Log:Doab-Ain't Big Enough
[hide]The bounty hunters track down Kleevik "One-Eye" Ank'Tlu to his layer
OOC Date: March 13, 2022 (Optional)
Location: Doaba Badlands
Participants: Fae Renta, Teela Kloo, Zevon Daodhri, Hahtavi Kora, Avery Kora, Amal Jha, Hapvarnna
RP Rating and Summary
Rating: R (Violence)
Summary: The bounty hunters track down Kleevik "One-Eye" Ank'Tlu to his layer, fighting through a series of henchmen while dodging deadly blaster-gatling fire.
[ Fae Renta (Fae) | 20:12:44 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
They say that in Old Corellian, the name "Doaba" means "Peace." It's too bad the Doaba Badlands never got that message.
The landscape of the Doaba Badlands is a hostile and unforgiving one, but there are signs of life here. Little villages with huts made out of clay scatter the sands and stones. Oases of sentient life that offer bits of respite to some, while serving as reminders to the homesick that they are far, far away from home. One such village is slowly slipping into obscurity in the rear-view mirrors of speederbikes that whirr through the landscape, carving curved lines into dunes on their way to their destination.
Their destination? The site of an old ore refinery that sits at the seat of the Kun'dai mountain. In that small village that's slipped past the horizon and into the setting sun, the villagers told the band of bounty hunters that this mine was once resource-rich. Valuable ores were strip mined from the mountain with reckless haste, pumping acidified water into mineshafts to soften the stone. Haste and greed, as they so often do, bred tragedy when the mining shafts collapsed. Now, that ore refinery sits abandoned and, according to the locals, now serves as a hideaway for Kleevik "One-Eye" Ank'Tlu. Public enemy. Bounty target.
It's well past sundown when the bounty hunters arrive just outside the compound. Armed guards patrol the perimeter, but thanks to local intelligence, the hunters were clued off to a separate way in. Tunnels that mine workers would use to connect the mining shaft to the refinery, transporting raw materials to be cleaned of impurities before being sent offworld. As they promised, the way was quiet, and now the only thing blocking the group from their target is a heavy duracrete door that has been welded shut.
Fae Renta's set various explosive charges along the outside of what look to be structural weaknesses, but the make and model of these particular fuses seems... different to the Hapan. She sighs and pulls her helmet briefly off to inspect the element, but shrugs.
"Can someone rig this thing?" she asks, her voice ringing softly off of old shale that hasn't seen life in decades.
[ Teela Kloo (tk) | 20:17:43 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Teela is quiet on the way over, checking over her equipment in the speeder now diverting off to a mine shaft entrance that doesn't look creepy at all. Upon stopping, she hops out of the transport and peers down at what Fae's trying to do with a shake of her head, <"Above my paygrade."> She taps a few keys on her wrist computer and brings up the nightvision on her helmet to help see in some of this limited light through the tunnels.
[ Zevin Daodhri (Zev) | 20:20:38 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Several feet back from the business with the explosives, Zevin isn't even looking at the charges. He doesn't know how to place explosives. Grenades are as far as he goes. Too many cooks spoil the broth, in any case.
So, out of the way of those with technical proficiency, he leans up against the stone wall of this tunnel, looking back the way they came, just in case they're followed. <"Always nice when intel's solid."> He tilts one head to the side. Still, <"Ain't any guarantee they don't run patrols back here occasional-like.">
He holds no weapon, with his arms crossed in front of his chest. There's weapons enough on his person, for when the time comes. He had resettled the hand cannon in its holster on the way over, and double-checked the snaps that hold his retracted stun baton (it's a mace, let's face it) at his thigh.
[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht) | 20:23:13 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
From a distance Hahtavi is watching Fae messing with explosives. His helmet is on, so no one can see his dubious expression. He arrived with the others but has been hanging back to observe, at least initially.
His rifle is off of his back and clipped to his tactical rig.
<"I can do demolitions but ... I consider myself to still be training up."> Not /so great/ that he wants to bet his life or anyone else's on it just yet. So he stays back and waits to see if anyone else is going to step up to help Fae with that. <"Make a lot of noise."> Talk about 'Knock, Knock'.
[ Avery Ihala Kora (Avery) | 20:23:35 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
It's nice to be out in the air at times, even though he's fully encased in durable armor and the open air is within the hostile lands of the Doaba Badlands... still, it's nice some times. The scenery whirrs by as they accelerate toward their destination, trying to find the elusive "One-Eye", though the Silver Slicer wonders just exactly how elusive a fellow with one eye can be. Surely he can't see everything coming.
