Log:BHG: Corellian District Shakeup
Hunters start a war in the Corellian District
OOC Date: March 19, 2025
Location: The Pulse, Nar Shaddaa
Participants: Cin'cirad Rook, Grom, Zena Tane, Hadrix Kora, Prism, Kademir, Sumi Kora
Once upon a time, the Pulse had effective security, established ownership, and remained standing room only. It's not that those were the good days, but those were the old days. Ever since the club had changed ownership, few things had changed; though the need for security diminished because word was that the place was run by a Mandalorian.
As all things happen on the street, the rumor became myth, the myth a legend, and legends were always forgotten.
Tonight would serve as a history lesson.
Lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, and rain fell in sheets, pouring and offering poor visibility. Beneath the outside awning of the Blue Light, Sumi had assembled a very large group of Bounty Hunters. With it nearing 2 - 3 AM in the morning, few thugs were worried about anything other than what warmed their beds, and slumber.
<"Tonight, they will worry about more. I am sending out multiple teams to begin a long campaign for the Corellian District. For too long, these gangs have run unchecked,"> Sumi says. <"Bossk..."> She calls out, and the large Trandoshan hisses, glancing over her way with a toothy grin. The legendary hunter was covered in criss-crossing bandoliers of various gas projectiles which he used for his cannister rifle. <"I have you and your group beginning in the slums.">
"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssss, the Sssssscorekeeper hassssss horded thesssse pointsss long enough. Tonight? They belong to me. HUNTERSSSSSsss, with me.."
A large portion of the bounty hunters left, following the hulking Trandoshan, disappearing into the rain and darkness.
<"Those who remain are with me this night. Our target is the Pulse, recently appropriated from its original management. The manager has returned. Taking the club back will be easy, they all wear similar clothing, particularly this vest with their emblem on it."> Sumi holds up a vest showing the emblem to all. <"Subdue them if you can, or kill them if they intend to kill you. Those who live will face justice come morning. Those who die .. are dead. Can't do nothing for them, ha!">
What the fun unless you come with enough weapons? How many is enough? Meh.
Sira had a new repeated hooked up to a sling that hung down by her hip next to her usual slugthrowers. The knife, the gloves, etc, etc. And in her hands? That could be a Merr-Sonn GRS-1 Snare Gun! And by could be, I mean it is. It is absolutely a Snare Gun. She turns her head to look after Bossk as he left, then back toward Sumi. A little shake of her head.
<"Mop 'em up, drop 'em off. Anything else?"> She rotates the Snare gun a bit to the side to check the ammo count on it still, then back up to look at the Mandalorian woman who's giving the briefing. <"Anything to help clean this place up a bit, I think it could use some new management around here anyway...">
"Hurm," a gargantuan Houk in bulky armor rumbled in something approaching deep thought as the legendary Bosssk goes off on the hunt. When prompted for questions, "Grom wonders why it is that skinny little lizard man is so fond of the 'S' sound. Is it because he has no ears?" Notably, Grom also did not have ears. Using the backspike of massively pitted and battered vibroaxe to itch at the side of his jaw, Grom shrugged. "IT IS NO MATTER. GREAT shall be the number of puny foes subdued, and MIGHTY shall be their subdual! SO SPEAKS GROM." Holding the initial meeting so far out of earshot of the Pulse was looking smarter by the word.
Is Zena a bounty hunter? No. She's a smuggler by trade, running illicit goods hither and yon through the galaxy for hefty sums. Even so, she's a Mando. She likes to fight. She likes Sumi (and her cooking). She very much likes Sira. Thusly, she's here to help. Her massive rifle is slung onto her back, the rain sluicing down her armor.
<"I'm gonna post up across the way from the entrance. They're dumb enough to try and run, right?">
Also, she didn't really bring a small enough gun for fighting inside.
Well. Mostly bounty hunters.
At the very least, one among them didn't hunt. Didn't track. He enjoyed fighting, maybe more than anyone else in the area and if fighting paid well, then that was a teensy bonus to top it all off. Targets were identified and whatever expression regarding the mission parameters was hidden behind the visor of his helmet.
<"Understood... Property damage restrictions ss well, I assume?">
The big man was looking from one member of the strike team to the next with a slow cant of his helm to one side. The declaration of needing to keep as non lethal as possible wasn't his usual operating procedure. Covered in a wide variety of weapons that, by and large, were anything but non-lethal. Unlimbering s hefty length of durasteel that could have easily been mistaken for a baton at a glance. Always ready, it seemed, if anything could be said regarding Hadrix Kora, whatever the situation he seemed to have the right tool.
