Salafan Dasimi

Salafan Dasimi
Title: The Quicksilver Singer, the Silver Tongued Seductress
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Occupation: Lounge Singer and Femme Fatale
Profession: Singer
Homeworld: Corellia
Organization: Independant/Shadow Syndicate
Ship: N/A
About Sal
This glamorous Corellian youth seems to be a girl at the very cusp of stardom. Her life seems like something out of a Holo-Vid, when described, but when you meet her all ideas or preconceptions fall away. She's kind, and a very nice person despite, and always willing to chat or make friends. She's mousy and shy, with a reserved elegance attributed mostly to nerves. With a voice like smooth honey and a natural beauty and grace that seems innate, with a little work she could easily become somebody in this crazy galaxy we all live in.
"She looks around the room through two sparkling cobalt-blue carbuncles, glittering orbs both shy and probing. She looks lovely, hair let down long silver waves that curl at the ends. She was tall and pliantly slender, without angularity anywhere. Her body was erect and high-breasted, her legs long, hands and feet narrow. White teeth glistened in her timid smile, minimal makeup accenting her eyes and wardrobe. She wears a high-necked red evening gown, with sleeves that flair at the wrist and a modest train. At her neck sparkles a blue gem on a silver chain. Her shoes peek out from beneath the hem of her dress, and they oddly offer a sharp contrast for her current outfit, shabby and scuffed white pumps."
((Thanks to Dashiel Hammet, Author of the Maltese Falcon, for inspiration.))
On Stage
Sal in Performance This shyness evaporates completely when she steps onstage. Giving herself completely over to the music, her fears and anxieties fade and her confidence is obvious to see. Her voice is smooth and powerful, and she sings with a great deal of raw emotion and feeling. With a little more help, that could be transformed into something truly special.
Early Life
"I was born on Corellia," she begins, nails tinkling against the tumbler of amber drink. "My parents were decently wealthy, and I grew up pretty spoiled. At least, comparitivley. Went to a private school, got what I wanted... When I was 14, Papa pulled us out. Took us out into the countryside. Never explained why." She traces the rim of her glass with a single long finger, before taking an experimental taste. "I hated it, for all the reasons a spoiled little girl would. I grew out of it, eventrually, but eventually I found them so stifling I had to leave. I'd been singing for years, at school and at home... Decided I could try and make it big. Become a star," A glitter in the depths of those gentle gemstones suggests that this is still the case. "So I ran away from home at 17 to become a star. Wound up here." There's a vauge silence before it's clear she's finished. There's other things she isnt telling, probably things she is either too proud or too ashamed to admit, but it isnt hard to make general assumptions. Young girl, alone, in Nar Shaddaa? Her current position shows she didn't have as bad a time as some of the other girls, but she's been through things. "And here I am. Correlia Sector, looking for work once the lounge is finished." She tacks on, absently, as a thought."
Sal to Oriana Verri, at the Blue Light Bar, Nar Shaddaa.
The Syndicate
Recently, and unbeknownst to her, Sal has fallen under the employ of the Shadow Syndicate. As a singer at their Art Gallery, she provides a decent distraction to patrons not focused on the shadowy back-room dealings of the place. More interestingly, she and the owner, Sirus Yume, have been seen spending a great deal of time together, though the tabloids have yet to latch onto this story.
RP Hooks
Cheerful Personality- Sal is always looking to meet people and make friends. Feel free to talk to her if you see her!
Silvertounged- Got a gig you need a singer for? Need background sound for a scene? She'd be happy to help liven the mood/
Runaway- Sal's a runaway, and though the heat died down, perhaps a few bounty hunters were looking for her. Were you one of them? (PM me first about this, please.)
Drop-Dead Gorgeous- Sal's pretty, and her voice could start or end fights (probably). How does this get her into trouble? Who might want to try and exploit her? Hound her?
Naive- Sal's also somewhat naive when it comes to things like street smarts, or combat, or her effect on people. Who could help her realize her gift, or show her a harsh taste of reality?
Got any other ideas? Send me a page and we'll talk. I don't bite, I promise. ;)