Regardless, when they pull up outside of the compound, everything is business, or business casual at least. Even in killing there should be some fun. The crew make their way to the area illuminated by the intelligence they received and find the way blocked by something mostly impenetrable. Avery knows veeeeeeery little about explosives aside from they go 'boom' and go 'boom' loudly. As such, the Mandalorian steps away with a wide shouldered shrug and sets his sights on keeping them safe from intruders, should any arrive, his E-11 sweeping from side to side as his Y-visored helmet scours their surroundings.
[ Amal Jha (Amal) | 20:26:26 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Amal, once they had been given the new directions, had made a side quest sort of detour to reequip herself, and had now gone dark where she had been light before. The weapon was the same, though, held in her back sheath as they made the journey over to the mine. They had taken the prescribed detour to the less guarded entrance, and the speeders had been left behind. The weapon she took in hand, though she kept the plasma core deactivated, lest the light damage her night vision, which came courtesy of the goggles built into the balaclava, "Explosives are not on my list of skills." She might as well be up front about that.
[ Hapvarnna (firebug) | 20:26:44 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
When you want something completely, utterly, totally annihilated -- you bring a Sapper. A Trapper. In Clan Kora that is the Togruta: Ori'Hapvarnna, who is all too happy to oblige 'Little Changeling's' request. He is not quiet. Heaving off the speeder, the Dreadfinder clad Sun-Worshipper slings the Stun-Net rifle over a shoulder and makes shoo'ing motions at those nearby, "T'ssssk! T'sk! Does she want to be missing a pretty face? Why would she mix chromadium wires with gold ignitionnnn coilsss? Did Hadrrrrrix teach you how to do this?" It is then Hapvarnna takes a knee, beckoning Fae Renta over, helm remaining on. "See this t'ing, yes?" A finger slides the seal off a wire, wrapping it around a negative, then another around a positive, a det-wire is stretched across the blast zone and sealed by hardened plates -- so the explosion goes in, not out. He moves slow, careful, stopping at each 'point' to show Fae. "O, Little Liiight, won't you Siiing for Us? Make the niiight, so bright..." Coo'ing at the device, the mechanized voice of Hapvarnna crackles through his helm.
[ Fae Renta (Fae) | 20:35:37 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Fae Renta blinks over to Hapvarnna when he approaches, a soft wrinkle touching the bridge of her nose at his chiding. "I can't see very well in the dark," Fae says with a shrug. And it's true. Perfect Hapan genetics means you're entirely nightblind. Still, it might be a little bit suspicious. Cavernous as it is, there is still the matter of her helmet's night vision settings. It's a helmet that's -hissing- as it repressurizes when it's twisted into place. She takes three steps back with the rest as Hapvarnna sets up the charges and removes the detonator switch from a small clip on her belt. When the Togruta scrambles back to join them, she turns to greet the others.
<"Remember. We're going hot. We hit them hard and fast before they've even got time to put their pants back on. Detonating in 3... 2..."> The 'one' isn't heard over comms as she depresses the switch. Just...
That wall violently shudders outwards as the pulse-pounder detonators do their work. Shards of duracrete rip through the walls and into unsuspecting members of One-Eye's gang. Screams are drowned out and the team advances forward. There's shouting and yelling and confusion in the room as seven of One-Eye's Elite guard attempt to run up the stairs towards one of the two satellite rooms on the periphery. Directly in front of the party is a deep, cavernous pit where mining waste was disposed of below. And atop that? One-Eye's prized gatling laser, currently unmanned but...
That's likely to change.
[ Teela Kloo (tk) | 20:44:55 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Teela takes a long step back away from the explosive charges and gives thumbs up that she's ready, then turns her helmet away when the wall is blown in by the detonation. She keeps her blaster on her hip as she moves, weaving through the debris, leaping over bits until she nears the side of one of the stairwells that leads up to the satellite area.
Up onto a tall rock, she jumps off and grabs hold of the railing and pulls herself up, then leaps again to grab the platform abvoe her. Once on the top level, she rolls beneath the railing and yanks her blaster from its holster to fire at a guard. Where this doesn't prove successful in hitting them, it looks pretty action packed.
Now ducking behind cover of whatever can give her a little cover. <<"Nobody said anything about a chain-blaster.">>
[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht) | 20:54:30 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
It's a good thing he was standing well back. When they are ready to blow, Hahtavi crouches down and turns away, opening his mouth to keep any over preassure from blowing out his ear drums. His helmet should shelter him against that but you never know if they put WAY TOO MUCH boom into it. Thankfully not.