Prism was making sure she was completely hidden by cover nearby where Sira is. She is in her usual armor and making sure her new gun is set on stun instead of kill. Her mismatched eyes then look back up towards Sira, waiting for a signal before moving in or taking any other action for the time being.
Water runs down in sheets off the Dreadfinder armor, it drips raggedly from the old duelists cloak covering one of his shoulders. Kademir keeps his visor focused upon Sumi as she speaks and lays out the cause and plan.
That visor shifts slightly lower and then up again following the motion that is the vest and emblem being raised for all to see. Upon the Rules of Engagement so cleanly stated, Kademir comes to a choice. The helmet turns to look above his right shoulder. He forgoes the E-11 for a change, drawing the Bilari bringing the sword to life first, and then toggling it to a coiled new form crackling.
Sumi did not have the answer for GROM concerning Bosssk's preference for S's, but she could answer his preference for corrosive gases. <"GROM gets it. -- For the record, I'm not hung up on whether they die or not, so long as their occupation of my club has ended. Do what must be done!">
When Zena planned to set up a fall-back position to prevent them from running away, Sumi nodded her head with approval. Hadrix's question concerning property damage gets a chuckle. <"I suspect the interior needs some work. Rekk it up, just make sure the building still stands.">
Not hearing any other questions, Sumi steps out into the rain and readies her two weapons of choice. A baton extends to its full length with a loud SNAP, its electrified end unfolding to show serrated edges. Her other weapon was similar to the Headhunter's Kademir Taerok, a large sparking whip. <"MIGHTY GROM.. lead us inside.">
'Inside' was through a set of double doors at the entrance of the club. Currently guarded by 5 Swoop Grunts huddled beneath the awning, smoking and joking. Their swoop bikes (among near half a hundred others) occupied the alleyway to the right. The Swoops Grunts would be among the first to learn what wrath was tonight.
Sira looks up in the direction of Grom, he was quite a bit taller, and she lets out a chuckle. <"I like you. You are a lot of fun. Indeed, mighty shall be their subdual."> She tap-taps the toe of her boot on the ground and hops up and down a couple times to get the blood going as she glances in the direction of Zena.
<"Hey, just don't shoot the walking wall."> Her head jerks in the direction of Grom, since the Houk had even Hadrix beat in this case. The tilt of her head to the side as she glances in the direction of Hadrix as he talks, and then a glance to Prism. <"Stay moving, and call out if you get hit, alright? There's no word for hero in Mando'a after all."> A chuckle, the sound slightly distorted by the helmet's speaker. She turns her head, following along after Sumi. The GRS-1 tucked into an elbow as she finishes adjusting her gloves. <"Here we go, right?"> The words aid with a bit of a musical note.
And Sira breaks into a run as she heads for the street, pulling the rifle in tight she snaps off a shot with the snare rifle. The net catching hard on a pole and wrapping about it to make a 'New and Decorative Feature' for the Pulse's front door. <"Well that checks out.">
Lead them inside? "YES, the Mighty GROM shall do so!" the big dumb Houk declared with a proud tilt to his helmed head. Tromping across the street toward the occupied club, displaying the very finest of stealthy Houk approaches: "BEHOLD, puny little robot riding mammals: YOU FACE GROM. King of Fale! Conquereor of the Sky-Road! Champion of Nar Shaddaa! Defeater of the Tiny- BUT VERY POWERFUL- Wizard-King of Corellia!" Yeah, he may not know what stealth is. "For your sake, Grom has set his Mighty Axe to 'stun'." The first swoop brawler to take a swing at Grom was cleaved nearly in half with a shot of the axe, which does not appear to even have a stun setting. The extremely dead man was informed, "YOU ARE NOW SUBDUED." Another ganger shouted that his pal was dead, only to be thumped atop the head, crumbling unconscious to the pavement. "Grom very clear said STUN. YOU ARE NOW ALSO SUBDUED." Then it was thudding steps toward the door, so he could royally throw them open and declare, "GROM IS HERE."
