Log:Sith: Here There Be Dragons: Part 1
Here There Be Dragons: Part 1
OOC Date: February 18, 2025
Location: Hapes Star Cluster
Participants: Aitax Rendon, Aryn Cortess, Bors Thul, Lynoriel Thrace (NPC), Roan, Tytos Wrex
Fleet captains often felt a pang of dread when an assignment began to show hints of Imperial Intelligence meddling. One such telltale tendency was that in place of clear orders with concise objectives, nebulous instructions were issued to blindly rendezvous at designated deep space coordinates where they would receive "further orders". All too often such missions prioritized secrecy over good reconnaissance, and political influence before practicality. This was one of *those* assignments.
Six star destroyer groups had arrived at a precise point in vacant space somewhere in the Tanaab Sector near the Inner Rim's edge. At the appointed time, the various captains were provided with the next set of navigational coordinates, and only once in hyperspace for their final jump were they informed of their mission by a pre-recorded hologram. The pale blue image of a prim Intel division colonel flickered into being on each bridge. He spoke with an upper-class Coruscanti accent.
<<"The mission you now undertake is one of utmost interest to Her Imperial Majesty. We have received actionable intelligence that Jedi rebels have entered a covert alliance with the Queen of the Hapes Consortium. The Empire has permitted the Hapans their isolation thus far, but we cannot allow the Consortium to provide shipyards, soldiers, or succor for the Jedi. Your navigational computers have been provided with a rare stable course through the Transitory Mists that will bring you directly to the Hapan capital world. Any resistance is expected to be minor and archaic. You are hereby ordered to compel the member worlds of the Consortium to accept Imperial subjugation; Her Imperial Majesty awaits prompt word of your success. Congratulations.">> The colonel wore a smug smile as the holographic message ended.
Their mission was the conquest of Hapes. The 63 worlds of the Hapes Consortium were an ancient near-human civilization occupying a dense star cluster, surrounded and isolated from the rest of the galaxy's Inner Rim by the vast and largely unnavigable nebulae that were the Transitory Mists. Hapans were known in the larger galaxy for a strict matriarchal monarchy that ruled over a fractious aristocracy, defended by fleets of fabled Battle Dragon warships; in recorded history, they had never been conquered by outsiders. Even common trade with the Consortium was rather new, established after the fall of Palpatine's Empire.
The 'rare stable course' into the star cluster they had been promised was the same highly-monitored trade route that every civilian freighter made use of; there was no hope for secrecy in their approach. The Imperial fleet was forced to navigate the first passage through the vividly colored Mists at sublight, passing multiple blinking navigation beacons and civilian freighters. Many stars shone unusually large and bright in the void, forming the nightmarish tapestry of overlapping gravity wells that composed the Hapan border.
Dark Pearl Fleet (Roan)
Lorraine Roan's XO is standing next to her as the hologram fades.
"...Congratulations? Didn't he mean good luck?" the older Coruscanti man asks.
Roan neither sighs nor shakes her head. "ImpInt idiots. They think it's intimidating. 'Win or don't come back.' Only...we are absolutely going to return if we fail, so it's an empty, weak gesture. Something ImpInt can't understand since they only ever intimidate people in cold, sterile rooms, with armed backup and defeated prisoners."
And, true to what she said, Roan does not seem to be the least bit intimidated. "Have tea and biscuits brought up for the bridge crew. This is going to be an obnoxious approach."
Merciless (Bors Thul)
There would be no need to scramble pilots to fighters today, those aboard the Merciless had been ordered by their temporary wing commander to their ships. Too many squadrons to command in field, The Black Knight had been relegated to bridge work and was standing before the holotable at the aft end of the bridge. Peaked cap removed and his cane held like a riding crop in the crook of one arm.
Bors reviewed data reads on the half dozen squadrons under his purview today, lips a thin line, and taking note of information scrolling - system checks on the pilots who were on orders to rotate being 'open hatch' and sitting while their fighters hung in the racks.
He waited, standing by and waiting for the orders to have his fighters launch.
