Log:Sith Empire: Repossession
A small Banking Clan counterattack seeks to probe the Sith Empire's in-system defenses of Mygeeto. It proves to be a bad investment for the Banking Clan.
OOC Date: February 15, 2025
Location: Mygeeto System, Albarrio Sector
Participants: Captain Aitax Rendon, Commander Bors Thul, and Captain Tytos Wrex cameo & GM
Mygeeto has been quiet since the Sith Empire appeared and hammered the Banking Clan's defenders some days ago. The preparations for an invasion have commenced and that means supply convoys appearing from hyperspace on predetermined routes that once cleared by the Empire's warships, begin their trek to the planet below. It's during one of these convoys that the Banking Clan appears with a small task unit intent upon stirring up trouble, striking where they're able, and trying to blood the nose of the Empire in a bid to test their defenses.
The supply convoy itself is overseen by the formidable form of the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer known as 'Enforcer'. It's that same ship's captain that contacts the Ravenous and its own Captain Aitax Rendon, "Captain, Enforcer will remain in position over the convoy's course. This incursion is yours to push back. We will ensure that if any slip through or this proves to be a feint, our convoys are not left unguarded".
The pair of Banking Clan ships appear on the fringe of the system and strategically quite far from their potential objective. Under sublight engines the Banking Clan cruiser and supporting gunship begin to move cautiously deeper into the system with the gunship seemingly ever lurking in the shadow of its larger counterpart.
On the bridge of the Ravenous, Aitax responded to the flagship's instructions with a short nod and the tansmission, "Acknowledged. Launching all stand-by fighters, and moving to intercept. Ravenous, out." The battle station claxons blared throughout the old Victory II warship, as sensor officers reported a Munificent-class Heavy Cruiser with a gunship in escort. Aitax sniffed once. "Nowhere near enough to force us from our position. Inform Alpha Leader he is to secure fighter supremacy. Ravenous will engage directly." Missile locks were established, turbolaser solutions prepared, and the first few probing shots for distance streaked across the void of space; preludes of the salvos to follow.
<<"We should remain on CAP if we're not imminent for hyperspace...">> Bors notes to his second, one eye narrowing some to readouts while the monocle keeps the other more 'open'. <<"Alpha acknowledges, all wings form sphere and prepare to engage.
The two dozen TIEs arranging their flight into a 'ball' for lack of better words while they begin to angle their approach, weapon systems powering to match the 'running' shield strength as well.
The Munificent-class heavy cruiser begins to press forward. It seems to be undeterred from its present course by the presence of the Sith Empire's smaller Star Destroyer or the fighters that it begins to disgorge. The Munificent-class known as 'Repossession' swings into position well away from the supply lines, but close enough that in a few minutes of sublight travel it could begin to offer long range harassing fire to the convoy and even Enforcer. Though it would still have to contend with the larger Star Destroyer if that were the case.
For now it settles for the smaller of the Imperial ships in-system and engages with the Ravenous and its supporting vessels. The ranging fire is exchanged both ways and gradually the smattering of shots coalesce into a more consistent and determined exchange of fire. The gunship that seems to dip in-and-out of the 'Repossessions' shadow takes a substantial strike, but remains engaged. The 'Repossession' itself takes a minor strike, but seems to shrug off the attack as it continues to maneuver against the Ravenous in its effort to strike at the Imperial communications vessel.
The exchange of fire showcases the talent of each ship's crews and the durability of their equipment. There are many minor blows delivered, but nothing as of yet that proves to be particularly telling.
Among the starfighters the initial head-to-head of the Banking Clans' fighters with those of the Empire proves rather lethal for the swarm of TIEs, but once engaged in the dogfight itself the Clan fighters begin to burst with the tactical expertise of their leader in the form of Commander Bors Thul. There's something to be said for the banking conglomerate's pilots though: they've got some skill under their belt as they're able to hold their own against the Imperial TIE pilots.
For now.
The *Ravenous* had directed its fire in the opening stages against the Banking guild gunship, but as the smaller vessel took refuge behind the bulk of the skeletal Munificent-class heavy cruiser, Aitax bade his gunners shift target to the enemy flagship directly. The initial salvo was underwhelming as the concussion missile targeting required time to re-lock. Captain Rendon noted with concealed irritation that there was good reason the newer ships-of-the-line had done away with missile systems.
Still, with storng support fire from his frigate, the lengthy process of chipping away at the enemy flagship was underway. "They will blink, first," he noted, aloud. "Intensify forward firepower." He stood still and statuesque, head high and gloved hands clasped at the small of his back. Floor-length quarter cloak hanging from the left shoulder as the captain watched the skirmish unfold.