Zena laughs, the sound modulated by her helmet. <"I won't,"> she says, stepping a bit closer and tapping her helmet against Sira's briefly. <"Won't shoot you, either,"> she adds before backing up. <"Jate'kara.">
She sinks back into the driving rain, firing up her jetpack. Or at least, she tries to. The thing sputters. "You've got to be rakking kidding me," she mutters, trying again. This time, it doesn't even fire.
It's not her day.
This is why, a moment later as the others start their quest of violence, Zena is prone in a puddle on the street level, her rifle aimed and ready to take the next available shot. "Gonna need a shower after this," she mutters. "Maybe two."
Prism offers a nod to Cira's words, moving to her next spot of cover before she shoots her stun bullets towards the grunts before ducking back behind the cover. She glances towards Sira than looks to take note of where everyone else is before waiting for her next movement.
When the go is called, the big man drops to a three point stance - targeting whip down and after a moments thought Hadrix is hurtling across the distance on jet thrusters. Moving like a guided missile for one of the door guards who has a moment to recognize what is happening before the Dashade's head lifts and its lamprey like mouth opens in a multi-ringed O of surprise.
Is it male? Is it female? You'd need to be familiar with the species to tell - but they all crunch the same when smashed between a duracrete wall and a person being jet propelled while wearing close to one hundred pounds of armor and equipment.
Jets cut, landing and turning towards the remaining guards, Al'Verde Kora pats the wrench in his hand, the non-human a crumpled heap on the sidewalk by his boots.
<"Limit collateral damage. Copy."> The tone out of the crackling vox is almost detached. The young Shistavanen Mandalorian Hunter is normally happy go lucky. Tonight? Tonight, he is The Wolf. It is his customary Guild-Face, however, he is also following some recent advice. Kademir watches as Cin'Cirad's net is less than aerodynamic. Next he observes Grom make short work of one, and then two of the grunts.
Kademir's visor darkens a little as Zena's jetpack has a sputtering malfunction. He will have time to sympathize later. He does not need to focus on Hadrix... Hadrix-ing. Flash of light and jet wash, and... splatter. Kademir does not have time to realize Prism is the next one taking someone down with a pair of well placed shots.
It is the Hunters turn to stride forward, using the whips length to not need to close so tightly, the first snap-crackled is overhead down to his left. Another step and the whip wraps around the hapless grunt and leaves them standing to twitch a moment before recalling the Bilari to coil at his side, snap-popping in the rain.
Sumi stays behind GROM using the /massive/ Houk as mobile cover for the moment. While the outside guard fell easy, taking the interior would be a different matter. GROM had come through the entrance heralding his arrival, and the swoop gang celebrated by presenting their weapons and opening fire on the front foyer. Twelve (12) members of the gang occupied the end of the foyer and blocked off the team's entrance into the larger club. With flashing lights, haze and smoke, and lasers mixed in with their.. shooting-lasers, it was disorienting.
Sumi calls out to the group behind GROM, <"CLOSE THE DISTANCE QUICK! DO NOT GET PINNED DOWN! -- MOVE!"> She steps out beside GROM after activating her own shield device and presents the shield ahead of her. The team had two options in the narrow space; get behind GROM or SUMI.
The group rushes forward, closing the distance quickly to get within melee range of the 12 at the end of the foyer. Unfortunately, Prism's approach was hindered by a discard piece of furniture that they trip over. They have limited cover, but either she has to make up the distance on their own to reach the rest of the group, or risk being a target to those that remain after the melee begins.
Sira tucks herself behind Sumi. One hand on her shoulder as they move forward behind the shield. <"Hey Zen. How's the view? We got any stragglers?"> A turn of her head to look toward the walking wall that is Grom, before looking back forward. Three... Two...
Sira steps to the side of the shield, her hand leaving Sumi's shoulder to hold up GRS-1 as it should be. Tucking it in tight, she squeezes off a shot toward one of the Grunts. The webbing and spray shoots forth, wrapping about the man and sending him shrieking to the ground as she turns, throwing the GRS-1 at one of the thugs. With a confused look, she sort of half grabs and drops it, right in time for Sira to close the distance. Her right arm coming up in a swift hook that catches him hard across the jaw.
"Wrong club to be in, di'kut!" She says to the Thug down reeling from the slug to his face. "Hey Grom! How goes the subduing?" She glances over briefly to catch a look, getting ready to finish squaring off this the thug she's fighting.
