Xavier Harcourt
Xavier Harcourt
Title: Hollow Man, Puppeteer
Race: Morellian
Sex: Male
Profession: Singer
Homeworld: Morellia
Ship: Revenant (Pursuer-Class)
- Log:Rebellion: The Compromised Cell
- Log:The Auction In the Crown
- Log:Sith: Hidden in The Webs
- Log:Sith: Becoming The Problem
- Log:Sith: Part of The Solution
- Log:Slipping Through Fingers
- Log:Sith Empire: Consequences Don't Knock
- Log:Jervo's World Cup: A Lava of Love
- Log:Morellian War II
- Log:Morellian War I
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Splish Splash Bash
- Log:Sith Empire: A Debt of Blood
- Log:Sith Empire: Reap What You Sow
- Log:Sith Empire: Siths on a Train
- Log:Thyferra: Headshot
- Log:Sith Empire: What's Yours Is Mine
- Log:Sith Empire: Flood or Drought
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Sand Dunes
- Log:Sith: On Good Authority
- Log:Sith Empire: A Lesson in Horticulture
- Log:Force: Light and Dark Personified
- Log:Sith Empire: In the Heat of the Night
- Log:Tatooine: Going, Going, Almost Gone
- Log:Sith Empire: Soundless Labyrinths
- Log:Tatooine: An Unlikely Call for Help
- Log:Tatooine: Trouble in Beggar's Canyon
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Championships: Pamarthe
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Championships: Dantooine
- Log:Sith Empire: Deep Worlds Hereafter
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Championships: Endor
- Log:Sith Empire: Black in Deed
- Log:Sith Empire: Black in Word
- Log:Sith Empire: Red in Flame
- Log:Sith Empire: Hush
- Log:Sith Empire: Love in the Club
- Log:Hutt Cartel: This little thing of ours
- Log:Sith Empire: The Feint
- Log:Sith Empire: A New Foe
- Log:The Show Must Go On
- Log:Hutts: It's not what we can do for you
- Log:Explorer's Guild: The Missing Linguist
- Log:Sith Empire: Coruscant - First Strike
- Log:Sith Empire: Training Day
- Log:Sith Empire: Manifest This
- Log:The Pulse: Birthday Cake
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Nal Hutta
- Log:Sith Empire: Red in Tooth
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Rooting Around Raxus
- Log:Knights of Ren: Storming the Desert
- Log:Wrong Neighborhood
- Log:New Republic: Use Your Instincts
- Log:Knights of Ren: Lone Survivor of Exegol
- Log:New Republic: Centerpoint Station
Xavier is a handsome, charming man with a quick wit and expressive dark brown eyes. Though he appears as a human in his mid-forties and plays himself off as such, he is actually Morellian: a race of near-humans known for their extended lifespan. Already two centuries old and is still only considered middle-aged by the standards of his race. Few know his true age and origins as Morellians have been hunted to near extinction. Or so many think. Xavier is more than happy to lead people to believe he is just another human among quadrillions.
A former scout who served in a few wars, he doesn't go into detail beyond that. In fact, he rarely goes into detail about much of anything regarding himself. He is quick with a silver-tongued quip and a warm smile, but there often seems to be a lot that goes unspoken. Instead he focuses on learning about others and keeping aware of what is going on around him. Something he credits to habits formed over the years. Old habits die hard.
Xavier's current profession is that of a singer and voice tutor. Though difficult to find, he does frequent the Chance Castle Theater on Nar Shaddaa where he occasionally helps with the small productions hosted there. He has also been known to take freelance work at the random bar or dive scattered about the galaxy for a bit of extra chits. Clearly gifted, he insists that his voice isn't quite as good as it had been in his youth. Yet those who hear the man perform have a difficult time believing that; swearing there is a power in his voice unlike anything they've heard before.
NOTE: None of the following is known IC unless you find out IC.
A Jedi Knight
Juran Riss was born in 156 BBY on Morellia during the peak of the High Republic era. This was a time where the Jedi Order was at it's zenith, and children who showed ability with the Force were sought after. At five years old, Juran became one of these young Padawans and never saw his family again. A studious learner and diligent student, Juran eventually reached the rank of Jedi Knight and served within the Order for the first nine decades life.
Beyond his duties, Juran frequented theaters and opera houses across the galaxy. His singing voice earned him the reputation akin to the likes of other prominent names in the circuit. Known to sing softly to himself when meditating, this habit interwove with his Force abilities over time. Enhanced and bolstered by natural talent and discipline, he quickly became one of the best Knights in matters of diplomacy and negotiation.
However, with his long life came apathy and resentment. As he grew older and bore witness to the Order's machinations, Juran began to see hypocrisy and blindness. Mistakes repeated rather than learned and old ways refusing to bend to new ideas. For this, while his abilities were remarkable, the rank of Master would never be reached. But in his latter years, he had long-abandoned any desire to do so. Juran grew more disenfranchised and with rising tensions across the galaxy only fueling his discontent, something was bound to give.