Debris falls down and once the worst of it's past, rifle in hands, the Kora advances. Others pop through ahead of him. Haht's in no rush and moves cautiously, taking cover in among the rocks or whatever else he can find once he can see targets moving inside.
That laser cannon up there is eyed but there's a lot of firing errupting between him and it, and it's a fair distance to cross, so Haht dampens the instinct to try and jetpack up that way. Instead, he hunkers down behind cover and starts picking targets.
First one shot, then another from his Galaar arcs with red bolts to join many more in the cavern. Both shots hit causing serious harm to two of One Eye's people.
[ Zevin Daodhri (Zev) | 20:54:31 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
There's the countdown. He crouches down to brace against the wall as Fae counts off, after Hapvarnna assists with the bombs. His eyes are closed when the explosion blows the door and wall out into the guards, but he's immediately running for the opening right behind Teela. When she leaps to one tall rock, he hops to another, hopping again to reach the railing and hauling himself up quickly.
He lifts the Z6 off his hip, flipping its switch to extend and driving it forward in the same fluid movement, lunging towards one of the guards and driving the baton into that target's leg. He twists to slam the baton into another's torso. Though they both convulse a bit from the electricity, only the second goes down. His final swing goes wide.
[ Avery Ihala Kora (Avery) | 20:56:10 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Avery turns back from his shortened patrol just in time to see the reinforced duracrete buckle from the detonation, shards of the material flying into the room beyond, a cacophony of screams letting the crew know their work had started well.
It was 'go time' and the birthday boy Kora shifted the E-11 up to his shoulder and moved in behind the group. What was found was rather expected, injured folk fleeing for cover, a lair fit for a bad guy... but the chain gun... that wasn't in the plans. <"Kriff."> Avery states simply, glancing at the options present before he makes a quick decision.
A button on the thumb of his glove is depressed and the rockets on his pack flare to life sending the silver and blue Mandalorian up and toward the room where all the bad guys are headed. Fortunately, his trajectory sails true and Avery plants boots near to the fleeing guards. <"Leaving so soon?"> He quips, the carbine in his hands barking twice as two shots leap from the barrel and slam into the opposition. The two targets are fortunate that the blazing plasma doesn't kill them, though how fortunate they can truly be as they both now have fairly sizable holes punched through their skin.
[ Amal Jha (Amal) | 20:56:33 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Amal, lacking the ability to attack from distance, simply took the time to plan her attack. if, by attack, one meant trying to cross the distance at a run to try to get to one of the vantage points for the guards. And if by time, one meant while she was mid run. The weapon was still deactivated as she moved, the black on black of her suit helping to mask her form as she closed the distance. Slow and steady was not her usual modus operandi, but today, it would have to be.
[ Hapvarnna (firebug) | 21:01:07 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
When the wall explodes, Hapvarnna trades one rifle for another, humming to himself even as the armor is pelted by debris. They rush in. The Togruta however takes cover almost immediately, pausing only to do scans of the lighting and wiring. No luck in recognition - a bolt flares by him and there comes an, <"Ayiii!"> He ducks. Over those private comms Hapvarnna's voice flares to life: <"Take away The Prey's siiight; fire upon the light!">
[ Teela Kloo (tk) | 21:14:25 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Up on the platform, there's not a great amount of cover to hide behind, and there's still plenty of guards up here to make the whole situation incredibly problematic. Teela comes out of cover, but is immediately shot in the chest. It hits her in the armor, but scorches it and sends her shots going wild as she tumbles back down on her butt behind cover. <"Okay..."> Crawling backwards with her elbow pulling her and her feet scampering across the grates.
Her hand slaps at her breast plate to put out the small blaze on her cape and look to see how bad the damage actually is. Thankfully, it hadn't really gone through. It hit and severally dented the right plate... and also burned her cape.
[ Zevin Daodhri (Zev) | 21:22:06 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Zevin twists out of the way of the blaster bolt heading his direction, presenting a minimal profile and then going back on the attack, two more swings knocking down the elite guards who were already hurt, leaving them limp on the floor.
[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht) | 21:22:33 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
WHOMP! That laser chain-gun is sure rolling out the bolts! Shots going this way and that, trying to mow them down! Despite being behind cover as best he may, Hahtavi is hit in the left thigh a glancing blow. It deflects off of his newly added plate of beskar and richochets off into the wall! But not before leaving an intense if brief wash of HEAT into the muscle of his leg. Holy Manda! That could have taken his leg off!
