Log:Sith: Here There Be Dragons: Part 3
Here There Be Dragons: Part 3
OOC Date: February 25, 2025
Location: Modus System
Participants: Aitax Rendon, Aryn Cortess, Bors Thul, Gil Dar, Tytos Wrex, Yer'ok'omam
The early stages of "Operation Dragonslayer" had played out in a direct, hotly contested Imperial approach on the Consortium's throneworld of Hapes Prime. In a pair of bruising battles of attrition, the Hapan Royal Guard fleet had suffered steep losses, but had continued grinding down the strength of the isolated invaders. With three of their capital ships damaged, and suffering heavy losses in TIE squadrons following the second clash, the Imperials had chosen a new direction… There were six administrative divisions within the Consortium's 63 member worlds. The largest was the Interior Region, where over inhabited twenty systems were clustered around the capital of Hapes Prime. Second most numerous were the ten "Rifle Worlds" that made up the Consortium's industrial and manufacturing centers. It was toward one of these Rifle Worlds- Modus, home of the Modan shipyards- that the Imperial invaders had turned.
Every member-world possessed facilities for shipbuilding, but the Modan yards were the most prolific in the star cluster; many of the Miy’til class fighters that filled out the carriers of the other planets were built on Modus. Striking the system was not a move that would win the war in one blow, and therefore perhaps not an obvious target, but if the Modan Yards were lost, the Hapan ability to replace its heavy losses would be badly diminished. The last looming question was whether the Royal Guard fleet would weaken its defense of their Queen's capital to meet the Imperials in the Rifle Worlds.
As Modus appeared on long-range Imperial scopes several details became apparent. First was that there was an unavoidable ugliness to large scale industrialization that marred large swathes of the otherwise beautiful green and white planet. Still, this was Hapan space, where aesthetics were not forgotten: the planet was guarded by a large defensive station in the form of a beautiful orbiting castle built on a vast six-footed platform.
Several freighters with the notable bad luck to be in transit when the star destroyers arrived were swiftly captured, and demands for the planet to surrender were sent out. Two different answers were returned. Threatened with the destruction of all military manufacturing, the planetary government of Modus, in the person of Ducha Allurigant Novi had swiftly surrendered to prevent devastation. However, a separate transmission from the Royal Guards within the orbital castle had sworn defiance and broadcast pleas for reinforcement. Capturing or destroying the castle would be key to control of the planet.
Two hours after their arrival in system, Imperial bombardment of the castle was well underway, and the Hapan reinforcements arrived: a mere seven battle dragons, with a trio of nova cruisers.. But the small squadron was stiffened by the unexpected profile of the Calamari MC80 cruiser *Ascendancy*.
Ravenous Fleet (Aitax Rendon)
Semit Captain Rendon had launched fighters upon arrival, positioning his Victory II and pair of frigates to join in the bombardment of the Hapan star castle, but his attention remained on the scopes, monitoring the interior hyperspace lanes. "Will they come in strength, will they come at all, or will they watch their vassals fall," he had mused aloud in an introspective voice. The Ravenous was firing only its turbolasers on the castle, seeking to preserve the dwindling arsenal of concussion missiles held aboard.
When the Hapan response finally arrived and the sensor officer had sharply recited the composition of the relief fleet with its familiar Calamari cruiser, Aitax had turned an incredulous eye toward the man. "I.. wasn't prepared for the possibility that Imperial Intelligence had actually been correct. Hrm!"
Ascendancy Fleet (Yer'ok'omam)
It had been over a week of brutal fighting in Hapen space and it had not gone unnoticed by the Rebellion. While it was unlikely Yer'ok'omam would be able to vet enough support amongst the captains or Admirality for a full scale support of the beseiged Consortium, she was able to get leave to dispatch herself as dignitary to the Royal Guard. Amidst the chatter of impending attack upon the Rifle World of Modus. While this was hardly a kill stroke attack by the Imperial, the strategic value of those Fighter manufacturing plants could not be understated, but besides this... there were quite a few amongst the Hapen Royal Guard who were, themselves, from Modus and other Worlds in the outer cluster.
To let one fall to Imperial bombardment may not represent an immenant threat to the Royal Guard, it did represent a substantial threat to the loved ones of those who come from these worlds. So it was a difficult decision for the Queen's Navy. Should it prove a feign and the entirety of the Navy was repositioned out of effective range, the Imperials could take substantial ground in the system. Establish a 'beach head' from which they could engage the Fleet and Hapes with impunity. Using the same tactical advantages of the limited Hyper Space lanes to the success the Hapens had been.
"While I cannot promise a unilateral victory, I am willing to take a small defensive force to Modus." Yer'ok'omam offers. "Enough to present a defense and hold the stronghold, but not so much as to weaken your position here." It was a gambit, to be sure. At great sacrifice to Roko, herself, who stood little, at least obviously, to gain.