Met with a scattering of blasterfire as he bursts in the club doors, the Houk booms, "WHO DARES offer such a PUNY offering of blaster bolts to the MIGHTY GROM? FOOLS: your stinginess will be punished with MIGHTY SUBDUAL." He didn't appear to notice one of the shots striking his foot in the course of charging with his 'stun'axe. The effect of the blow was gruesome and extremely mortal. "YOU ARE SUBDUED. Congratulations. YOU-" his little yellow eyes seize on the next of the blaster-bearing thugs. "GROM SHALL SUBDUE YOU NEXT- No, STOP RUNNING AWAY." An indignant Houk looks back at Sira to lament, "TERRIBLE. They keep running away!"
Left muttering in the rain, Zena just lets go. This isn't the ideal perch. She doesn't have overwatch on the building. She's laying in a puddle, her multicolored armor blending with the neon lights of the Corellian district. Or maybe just looking like an oil slick on a puddle.
Her HUD pings and zooms in on a side door as one of the gangsters tries to slip out a side door with his girl. She hesitates a second, considering. She could shoot the swoop, but then he'd probably just come over here. So she just pulls the trigger.
The heavy -BLAT- of a single blaster bolt lancing out echoes though the street as the bolt of ionized gas takes the gangbanger in center mass, dropping him to the floor. Hopefully the girl just leaves and doesn't try for revenge.
<"Got one,"> she replies over comms. <"Tried to sneak out the side to his bike with his girl. He's not running anymore.">
A flick of the wrist sends the wrench in hand spinning so that he can catch it with the 'business' end of the two and a half foot mechanics tool is held up. Walking towards the mass of ne'er do wells with all intent of stealth abandoned and the heavy thud... thud... thud of beskar shod boots falls amongst the din of blaster fire and Houk Slaughter.
A wide back handed swing slams across the cheek of the first in range, sending them spinning with teeth flying as Hadrix clomps past, head lowering and the red glow behind his visor focusing on the next target that attempts to level their blaster point blank for a gut shot - the weighty tool smashing into their wrist with a wet snap and then an upward thrust into the soft spot behind their chin puts out the lights.
Still moving forward, a slow turn of the head towards one of the gangers and then the next - offering silent challenge.
Prism tries to run and finds herself landing flat on the floor as that same annoying chair catches on her baggy armor. She growls softly and is in the process of slipping her gun away for now and sliding on her metal knuckles, attempting to kick the chair away. When that fails, she rears back and punches off the leg that won't let her go before she gets up and rushes towards where the rush of the group is, readying to get froggy as she bounces on her toes with her hands up in a boxing stance.
Keep Moving! Kademir does not need to be told twice, he charges in after the two moving shield-walls, he just is not choosing to do it as fast as the others. Sira corrects her earlier net error, and knocks another one out. Grom... also Groms, and might have scared someone to death. Kademir keeps looking to stay on target. Zena performs admirable overwatch. Hadrix is a melee menace.
Focused as he is, Kademir doesn't exactly see who falls, just that they have stumbled twice. The vox-voice of Headhunter Kademir Taerok firmly instructs on the way by. <"Cover first! Attack later!"> He's reached the closest target left and strikes from low to high. Snapping the whip back hard the other way, he was overconfident. The warface briefly turns into a grimace as he decimates a whole row of Sumi's Chairs.
The Bounty Hunters Guildmaster Sumi Kora's Chairs.
The hunter group emerges from the foyer into the main dancing floor. It is a large interior with a central dancing floor and pair of bars. There's not much seating available, especially after Kade has leveled a row of chairs with a pass of his ELECTRO WHIP!
Unfortunately, the place makes for a good arena. A second level, the VIP and Office for the owner is occupied by 10 officers from the gang, and they have made it into a sniper's nest of sorts.
Below, on the dance floor where lights crisscross and smoke wafts out, a small army of Grunts and Thugs flip move for the bar or charge the hunters head on for a massive battle.
Outside, the side door opens again, and five thugs emerge to find their late brother dead and his old lady screaming at the sudden change in relationship status. They try to question her to see where the shots came from, but she's hysterical.
<"Are you sure they are running from you, Grom? Perhaps you are just hitting them so hard they are flying away from you."> Sira doesn't have much time to chat as she moves to the side, putting the Thug she's engaged with between her and the other gang members. Unfortunately, that also meant that she put herself in the perfect position for one of the gag members hopping over the bar. One of them catching her in the shoulder which makes her hiss with a bit of pain.