Shifting to try and hunker down even further, a second shot WHOMP catches Hahtavi in the shoulder too! The force of it about knocks him down! Again that wash of HEAT and richochet off into the tunnel's mouth behind! <"OSIK! That thing packs a punch! Watch yourselves!">
Despite that, this Kora manages to move up, dodging from cover to cover and gets off one shot instead of two - into the sat room!
Mindful of that blasted laser, Haht does his best to try and get out of that line of fire, too busy to be aware of whether or not Hapvarrnna is right behind him or still under fire by the laser.
[ Avery Ihala Kora (Avery) | 21:24:13 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
As soon as he blasted two with his carbine return fire came, the shot narrowly missing his body and slamming into the rock wall far behind him. <"Close!"> Avery cries out, shifting his position slightly to bring the E-11 around on the one that dared attack. The unfortunate guard crumples to the floor as a red bolt ends their life.
Quickly, the Slicer changes targets and sends another heated attack at the last of the guard opposition. This fellow was a bit quicker than his other colleagues and manages to duck the shot, the wall behind his head displaying a new burst of carbon burn.
Outside the room the sound of the chain gun loosing its rage slowed to a stop, only the sound of cursing and return fire from the group left behind is broadcast through the speakers in his helmet. Avery does a quick glance around, making sure those with him are well enough, hoping those down below would be found the same.
[ Amal Jha (Amal) | 21:25:37 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Movement came at a cost as Amal came up on the guards who were trying to eliminate the group that was coming in like gangbusters. No cover was sacrificed for the ability to close on her targets. One of the guards managed to catch sight of the woman in her suit, either sight of her, or simply shadows moving where they should not be and a blaster bolt bit into Amal's side, lighting her ribs on fire. Pain, though, was only a little death, and Amal pushed forward, managing to keep her feet as the crimson wave of light exploding along the length of her whip as she charged into the guards closest to her, one falling before she could get to him, the second falling to her blade as she stabbed first, and then, as she pulled back the weapon, snapped the whip out to remove the guard's head with a tug and a yank of her shoulder.
[ Hapvarnna (firebug) | 21:29:43 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The Togruta watches as each person makes it into the other room, listening to their shots, he can SEE their prey. The weapons. Togrulocation brings the whole room into his brain through high-tuned senses, and even as Hapvarnna is sitting in cover he is smashed by the gatling-weapon: Thrust down against the floor by the force as the shining flames of his armor are blackened, and blood splatters.
He does not move, however, listening. Watching. There comes that mad, creeping cackle that bubbles up then, as the Dreadfinder takes his place behind cover again. Comms crackle: <"Ori'Hap will keep the eyes of the Boarrrr-Wolf! Ay! Ayyy!"> It is an absolutely horrible idea. But Hadrix isn't here to throw him into the room.
[ Teela Kloo (tk) | 21:43:43 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Today just isn't the day for shooting.
So it's becoming pretty clear it doesn't pay to be good at it.
Teela stays back behind cover rather than rushing off into the room where she'll get shot all the way to death and takes a few pot shots over the top. They do a lot of damage to the walls though! Art work left behind while everyone else leaves bodies.
[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht) | 21:48:12 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
There's another room to move up through before they have any hope of reaching 'One Eye' himself with his laser. Hahtavi takes a second to check his helmet's HUD for injury status of his team mates in case any of them need a medic. But so far, nobody's singing out that they need one.
So a deep breath and he starts to make a dash for the next room, firing off his jetpack to rocket over the obsticals in the way. Unforutunately it means Haht has no cover for a moment while he does so, an armored human missile with a rifle sticking out forward firing to clear a path ahead! Two fiery bolts - one of them hits.
An instant later his boots are hitting the ground and he's still looking for targets. <"Sing out if you get hurt bad or need us to cover each other to advance!">
[ Avery Ihala Kora (Avery) | 21:48:29 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
A couple of errant shots come flying down the hallway, the crew in the satellite room ducking and dodging to avoid being singed by the attacks. Almost as one, the group moves to the final objective before the big bag himself, Avery and Hahtavi both igniting their jet packs to soar toward the opposition.
As graceful as their flight may be, Hahtavi does it a mite better and ends up dropping one of the five they recklessly rocket toward. Both of Avery's shots go flying wide, slamming into the duracrete walls that surround his targets. <"Aim Avery... it's better if you aim."> the Slicer reprimands himself, fortunate that the deep frown that creases his lips is hidden inside his bucket.
