Log:Nebulous Freighters

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Rogue Squadron: Nebulous Freighters

OOC Date: December 28, 2020
Location: Ringali Nebula
Participants: Karas Darkwing, Zul Gradnk, Ax, Jax Greystorm, David Ironside, Nova Korell, Zandra naMuriel, Callax Dalso, Tallie Lintra

Most sane ships' captains avoid the Ringali Nebula. For good reason: the dense gases and charged particles make astronavigation an extreme test. The large moon Galitan, destroyed by gravity tides, makes navigation even more dangerous because of its debris orbits' random nature. It also makes it a great place to hide if you have the stomach for it.

New Republic freighters registered to Chandrila have begun to disappear into the Nebula at intervals over the last six months. The New Republic's economy, too fragile to lose freighters, has sent Rogue on the trail of the lost ships.

The Squadron pilots have dropped out of hyperspace on the edge of the Nebula. Fiver chatters frenetically behind CMD Lintra, pinpointing their location. "Coordinate with the rest of the group, Fiver," she radios to the droid. On general com, voice crackling from interference from the Nebula, <<"Rogue, we need constant sweeps of the area looking for transponder signatures. Each of your droids has the signatures we are looking for. Look alive to debris and for the least trace of other ships having passed through the area."

With the mission brief having been explained at the hangar, Karas went back over his notes during the trip to the Ringali Nebula. He made sure too also do some study about he Nebula, some of the information he found goes back to the Old Republic. Understanding that transmission will be abit of a problem once they exit hyperspaace, he makes sure that Spark tries to tighten up their communications.

As they exit hyperspace, Karas hears the static as Tallie speaks to them. "Alriht Spark begin looking for those transponders." he says to his droid. <<Copy Rogue Leader.>> he says into his comms. <<Everyone stick close to your wingmen and women, call out targets and rememeber you keep with your wingmates if your in a dogfit.>> he tells them. Having been granted the privelage of being the XO for this Op he didn't want to dissappoint anyone.

Zul Gradnk is in for her first mission, and therefore her voice sounds nervous still <<"Rogue Twelve calling in!">> she announces "Beepo... you know what to do." she orders with a grin, hand hovering over the button for the S-Foils. Don't press it yet, don't press it yet... the Twi'Lek feels both nervous and excited at once. She is in an X-Wing! And she feels like during her very first flight all over again. Deep breaths... she was ordered to stay calm after all. <<"So, Nova, I am to watch you, am I not?">> she wonders, wanting to double-check herself, the nervousness at least starting to disappear from her voice

Ax is almost at home here, aside from being in the cramped confines of an X-wing, travelling in hazardous areas was pretty much his role in life. Routes through various nebuli were a staple for smuggling goods when you were worried about someone trying to follow your trajectories. <<"Rogue Three copies, Rogue Leader,">> Ax replies over comms. "You heard her, Buster. Your job for the time being is sensors. Keep your eyes peeled for anything that we wouldn't normally see in homely little systems like this," he says to his droid. "Wish we'd have brought a Phantom though, better sensors than this damned X-wing."

Whether she has the stomach for this kind of flying or not, Nova Korell came anyway. Orders are orders, and they don't always come with an opt-out. So Rogue Eleven is dropping from hyperspace on the edge of the Ringali Nebula, deflector shields already active. The orders didn't say anything against being careful, after all. She turns to her sensor controls, beginning a sweep of local space. "Jammer, get linked up with Lead and the squad. I want anything target-shared added to the chart we're using and that shared with the group."

Jammer warbles his acknowledgement of the order, and hastily begins linking with the T-85s' computers to set up a hasty network. Sharing is caring... and saves lives sometimes, too. <Rogue Eleven to Lead, I copy. Twelve, you've got it exactly right. And I watch you, too. Hopefully that means that one of us will see something if the other doesn't. Stay sharp.>

Zan's A wing comes in with the X's, possibly looking a bit out of place. She take her positon on a wing, and settles gently, as her fingers fly over the console. No droid here. << Rogue 5 here. I am initiating scans,>> she says easily. She is mostly quiet as she doesn't have a droid to turn off to, but she's here, present, accounted for, and looking for any signs of trouble.

