Valeska Nell

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Valeska Nell

Title: Red Huntress, Naga, Uj'alayi (Colo only)
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Occupation: Mandalorian
Profession: Mercenary
Homeworld: Dantooine
Organization: Clan Nell
Ship: Blood Oath (YZ-775 Freighter)


The Inevitable Beginning

Daughter and first child to General Kodachi Jaivon of the Rebel Army and Captain Jericho Artoris of the Rebel Air Force, Valeska was born into war on an New Republic capital ship. She grew up among the motley crew of all races who had banded together to fight against the oppression and terror of the Empire. Though the Empire had fallen by the time she was born, the years following saw many battles and skirmishes to free several planets from its rule. Because of this, Valeska saw victory and death in abundance from a young age. She also witnessed the coming-together of several races fighting for a common goal.

When from the ashes of the Empire rose the First Order, it was expected of her to pick up where her parents had left off. When the Resistance stood against a new threat, Valeska was called to join the efforts and bring years of training and education to bear. Instead, she denied the calling and left Dantooine to become a gun-for-hire. That worked out for her for several years.

A New Life

After a deal gone wrong, Valeska was unceremoniously dumped onto the smuggler’s moon Nar Shaddaa. It wasn't long before she was intercepted in a dark alley by a trio of muggers. It is here that she met a Mandalorian who would fend them off and ultimately bring her to the safety of their clan.

Seeing promise in the young mercenary, the Kora Clan gave her some regular armour and suggested she go with them to Mandalore on several upcoming missions. She was hesitant at first; not seeing how she could possibly provide any help to a tight-knit clan of notable warriors. Ultimately, the bond was strong and -- feeling truly indebted for the first time in her life-- she relented, agreeing to go as an extra gun and ally.

Forged in Fire


To say Mandalore was a crucible would be an understatement. Unrelentingly harsh and dangerous, the ravaged planet showed no mercy. From roving bands of savage barbarians to blistering heat and sand, it was unlike anything Valeska had experienced before. It turned into a few weeks of pure, unadulterated hell that pushed her well beyond her limits.

Coming out the other side a different woman than who had entered, Valeska returned to Nar Shaddaa with those whom she had bonded further with through battle, blood, loss, and victory. It was then that Valeska made the decision to take up the mantle and dedicate herself to the Resol'nare. Gifted a set of Doomseeker armour painted predominantly red to represent defiance, Valeska was named a tal'at'cuyir – “Blood to Be”.

Valeska continued to fight and grow alongside the Kora, earning her stripes as a clan member and Mandalorian through the missions endured, blood spilled, and lessons learned. It all came to a head when, while on a mission on Mandalore, Valeska was separated from her clanmates and attacked by a brutal warrior of the sands. Alone, she fought her adversary to the last; ultimately coming out triumphant in slaying her attacker and taking for herself the notorious Journeyman armour the man had been wearing. Soon after, Valeska swore her life to the Resol'nare.

The Red Huntress


Once becoming a Mandalorian, it wasn't long after that Valeska would meet the Corellian rogue who would later become her husband. Brave and stubborn, Colo fell in love with merc in full Mandalorian armor, and after some tenacious chasing on his part they began a relationship together. It soon became her teaching him the ways of Resol'nare partly so he knew what he was getting into and partly because she saw the same potential in him that the Kora had seen in her. It took over a year, but he eventually earned the Mantle and answered the call of the Mand'alore when the time came. It was immediately after that war that they were married in the traditional Mandalorian way: speaking an oath privately to one another.

In the ensuing years, Colo and Valeska would adopt her orphaned nephew as their eldest son and have two more children of their own. As they grew as a family, they discovered ways to raise their children both as dedicated Mandalorians as well as galactic citizens. When each were old enough to decide for themselves, all three took on the mantle. One by one the family became a small clan all their own. They eventually branched from the Kora Clan to become their own unit.

And that is where the next fifteen years would look like, balancing the Creed along with living their lives. With the rise of the new Sith Empire, Valeska would see both her Rebellion parents come out of retirement once again to join the fight. Unfortunately, this is where they would meet their ends, as well. Buried along with the brother she never got to meet, Valeska honors her fallen family by aiding the Rebellion where she is while still being a mother, a wife, and a Mandalorian.