She casts a glance over toward Hadrix who just got done laying wait with a... wrench? <"Huh."> Sira slips a bit to the side, her hand coming up to block one of the punches. And just before the Thug she's fighting is about to throw a punch her hands come up, <"Woh! Wait-wait!"> The guy actually stutter stepping with an attempt to stop his punch - her hand grabs for his wrist, misses, but the movement brought her in close. The sizzle of the shock glove ramping up as she swings low and drives it into his stomach - holding him like she might hold a drunk person who's passed out.
<"Aww... You fell for it! How cute."> She settles him back down into a chair, looking up and around at the melee.
Grom turns his little yellow eyes up as the chaotic melee unfolds. The eyes widen and his wide mouth bares teeth in a dumb smile as he spots the gang bosses, and quickly recognizes, "WORTHY FOES." His massive feet shift weight back and forth in excitement (not even noticing as several thugs strike him with weapons that fail to pierce his armor) before the massive Houk strikes a majestic pose, and roars, "Now BEHOLD: King Grom... OF THE SKY." Rockets built into his boots hiss and smoke in spurts, never even starting to hoist the Houk's bulk up off the ground. The burn is less a powerful jet, and more of a struggling putter that is FAR exceeding its recommended load. After several anticlimactic seconds the rockets go dead. Grom looks confused for a moment, brandishing the axe overhead again, as if *willing* the rockets to work, but alas they do not. "Aw."
Sira's suggestion that he might be hitting the enemes so hard that they fly away from him earns Deep Thought. "Hurm.. Perhaps.. Grom's IMPOSSIBLE MIGHT is so great that Grom punches the air with such REGAL POWER that the AIR then strikes them and sends them flying.. YOU THERE-" he tests this new theory, throwing a heavy punch that falls well short of its mark. And yet, the foe still flees. "Perhaps you are right..." He tries again. Same result! "YES. GROM is so mighty EVEN THE AIR FLEES."
Zena rolls her shoulders a bit, waiting for the capacitor in her gun to spool. Five more goons pop out, and it's almost a reflex. She centers the target and pulls the trigger. Another red bolt BLATs through the Nar Shaddaa night, taking another ganger in center mass, sending him to a smoking heap next to his friend. "Kriff," she says to herself. Now they'll know where she is.
Zena scoops her rifle, wrapping her arms around it, and she rolls across the ground, splashing in the filthy rainwater, trying to get to a different vector as quickly as she can. Otherwise, she's going to get real overwhelmed, real fast.
Prism managed to miss the attacks against her, bobbing and weaving around but when she tries to attack back, she isn't able to land a punch, her feet bouncing her back towards some cover just in case. .
A blaster bolt taking him in the gut, the Massive Mandalorian stops in his tracks, turning to face the one of those that scored the hit - wrench tossed into the air to be caught in his left hand before his right dips, turning thumb down to grip the leather wrapped hilt of the blade at his side.
He approaches, drawing as if he were holding a tower shield - straight up and clearing as though he were seeking to avoid catching it on the non-existent bulwark and pointing it towards the shooter - the silvery metal known as Mandalorian Iron is revealed and in his advance he lunges at the last second when the ganger tries to smash the butt of their blaster across the Boar-Wolf's cheek guard. Wrench raised to deflect and then smashing down on their clavicle with a CRUNCH.
The point of the blade tenting cloth on the back of the swooper before withdrawn and he's moving again. Two more come, trying to crowd him in quick succession, flat of the blade re-directing the attack with a vibro-blade to send it skittering and sparking down the length. The big man's head moves forward, crushing against their jaw before the swooper is pushed back and the blade sweeps across their belly, the follow through arching up to cut a Rodian Smile through the cheeks the next, even as they're trying to get a hand on his shoulder pauldron, sending them to the ground howling and spitting lower teeth that had been cleaved through.
Hadrix keeps walking, now the blade pointed towards the ones who appear to be in charge.
<"It was that one's fault!"> Kademir references the chairs, and points to the unconscious falling goon as he moves beyond him. It is all fun and games until a blaster bolt almost kisses the temple of your helmet. The flurry of incoming fire has the right of way, and by some sheer miracle. Kademir successfully gave said right of way.
The Shistavanen is not tracking everyone else as much at this point, the blaster fire took priority over everything else for some reason. He is aware of targets and nothing else, and close and good ones keep FALLING. There's one quick burst of sound inside the helmet left untransmitted. Likely it is Kade cursing that his target was falling before the Bilari has a chance to do the deed. His backstroke lands firmly and wraps enough for him to tug another one down roughly into stunned sedation.