[ Amal Jha (Amal) | 21:49:56 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Amal took a moment, in the midst of the blood and the fire, and the pain that was, as she had been told from childhood, was just another path to progress. With the first room cleared, and the second landing in sight, Amal leapt away from her point of departure, keeping low, the goggles allowing her to skirt what obstacles existed on the path to progress. A quick twist of her body avoided a blast of fire that was aimed in her direction as she made it to the second landing. It was now that she used every ounce of her momentum, as she charged full bore into the guards, choosing two who were close enough that her weapon would be most effective. The first strike drove the blade through the back of one of the guards, a kick of her foot clearing the weapon before she whipped around, extending the blade to send the plasma charged weapon through his throat.
[ Hapvarnna (firebug) | 21:55:32 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Another bolt slams into Hapvarnna's right arm. There comes a cry, "SAME ARM! AAAAGH!" The Togruta is thrust down on the ground by the impact, and surely, it is now one should run - yes? However, as the chain-gun overheats, the Dreadfinder lifts his rifle by that left arm and aims. The Prey will hear the report of a big bore rifle, and the explosion of duracrete nearby his body before the Togruta falls beneath cover and hisses as he moves through the reloading process. <"Ay! Ayyy! Ori'Hapvarrrrnaaaa is hard to kill, yeah? Yeeeees! Yourrr mother was a Hapan and your Papaaaa was a Hutt! I am, Dread Findaaaa, Doom Seeekeeerrr, Gun Breakerrrr!"> Bullet pulled off the bandolier, set into the barrel, action closed and the Togruta keeps calling up at the man cooling his armament. Because he'll absolutely shoot him again, in just a moment -- once Hapvarnna stops bleeding so much.
[ Fae Renta (Fae) | 21:57:58 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Fae pushes off the wall and runs to that collection of shipping crates to take cover as blasterfire erupts down that narrow hallway. Avery, Hahtavi and Amal begin to make short work of those remaining elite guards, and Fae peeks out the side of her cover long enough to sight one of the wounded trying to crawl away. <"Sorry, baby,"> she murmurs into her helmet and squeezes the trigger, sending that backwards-crawling mercenary onto her back in a heap. A second shot rings high over one of the remaining two guards, who are already beginning to retreat towards the final platform where One-Eye is beginning to rip at his mounted gun in an attempt to break it off of its bindings. He struggles and grits his teeth, digging his feet in and pullllllling, but the metal bindings won't let him tear it free.
<"Hapvarna, your arm!"> Fae says, and ushers for him to join them behind cover. She moves to both of the wounded hunters behind cover, though, lacking a medkit, she's unable to render on-field first aid. <"We're almost there."> Fae says, looking across the corridor to One-Eye as he continues to struggle to pull that mounted turret free.
[ Teela Kloo (tk) | 22:11:16 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Teela has had about enough of their shivak. Seriously, this has been a seriously series of seriously serious shortcomings that are seriously affecting her calm. Which is plenty hard to do because Teela doesn't come standard with ego. Actually limping throught he corridor with the blaster down at her side, she comes through the door and takes a shot right at Kleevik. And by right at what that actually means is she missed by so much he probably isn't even aware she shot at him.
... but now she's got his range...
Now she's ready.
She takes a deep breath and centers her chi. One eye closed behind her HUD, she tracks the waving target.
'Remember your training, help you it can.' 'That's not so bad, we use to shoot wamp rats in blaster canyon...' 'We have the death penality on 12 systems.'
She exhales slowly and pulls the trigger.
It misses... By a pretty good margin actually.
The guards turn on her and one of them blasts her right in the chest... It sends her flying back into the hallway clutching her chest where she'd previously been hit. Her durasteel helmet drops back with a klunk. <"I'm just going to sit the rest of this out."> Waving her blaster for everyone to run past her, nothing to see here.
[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht) | 22:16:57 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
It's a bit of Chaos is what it is! As he moves up and is finally in range to try a throw, Hahtavi pulls a grenade from his satchel, <"FRAG OUT!"> He pops up from behind cover and gives a throw ...
It's a beautiful throw. Too nice a throw really. The Hutsucker can just reach out and grab it if he wanted to. Instead, the grenade gets kicked - punted like a ball and bounces off and away...
To land in among One Eye's own guards! BOOM! That didn't go well for them.
Seeing Teela get hit and go down, the Kora drops back down, <"Teela!"> Hahtavi's suddenly more focused on her than One Eye.
[ Avery Ihala Kora (Avery) | 22:17:16 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
More return fire comes after flying past the cover, one pinging off Hahtavi's chest and burying itself in the wall nearby. The pair land, Avery lifting his carbine to open fire, Hahtavi pulling a grenade from his pouch. The explosive is flung, bounces, and is kicked back toward the group of them before it goes off. Avery turns to the side and twists his head, bracing for the explosion before it comes. Off goes the grenade, the brunt of it taken by his own guards, and the two drop leaving One-Eye all alone.