Enforcer Fleet (Tytos Wrex)
The delivery of the news was met with a neutral stare from Captain Tytos Wrex. Instead of his usual grim scowl, he instead wore a rather blank expression when the news of the fleet's goal was presented. Of course he couldn't believe his ears. Of course he doubted the integrity of the intelligence. Of course he thought the plan was poorly constructed. Of course he didn't voice any of that aloud. The only option for Enforcer and the fleet which it flagships is to press forward and, hopefully, through.
Following the briefing the fleet under Enforcer began making their preparations. They would be going into an extremely hostile theater and that meant preparation was of paramount importance. The fore walkway on Enforcer's bridge is where Captain Wrex can be found and he claims one long, deep breath to settle himself. For one with decades of experience to the point that most action didn't bring on anxiety any longer; mounting an invasion into Hapan territory seems enough to warrant his collecting himself.
Merciless (Aryn Cortess)
Kalus had missed the brief from intelligence, but had she listened, its ending would have been punctuated with a scoff. Going to the Hapes cluster had long been a part of Kalus' ambitions in life, though fear of assassination kept the family ship parked at home. Hapans were brutal, comparable, --maybe--, to the Rist assassins, though Lady Livia would burn at being compared to anything non-human.
Kalus' arrival on the bridge brought the crew to attention, the Captain included. Addressed with respect, the Dark Lord gestured kindly and bid, "Proceed, Captain."
Kalus joined her kinsman at the holo table, addressing the older knight kindly, "Sir Bors.. It is good to see you, though I must admit I expected you with the rest of the wing."
Enforcer Fleet
The Enforcer's Wing Commander for the moment is a rather tall Chiss woman, Valina'nratha, that's looking like she hates everything that the Colonel has said. Its because she does. The congratulations at the end of the message makes her squint for a moment. Then she straightens her spine with a grimace at the situation ahead of them.
She doesn't interrupt Tytos from his collecting himself, instead there are orders given to the squadrons to prepare ships.
Merciless (Aryn Cortess)
<<"Archon Isulet Zana, I am Darth Kalus. Before you is but the vanguard of the galaxy's Imperial fleet. Its reputation for unparalleled violence transcends any threat your people have faced since the start of your civilization. Before any shot is fired, I urge you to take up diplomacy over arms and save the lives of your people. You may be resolute in your defense, and valiant it may be, but you know in your hearts it will not be enough. How many worlds are you willing to sacrifice? How many lives? -- Bend the knee, and save your people --">>
There is a brief pause before the transmission clicks and ends.
Merciless (Bors Thul)
"Would that I be able, but to coordinate so many in such a time as this is... haphazard at best. Er my expertise serves better here where I have an eagle's eye."
Though Bors does not look especially excited at the notion.
"I assure you I shall serve with equal skill and should the fighters prove incapable, I will set myself forth immediately and take on matters more personally." The system alerts for entering Hapan space and then the further notation of the opposing force.
Turning then when Aryn begins her address - tapping a command that puts 'ready' lights on in all launch hangars. Pilots below buttoning up and getting fighters prepped for 'hot drop' fully primed now.
Dark Pearl Fleet (Roan)
Roan couldn't give two shakes about Imperial Intelligence. They wouldn't dare touch a scion of House Roan without extremely good cause, and being called puffed up fools was not extremely good cause. Especially when it was true.
The Hapans, however... That was worth a silent swallow. "Arm all foreward weaponry. All squadrons, prepare for immediate launch." Roan punched a blue button, "Elegance, Grace, prepare to launch fighters on our signal."
The twin Quasars flanking the Victory send back acknowledgements. Squadrons report ready status. Turbolasers swing into position and deflector shields ripple to life. Roan stands a little taller and exudes confidence. No one would know she's trying not to visibly sweat. That's a *lot* of ships out there.
