Tamsin Cas
Tamsin Cas
Title: Doctor/Darth Achlys/Councilor
Race: Firrerreo
Sex: Female
Occupation: Humanitarian
Profession: Doctor
Homeworld: Muunilinst
Ship: Kaivalya
- Log:Sith Empire: The True War
- Log:Sith Empire: Revanites
- Log:Sith Empire: Taking Control
- Log:Bloody Resonance
- Log:Sith Empire: Commander Traega and Nim's End
- Log:Sith Empire: War Drums from the Deep
- Log:Sith Empire: Aggressive Negotiations
- Log:Sith Empire: Balosar Customs
- Log:Sith Empire: Once More
- Log:Sith: The Iron Fist
- Log:The Force: As One
- Log:The Force: Not So Stationary
- Log:Sith: The Empress Strikes Back
- Log:The Force - Event Horizon
- Log:Iridonia: Clench
- Log:Iridonia: Iron Grip
- Log:The Sith: Audience
- Log:The Auction In the Crown
- Log:Sith Empire: Dark Legacy III
- Log:Sith Empire: Black Night II
- Log:Sith Empire: Domination
- Log:Sith Empire: Black Fleet I
- Log:Sith: Eradication
- Log:Sith Empire: Dathomir Darkly
- Log:Boonta. Eve. CLASSIC.
- Log:Alderaan: Vaults of Shadow Tower
- Log:Sith: How Dare They?
- Log:Alderaan: Shadow of Delaya
- Log:Sith: Unearthing the Past, Pt. 3
- Log:Sith: Unearthing the Past, Pt. 2
- Log:Alderaan: Free the Rist
- Log:Sith: Unearthing the Past Pt 1
- Log:Fractured Healing
- Log:A Plea For Mercy
- Log:A Dark Crucible
- Log:Discussions and constructions
- Log:Sith: Hidden in The Webs
- Log:Ascendancy: the Hermit
- Log:Sith: Becoming The Problem
- Log:Nar Shanka
- Log:Sith: Part of The Solution
- Log:Tatooine: Belated Birthday Bash
- Log:Spies of Icy Watch
- Log:Slipping Through Fingers
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - RACE 5!
- Log:Sith Empire: Consequences Don't Knock
- Log:Preservation of Hope
- Log:Bysis Incursion
- Log:Kyber Klub Tales: Open Mic Night
- Log:Natunda Night Shockball 1!
- Log:EVENT: A Ship Wreck!
- Log:A Sight for Sore Eyes
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Splish Splash Bash
- Log:Sith Empire: A Debt of Blood
- Log:Sith Empire: Operation Ember
- Log:What Tangled E-Webs We Weave
- Log:Felucia: Husks Among the Nettles
- Log:Sith Empire: Siths on a Train
- Log:Sith Empire: What's Yours Is Mine
- Log:Sith Empire: Flood or Drought
- Log:Sabaac: Pakko's Place, Nar Shaddaa
- Log:Felucia: Roots to Branches
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Ice Mountain
- Log:Tatooine: Waff'mla Salvagiee
- Log:Sith-Jedi: Duel on the Wheel
- Log:Felucia: Mushroom Samba
- Log:Onderon Tournie IX
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Sand Dunes
- Log:Sith: On Good Authority
- Log:Sith Empire: Thyferra - The Pitiless Wave
- Log:Sith Empire: Thyferra: Liberty's Foothold, Part 1
- Log:Sith Empire: A Lesson in Horticulture
- Log:Sith Empire: In the Heat of the Night
- Log:Tatooine: Going, Going, Almost Gone
- Log:Sith Empire: Thyferra: Operation Sundered
- Log:Sith Empire: Soundless Labyrinths
- Log:Tatooine: An Unlikely Call for Help
- Log:Tatooine Cartel: Dune Sea Negotiations
- Log:Sith Empire: Sorrow and Wind and Dust
- Log:Sith Empire: Deep Worlds Hereafter
- Log:Tatooine: A Hutt's Hospitality
- Log:Trial: Rey Skywalker and Ben Solo
- Log:Sith Empire: Black in Deed
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Last Knight
- Log:Sith Empire: Black in Word
- Log:Circus Chaos
- Log:Sith Empire: Black in Thought
- Log:Sith Empire: Shadow Relic
- Log:Sith Empire: Red in Flame
- Log:Sith Empire: Hush
- Log:Sith Empire: Love in the Club
- Log:Sith Empire: Red Bridge Over Trouble
- Log:An Evening at the Lost Circus
- Log:Sith Empire: Denial of Assets - Fuel
- Log:Undercity: Collapse!
