Nym Landala

Nym Landala
Title: Red 2
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Occupation: Resistance Pilot
Profession: Pilot
Homeworld: Naboo
Organization: Resistance
Ship: X-Wing
- Log:Resistance: I Smell a (Womp) Rat
- Log:The Road to Recovery: Jail Break
- Log:The Road to Recovery: Of Nym, Brass, and Spoiled Fun
- Log:Mercy
- Log:Visiting Hours
- Log:First Order/Resistance: Respect, Trust, and Doubt
- Log:Resistance & First Order: Dark Side Rising
- Log:Resistance: Fun on Fail-ucia
- Log:First Order/Resistance: Battle over Felucia
- Log:Transmission Intercepted
- Log:Spice Must Not Flow: Taking the Hutts Without Lube
- Log:First Order/Resistance: Moonrise over Endor
- Log:Incredibly Suited
- Log:Endor at Sunset
- Log:Good Cop, Bad Cop
- Log:Prison Break
- Log:Scanning Serenno
- Log:Investigation at Wooka's
- Log:The Resistance's Dagger Part Two
- Log:Confidence and Heart
- Log:Paid in Hugs
- Log:The Resistance's Dagger
- Log:Lectures with Meaning
- Log:A New Assignment
<Resistance> Hex says, "It is stated for the record that Lt JG Landala's pureness of spirit is highly infectious and may be employed in propaganda and/or psychological warfare""
The Landalas have always had a stake in the Republic and now the New Republic. Nym’s grandparents grew up on Naboo and took up arms against the Trade Federation’s invasion. Nym’s parents joined the Rebellion after the rise of the Empire: her mother - Sam - as a mechanic, her father - Arin - a pilot. Her eldest brother - Rory - was born right before the Battle of Endor. Afterward, the family moved back to Naboo. While they hoped to finally live a life of peace, the continued Imperial interest in Naboo due to it being Emperor Palpatine’s homeworld ensured that would not be the case.
The Landalas continued the fight in the best way they knew how - as a part of the Naboo guard. They defended their homeworld whenever it was necessary. Her brother became an accomplished mechanic like their mother. Milia, her elder sister, became a guard that rose quickly through the ranks. Growing up, Nym wanted nothing more than to follow in her family’s footsteps. As a baby she would coo at the stars. Her father took her up in his starfighter when she was old enough and ever since she’s been in love.
The youngest of her family and eager to prove herself, Nym tested boundaries. Stubborn and smart, she used her innocent face to convince teachers she had a legitimate excuse for leaving early. Then, she used the same tactic with the pilots of her father’s squadron to tell them that he had asked her to meet him. Though stern that she needed to stay in school, Arin also indulged her: happy that finally one of the family was interested in ships and piloting. He taught her everything he knew and she absorbed it like a sponge.
Despite her mother and siblings’ protests that she was too young, she convinced her father to allow her to accompany him on flights when she turned 15. She would be his co-pilot when the missions were not deemed too dangerous and learned hands on. Her family still kept in contact with their old Rebellion contacts - many of whom joined the Resistance. Nym would hear her parents talk about the First Order and what they were doing to the galaxy. At a family meeting - which she attended but at 17 was deemed too young to participate in - they decided to stay on Naboo and protect their homeworld as opposed to rejoin the Rebellion and move to D’Qar.
When Nym turned 18, she joined the air base on Naboo. However, Nym was determined to make her own mark and her own way. After only a year, she left home, determined to join the Resistance.
The Moment
Nym and her father flew missions together. During the lull period in Naboo, it was deemed mostly safe for a budding young pilot to accompany her father on missions. While it was not exactly sanctioned, it was something that both Nym and Arin were set on happening. On a patrolling mission - at 16 it was the second time Nym was allowed to pilot a starfighter on her own - they ran into a small contingent of TIE fighters, there to scout. Luckily, both parties were startled. Nym did what she was taught, fly away to some place safe, but she picked up a TIE fighter that smelled an easy kill.
While Arin followed in an attempt to save her, she was immediately hit on the right engine. With the ship quickly falling to the ground, she managed to make a water landing. It put out the fire on the engine and she drifted the downed craft as best she could toward an island. She looked up at the sky and watched her father chase down two TIE fighters. It was the first time she really was able to see her father pilot to his full ability and she truly understood what it was she was aiming to be. All the stories, the training, it crystallized for her as she stood shivering in the trees and watched the dogfight careening above her. That was what she wanted to do.
As one of the newest members of the Resistance, Nym is attempting to show her worth and value. She’s a young pilot who obviously knows how to fly and how to handle herself, however she’s untried in battle and in anything other than the skirmishes above Naboo. Those who know her family from the Rebellion know that she’s the daughter of quite a good fighter pilot and takes after him, but she has to prove to them that she’s here under her own mettle.