Muun fighters have the benefit of pouring cold hard credits into enhancing shields and weapon systems. The TIEs moving like a starburst once entering engagement range resulting in an unexpected barrage of what appears to be rotary fighter being hurled at them like flak.
<<"Beta three down.">>
<<"Seven is gone, Lead.">>
More and more call outs of damaged craft and lost wingmen assaulting his ears and Bors keeps up his chase, trying to avoid the bombardment style, banking around hard as he orders, <<"Single fighters, split and cross-fire. Support on opportunity. Focus is distraction.">>
Such would be needed with the numbers shifting so drastically, even as a Banking Clan fighter is vaporized by one of his squadmates. Such repayment for the initial pass being few and far between.
<<"On my six.">>
<<"Copy, bank and brake.">>
Together the Banking Clan and Sith Empire's warships weave around one another, exchanging fire at every opportunity that presents itself. The back-and-forth of incoming and outgoing fire doesn't prove particularly devastating to either side. It's among the starfighters screeching and harassing one another that the odds gradually turn in the favor of the Banking Clan. The nimble fighters weave among the roiling ball of TIEs and Banking Clan starfighters. Frantic snapshots become the norm and missile locks almost nonexistent as the furious battle between starfighters becomes truly engaged.
A pair of TIEs burst from the dogfight and rather than pursue, the Banking Clan's fighters instead turn their attention on the Ravenous' supporting fleet.
Meanwhile 'Enforcer' is prompt in signaling to 'Ravenous' that half of its fighter contingent is presently being deployed and will rendezvous with Commander Thul and his wingman. The message from Captain Wrex regarding the performance so far is supportive, but expectant of victory. The Enforcer even notably shifts away from the supply convoys nervously traveling toward Mygeeto. The Resurgent-class Star Destroyer doesn't appear as though it's prepared to abandon its post to offer more direct assistant. Instead it seems to be shifting its position to provide a greater area of protection to the convoy currently in-system and the point of hyperspace entry for the next group of transports entering the system.
The exchange of fire between Repossession and Ravenous is modest at best, though bordering on inconsequential. The communications ship that supports Ravenous proves its mettle however as the swarm of Banking Clan starfighters attempts to brutalize it, only for the frigate to simply shrug off its attackers efforts.
The capital ships are trading fire with the expected results: *Ravenous* and its Sentinel-class frigate are grinding away at the defenses of the Banking Guild vessels, with a particularly pointed salvo from the frigate leaving the enemy gunship's shields much diminished. This is a fight Aitax is confident of winning.
The state of the dogfight draws a frown to his brows. "Sensors. Analyze the weapon loadout of those fighters." Something was wrong. As he heard reports of TIE squadrons falling fast, the captain ordered, "Alpha Leader: disengage and rendezvous with incoming squadrons from Enforcer." The phrasing was deliberate; if no squadrons were sent to his aid, Lord Thul would still be ordered to rendesvous with the Enforcer's squadrons, thus removing the survivors from immediate danger of destruction. He drew a slow breath through the nose and then bade his comm officer, "Open a channel to the Enforcer: request the diversion of three squadrons to suppress enemy fightercraft." The message from his com officer was that a message was already incoming from Captain Wrex, and that three squadrons were inbound. A tight smile and short nod were Tax's only answers before he looked back to the battle, monitioring the run of enemy fighters at his frigate, and remaining satisfied with the capital scale combat.
<<"Sir their shiel-">>
Clan fighter defense screens power, seeming almost impervious to the heavy cannons of even Bor's Silencer, the comment made turning his head the small amount he can in his helmet when Beta Lead's comm suddenly breaks into static blended with an abbreviated scream.
<<"Can't shake it!">>
<<"Break! Break! BRE-">>
One by one TIEs are eliminated by heavy, rapid fire, cannons and clusters of conventional ordnance instead of concussion missiles or proton weapons - the smaller, grape-shot fired, missiles sweeping like a cloud over members of Alpha and Beta alike, ion pellets in the warheads playing havoc with shields.
<<"Ravenous, losing forces quickly.">> Alpha two reports for Bors, the melee resulting in only the pair of Alpha Wing still standing while they drop weapons power to boost shields as well as engines and try to put distance between they and the fighters.
The Banking Clans ships engage in earnest now that the defending squadrons out of Ravenous have been destroyed or fled. The Sentinel-class frigate draws Banking Clan starfighters like vultures to carrion, though their efforts to piercing the frigate's shields proves largely inefficient. The combined fire of the Repossession and its partnered gunship prove particularly fruitful in chewing away at the shields of the Victory II Star Destroyer 'Ravenous'.