- Log:Sith Empire: The Feint
- Log:Sith Empire: Red in Claw
- Log:Sith Empire: A New Foe
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 8
- Log:Sith Empire: Coruscant - First Strike
- Log:Sith Empire: Training Day
- Log:Sith Empire: Manifest This
- Log:The Pulse: Birthday Cake
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 7
- Log:Sith Empire: Red in Tooth
- Log:Fiery Concerns: Part One
- Log:SHOCK BOXING: Episode 1
- Log:Knights of Ren: Storming the Desert
- Log:Armed and Ready
- Log:Wrong Neighborhood
- Log:Tamsin Cas: Dreams of a Distant Shore
- Log:Mayday! Mayday!
- Log:Knights of Ren: Lone Survivor of Exegol
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Widening Gyre: Part 2
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Widening Gyre: Part 1
- Log:Sith: King Nothing
- Log:Monkey Lizard Starport Disco II: Electric Boogaloo
- Log:Knights of Ren: Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth
- Log:Last Rites
- Log:Knights of Ren: Skipping Stones
- Log:Undercity: A Ramshackle Affair
- Log:Natural Disaster: Danger on Taanab
- Log:Nar Shaddaa: Gang Wars
- Log:Knights of Ren: Suffer the Children
- Log:Knights of Ren: Gift with Purchase
- Log:The Last Stand: Part Two
- Log:Knights of Ren: What's Yours Is Mine
- Log:The Last Stand: Part One
- Log:Natural Disaster: Volcanic Mayhem
- Log:Breaching The Dockyards
- Log:Knights of Ren: Move Like the Damned
- Log:Knights of Ren: Do Not Go Gently
- Log:Knights of Ren: Rage Against the Light
- Log:Knights of Ren: Unfit for Mankind
- Log:Knights of Ren: At The End of the World
- Log:Knights of Ren: Clear as Crystal Part Two
- Log:Ringali First Strike
- Log:Knights of Ren: Clear as Crystal Part One
- Log:Knights of Ren: Man on the Muun (4)
- Log:Knights of Ren: Man on the Muun (3)
- Log:Knights of Ren: Man on the Muun (2)
- Log:Knights of Ren: Man on the Muun (1)
- Log:Khar Delba: Now Open
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 6
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Edge of Unknown III
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Edge of Unknown II
- Log:Waywards: Hearts On Fire
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Edge of Unknown I
- Log:Knights of Ren: From Hoth With Love
- Log:Knights of Ren: Encounters at the End of the World (II)
- Log:Knights of Ren: Interlude: Unclean
- Log:Knights of Ren: Interlude: Power Up!
- Log:Knights of Ren: Interlude: A Tale of Mushrooms
- Log:Knights of Ren: Interlude: Cave Diving
- Log:Knights of Ren: Encounters at the End of the World (I)
- Log:Knights of Ren: Drop it Like it's Hoth
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 5
- Log:Tamsin Cas: Welcome to the Real
- Log:Knights of Ren: Wroshyr Machine II
Doctor. Relief worker. Administrator of the Ko Hentota Medical Clinic. Possible bleeding heart. Once, Knight. Now, something else. Oh dear.
She's the devil you understand
Deep blue eyes, sun-dappled blonde hair, skin light sand with just the shimmer of gold to give her countenance a subtle radiance. She is of no appreciable height, standing at a comfortable 5'6". Her features are clear and fair, full-lipped, button-nosed, with high cheekbones, and a strong jaw. Her figure is equally fair, well formed and well-cared for.