And a great deal to lose.
Several hours later, aboard the Flag Ship of the Ascendancy Fleet, the Chiss Captain watches as the starlines return to realspace. "Major Lor'di'li, scramble fighters from the Dark Star and position them in a defensive pattern. Captain Roth'shi'da should move the Bright Rose-" A Corellian Corvette attached to the Ascendancy, "-to accompany fighters in this holding manuever. Our goal is is break their attack patterns and move into position to provide support for the Dragon Cruisers."
Enforcer Fleet (Tytos Wrex)
Enforcer moves into position within firing range of the Hapan Royal Guard castle as TIEs begin to pour from its hangars. Its support craft begin to move into positions near the larger warship's flanks, hoping to provide both some limited defensive support and keep themselves in a relatively safe position within the Star Destroyer's shadow. The bridge of the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer is a quiet place, but there isn't surprise to be found that a Mon Calamari cruiser's been sighted on the field. In fact Captain Wrex comments to his executive officer upon reception of that information, "If they weren't here before, they surely saw the opportunity to create an alliance. Enemy of my enemy is my friend and everything". The tone is certainly condescending, but for the moment it's deemed an inconsequential detail. "Fire when ready," he announces after a moment.
Merciless (Aryn Cortess)
Kalus has returned to the bridge as preparations for the attack begin. She is joined by the Captain. As they observe the defense fleet arriving, Kalus shows mild surprise at finding Imperial Intelligence information to be proven true. "A shame for Hapes to so definitively prove this intelligence true. Now the Empire will bring its full weight to bear upon the cluster." One might think that a Dark Lord would be happy with this information, but alas only melancholy etches itself upon her expression.
"Helm, bring us into attack position. All weapons, fire on that station."
Merciless (Bors Thul)
"I shall handle it, personally."
It had been his final word to the bridge officers when Lord Thul, of The Ancient and Most Noble House of Thul had left under protests. Protests that had resulted in one of the deck officers being struck, but not so as to do more than sting, on the nose with the grip of his cane.
Within the confines of his TIE Whisper, the aged interceptor pilot was grimacing in the wake of disabling audio feed of the astromech that was slotted warbling and tweedeling its reports.
"I can handle it fine. Put it on HUD if you must..." Grumbling to himself as he adjusted the throttle toggle. A tap of his chin switching to squadron comms, <<"All wings, Merciless Flight - form on me. Set astromechs to feed tactical data to squadron command and to me. I will be attending personally.">>
The wave of silence from the other fighters in the squadron was telling.
Nemesis (Gil Dar)
The VSD Nemesis is in the vanguard of the Imperial fleet, as it's one of the smaller Star Destroyers available and can make a good meat shield for the larger ships. Captain Dar strides back and forth on the bridge, seemingly bored with the waiting for an engagement while his turbolasers bombard the castle. At the arrival of the reinforcement fleet, Dar calls out, "Ready stations to maneuver. We know our job, now to do it. Bring us about to face the enemy and prepare to fire." He turns his attention to the approaching enemies and calls out, "Launch fighters and set a defensive screen around us." And, just like that, TIE fighters start spewing forth from the hangar bay of the Nemesis. They maneuver to set a screen around his ship, potentially protecting against any enemy fighter assault.
Ravenous Fleet (Aitax Rendon)
When the pitched battle began in earnest, the castle's power that had been reserved wholly for flagging shields was thrown to weapons and its heavy ion cannon batteries returned fire at the besieging star destroyers. The incoming Hapans launch hundreds of Miy'til fighters in precise and beautiful formations, as well as three squadrons of the feared Hetrinar bombers that had so tormented the Imperial capital ships in earlier clashes.
Aboard the Ravenous, Captain Rendon's balance shifts with an especially strong impact of turbolasers on the vessel's sheilds. "Shields at fifty-four percent, sir!" the ops station had reported. Maintaining an austere calm, the lean captain orders, "Acquire a missile lock on the orbital castle, and fire all torpedoes in concert with the next turbolaser salvo." Reports that the already diminished TIE squadrons were faring poorly in the spaceborn melee were met with a short nod. Alpha and Beta squadrons had been freshly replaced following redeployment from Mygeeto, and clearly their academy training had been lacking. "Maintain fire. We've a mission to accomplish."
Enforcer Fleet (Tytos Wrex)
Enforcer and its support ships go about their tasks. Turbolasers open up, missiles are fired, and shields are managed. The starfighters across the field explode. Across the Enforcer's bridge concerns are expressed and calmly put down as new orders are dispensed. The news of the Raider-class corvette's heavy damage is acknowledge, but no adjustment to the standing order is made.