Commander Bors Thul sweeps into position with the oncoming squadrons of TIEs from Enforcer and together they slice through subspace toward the Sentinel-class frigate and its harassers.
The gunship begins to maneuver, shifting itself into a position that will permit it to easily drift into the space behind the Munificent-class heavy cruiser.
It appears as though the gunship is beginning to angle itself for a potential run into hyperspace while lurking in the shadow of Repossession.
As the fresh incoming squadrons from Enforcer swiftly swept the Muun fighters from space, Aitax looked aside to comms and ordered the Victory II's flight deck to ready and launch salvage and rescue shuttles. "Bring in one of the most intact Muun fightercraft, as well," he added to the standing orders to recover their own pilots, first.
In the match between capital ships, he noted, "The Muun are getting desperate," as the gunship exposed itself in an effort to deal heavier damage to the *Ravenous*. "Concentrate fire on the gunship, I expect the Muun will look to flee before much longer, and I do not wish both ships to escape. No fleet enters Imperial space for battle and departs with numbers intact." Forget that this isn't technically Imnperial space yet, and the planet has yet to be conquered. Another slowly drawn breath preceded the instruction to, "Direct Alpha Leader to begin attack runs on the Muun gunship, and adjust our firing solution to give them an avenue of approach."
<<"Alpha Lead and Two - we are assuming command on orders.">>
The single wing from Ravenous's hold banking in to join the sweep of half of Enforcer's squadron,
<<"Form skein and advance. Drop shields to half and put power to weapons.">>
<<"Not engines?">>
<<"Engines after. We need to punch through those shields. Link weapons, full power, do not chain.">>
Hard quartets of viridian energy being hurled at the Muun craft now while the Old Man glares through his monocle at the readout on his helmet HUD. Many good men and women gone now and it would not do to join them, yet.
'Repossession' and its support craft continue to lay fire down upon both the Ravenous and its own support craft. The growing issue for the dwindling Banking Clan task unit is that their outgoing fire, while accurate has largely been insufficient to break through the shields of either craft. The Imperial forces have weathered much and the Banking Clan has little to show for their efforts.
Meanwhile the Banking Clan's own gunship shield generators have taken a devastating hit and even now the armored plating of their vessel is beginning to rend and bloom outward from the far more surgical and overwhelming strikes of Ravenous, the Sentinel-class frigate, and the swarm of TIEs out of Enforcer that are currently being directed masterfully by Commander Bors Thul.
The rampage of Commander Bors Thul and Enforcer's fighters is a spectacle to behold. While the Muun ships strive to fighter back and win the exchanges between themselves and the larger capital ship and its decidedly dangerous supporting craft, the TIEs continue to wreak havoc across the shell of the Banking Clan's gunship. Explosions ripple across and, at times, within the craft as it slips into the shadow of its cousin. While it had been preparing its escape into hyperspace, it's clear that the captain of the smaller gunship recognizes the writing on the wall for what it is.
The gunship begins to surge forward and out of the shadow of the cruiser. It's a last ditch effort on the part of the gunship to offer final targeting data to its larger cousin before its own inevitable destruction at the hands of a vengeful Empire.
Informed that the salvage and recovery shuttles were standing by, Aitax ordered the rescue ships to launch and begin recovery of downed pilot beacons. Without any remaining enemy fightercraft, that much could be undertaken safely as the star destroyer and heavy cruiser continued to trade barrages. "Bring us closer," Captain Rendon ordered his helm. "Make the Munificent's vector to escape more difficult."
He was informed of the ongoing assault upon the fading gunship by the frigate and fighters, acknowledging the report with a scant nod.
<<"Enforcer we are making our attack run.">>
The remains of the fighters that had been the bane of his squadron and the source of intelligence at great cost left behind by the squadrons now under command of the Black Knight were clouds of flash freezing detritus in the wake of the TIE craft headed after the Muunilist gunship that had become the focus of Bors's calculations.
<<"All wings, form into staggered column, evasive spiral and open fire any point you have that frigate in your center. Ordnance is free, dumbfire and lock.">>
Less familiar with these other fighter jockies but still quite apt with tactical breakdowns on the fly, Bors keeps up pressure.
<<"Support craft should be eliminated soon, Captain.">>
In its final moments the Muun gunship seeks to bring some destruction of its own to the Sentinel-class frigate, but it's not enough. While its targeting data does provide a substantial strike from Repossession, it's not enough to truly break the communications frigate.
