
Title: Astromech
Race: Droid
Sex: Masculine Programming
Homeworld: Nubia
Organization: The Resistance
An R2-series Astromech constructed during the waning years of the Old Republic. It saw its demise and the rise of the Galactic Empire, and served with the rebellion uprising. With the emergence of a new threat, the First Order, it joins the Resistance to help in the fight to decide the fate of the Galaxy once more with the daughter of close friends and rebel veterans, Nym Landala.
The Industrial Automaton, HQ and main foundry located on Nubia, specialized in the construction of droids. Specifically, it is well-known for its top-class R2-series Astromechs, boasting a level of success that was never equaled in the company's long history. A combination of excellent design, high-quality marketing, and good timing made this astromech droid one of the most sought after droids in history, and one of the few vintage astromech series still in active production decades after it was first designed.
The R2-R4 unit was just such a droid, which came into existence only a few short years before the fall of the Old Republic at the main foundry on Nubia. It and the other R2-R Astromechs had been commissioned by a military for its fighter and bomber starships that in effect, would very shortly no longer exist.
Early Years
After the Galactic Empire was born with Emperor Palpatine coming to power, cells of the Old Republic's fleet splintered and fled rather than fall under its control, taking a majority of the R2-Rs with them, forming the Phoenix rebel fleet with the leadership of Bail Organa and Mon Mothma into the beginnings of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The Phoenix fleet would oppose the Empire in the years prior to the Battle of Yavin, only to meet its end under the boot heel of Sith Lord Darth Vader at the siege of Lothal.
Scattered and broken, what few pilots remained fled and regrouped, with R2-R4 one of the few surviving R2-R astromechs to escape the devastation intact and capable of continuing the fight against the Empire. At that time, it would be assigned to work with Sam and Arin Landala, engineer and pilot respectively. R4 would serve with them up until the the alliance disbanded after the battle at Endor, returning with the couple to Naboo due to their close bond.
Sam and Arin would start a family in the wake of uncertain peace, including giving birth to their youngest daughter Nym Landala. She grew up on hearing stories of the rebel alliance and its struggle against the tyrannical Empire, including the roles her parents had played in the conflict alongside the family droid.
With the New Republic formed and tentative peace settling throughout the galaxy, all seemed well until General Leia Organa perceived a threat in the emergence of the mysterious First Order, remnants of the withered Galactic Empire. She formed the Resistance with its base at the secret outpost on D'Qar, and with old rebel veterans in a stir as news of these events traveled, it came as no surprise that Nym Landala rushed off to join in the fight using her parents' old contacts, seeking to distinguish herself in a family of respected heroes.
At her side, to see her through the inevitable danger encroaching fast? R2-R4.