<<Rogue Eight, copy.">> the voice of David Ironside drawls the standard line as he's done dozens of times before. His fingers sweep over the control panels, opening the s-foils, shielding up and boosting the engines. "Ones, start running the scans for the Commander." he tells the astromech slotted behind him, giving the R2-unit a look over his shoulder. It's fine, nothing exciting is going on just yet. <<"Scanning now, Rogue Leader.">>

Toward the back of the formation is Rogue Ten, the X-wing flown by Callax Dalso. No ceremony here, no florid maneuvers; there is only Callax's voice over comms, quiet and calm. << Ten reporting, all boards green. At your command, Leader. >> The glorious band of swirling color - and certain Sargasso - that is the nebula curls about them, and already Callax's grip tightens upon the fighter's stick. << Acknowledged. >>

Then, to the droid riding shotgun in the astromech's socket, Callax's voice takes on a bright aspect speaking through the intercom. "Well, you heard the lady, darling," Callax chimes, "See what we might see!"

Jax was flying in formation with the rest of the squadron. As Tallies orders come across the com, the Corellian reaches up to tap a picture of Sesti and the boys he's took to using for luck against the console. Then he calls back to Exine, "YOu heard the lady, time to get to work. Yeah I know it's tedious Exine but lets get it done. Besides look at the view. << Rogue 9 here. I'm beginning scans. Rogue 12, remember ship designations or call signs. We never know who is listening.>> Jax says to Exine, "I hope that wasn't too harsh."

Not two light-seconds away a YV-865 Aurore-class freighter, also known as a Zygerrian slave freighter, hangs facing two light freighters, both VCX-100. Lines tether them, if they are talking to one another it is on an encrypted channel. None of the ships' transponders register their type, the first sign that something is seriously out of kilter.

<<"Rogue Leader, scan for incoming. Their transponders are not registering for me.">>

"Fiver open up scans for the largest possible range; this doesn't seem right." The R2 whistles and blats as it performs a sweep. A tone begins ringing in the cockpit as a nebulous shadow announces an incoming ship. <<"I'm picking up a fighter - it looks like it could be a Headhunter coming in from under the freighters. Heads up.">>

Within seconds of scan showing an incoming ship the freighters have untethered and begun to turn to exit. <<"This Rogue Squadron for the New Republic Chandrilan Defense Force, stand down.">> The comms crackle with no answer.

Karas keeps his eyes peeled, and keeping close to his wingmate, making slight shifts as they fly through the nebula, this kind of flying is dangerous if you didn't respect the airspace you're flying in. Checking his sensors, they are a bit scrambled but he is able to make out their squadron and a smile comes to his face as he continues flyiing. Though after a moment or two something catches his eyes.

Squinting a little bit, "Spark focus your sensors on the Zenith, I think there is a fighter coming in." he says to his astromech droid. As they continue flying and he hears Tallie over the tact net, Spark confirms what he sees though it's hard, "Keep scanning for the frieghters, thanks for confirming." Shaking his head, <<Make that two fighters, I see a Preybird and Spark was able to confirm coming from the Zenith of the Nebula.>> he comms to the others, <<Everybody stay frosty, we don't go unless told to or your engaged.>>

Zul Gradnk looks down at her scanner <<"Right... my scanner won't work properly.">> she annoucnes <<"Eleven, you allright there? I don't see it.">> she starts <<"Also, sorry about breaking protocol about the designations, nine.">>

<<"Rogue Leader, Rogue Three verifying a Z-95 Headhunter on sensors,">> Ax says over comms as he flicks the switch to lock open S-Foils into attack formation. "Buster, coordinate with the droid on Ten, make sure we're seeing the same thing on scopes," Ax says to the droid.

The fighter was one thing, but Ax's biggest concern was the slave freighter. Whether that's what it was or not he wasn't certain, but the Echani had a very strong dislike of slavers. "Gotta stay focused," he mutters to himself.

<Copy on three freighters, Lead. Twelve, I've got nothing...> Nova breaks off as Jammer warbles a warning, and takes a second look. <Correction: All Rogues, I have /two/, repeat, /two/ Z-95 fighters on sensors! Looks like this freighter party is breaking up! Sharing targeting data!> She angles for an intercept course on the fighters. <Lead, I'm going to make sure these two aren't a threat. Twelve, it's showtime. Watch these guys. We don't know who they are, but they're fighters.> And thus potentially hostile until proven otherwise.