Moments later and the starfighters swarming the frigate are able to strike its main reactor, resulting its cataclysmic destruction. The concussive force is enough to cause the Munificent-class cruiser to shy away from its ill-fated partner and begin angling toward the outer range of the system. It's clear that it is preparing itself for an eventual run for hyperspace.
For now though it may be performing what will gradually become a slow, fighting withdrawal; but they do continue to fight.
Somewhere on Repossession's bridge comm traffic picks up as they seek reinforcements of their own with increasing urgency and frustration. The nature of the Banking Clan finds those requests quickly tied up in the bureaucracy of the corporate world.
"Very good, Alpha Leader," Aitax answered Lord Bors' report on the imminent destruction of the Muun gunship. Noting reports from the *Reckoning* that the Comm frigate's shields were failing, he nodded once. "Bid Commander Zircon to take cover to our aft; the frigate has done its job well, today." Enemies would linger far past the point of wise withdrawal for the glimmer of hope that they might destroy an imperial ship. "With our frigate removed from field, they will begin retreat," he predicted. "Let's make their repairs long and painful, shall we?" he asked his bnridge crew with a note of wry amusement. "Full spread of concussion missiles. Maintain turbolaser barrage."
<<"Splash frigate, command.">>
It hadn't exploded yet, but the signs were there. Especially for someone with close to forty years of experience in this field. Durasteel begins to swell and seems in welding break before the gunship tears itself apart in a series of chain reactions concluding with a short lived burst of pink-white light of the ion engines last gasp.
<<"Angling for attack run on lead ship, counter if preferred, command.">>
Bors addressing both now, as he was commanding fighters from both Imperial craft presently.
The battle's already over and it's obvious that the Banking Clan's remaining cruiser is simply trying to retain some semblance of its pride. The ability to say that they received damage from a focus Imperial naval presence after the unfortunate loss of its counterpart ship. They'd even have the scars on their hull to prove it! Repossession continues its gradual progress toward the outer edge of the system, clearing aligned on its hyperspace vector and traveling at speed along that invisible line. It could jump at any moment, but it continues to fight its way out.
It hadn't anticipated the severe beating that it would take at not only hands of the Empire's Victory II, but also at the hands of the fighters that moved to reinforce it.
The outgoing fire gradually tapers to a halt and as blasts strike along the hull of the Munificent-class, it suddenly surges forward and in the blink of an eye it disappears into the swirling tunnel of hyperspace.
From the Enforcer a broadcast is relayed to all TIEs recalling them home, while a message from Captain Tytos Wrex to Commander Bors Thul is delivered, "Commander Thul, this is Captain Tytos Wrex. We mourn the losses of those under your command. While Ravenous' fighters and pilots are replenished, those from Enforcer will lend their aid in providing training support to your fresh recruits if you wish."
Almost simultaneously a message from Enforcer is broadcast to the Ravenous, specifically to Captain Rendon who commands the ship, "Captain Rendon, Captain Wrex. We have recalled our fighters and will deploy two squadrons to begin patrols in their place. Return to your position overseeing the convoys. You've served the Empire admirably and we mourn the loss of your pilots and fighters. Long live the Empire". Then the message promptly ends.
For now the peace of Mygeeto and the surrounding system is restored, which is simply one of the amenities that Imperial loyalty provides.
The arrival of another Imperial frigate to the skirmish did little to tilt the already decisive balance of power, but Aitax instructed the newly summoned vessel to commence repair on the lightly damaged Reckoning. The Ravenous guns did their part in eroding the shields and carving into the armored plating of the big Munificent, but it's the bombing runs of fightercraft that hasten the Muun in their retreat.
When the battered heavy cruiser at last makes good its escape from the system, Aitax gives the order to launch salvage vessels, and stations squads of medical personnel and troopers in the star destroyer's hangar to tend the wounded, count the dead, and take custody of any prisoners. That all set in motion, he responds to, "Captain Wrex. Acknowledged: Ravenous will retake our former position. Victory and Endurance, sir." When the channel is closed, the last action he takes is to summon a junior ensign, with the discreet instructions to have a bottle of Alderaanian wine delibered to Lord Thul's quarters upon the wing commander's return.
<<"All wings, continue to fire...">>
A glare for one of Enforcer's squadrons following their normal protocols over his own... To be expected at least. There will be new training regimens to conduct once the reinforcements come for his own.
<<"Target the primary thrust nozzle. See if we can open a hole">>
Not so much of a chance with fighter scale weapons, but one of Enforcer's squad leads has the idea - lining up shots in a stagger pattern to create a gap in shields for followup fire.
<<"Understood, Captain Wrex. I will see to berthing while they are on site to provide assistance.">>