Enforcer Fleet (Tytos Wrex)
The Enforcer and its support craft begin to shift upon their entry into the system. Utilizing itself as an anchor point along the Imperial battle line opposite of Merciless, Captain Tytos seems prepared to stand and fight if necessary. Enforcer's shields up and its weapons primed, the starfighters are given the order to launch and maintain position around the Imperial fleet. The standby order delivered, Captain Tytos begins relaying signals to other portions of his section of the fleet. A moment later and the carrier slips into the shadow of Enforcer, while the more nimble corvette begins to cross above and over the dorsal spine of Enforcer to provide supporting fire should incoming fighters prove a detriment to the fleet's operation.
Resurgent Star Destroyer (Lynoriel Thrace)
Enforcer Fleet Valin's red gaze looks from the plethora of ships that come into sight and the older Chiss woman makes no sounds of surprise. That is most assuredly a lot of ships for one to get through, but there was more than one destroyer here. Though wasting assets on suicide missions was frowned upon.
She makes sure that the squadron are prepared to launch at the very sign of the enemy fleet not taking Darth Kalus' words to heart.
The transmission from RSD Merciless was answered, which stood as quite the tribute to the weight that was given to the Sith Lord's words. <<"Darth Kalus. Your Empire will learn what Empires of your past had learned; what Palpatine's Empire learned when he sent his strength against my people: we are stronger than you think. And just as the bridge of Palpatine's flagship now greets guests to Ta'a Chume'Dan, thy strength will follow. In respect for your words, and though it strains my vow, I offer you this in return: any of thy ships which is captained by a woman may depart in peace, never to return. All others are forfeit.">>
Ravenous Fleet (Aitax Rendon)
Aboard the Ravenous, Captain Rendon had paused in giving the order to launch fighter squadrons when he observed the overwhelming number of Hapan starfighters showing up on the Victory II's scopes. Blue eyes narrowed on the striking view before him as the Ravenous took position between the two Resurgent destroyers, at the enter of the Imperial line where his support craft could be of most versatile use. The counter offer- such as it was- from the Hapans didn't inspire much confidence. "It's to be a battle, then," he mused, lacking surprise.
For all the impressive numbers and discipline of the Royal Guard fleet, a keen naval strategist would be able to note that Hapan tactics were rigid and ritualistic: their battle line was built for a head-on exchange of fire, with little flexibility. The majority of Miy?til fighter squadrons held a static defensive cordon across the front of the battle dragon firing line, with ten squadrons of bombers guarded by ten squadrons of escort fighters sent onto the attack. It was a beautiful and imposing formation of 63 capital ships, with precise formations of fighter squadrons placed at regular intervals. It looked nothing like a modern fleet.
Still, the sheer numbers, discipline, and raw firepower did much to cover the flaws resulting from generations of strategic stagnation, and several of the Imperial capital ships took heavy concentrated bombardment. It was in the ineffective deployment of their overwhelming number of fighter squadrons that the clean, mathematical divisions of attack and defense cost the defenders, as several advance squadrons were routed or destroyed by the smaller but more aggressive number of TIEs.
Merciless (Aryn Cortess)
<<"My gratitude for your mercy, Archon, but I must respectfully decline. We have our own vows, as I am certain you well understand. It is not *the* Empire's regret that you chose violence, ma'am, and frankly I expected nothing less. I wish you good fortune with your defense and pray you see reason when the time comes.">>
Kalus hung up the receiver and gestured toward the Captain to begin his assault.
"I have never doubted your services, Sir Bors, regardless of its venue or demands. I *am* thankful you are here, sir." Aryn patted the knight's shoulder before taking up a spot near the forward viewport to watch the ongoing conflict. Her hands clasp beneath her cape at her lower back and she ponders quietly, her mind switching into a meditative state to commune with the cosmic power of the Force.
As the battle commenced, the Captain stood beside Aryn calling out what cannons to fire and on what course to set the destroyer. The crew responded in kind, officers responding to various commands as cannons along the Merciless lit up space and engaged the first Dragon.
The Captain observed that Aryn had her eyes closed, yet he felt it necessary to inform her that, "The first dragon has fallen, your grace."
Kalus' eyes opened and she nodded. "..take another, Captain."