It all came to a head when a perceived betrayal by the Jedi turned an already jaded Juran against the Order entirely. What this betrayal was, however, is lost to history. As well as the names of those slain in the aftermath and of Juran himself. Whatever it may be, Juran became a Fallen Jedi and turned his back on the Light Side in the most violent way.
A Dark Prophet
As the dust settled and the body of his former master lay at his feet, the Jedi known as Juran Riss was dead. Thus rose Xavier Harcourt to take his place. As with many like him, Xavier was either discovered by or sought out the Prophets of the Dark Side, a splinter group from the Order of Sith Lords. It is within this group that Xavier decided that it wasn't enough that he had killed those who wronged him. The entire Order, he concluded, was rotten from within. Nothing more than a prison of the mind that had stolen from him nearly one hundred years as indentured servitude. He would see it destroyed.
When the Prophets were absorbed into Palpatine's grand plan, they became the Secret Order of the Empire. At his peak, Xavier didn't just serve under Darth Sidious' rule: he excelled. What had been a talent for negotiation and compromise twisted into manipulation and cunning. With a Force-enhanced voice able to spike into most minds without effort and his penchant for arranging pieces to serve his means, Xavier earned the moniker "The Puppeteer".
Xavier didn't just witness the fall of the Jedi Order: he participated and reveled in it. In the hunt for Force adepts, he was utterly merciless. For any mission handed down, his execution left nothing but destruction. A dark agent of nightmarish proportions. But his aptitude and eagerness would prove the man's second downfall after the war's end.
A Broken Prisoner
For all the battles won and enemies destroyed, the Galactic Empire fell. The only two known Sith Lords were vanquished, and a single Jedi survived; attempting to rebuild the Order. Soon after the defeat, Xavier was summoned to the planet of Exegol by what remained of Sidious' empire. Upon arrival, thinking there was a plan to fell the Order for good, he discovered a facility within the Citadel attempting to curate a proper vessel for the Emperor's return. Dabbling in clone research to accommodate Sidious' vain attempts at immortality.
It was a combination of Xavier's immense Force abilities and his long lifespan as a Morellian that turned him into an unwilling specimen. Captured and imprisoned for nearly thirty years, he endured tortures unimaginable trapped in Palpatine's contingency plan. Kept suspended within a vat in partial consciousness and constant pain as he was experimented upon, Xavier's psyche cracked and then broke entirely.
It wouldn't be until the fall of the Citadel that the resulting power surge knocked down the life support systems. While his fellow scientific victims rotted in their glass tombs, Xavier was able to escape through sheer instinctive will to live. A surge of the Force shattered the large tank he was in and sent him collapsing to the ground with tubes and wires still piercing him. The Citadel was dark and empty. The sounds of a battle ending raged above. And Xavier had gone completely insane.
A Sith Lord
Two years after the Battle of Exegol, a pair ventured into the husk of the Citadel seeking Sith artifacts. What they found instead was someone stalking the crumbled corridors and speaking in a hissing language they did not understand. They discovered Xavier disheveled, violent, and incoherent. After subduing him, the pair took the clearly broken man as a prisoner.
They were members of the Knights of Ren. And even though his fractured mind rendered him unable to touch the Force anymore, they recognized his abilities. Rather than kill him, the Knights of Ren helped Xavier piece enough of himself back together to where cohesive thought and speech were possible. A semblance of sanity. If tenuous. After some tense conversations and learning who his captors were, Xavier opted to join their cause. Dedicating himself to the obliteration of Jedi and Sith completely. Every practitioner, every recorded lesson, every artifact. Not just destroy them but erase them. And to bring adversity to a galaxy that appears stuck in a constant, tiresome loop.
This was short-lived. The rise of a new Sith Empire saw him faced with a choice: join or die. At his core, Xavier is a survivor first and foremost. So when the Knights of Ren were disbanded by the Sith Empire and the ultimatum given, Xavier went along to save himself. Becoming a Councilor, he now straddles the line between achieving his personal agenda and staying alive. At only a fraction of the power he had at his peak, Xavier has been biding his time. Because if there is something he has developed over the decades, it is an unwavering patience. An ability to play the long games. And as much as he is loathe to admit it, there is a large part of him that is drawn to the work he does as a Sith. And he does it quite well.
A Hollow Man
Once a Jedi Knight and a Dark Prophet both, now Xavier is trapped somewhere in between. In the time since his escape from Exegol and returning to the civilized world, he has battled with the lasting damage of a long life hard-lived and the torments of his thirty-year captivity. His abilities with the Force slowly returns to him through more pain and strife, but nothing seems to quell the din of voices inside of his head.
Thousands of phantoms of those he has slain haunt him. Goad and encourage him. Relentless screaming at the worst of times. A low, buzzing hum at best. No peace, no solitude in the halls of his own mind. Occasionally, Masters long dead speak and argue from beyond the veil. Sometimes the gentle voice of the young Jedi he once was attempts to escape his chains and seek redemption. A constant war which may never seen a true end for Xavier. Not until one side wins once and for all. Or until death finds him willing.