Zan is settled in her A-wing, the zippy thing not showing it's zip as she keeps pace with the x'wings. She scans the sensors once, twice. As the others speak, she stares at her own boards, and then she says, << I see a preybird at the zenith, coordinates incoming. Can someone confirm for me, they're a little different from those reported earlier. >> She sounds like she's confident she's seeing one, though maybe there are two?

As the comms traffic picks up (except from the slaver ship that was hailed by Rogue Leader), so do the scanner results. <<"Rogue, I'm picking up another fighter inbound.">> David comms urgently. This is potentially getting out of hand in a hurry. <<"It seems to be a Z-95 Headhunter, I will continue with the scans to confirm.">> His left hand, the one that's not on the control stick, diverts some power away from engines to weapons, but doesn't move out of formation with Rogue Nine and does not engage just yet.

Karas's words get a faint snort from Callax as they turn the ship toward the ships, linking up with Ax's Rogue Three as they pull the s-foil actuator lever. "Starting to wonder if he's gunning for XO," Callax muses to Babo, who merely whistles a noncommittal response - then a beep of alarm. "I see him, darling," Callax replies to the droid, then triggers their comms as well. << Leader, this is Ten. Seeing another Headhunter on my scopes as well. Definitely looks like a welcoming party, adding to telemetry pool." A few buttons pressed and the fighter's position is sent to the other ships, now on realtime track. "Well! Let's earn our leather, Babo darling..."

Exine is busy telling Jax there's nothing there. "No I can feel it, there's another one out there. Adjusting our scanners." The little droid grousing at Jax after a moment, Then confirming, "Yup, there it is. I see it too." Then Jax adds, << Rogue 9 here. There One more final Headhunter. My astromech will send the coordiants. >> Then Jax reaches down to open up the s-foil. << Following your lead Rogue 8. >>

The Nebula is a particle storm, the last swan song of a star that lived and died in this region of space. The three clandestine freighters pull lines and separate, still maintaining silence. Through the soup of dust and gas, Rogue Squadron begins to report incoming on their scans.

Over encrypted coms to the Squadron, <<" Rogue Leader acknowledging your bogies. Weapons live.">

Switching to an open frequency, <<"This is Commander Lintra of the New Republic. This region of space is under New Republic jurisdiction. Turn back or face fire from our ships.">>

A heavily accented voice hisses a reply, <<"New Republic go away, you not owning Galaxy. Mind business or die.">>

<<Rogue Squadron, engage at will.">>

Upon the call of the bogies that threaten the area, Karas hears Tallie tell them to engage. Reaching forward and flipping the switch, Rogue 2's wings split into the legendary formation of the X that is it's name sake. The S-Foils are in attack position. <<Pair up and chase your targets. You know what to do Rogues.>> he calls. He quickly sends his targeting data to Rogue Leader so she knows that he's engaging Prey 1.

Pushing the throttle forward Rogue 2 speeds ahead taking the lead on this one as he gets into position. The distance is far but the T-85 isn't like the older T-70, this one has a bit of speed on it's side and so is able to close the gap. As Rogue 2 closes thee distance, Karas presses the trigger and red energy lances shoots forward though only one connecting, <<Glancing shot.>> he calls to Rogue Leader as he breaks to give her a clean shot and to give Prey 1 a false opening on him to draw fire to himself.

Fighting <<"ELEVEN! STAY ON ME!">> she exclaims, sounding excited as she presses the big S-Foil button and opens up on a Headhunter, just missing <<"I ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THIS!">> someone... sounds like a 5 year old opening a life-day gift... newbies.

With the go-ahead to fire, Ax pushes his throttle forward. <<"Ten, this is Three, going for Headhunter 2 on sensors,">> he says as he lines up his HUD and unleashes a barrage of lasers from the X-wing's cannons. "Keep an eye out for anyone getting on my six," Ax says to his droid. If they played this right, his wingman or, in Cax's case would it be Wing-They?, anyway, would target the same fighter so they could mop up quickly.