The chaos is telling. Despite a good showing of force, the hunter group has not been slain, and more and more of the swoop gangs are being killed or subdued. Several abandon the fight, choosing life, and finding exits at the side. They move for their swoop bikes to escape. Many are stubborn enough to stay and fight, but not all.
Even in the ViP section where Sumi has landed, the bosses begin to back off as the century old soldier uses the chain whip as incentive to keep their distance. She uses a practiced flurry, waving it in conjunction with her approach and stun baton. Even though she has not achieved much in killing the numbers of them, her whip wraps about the neck of one boss as they flee, and with a gentle pull, their head is removed.
The bosses are convinced to move down the stairs and into the main fight. Albeit most of their fighting force has now fled.
Sumi gives pursuit, but one of the bosses take aim and fire, catching her inner thigh and making her tumble down the steps in a pitiful mass. She goes down the first flight, hits the railing, then rolls down the second. When she hits the bottom, her jetpack sparks and she's wiped out belly first on the floor, slow to rise.
Sira helps settle the guy she knocked out down into the chair as she hears the thump-thump-thump-crash-thump-thump-crash... Thump-thump-kKzzzzt. Turning her head, she looks over to see... A Sumi. Currently laying on the ground and having, from the sound of it, just barreled her way down a couple flight of stairs in much the same way as Grom might take them going up. That being -
As loud as possible, with enough noise that even a blaster fight can't confuse it.
"You okay, Sumi?" Her head tilts a bit to the side as her hand reaches down to grab at the repeater in the harness. Pulling the weapon up and into the pocket of her shoulder. Smoothly dropping down behind the unconscious man as the bosses above start to fire down, one of them taking an interest in Sira. Of course, hidden behind his goon, she's not an easy target.
Is that because he cares about the goon?
Probably not.
But hey, body armor in a whole knew phrasing, right?
Grom is disrupted in his 'discovery' of his new mastery of AIR ITSELF, that it isn't until one of the bosses cuts him deep enough that blood begins to flow freely through the plates of his left arm that Grom notices he's still in a proper fight. "AH HA. Worthy Foe! You have struck the left GROM-ARM. The.. left Grarm? Hurm. NO MATTER. BEHOLD: you now face not only the Mighty Grom, but the might of my AIR MINIONS. STRIKE, AIR MINIONS." A swing of his axe falls well short, and this time the enemy doesn't flee. Grom appears puzzled. "You are not flying away. No. NO." Sira is informed with great woe, "THE AIR MINIONS HAVE BETRAYED GROM." A glum Grom looks back to the bold boss. "Now Grom will just need to kill you the NORMAL way." He kicks a broken leg of chair with one carbon scored boot, clearly miffed.
"Poodoo," Zena says, noticing that she's been spotted. She suddenly wishes she'd brought more than one gun with her today.A grenade from the launcher would be very, very nice right now.
A blaster bolt strikes a puddle she was just in, the water flash boiling from the ionized gas. She swears again.
Out of desperation to try and get them off of her, she fires from the hip. Well, from her back, holding the rifle against her armored chest and pulling the trigger, launching a bolt. It misses wildly, but it might make him think about his actions for a second!
<"Grom. Do you require bacta?">
Hadrix shifts when he sees blasters being trained on the littlest of their gatherum, bolts bouncing off his armor and forcing him to twist and jostle with the impact of them against the plates. Leaning into it and pushing forward a foot long mono-edged dagger is brought to bear on the big man, scraping sparks when it clashes against the vambrace on one arm, deflected away before they are pivoting to clear their way from the arc of the Mandalorian wars sword.
More blasts bouncing off of him, the wrench and his plates are used to deflect another flurry of blade strikes ending with Al'Verde Kora's cutting deep enough to scrape against ribs and even then slicing centimeters in and driving the figure to the floor. More blasters are raised and another blade locks up and so Haddles left comes up under their chin - no angle to strike but his hand moves to engage the flamer, spraying burning accelerant into the ganger's face and setting their hair aflame.
Prism manages to avoid getting hit by the boss thanks to Hadrix, offering a thankful nod to him before she hops over and and manages to catch the thug off guard and sock him right in his jaw but doesn't manage to hit him that sound time, hopping back as she tries to make it difficult for the thug to punch her back.