<"Not a smart move."> Avery remarks before he sends a bolt of plasma into the man's gut, the second screaming just a mite wide before it ends its life in the wall beyond.
[ Amal Jha (Amal) | 22:20:06 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
There was no way forward but through, and Amal, seeing that grenade take out two of the guards who had remained, well, that was to the good, for the bounty hunters, turned her attention to the leader of that merry band, hoping to manage to strike him down, or as close as one could manage, while he was still caught up in trying to pull the repeating blaster from its mounts. A run jump cleared the bodies in her path, as she struck out with the whip, managing to open up a line on the man's back, before the herculean jerk pushed his body just out of reach for his next strike. Being this close to a weapon of that caliber was, likely, not at all a good idea for the echani who wore no armor, but...that was the way. She would simply have to trust to her training.
[ Hapvarnna (firebug) | 22:23:06 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
As the Togruta sits beside Fae in cover, there is a sort of cackled wheezing. <"Oooo, ooo. Is just an arm, Yeeees? Maybe we will cut it off, hahaha, take Takka's, yeah? Haaaa. Rrrrheeeiiisaaa would be mad. So mad."> A pause, the helm turns to look at Far, <"Fae. We must never tell Rrrrheeeiiisa. She will kill him."> Laughter again, and a Cryoban is torn free from the bandolier to be hucked behind him waywardly. There is the POP-HISSSSSS of cryogenesis and the metal grating of the floor screams as it falls to -135F. But, the Prey is missed. As Teela goes down, so is it Hapvarnna calls out over the comm-links again: <"Ba'han! Eyes on the Prrrey!"> A hand grabs at his torn pauldron, and the Togruta hisses.
[ Fae Renta (Fae) | 22:25:52 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
One-Eye continues to rip at his mounted turret gun as a frag grenade is lobbed in his direction. "OOOROAHHH!" he yells and kicks it towards his own men. It explodes into chunks of hot metal and kills the remaining two guards immediately. The sounds One-Eye makes now are inhuman. More animal than whatever creature lies beneath that armor. Blaster fire and chain whips rip into him and he howls as every muscle fiber in his arms and legs tear. Another grenade, this one is kicked off the side and into the dark abyss below.
For one, beautiful moment, that dark is illuminated in a frosty blue. Like fireworks bursting over the shoreline of Chandrila, they lift into brilliance and then slowly fade into the dark below. Fae Renta levels two shots, one strikes and the other misses high just as he manages to tear his mounted turret away. He yells in pain as Amal slices an opening into his back and swivels around, squeezing down on the safety and holding the trigger as plasma starts to whine. He sprays a line of shots through the walls at the bounty hunters determined to bring him down.
Above him, sparks shower from a damaged electronic manifold, and several holes in his armor have appeared. Flesh, a mixture of green and red, oozes plasma and blood as he fires. He's begun to take slow, retreating steps as well. With his back to the open chasm below.
[ Teela Kloo (tk) | 22:40:37 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
This doesn't even make in gooking sense.
Teela peers up at Hahtavi in front of her, <"...Don't touch me..."> She's furious. Legitimately fuming mad. She rolls over on her stomach and pushes up from the ground with one hand and the barrel of her pistol, and there's obvious cauterized wounds in her chest where multiple blasters have hit the same target. It's seered through the durasteel and left blackened flesh beneath, but she'll be damned if she's going to let some jerk named One-Eye One-Up her.
Bleeting, she crawls one foot forward and pushes up, elbow against the wall to raise from the floor with her blaster dangling out of her hand. Several steps forward towards the landing where Kleevik is about to rain down death on them with his chaingun, she aims skyward rather than at him and takes a shot at a sparking electrical panel up above his head.
It hits the roof and ricochettes down harmlessly into one of the pair of exploded goons she'd tried her hardest to hit earlier. His body jerks where the red beam connects with what's left of his chest.
He is still dead.
Then she slides down to the ground. Feet just slipping out in front of her with her back up against the wall and a hand covering the hole in her armor. Not whining, not complaining, just laughing. Her helmet lays back against the wall as she lazily slides her blaster back into her holster. Even that misses. Twice... until she finally gets the barrel into the right position and pushes it home.
[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht) | 22:45:03 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Having moved over to block additional shots at Teela, Hahtavi spares her a quick look to see if she's seriously hurt. It's barely a glimpse - and before he can even decide, she's hissing not to touch her.