Species: Firrerreo | Gender: Female | Age: 45 |
Height: 5'6" | Weight: 119.0lb | Eye Color: Blue |
Hair Color: multicolored | Skin Color: Sand | Handedness: Ambidextrous |
Stranger in a strange land.
Born...elsewhere. The good doctor calls Muunilinst home; Senvere Cas, head of the Cas Clan, a Muun financier of some renown among the Banking Clans, her father. Raised primarily within the confines of High Port Space Center, the orbital city above Muunilinst's capital city, Harnaidan. Availed herself of the best in tutoring and privilege the Muun could provide. At her coming into her majority, she was inducted into the Republic Futures Program where she received training as a medical doctor with specialties in surgery and cybernetics, later adding virology. In her gap year following receiving her license, she volunteered to serve with a conglomerate of doctors doing relief work across the galaxy. Not so recently, settled, mostly, on Nar Shaddaa. She continues her relief work both on the Smugglers Moon and elsewhere in the galaxy.
She may one day return to Muunilinst. But not yet.
RP Hooks
Doctor: Skinned a knee? Bumped an elbow? Lost a limb? She can help with that!
Relief Worker: Come from a war torn planet? Been the victim of a natural disaster? Just some poor sod who needed medical assistance your town, city, colony, or planet could not provide? You might have met her.
Budding Horticulturist: Tamsin has recently taken an interest in gardening in a small way.
Muun's Daughter: Tamsin exhibits many of the best, and possibly worst (RP with her to find out!), traits of the Muun who acquired her.
Undercity: Tamsin has been know to sponsor a, nearly, regular food distribution and medical aid station in the Undercity of Nar Shaddaa. Looking for something to make the do-gooder in you do a jig? Get in touch!
Administrator: Tamsin is the medical director of the clinic in the Ko Hentota District, Nar Shaddaa.
Words of Wisdom
Name | Remarks |
Malik Ren | 'Fail until you don't, Tamsin Cas, but never cease the attempt.' |
Sebek | 'Defeat of the body is pittance in comparison to defeat of the mind.' |
The Weapon
Preferred Forms: Form VI: Niman
- Log:Sith Empire: The True War
- Log:Sith Empire: Revanites
- Log:Sith Empire: Taking Control
- Log:Bloody Resonance
- Log:Sith Empire: Commander Traega and Nim's End
- Log:Sith Empire: War Drums from the Deep
- Log:Sith Empire: Aggressive Negotiations
- Log:Sith Empire: Balosar Customs
- Log:Sith Empire: Once More
- Log:Sith: The Iron Fist
- Log:The Force: As One
- Log:The Force: Not So Stationary
- Log:Sith: The Empress Strikes Back
- Log:The Force - Event Horizon
- Log:Iridonia: Clench
- Log:Iridonia: Iron Grip
- Log:The Sith: Audience
- Log:The Auction In the Crown
- Log:Sith Empire: Dark Legacy III
- Log:Sith Empire: Black Night II
- Log:Sith Empire: Domination
- Log:Sith Empire: Black Fleet I
- Log:Sith: Eradication
- Log:Sith Empire: Dathomir Darkly
- Log:Boonta. Eve. CLASSIC.
- Log:Alderaan: Vaults of Shadow Tower
- Log:Sith: How Dare They?
- Log:Alderaan: Shadow of Delaya
- Log:Sith: Unearthing the Past, Pt. 3
- Log:Sith: Unearthing the Past, Pt. 2
- Log:Alderaan: Free the Rist
- Log:Sith: Unearthing the Past Pt 1
- Log:Fractured Healing
- Log:A Plea For Mercy
- Log:A Dark Crucible
- Log:Discussions and constructions
- Log:Sith: Hidden in The Webs
- Log:Ascendancy: the Hermit
- Log:Sith: Becoming The Problem
- Log:Nar Shanka
- Log:Sith: Part of The Solution
- Log:Tatooine: Belated Birthday Bash
- Log:Spies of Icy Watch
- Log:Slipping Through Fingers
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - RACE 5!