<Right with you, Twelve,> Nova replies calmly, her strike foils already opening as she follows the other X-Wing into the fray. Zul's shot is a close miss. Nova follows up, pulling up and around and onto the Headhunter's tail, her four laser cannons blazing. Three shots slam into the rugged old fighter's aft end, melting away deflector screens in a shower of crimson sparks. Nova switches frequencies. <That was a warning. I suggest you disengage and get out of here while we're still in a good mood.>

Headhunters One (hvy dmg), Two (dmg), Three (dmg), Four (dmg), Six and Seven flying." Engage at will, them's the orders. Zan nods her head, though she's well aware that Tallie can't see it. << This is Five, engaging, >> she calls out. She hits the throttle on the A wing and it dances forward, then screams with the speed that it brings to bear, zooming forward as Zan is pushed back in her seat. << Heading after one of the headhunters, sensors have it tagged 3. >> That's for her wingman, as she heads off. << Here we go. >> She makes a strafing run, and turns about to come back, checking to see where the other ships are, as she does so.

David accelerates to attack speed as the go-ahead comes through. <<"Thought you'd never get around to it, Leader.">> the experienced pilot replies. Zandra's A-Wing zooms off to intercept a Headhunter, prompting David to put some advice on comms. <<"Nine, go with Five, regroup after you take down that target. I'll do the same after mine.">> he instructs. He is in no -real- position to be telling people what to do, though, so he breaks off quickly and just does what he said he'd do. Which means, putting laser blasts in another Z-95 he meets head-on.

'You can't own the galaxy', that voice said. Well, that's not something that can't be excused without a report. And so, reaching up to set the guns' convergence distance to the middle band, Callax breaks and dives for one of the headhunters, squeezing the trigger down hard while calling over the comms.

<< Iiiiiiii am the ghooooooost of galaaaaactic caaaapitaliiiism! >> The spooky-loo voice is damned near the last thing the pilot of Headhunter Five hears, as Callax's guns blast down the shields and punch holes throughout the hull of the ancestor-vessel to their own T-85; burning and spewing sparks in several different areas and missing half a wing, the fighter is instantly made unable to do much more than get the Hell out of there. "There, now," Callax chortles primly to themself, cycling through the targeter. "Who's next, I wonder..."

Jax hits a rudder and pulls back on the stick as he goes shooting past Rogue 8 << Order confirmed Rogue 8. Happy hunting and may the force be with you. > The X-wing pushing Jax back in the seat, << Rogue 5, entering your kill box, please reframe from any friendly fire. >> Then as he draws a bead on hunter 3. Jax pulls the trigger and scores a hit.

The fighters had hung off in a near circle around the three freighters who have left them to engage with Rogue Squadron. They come in from all degrees of the compass. The first exchange of fire leaves them worse for the wear, the heavy fighters sustained damage from Rogue Leader and Rogue Two. Rogue Eleven and her wingmate left Headhunter One with nearly no shields. Callax, flying Rogue Eleven wiped one Headhunter from the fight, it hangs leaking atmosphere waiting for rescue. Only two of the Headhunters remain undamaged, having taken more fire from Zandra and Jax.

<<"Rogue Leader, we are giving them a beating. I doubt they are going to stay in the fight. Keep it up. Rogue Two, let's take them down.">>

Getting a quick update from Spark, he smiles as the Rogues do what they do, "We got this." he says to himself but he can't celebrate as his distraction works and the Preybird fires on him. "Not much of an Ace huh." he chuckles as Rogue 2 dives and rolls easily away from the incoming fire of that enemy snubfighter. He glances back to see Rogue Leader tattoo it good. He winces at the hit and pulling back on the stick and closing the s-foils of his X-Wing. Karas flips his fighter which pushes him hard back against his seat. He tries to dial up the internal dampners but the move still has him pinned to his seat. As he completes the maneuver he fires which he watches as the Preybird on him dodges out of the way. Quickly thinking, Karas pushes his throttle down and rolls away from the Preybird keeping himself as bait for the enemy fighter to chase and giving Tallie the opening she needs.