So, back to her and giving her a moment to get up, using his own body to block One Eye's shots at her until Teela's back on her feet, Hahtavi fires away with his Galaar.
The first shot nails the HuttHumper but the second one misses! Bolts flying back and forth, it all smells of tibianna, charred flesh, dead farts, and whatever else his helmet is thankfully helping to filter out.
Soon as Teela's moving to get a shot around him, this Kora steps a bit aside to give her room. Haht's not interferring if she's telling him to keep hands off. He keeps doing his part to try to take this son of a Rancor down!
The others are clearly doing their part too as Avery nails One Eye and then Amal, followed by the others chewing him up.
[ Avery Ihala Kora (Avery) | 22:45:19 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Things seem to be going well for the team, Kleevik's guards are down, the crew is still up and kicking though a few have decent injuries, and they're closing in for the kill. Of course, that's typically when things go wrong and this occasion is no exception....
Avery's wide eyes stare at the madman as he rips the chain gun off it's mount and angles the gun at the lot of them. There's not even time to react before the cackling madman sends shot after shot into the thick of them. Multiple of the group are hit and the silver Slicer isn't spared either. A shot flies wide while another bores a hole through his left leg, short circuiting the mechanical leg there and causing Avery to drop to a knee.
<"Son of a... I JUST HAD THAT FIXED!"> he cries, lifting his blaster to send red death back at the chain gun wielding psycho. One of his carbine shots hit, the other goes the way of the dodo and disappears into the beyond. Avery grunts and clutches at his destroyed artificial appendage, grumbling about how much it's going to cost to get it fixed THIS time.
[ Amal Jha (Amal) | 22:45:46 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Amal was in the line of fire. Of course she was. But, such was the particular detriment of a melee combatant attempting to fight someone who could attack at range. Another blast of the repeated hit her square in the chest, and nearly knocked her back. She only just kept her feet, flowing into the pain and managing, just, to come out of the other side. At the least, the black of her suit would fair better than the white of her usual attire. In battle, fashioned mattered. Until it didn't, as Amal ground ahead, slashing with her blade, the whip flexing like a living snake of plasma and metal, cutting deep. Once, twice, but not enough. Still, he was so close to the edge into oblivion. Surely it was time for the giant to fall.
[ Hapvarnna (firebug) | 22:50:04 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Hapvarnna listens. Feels. To others who only have five senses, the world must be chaos but for the Togruta -- he can see without seeing. They're all highlighted in cosmic waves; every motion stirring the air, and even with this heavy armor on -- the open slits allow the Togruta to feel. It is because of this he knows not just Where, but When to stand, reaching back to grab that net-rifle though the mechanical voice crackles to life as -- pure laughter. Jubilant and hysterical, even as his arm bleeds on the floor and hangs uselessly. The other points the electrified net-barrel at One-Eye, and the flame-painted warrior he had spent so long shooting at greets him with one word. <"SUUUUUN!"> Thwump. The net snap-fires out, and with it, an electrical nebula that has put Houk down.
[ Fae Renta (Fae) | 22:53:00 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
A line of red plasma rips through the bounty hunters, sparing nobody save Hahtavi and his fancy armor. Fae takes a hot chunk of plasma to the chest and staggers back with a yelp behind cover. It's hot in her core, and makes her reflexively pull at her torso armor, as if trying to pull it away. <"Haa... haahhh..."> she says, but grits her teeth and presses her back against that wall as her teammates start to lay into the man, still backing up towards the edge of the cliff. He cackles mercilessly as he fires, sparks shooting out overhead as the tips of his gatling laser burn hotter and hotter and hotter still. He roars triumphantly as he sees the Hapan fall, as well as the others hit, but those roars are cut short as he begins to get hammered by a volley of return fire.
His firing goes erratic, swiveling this way and that way. Shots ring out and rip open his armor, causing those roars of triumph to turn into howls of pain. And then gurgles of blood and sinew as plasma rushes through his diaphragm when Amal draws her chain-whip across him.
<"KEEP HAMMERING!"> Fae yells, and pulls herself up onto her feet just in time to watch Hapvarnna move, hunter as he is, towards his quarry. That stun net drapes over the massive creature and he squeals, the bubbling of fluids in his lungs and throat pitched high and shrill. Fae pulls her helmet off and slips the butt-stock of her E-11 out to tuck behind her armpit. Her mouth is wrinkled in disgust, and she levels the blaster at the netted prey and fires twice.
"HRRRLLLGLRL!" One-Eye screams as the first hits.