- Log:Sith Empire: Consequences Don't Knock
- Log:Preservation of Hope
- Log:Bysis Incursion
- Log:Kyber Klub Tales: Open Mic Night
- Log:Natunda Night Shockball 1!
- Log:EVENT: A Ship Wreck!
- Log:A Sight for Sore Eyes
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Splish Splash Bash
- Log:Sith Empire: A Debt of Blood
- Log:Sith Empire: Operation Ember
- Log:What Tangled E-Webs We Weave
- Log:Felucia: Husks Among the Nettles
- Log:Sith Empire: Siths on a Train
- Log:Sith Empire: What's Yours Is Mine
- Log:Sith Empire: Flood or Drought
- Log:Sabaac: Pakko's Place, Nar Shaddaa
- Log:Felucia: Roots to Branches
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Ice Mountain
- Log:Tatooine: Waff'mla Salvagiee
- Log:Sith-Jedi: Duel on the Wheel
- Log:Felucia: Mushroom Samba
- Log:Onderon Tournie IX
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Sand Dunes
- Log:Sith: On Good Authority
- Log:Sith Empire: Thyferra - The Pitiless Wave
- Log:Sith Empire: Thyferra: Liberty's Foothold, Part 1
- Log:Sith Empire: A Lesson in Horticulture
- Log:Sith Empire: In the Heat of the Night
- Log:Tatooine: Going, Going, Almost Gone
- Log:Sith Empire: Thyferra: Operation Sundered
- Log:Sith Empire: Soundless Labyrinths
- Log:Tatooine: An Unlikely Call for Help
- Log:Tatooine Cartel: Dune Sea Negotiations
- Log:Sith Empire: Sorrow and Wind and Dust
- Log:Sith Empire: Deep Worlds Hereafter
- Log:Tatooine: A Hutt's Hospitality
- Log:Trial: Rey Skywalker and Ben Solo
- Log:Sith Empire: Black in Deed
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Last Knight
- Log:Sith Empire: Black in Word
- Log:Circus Chaos
- Log:Sith Empire: Black in Thought
- Log:Sith Empire: Shadow Relic
- Log:Sith Empire: Red in Flame
- Log:Sith Empire: Hush
- Log:Sith Empire: Love in the Club
- Log:Sith Empire: Red Bridge Over Trouble
- Log:An Evening at the Lost Circus
- Log:Sith Empire: Denial of Assets - Fuel
- Log:Undercity: Collapse!
- Log:Sith Empire: The Feint
- Log:Sith Empire: Red in Claw
- Log:Sith Empire: A New Foe
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 8
- Log:Sith Empire: Coruscant - First Strike
- Log:Sith Empire: Training Day
- Log:Sith Empire: Manifest This
- Log:The Pulse: Birthday Cake
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 7
- Log:Sith Empire: Red in Tooth
- Log:Fiery Concerns: Part One
- Log:SHOCK BOXING: Episode 1
- Log:Knights of Ren: Storming the Desert
- Log:Armed and Ready
- Log:Wrong Neighborhood
- Log:Tamsin Cas: Dreams of a Distant Shore
- Log:Mayday! Mayday!