"It shall be done, your grace. -- Gunnery, shift to next dragon target and fire all batteries."
Merciless (Bors Thul)
The touch stopped the old man short, brows knitting and stood still for several moments until Aryn had moved to the fore. Afforded a kindness by a member of Kessa's Sith - Lord Thul could only blink when he had turned back to the holotable and his attending staff all stared. Blood drained from their faces and perhaps draining more when he clears his throat.
The impact of the cane against the side of the holotable caused jumps and a muffled 'HUM!' from one of those before the old man keys comms.
"All squadrons, deploy and screen Merciless until further command. Assess and defend."
<<"Copy command.">>
The same words, a half dozen times. Bors is pacing around the table now, ignoring the sounds of shield systems being pummeled under fire. Brow knit and cane clicking with every other step while he keeps up his slow, methodic, speed.
"Kappa, Iota, pair off and hunt ordnance. Sigma, Epsilon, screen and prepare to engage."
The holographic images of the fighters surrounding the cruiser and the greater conflict further out floated over the man commanding.
"Break, disburse and engage in full. Claw formation then split to wings." Age had it's benefits beyond experience and wisdom. It rendered patience and Bors had enjoyed such on the journey to this place that he had spent days studying encounters with Hapes in the past.
Tactical recordings.
"Anticipate and eliminate."
One by one, enemy fighters disappeared from the display. The Black Knight leaned on the table, heels of his palms on the edge.
Dark Pearl Fleet (Roan)
The Dark Pearl does what it does best: Annihilate. The Dragon is hammered relentless from from several angles at once--no hesitation, no remorse. All will be destroyed.
Ravenous Fleet (Aitax Rendon)
Aboard the Ravenous, Aitax Rendon was directing his ship's fire at the clusters of pulse-mass mines that kept the combatants locked on this battlefield. It was slow going, slowed further when a detachment of Hapan fighters attacked the two squadrons he had sent to assist in the mine clearing. The frigates did their duty, lending repair and support fire as they were directed for the first hour of battle. All throughout, the Ravenous weathers volleys of turbolaser and ion cannon fire.
Enforcer Fleet (Tytos Wrex)
The Enforcer holds its ground and weathers the punishment of the Empire's enemies as a result. The shields quake against the onslaught of bombers and concentrated fire from the Hapan cruisers. On the bridge Captain Tytos confers with Commander Valin, "Maintain our fighter's efforts. We need to cull their numbers so that we can begin breaking slowly freeing our fighters to engage these bombers. Our shields are suffering under them". Then it's back to the battle that Tytos' attention goes. He maintains his precise posture and calls across the bridge, "Following the battle send thanks to the Ravenous group for their assistance in maintaining the integrity of our shields".
Enforcer Fleet (Tytos Wrex)
"It shall be done, Captain." the Chiss woman states with a salute to the man. Valin is no stranger to calling out orders to fighters, or culling the enemies that would fight them. Her voice is clipped as she gives orders to the squadrons to go after the dogfighters. It's like directing a symphony of violence, but the maestro is very intently letting people know what they are to do and where to go. This would be a horrible time to fail in her guidance...and she does not intend to not unless her body has been robbed of all its breath.
The intensity of the sprawling battle had grown as the hundreds of fightercraft had spiraled around the void like so many swarms of vicious flies. The pristine Hapan lines remained largely intact, though a few rare holes have been punched in their artful defensive wall of weaponry by the loss of three of the graceful Battle Dragons. Still, the remaining warships still far outnumbered their invaders, and the rotating cascade of turbolasers was starting to blast through the stronger Imperial shields. The Hapans learned quickly, and after a critical delay of an hour, the full strength of Miy'til squadrons had joined the fight, abandoning defense of the dragon line.
Merciless (Aryn Cortess)
The Merciless continues its assault, battery fire picking apart a second dragon in the mad blitz. Kalus watches on in silence as their vessel shakes with each hit, shield percentages going lower and lower despite Captain Rendon's assistance with their shield power. Before long, they'd begin to take actual hull damage, but the Imperial resolve was as stubborn as Hapan.