And then he doesn't say anything ever again. Just falls onto his belly with a colossal thud, steam rising from his corpse as the smell of scorched ozone and blood fills the air.
Fae falls onto her left knee and clutches her stomach, but is well enough to rise to her feet again.
<"Karking dog."> She says, and spits directly onto his face still frozen in the horror of defeat.
[ Teela Kloo (tk) | 23:01:27 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
With her blaster holstered, Teela rolls over and bodily pushes herself up off the grating of the platformed hallway. Ol' Evil Eye is down and she's wounded, so she's sliding across the wall back in the direction they'd come. It's really hard to get under her skin because she's a realist, but it's hard not to feel a little useless through this.
Self doubt is the mind killer
She's not so bad off that she can't walk, most of the damage is up top. So her legs aren't hurt, just chest and arm. Once she's out of the hallway, back in the first satellite room, she finds some place to sit and slides down onto it. Once her helmet is off, sweat slick bangs hanging over her face, she fishes a cigarro out of a picket and flicks it away when it's broken. Immediately pulling another out to lay between her lips. The torch is held in her hand, eyes looking at her wound, then she tilts her head and lights it with her left hand rather than her right... since it's hanging down at her side kind of awkwardly.
"Medic." after a drag is calming her nerves, she waves her fingers over her head at Hahtavi. "I'm better now." She isn't, but that's her problems to deal with on her own time. And off the clock.
[ Hahtavi Kora (Haht) | 23:05:34 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Things got a little hot there. Hahtavi got hit at least two more times in the chest or his left side and the shots pwanged off to richocet elsewhere. Thankfully not into his teammates. As he was so focused on shooting and trying to give Teela cover, he didn't even have time to notice.
When One Eye is finally down, Haht glances down and checks himself for injuries. He's breathing a bit hard, certain he'd been hit. <"Make /sure/ he's dead, Avery, Amal.">
Getting his own breath back a touch, there's another concerned look to Teela as she gets up and moves. Looking back to others, Hahtavi says, <"Sing out if you need a medic. I'll get anyone patched up best I can until we can get you to a proper doctor.">
First Teela because she's right there, then Hahtavi will move on down the line to help as he's able. His rifle is left to hang by his tactical rig.
[ Avery Ihala Kora (Avery) | 23:09:40 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
The final shots, nets, whips, attacks come from the crew and the One-eyed target croaks his last, falling upon the weapon that caused so much devastation at the end. Avery forces himself to stand on his one good leg, limping forward while sparks erupt from the hole in his Doomseeker's leg. <"You said it, Fae."> He remarks with a nod to Hahtavi's request. Avery places his blaster against the man's head and pulls the trigger sending a final shot through his skull to assure his expiration
Once done, he tilts his head at the strange symbol on One-Eye's armor, stooping down to rip that portion away. The Slicer turns the piece over in his hand as he struggles to stand, giving a shrug and showing it to Fae. <"Any thoughts?"> The pair can discuss it as they drag themselves from the area, helping the rest of the injured head toward the bikes.
[ Amal Jha (Amal) | 23:10:57 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
As the Houk finally fell, Amal fell as well. Still, but not silent, up, but not down, as she lowered the tip of her blade, the plasma fading and leaving the blade its normal pale, glistening length, "We should ensure that this is all of them, and destroy whatever weapons remain, so that no other thugs decide to treat this place like a wholesale munitions depot." Her voice was light, controlled, using only the barest breath necessary to form words. Amal frowned, as she watched Avery catching sight of something burned onto the breastplate of the Houk's armor and bending down to tug the plate free. "And someone kick that thing into the abyss where it belongs." Now that they had what they wanted.
Damage Report
Hahtavi Kora <[Kill] Galaar-15, Dreadfinder Armor>
<Healthy (100%), SP ( 0), WP ( 0), Con (85)>
Avery Ihala Ko <[Kill] E-11 Rifle, Doomseeker Armor>
<Injured ( 60%), SP ( 0), WP (32), Con (80)>
Teela Kloo <None, Doomseeker Armor>
<Injured ( 67%), SP ( 0), WP (25), Con (75)>
Amal Jha <[Sword] Electro Whip, Shadowsuit>
<Injured ( 31%), SP ( 0), WP (52), Con (75)>
Hapvarnna <None, Dreadfinder Armor>
<Injured ( 67%), SP ( 0), WP (27), Con (80)>
Fae Renta <[Kill] E-11 Rifle, Doomseeker Armor>
<Injured ( 63%), SP ( 0), WP (28), Con (75)>