- Log:Knights of Ren: Lone Survivor of Exegol
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Widening Gyre: Part 2
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Widening Gyre: Part 1
- Log:Sith: King Nothing
- Log:Monkey Lizard Starport Disco II: Electric Boogaloo
- Log:Knights of Ren: Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth
- Log:Last Rites
- Log:Knights of Ren: Skipping Stones
- Log:Undercity: A Ramshackle Affair
- Log:Natural Disaster: Danger on Taanab
- Log:Nar Shaddaa: Gang Wars
- Log:Knights of Ren: Suffer the Children
- Log:Knights of Ren: Gift with Purchase
- Log:The Last Stand: Part Two
- Log:Knights of Ren: What's Yours Is Mine
- Log:The Last Stand: Part One
- Log:Natural Disaster: Volcanic Mayhem
- Log:Breaching The Dockyards
- Log:Knights of Ren: Move Like the Damned
- Log:Knights of Ren: Do Not Go Gently
- Log:Knights of Ren: Rage Against the Light
- Log:Knights of Ren: Unfit for Mankind
- Log:Knights of Ren: At The End of the World
- Log:Knights of Ren: Clear as Crystal Part Two
- Log:Ringali First Strike
- Log:Knights of Ren: Clear as Crystal Part One
- Log:Knights of Ren: Man on the Muun (4)
- Log:Knights of Ren: Man on the Muun (3)
- Log:Knights of Ren: Man on the Muun (2)
- Log:Knights of Ren: Man on the Muun (1)
- Log:Khar Delba: Now Open
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 6
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Edge of Unknown III
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Edge of Unknown II
- Log:Waywards: Hearts On Fire
- Log:Knights of Ren: The Edge of Unknown I
- Log:Knights of Ren: From Hoth With Love
- Log:Knights of Ren: Encounters at the End of the World (II)
- Log:Knights of Ren: Interlude: Unclean
- Log:Knights of Ren: Interlude: Power Up!
- Log:Knights of Ren: Interlude: A Tale of Mushrooms
- Log:Knights of Ren: Interlude: Cave Diving
- Log:Knights of Ren: Encounters at the End of the World (I)
- Log:Knights of Ren: Drop it Like it's Hoth
- Log:Onderon Tournie Round 5
- Log:Tamsin Cas: Welcome to the Real
- Log:Knights of Ren: Wroshyr Machine II
Doctor's Gear - Field
Her clothing was a study in practical efficiency. A simple long-sleeved shirt of grey with a high square collar was tucked into a pair of comfortable cargo pants, pockets clearly filled with all manner of possibly useful things. A vest of the sort one might see worn by a hunter or some other outdoor enthusiast was closed over the shirt, its own pockets filled with surely complementary bits and bobs. Worn cross-body, a simple messenger style bag marked with the universal symbol of those who provided medical aid.
Doctor's Gear - On Planet
A streamlined suit of clothing is the order of the day. A closely fitted bodysuit in a deep, entirely matte cobalt blue, crafted to allow for ease of movement while protecting from the possibility of any pieces of loose fabric that might trip her up in dangerous situations is overlaid by a tailored jacket in a matching matte blue. The jacket fits close to her body, but is marked by a series of concealed pockets, more than enough to allow her to carry all of the necessities. A pair of heeled boots are crafted to fit seamlessly the bodysuit. The only adornment she wears is a patch on her left shoulder bearing the universal symbol for a member of the medical profession.
Clan Robes
The robes she wears are formal, and highly stylized. Crafted in the Muunish fashion, a deep, rich dove grey forms the long-sleeved undersuit of her robes, the style offering both comfort and propriety. The top of her robes is a sort of bolero style jacket, with prominent shoulders, embellished with cobalt blue offset with fine embroidery that has been worked to incorporate the insignia of Clan Cas. The skirts of her robes, mirroring the cobalt and embroidery of the jacket, invoke the impression of something between a half skirt and a cape, if one wore one so low, as it hangs lightly on her hips. Heeled boots complete her attire, flowing seamlessly from the bodysuit underrobe.
Tamsin's Sith Robes
The figure before you is clothed in a set of inky black robes, so that every inch of them is covered. The weight of the fabric is heavy, adding some ephemeral elegance to their figure. A decorative overrobe is accented by hand-worked armor plates. In addition to the dark, hooded robes, they wears a pair of black, close-fitted gloves, ensuring that every inch of their flesh is covered. Thick soled, heeled boots are only just visible beneath the edge of the robes. A plain, unadorned black masked helmet completes the armor, designed so as to leave the visage beneath the hood a blank slate.