his squad sounds, nobody out flies and out parties, Phoenix Squadron." Then the former Major Greystorm heads towards Amber to party with. For Leia, of course.

Jax looks at Sesti and gives her an grin, "You're right. But it makes me a cheap date? You wanna dance? I just lost my wing man."

[Sesti Greystorm]

"Do not worry Dad, I think I can handle him," Sesti tells Kort with a lopsided grin, and maybe a wink. She raises an eyeridge to her husband. "Can you even stand up?"


Merek dances along while he looks to the place, enjoying the festivities. While he's doing that he does pick up a bit of the manka, and partakes from it. It's nice to eat the thing that tried as well to eat you.

[Ambrosia Greystorm]

"Hey there, flyboy..." General Greystorm grumbles with a dropped tone that borders on 'husky purr'. Kort's dance-seeking advances are met with a firm palm into his chest that expertly steers him toward that gravy, baby. Long strides straddling his with a manuever that's 1 part dance (the male role, naturally) and 1 part unashamed beeline for the FOOD. In style. "You gotta buy me dinner, first."

[Tallie Lintra]

Ace pilots bring their amazing abilities to the table, too. Tallie maneuvers into the line right behind Poe. "General. Leave some of that meat for the rest of us. All the women pilots would like a dance, so if you don't mind penciling me in on your dance card... we'll be right over there." Tallie motions with her chin to a nearby table.

And so the feasting and merriment carried ever on into the night. Celebrating life. Leia's flame warming hearts, Aderaanian wine warming bellies...

The dawn will bear witness to many a groggy soul unable to recall just how delicious Jalar the Worst really was.