Ascendancy Fleet (Yer'ok'omam)
The battle engaged, Yer'ok'omam regards her displays with a muted expression as the Ascendancy positions before the Dawn Rise. The fighters file out and streak across space to engage, but her attention is spread amidst all the various engagements. Chatter on the Helm is at a minimum. None of the crew jockey for her attention, she is keenly aware of where they succeed or fail. Though one voice, a raspy hiss from her XO with her damaged throat, still relays data to the Captain. "Significant fighter losses, sir." Roko only nods, "Continue engagement. Move Magenta squadron to bolster Boar squadron." There's a silent nod.
"Adjust heading, bring us around to fire upon that corvette."
The Ascendancy shifts it's positioning and lances out turbolaser fire upon the corvette. With streaks of X-Wings and Hapen fighters moving amongst the TIE Fighters. Illuminate Red eyes track the screens and visual field. "Captain Roth'shi'da reports significant shield and minor hull damage under that last attack, Captain. Roko doesn't look away, "Tell them to stay the course. Notify Hapen fleet and get status reports." There's no word spoken, only nods of acknowledgements as the battle commence.
Merciless (Aryn Cortess)
The Merciless rocks from a solid hit from the Ascendancy fleet, rattling caf mugs and ceiling tiles. Seasoned now, the crew barely bat an eye as comments sound off on states of readiness. Batteries fire mercilessly at the station, and the Captain and Kalus watch.
"Squadrons are doing well under the command of your Knight, your grace," The Captain states. "You will find few better than, Sir Bors."
Merciless (Bors Thul)
Teeth bared behind the mask of his flightsuit, The Black Knight was back in his element, <<"Wings form claw and follow me, full front shields for the joust, toggle even as you pass. No fire focus, fire free and form a flak wall.">>
Acknowledgements ring through and even as the fighters sweep into the ordered formation - like a three taloned raptor's claw surging forward they are firing, creating interlocking fields that create a veritable wall of emerald fire that sweeps over the bomber formation to devastating effect.
<<"Break to wings, re-form and sweep in in wall formation, continue broad fire pattern. I will attend to anyone who goes in search of personal glory.">> Breaking hard to starboard and wheeling into a spiraling turn that threatens to pull the blood from his head even with inertial dampers dialed up to ninety-five percent.
The Hapan offenses had touched a nerve in the old man and he was set on settling scores.
Nemesis (Gil Dar)
Nemesis has apparently been ignored by the Hapans, and attempts to take as much advantage as the Captain is willing to risk. He places his hands behind his back as he orders, "Push Beta Squadron forward to assault that Corvette. I want it down. Turn all guns to fire on it as well." As he says this, he strides over to look at a tactical screen, and adds, "Turn the ship forty degrees to port, I want to make a run by them with a broadside."
Ravenous Fleet (Aitax Rendon)
Despite the small size of the Hapan fleet, anchored by the presence of a large Mon Cal cruiser and the steadfast durability of the orbital castle, the unlikely allies are making a fair accounting of themselves, as their fighters continue to struggle for supremacy, grinding down Imperial formations through weight of numbers and skill at flight.
But when that defense cracks, it splits catastrophically. Imperial turbolasers had been chewing away at the walls of the orbital castle, answered by heavy streams of blue ion cannonry that had eroded the shields of the Ravenous, but the fire of the big Resurgent classes finally cracks the shell of the artful fortress, blasting tall and graceful spires loose to tumble in the vastness of space as the fortress falls in a terrible eruption.
Aboard the VSD Ravenous, Aitac Rendon has ordered concussion missiles to begin locking on the Ascendant, while turbolasers shifted from castle to corvette, combining fire with others to see that troublesome picket ship struck down. The efforts of the Nebulon to prop up the Imperial's own besieged Raider class had been overwhelmed and the frigate itself was beginning to attract fire from the hunting battle dragons. "Lock fire control on the lead Battle Dragon."
No sooner was that order given that a broad spectrum communique was sent out from the powerful transmitters in the capital city of Modus. <<"Loyal daughters of the Rifle Worlds: you are called upon to stand down in the name of Ereneda Allurigant. The Royal Guard are gone. Human warships: do not fire any longer upon my people.">>
Enforcer Fleet (Tytos Wrex)
The castle begins to break apart after being hammered, especially by the Merciless. Enforcer does its part and upon the cracking of the castle, Enforcer's guns begin to shift away to the embattled corvette and, ultimately, the lone Mon Calamari cruiser on the field. The starfighters continue to be embroiled in their own miniature battlefield and while their losses have slowed temporarily, it's only a matter of time before the numerical superiority of their opponents grind them down.
Ascendancy Fleet (Yer'ok'omam)
Situations change dramatically in the heat of battle, but it would be hard to gauge from Roko's expression. Even with the destruction of the Station looming in the view of the screens and open visual front of the Bridge, Yer'ok'omam keeps a neutral expression. The vast majority of the Imperial fleet has turned attention towards the defensive fleet sent from the Royal Guard and still she stares forward. Despite the tactical information being fed to her. The substantial losses of fighters, those lost completely or limping back to the Quasar and Ascendancy.