Aryn did not weigh in on the Captain's command of the situation, she was resigned to meditation for the time being and remaining calm. The battle still seemed in hand despite its many intricacies. The Captain had abandoned his spot beside Aryn to move between the various stations on the bridge trying to scrounge power and give on-point direction.
Merciless (Bors Thul)
"Your grace, shall I pull back my fighters to screen?"
Bors had twisted a sphere on the head of his cane, drawing from the hilt a stylus that allowed him to begin touching holographic representations of his squadrons and then 'draw' paths. Circling groups and highlighting enemy elements at a speed that could only be from an interceptor pilots.
From a former A-Wing pilot.
Reflexes honed by needing to run his ship without the handicap of astromechs while fighting and staying alive and traveling at the speed of Mock-Kriff.
"Wings, sending solutions, utilize and adjust as required."
Brow raising and his expression darkening the old man growls, "Engage the bombers."
The next moments were becoming filled with the calls of the dying as the TIE squadrons launched themselves into a desperate play to buy the Merciless the time it needed.
Dark Pearl Fleet (Roan)
Chaos. Explosions. Ships overlapping ships. The bloom of fire in space reflects off of Roan's eyes as she beholds the horrifying spectacle. The Merciless and the Enforcer are practically buried in Hapan vessels, their shields falling fast. Ravenous somewhere off to starboard. The Dark Pearl itself hurtling into the heart of the storm.
"Commander," Roan says, calmly. Her XO looks up as another volley glances harmlessly off the deflector shields. "Find me their command ship."
A moment of hesitation, followed by: "Aye, Captain." Turbolasers bore into a Nova dead ahead. Fighters shriek by the bridge, chasing Hapan fighters. The carriers Elegance and Grace come alongside in close formation. "At this rate the Hapan will overwhelm us by sheer attrition. We need to break their formation."
It isn't really said to anyone, and it isn't an order. But those officers close by nod grimly, as if she said it directly to them. Giving up isn't even considered. But damn it if they aren't going to make a spectacle of things.
Ravenous Fleet (Aitax Rendon)
The process of clearing the Hapan minefield that bound the two fleets in this grinding war of attrition was proving difficult for the capital scale weapons of the Victory II class. Aitax was receiving reports from the remainder of the fleet, and realizing that the option of a tactical withdrawal could become increasingly necessary. "Prepare a full array of concussion missiles; do not seek target locks, they are too small, detonate them in a spread to cover the swathe of space." The ship rocked with another hit to the shields, but Rendon didn't look aside.
Enforcer Fleet (Tytos Wrex)
The Enforcer continues to throw havoc about, but it's muted by the defenses of the Hapan's Battle Dragons. Where the Enforcer does see greater success is under the guidance of Commander Valin's efforts coordinating starfighter maneuvers. More of the Hapan gnats are knocked out of the fight or outright destroyed, which only serves to tilt the odds farther into the Imperial's favor. Unfortunately the Enforcer and its supporting corvette have taken a beating, but they're certainly not out of the fight yet. For now the resolve of the Enforcer and its crew holds, including that of Captain Tytos Wrex. A sharp glare tends to silence those who allow dismay to infiltrate their voices and the stern nods from the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer's captain seems to suggest that matters are unfolding in a manageable order.
Near the end of the third hour, both fighter wings were in need of resupply; bombers of both allegiances had returned to their carriers for the loading of fresh ordnance and a tremendous detonation of the Hapan mass-pulse mines scrambled sensors for an instant, and began to pull in tendrils of vivid pink from the nearest finger of the Transitory Mists. It was a desperate gambit, and the diminished number of mines had a less crippling effect than the ploy otherwise might have, but the result was a forced delay in hostilities.
Both fleets remained battle worthy, and while the Imperial advance had been at least temporarily halted, neither side could truly call the first battle of the Hapan campaign a victory. Royalist and Imperial alike would rearm, recover their lost, and prepare for their next inevitable clash. There would be no swift end to this new war.