She’s an exuberant young woman who throws herself into whatever task is given to her. Those on D’Qar are quickly learning that she is eager to learn and will follow people around in an attempt to hone her skills. She’s yet to lead even a small mission for herself and that’s all that she wants. She wants to be a leader, a pilot, someone like her father. She wants to be the best pilot the Resistance has ever seen.
Helping her is her family's Astromech droid, R2-R4. He's been with her father since before the Battle of Endor and he has followed her to the Resistance to protect and guide the youngest Landala in her quest to prove herself and do her family name proud.
- Do you know anything about the Rebellion? Nym's parents where deeply involved and Nym is fascinated with the era.
- From or spent much time on Naboo? You should know the Landalas as either amazing pilots, mechanics or guards.
- Part of the Resistance? Nym has probably attempted to follow you around.
- Know R2-R4? She does, too. Let's talk about it.
Theme Song
OOC Things
<Resistance> Hex says, "Nym has cooties so bad Fuze has to get them brainwashed out."
Poe Dameron lounges with a pillow strategically placed. "Draw me like one of your Coruscanti girls."
<Resistance> Nym Landala ruffles everyone.
<Resistance> Green Leader Dash Rendar refuses Nym's ruffles.
<Resistance> Nym Landala frowns at Dash.
<Resistance> Green Leader Dash Rendar says, "Fight me"
<Resistance> Hex says, "I picture Dash just holding Nym at arm's length while she flails."
<Resistance> Nym Landala :|
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "accurate"
<Resistance> Cujo says, "Nym!"
<Resistance> Nym Landala waves!
<Resistance> Cujo says, "I need you to give poe something"
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "...."
<Resistance> Cujo says, "when he's around"
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "what"
Cujo gave you Poe's Jacket.
<Resistance> Nym Landala lollllllll
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "omg"
<Resistance> Cujo says, "lol"
<Resistance> Cujo says, "make sure he gets it!"
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "no i'm keeping it"
<Resistance> Cujo says, "lol"
<Resistance> Cujo says, "i'll tell him!"
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "FINE"
<Resistance> Cujo says, "mwahaha"
<Resistance> PARKOUR! Dailo Fett says, "OMG, what is going on!"
<Resistance> Nym Landala is cracking the hell up
<Resistance> N.A.F.O.D. Kieran Lee says, "Cuju just gave Nym something she wants, but he wants to give to Poe"
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "'Cujo gave you Poe's Jacket.'"
<Resistance> PARKOUR! Dailo Fett says, "I'm going to take that the wrong-est way possible and-- OMG."
<Resistance> Kasia Ciph says, "Clearly we need to plot to steal it."
<Resistance> Nym Landala KEEPS IT FOREVER
<Resistance> Cujo says, "Looks good on you!"
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "It totally reaches to Nym's knees or something"
<Resistance> Kasia Ciph laughs.
<Resistance> PARKOUR! Dailo Fett weeps.
<Resistance> N.A.F.O.D. Kieran Lee says, "Squeeeee!"
<Resistance> Kasia Ciph will give you a belt, we can make it a dress.
<Resistance> N.A.F.O.D. Kieran Lee says, "I want to sleep with it."
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "Who doesn't?"
<Resistance> N.A.F.O.D. Kieran Lee says, "Just wrap myself all around it."
<Resistance> PARKOUR! Dailo Fett shakes her head.
<Resistance> Nym Landala clings to it forever.
<Resistance> Nym Landala ruins TFA
<Resistance> Kasia Ciph picks Nym up, carries her and jacket off.
<Resistance> PARKOUR! Dailo Fett says, "Seriously. That jacket is a major plot device."
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "'Why aren't we moving forward with canon?!' 'BECAUSE NYM WILL NOT GIVE BACK POE'S JACKET'"
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "wait how do you wear things"
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "i am totally going to freak poe out when he logs in next by wearing the jacket"
Kasia Ciph (Kasia) pages: I think it's just +wear
You paged Kasia Ciph with '+wear Poe'
Long distance to Kasia Ciph: Nym Landala lol
Kasia Ciph (Kasia) pages: lol lol
Kasia Ciph (Kasia) pages: Yesssss
Long distance to Kasia Ciph: Nym Landala crying laughing.
From afar, Kasia Ciph (Kasia) laughs and laughs
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "I'm teaching!"
<Resistance> +bbread 17/38 Rake chuckles.
<Resistance> +bbread 17/38 Rake says, "what are you teaching?"
<Resistance> Poe Dameron says, "Being A Tiny Pilot 101?"
<Resistance> Nym Landala says, "I have realized that if Nym were an animal, she would be Judy Hops from Zootopia."
<Resistance> PARKOUR! Dailo Fett says, "Omg, she would be."
<Resistance> Hex says, "You are so right."
<Resistance> Hex says, "Lol."
<Resistance> PARKOUR! Dailo Fett cries hysterically.
<Resistance> Hex says, "I'm going to go on the wiki when you're not looking, and make Judy Hopps your played-by."