Despite the Corellian Corvette announcing, under extreme duress, that shields and hull were at critical.
She turns fractionally towards her XO, "Tell the Captain to return to fleet." In a quiet, subdued voice, under the sustained fire upon the Ascendancy. Under the visage of the station erupting into a flash of fire that is quickly sucked up in the void of space. She nods then, solumnly. "We've done what we can for the good of our, hopeful, allies. If we are to assist them further than this engagement, we will retreat." It's not so much a speech as a pointing out of 'facts'. "Helm, set a course for Hapes to regroup with the Royal Guard. Major Lor'di'li, send a message to the Hapean Navey to fall upon my position to guard for jump back to Hapes." The XO nods her reply and navigation begins charting the jump back to the homeworld.
The Ascendancy may have taken lumps, but it's in this fight now. She just has to survive to continue it.
"Squadrons prepare jump. Hold formation until calucalation and prepare to engage hyper on my mark."
Merciless (Aryn Cortess)
The Captain smirked as the final bombardments triggered a massive explosion from the defiant space station. The flash of its destruction lit up the interior of the bridge. Silence followed as orders were called out. "Helm, adjust heading 40 degrees and bring us toward that Mon Calamari vessel. All batteries fire."
The star destroyer began to move, its engine outputs glowing bright. Batteries along the hull shifted with new firing solutions input and programmed. "Fire!" The captain yelled, and the Merciless began to light up!
Merciless (Bors Thul)
<<"Sir, they're rallying.">>
<<"Yes I had hoped.">> Bors leaned into his turn, wheeling to evade incoming fire of reinforcements from the Ascendency as well as the Hapan forces. Twisting his throttle to the customized 11 mark, he felt the engines scream with the modifications he had added by Imperial technicians.
<<"They have offered, nor accepted quarter. We will honor those unfortunate wishes.">>
Turning into the brink of the conflict, Lord Thul actually waggles his wings in a pilot's salute to the oncoming fighters - as if to point towards his next target before the charge. TIE craft begin forming into an X-pattern behind him and then they rotate as if to become as an auguring drill as they pour on fire - seeking to route the forces that had apparently looked to repeat the effects of the second clash.
Nemesis (Gil Dar)
The Nemesis continues it's battle with the Corvette. It is not doing perhaps QUITE as much damage as Captain Dar expects, and he calls out, "Get those damn batteries to hit the target, Weapons! Before I have the lot of you sent to visit the Sith for...reeducation!" He stalks across the bridge, heading for where the weapons command is, "Focus your fire on that Corvette, I want it down immediately!" And then he's off to encourage someone else to do their job better.
Ravenous Fleet (Aitax Rendon)
Chased by salvos of turbolaser fire, the MC80 cruiser finishes its ponderous turnabout and- preceded by its surviving escort craft- streaks into a hyperspace jump. The remaining formations of Miy'tar fighters and the stubborn last four Hetrinar bombers return to their carriers, and a wary calm settles as recovery craft are sent out into the wreckage.
A second transmission from the planet is delivered in the same austere feminine voice as before: <<"Human warships. You are hereby invited to send a diplomatic party to Modus, that the terms of our surrender may be discussed at length. Long live the Queen.">>
Enforcer Fleet (Tytos Wrex)
The Enforcer's guns cease firing after the Mon Calamari cruiser upon its escape into hyperspace. A glance to the viewport results in Captain Tytos relaying an instruction to his comms officer, "Inquire with the Merciless if there has been a malfunction with their weapon systems. If affirmative and they are in need of critical components to complete their repairs, see to it that Enforcer is prepared to render assistant in the effort". The Hapans are permitted their escape, but Tytos seems prepared to send a message to all parties involved. "Do not yet recall fighters. Scour the field while our recovery efforts are underway. Any rebel wrecks discovered are to be destroyed, both salvageable equipment and anything reporting life signs. Hapan wrecks are to remain untouched as long as they maintain the truce."
Captain Tytos turns his attention across the bridge for a moment before he comments, "After recovery and cleansing operations are completed, route the Enforcer back into the nebula. Funeral services for the lost corvette crew will be after the morning brief."
Then Captain Tytos goes quiet as the orders are relayed. He watches the viewport as periodically capital or starfighter weaponry briefly spits death at some target or another amid the debris field.
Merciless (Bors Thul)
<<"Return to the Merciless for refuel and refit. No losses today.">>
A note of pride despite himself. Alpha Leader and the Merciless's squadrons all swinging in wide arcs to head back for the cruiser.
<<"My Queen, I report success. None of ours have fallen, of Merciless's squadrons. I shall be back aboard shortly.">>
Bors sniffs, looking to sensor reads, brow knitting as he goes.