Nora Frayus

Nora Lin Frayus
Title: Lady, Heir Apparent
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Occupation: New Alderaan Royalty
Profession: Socialite
Homeworld: Delaya
Organization: Jedi Order
Ship: Wingless
- Log:Jedi: Temple of the Eclipse Part 1
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Splish Splash Bash
- Log:A Prayer for My Daughter
- Log:The Sound of a Heartbeat
- Log:Aldera Squad: A Bad Seed
- Log:Twilight at Voidlight
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Sand Dunes
- Log:Jedi Order: An Order in Healing
- Log:The Circle: Chaos on Kafrene
- Log:Delaya: Cavalry Skirmish
- Log:The Boonta Eve Classic: 2022
- Log:Jedi Order: Lightsaber Training
- Log:Last Light of Killesa II
- Log:Tatooine: Violent Shopping Spree
- Log:Jedi Order: What Was Lost Finale
- Log:Jedi Order: True Defense
- Log:Tatooine: An Unlikely Call for Help
- Log:Jedi Order: The Living Force
- Log:Jedi Order: A Seaside Lesson
- Log:If Stones Could Speak
- Log:Jedi Order: What Went We Out In Those Woods To Find
- Log:Delaya: Last Light of Killesa
- Log:Jedi Order: It Is Watching
- Log:Jedi Order: Devils in the Details
- Log:Jedi Order: Like Firebirds in the Sky
- Log:Jedi Order: A Bridge Too Far
- Log:New Alderaan: The Red Summit
- Log:Reclaiming Voidlight
- Log:Jedi: Into the Heart of Darkness
- Log:Tatooine: Hearts & Minds, Pt. 1
- Log:Catch The Light: Finale
- Log:New Alderaan: Delayan Peace Summit
- Log:Trial: Rey Skywalker and Ben Solo
- Log:Jedi Order: Corellian Emergency
- Log:New Alderaan: Noble Shoot
- Log:Jedi Order: The Arrest
- Log:Jedi Order: The Monsters at our Door
- Log:New Alderaan: Stronger Than You Think
- Log:New Alderaan: Day of Celebration
- Log:New Alderaan: Knights of the Spring
- Log:Jedi Order: What Was Lost Part 1
- Log:Inter-Rim Championship Races: Bespin
- Log:Catch The Light: Part Five
- Log:Kilian Blitz: United Front
- Log:A Fatal Mistake
- Log:Jedi Order: The Known The Unknown
- Log:Jedi Order: The Lady's Wardrobe
- Log:Jedi Order: What the Music Means
- Log:Ominous Symphony
Nora Lin Frayus is a young, ambitious member of Alderaan nobility. The Heir-Apparent to House Frayus, Lady Nora was raised to be nothing less than perfect in the public eye. For much of her childhood, it appeared as if the role suited her naturally. Charming, charismatic, and intelligent, Nora rose to the upper echelon of most social groups and structures. She enjoyed a life of abundance and privilege, as well as a natural predilection for obtaining influence. Her father identified this as her strongest aspect early and worked diligently to refine and exploit it to gain favor for House Frayus. In recent years, a growing rift between Nora and her family has culminated in a series of public transgressions against Alderaani custom committed by Nora. While infuriating her mother and father, he could not deny the truth that her court drama and intrigue had caused the name of House Frayus to kiss the lips of more Alderaanians than it had in some time.
Personal Life
Lady Frayus spends most of her time engaged in social functions meant to ingratiate her family with other Alderaan nobility. When she's not flirting, charming, or gossiping amongst her fellow nobility, she is focusing on her education. Training, both physical and mental, is rigorous and demanding. That training, and her natural ability to garner attention and influence, has seen her sharpened and honed into a potent weapon. Lady Frayus is a subtle knife meant to be used to further here Noble House's political ambitions.
Childhood on Delaya
Nora Lin Frayus was born to Lord Corwen Frayus and Lady Adni Frayus on the planet Delaya on the 35th of Selona 1144.