Headhunter Two returns fire, but Ax gets out of the way almost before the opposing pilot actually sends laser bolts his way, then returns fire, removing that fighter from the fight. "Buster, get me sinced on the next target, whatever Rogue Ten is lighting up, will be left to us to clean up. Granted, if Cax vapes it like the last one, we gotta go after something clean."

With Headhunter Two down, Ax pulls the control stick on his fighter hard to the port, sending his fighter in a roll through the debris that was the previous target. Space battles were nasty things, after all, racing to line up a shot on H7 now that Buster has highlighted the ship for him on sensors.

Nova winces as her fighter shakes, struck by a glancing laser shot. <Guess you're the hard-headed kind, huh?> she says to the enemy pilot. <Let's see if your skills are as tight as your lips.>

She throws the T-85 into an elaborate scissoring contest with the older fighter, which has marginally less mass but also less engine power. It's not easy to keep from overflying the slower Headhunter, but she stays in the contest.

Abruptly the Headhunter tries a fast break, but not fast enough: Nova makes the same turn and fires! Two shots lance into one of the fighter's engines, coring it from bottom to top. The resulting explosion sends the Headhunter into an awful spin, until the pilot manages to shut down the surviving engine.

At the same time, Jammer whistles cheerfully, and the deflector indicator rises nearly to the top. Precision engineering triumphs again!

Nova pulls away to rejoin the squadron. <Trust me, it's a lot easier to fly away than to wait for a rescue. Stay warm, Gabby.>

She switches frequencies, back to the Rogue tac net. <Lead, Eleven. Any word on those freighters? Are they still on the target list?> Hopefully they haven't gotten away...

Rogue 5 zigs and zags around all the laser fire that is now in the arena. There's some sort of aimed her way, but she dodges it. << Continuing on the same Headhunter,>> she calls, as that zippy fighter of hers continues to speed demon its way through the arena. As she gets green on the targetting system, she lets loose and fires. The target might be trying to dodge Jax, because it misses Zan's incoming fire, the bolts lacing across and leaving it leaking atmosphere. << I think that headhunter 3 is out of the fight, >> she reports, as she spins, and then circles up to get a good look at things before picking her next target.

David grins as Zandra reports a downed hostile, replying, <<"Well done, you two. Regroup on me and let's get mine out of the way too.">> he compliments the pair of wings. He's on the Headhunter's tail, but the craft is doing all kinds of moves to stay in the fight, or at least keep David away from the other pirates. <<"This one's ducking me.">> he comments, not sounding all that upset about it. The pilot does appreciate good flying, after all.

Choosing another target, Callax banks clear of the next few ships and targets another of the yet-unscathed old ships, locked on target with ease. << Ten targeting bogie Seven, >> they call over comms, this time ditching the boo-ghost routine in order to get into a proper rhythm. Unfortunately, The Spook is no longer with them, which means the torrent of laser fire from the ship's guns are evaded at the last moment by the old ship, something that gets a faint 'tch' from Callax as they bank after them. "Spry old daisies in those boats, don't you think, Babo?" Babo just makes a grunting warble. "...yes, well I know your design is from that time too, darling, I didn't say they were /bad/..."

Rogue 9 has been leading Headhunter 7 on a Merry goose chase as Rogue 10 and Rogue 3 give the fighter something to thank about. As Rogue 5 handles herself in the fight, << Rogue 9 disengaging, target and moving to assist Rogue 8. Happy hunting Rogue 5. >> Then Jax barrel rolls out of formation and in a long loop using the nebula as back ground to blind Hunter 4 of his incoming attack. He scores a couple of hits putting the target on the run. << Head Hunter 4 is out of the fight and running. I got him for you Rogue 8. >>

Does the clandestine group regret engaging the Squadron? We might never know since the only one among them that had spoken is waiting for rescue. Except for three ships, two of which have sustained damage, the smuggler's ring of protection is left in shreds. <<"Not last you hear, wermo.">> crackles over the coms as the ships go evasive, looking for a way out of the vortex of gasses surrounding them.

<<"This is Sunshine. Good shooting. We have some investigating to do when we get home. Stay sharp. I'll see you on the flip side. ">> Disengaging the S-foils, she angles the T-85 towards their exit point and the jump home.