Sumi having a Bad Air Day is new and unusual to Kademir. He started to tense to try his own rocket-leap into the fray to cover, but others are closer and the bosses have been lured down from their VIP loftiness. There is no need to hurry at this point. Every one here with the Hunters group is doing their job in some form or fashion. Kademir needs to focus on his own, and prove he earned his place. The first crack does go high and wide over the bosses shoulder. Before the mocking laugh can begin, Kade yanks back and downward savagely to catch the boss around the neck to help with potential Forever Sleep. There is Sleep. Unknown if it is forever.
The numbers have thinned significantly, and outside, Zena may notice that additional bounty hunters have arrived to help with thinning out the fleeing swoop gang. Leading them is a thin Gand Findsman, Zuckuss, who is carrying a modified net launching rifle. He declares, <"FOUND YOU!"> before giving the motion for hunters laying in wait to open fire. It may have come to Zena's surprise that she had run to their friendly line and was effectively reinforced.
Zuckuss fires his rifle, the modified netting a razor sharp make that captures and carries a rider from their bike and pins them to the duracrete. As the net tightens, they scream in agony until the thin wires mince the target completely; it is an unpleasant sound. <"Kill them,"> the Findsman declares coldly, audibly sucking in the ammonia from his apparatus. He turns back and points, a fresh breath fueling his next words, <"Kill them all.">
Blaster fire erupts from the street as the hunters engage in open conflict in the rain. Zuckuss fires and misses, then cycles his rifle, ejecting a spent steaming cannister to only add another before waddling further down the street and wading into the chaos.
Inside, the numbers significantly wane. The music is still going, laser lights, smoke, but the fight has been narrowed down. Sumi was slow to rise, but thankfully was safeguarded by Commander Hadrix who killed the boss intending her harm whilst she was vulnerable. Up on her feet, she answers Commander Rook as Kademir transforms his target into a forever slumbering one, <"I felt that one,"> she grumbles, and limps toward fleeing grunts, waving her whip about to cut both down in brutal fashion. It cut through their bodies with ease, leaving a nasty mess to contend with later.
GROM was fighting a boss and Prism was in a slugging match with a thug. The Thuggin' Sluggin'.
Does Grom require bacta? "NO, Grom's regal backside is UNBLEMISHED. Grom will require ARMta once this final foe is SUBDUED." Belatedly, he adds, "And perhaps a small bit of LEFT TOEta." It is during that dim discussion that the boss lands another nasty cut to Grom's left arm. "AH YES, thank you for the reminder, Puny mammal.. King Grom had forgotten about you." One more whack of the vibroaxe- now that he knows the Air Minions are gone, the Houk actually swing far enough to connect- dropping the last boss dead on the spot. "YOU ARE SUBDUED."
<"Oh no, the Air Minions have betrayed you Grom?"> Sira asks with a bit of a chuckle. She is not sure if Grom is kidding or not as she slides back up to her feet as she keeps the repeater tucked in close to her shoulder. <"Wait..."> The barrel dips and she turns her head to look in Grom's direction, <"Air minions? Oh fark."> The words said with a bit of haste as she turns toward Grom more fully and pulls the repeater in tight to her shoulder.
<"You good there, big guy?"> Sira voicing a similar question as Hadrix has as she watches Grom - well - he Grom'ed the Boss. Sira moving between the upturned tables as she keeps clearing, turning toward the fight between Prism and the Thug. The lights flicker at just the right times, fowling up the first few shots. <"Oh you gotta be kidding me, for the love of..."> And moving up closer, angling the last shots at the downward angle, she shoots the Thug in the leg as her helmeted head turns to Prism. <"You good?">
Zena is preparing to get mobbed. There's no real way around it, they found her. She really needs to find some of those mythical shadow plates for her armor.
Then she receives some backup in the form of the most bloodthirsty person she has likely ever encountered.
Which is saying a lot, because she is a Mandalorian. A warrior born from a warrior people.
Instead, she climbs up out of the puddle, water dripping from her armor. Once again, she's thankful it's pressure sealed so she's at least warm and dry on the inside! She swings the massive sniper rifle up, locking it to her back. <"Pass,"> she says to Zuckuss. <"It's not sporting if they're caught in nets and can't fight back. You guys ... have your fun,"> she says to the Gand, turning her back on him and moving towards the door of the club to check out the carnage inside. And, you know, check on her pals.
Turning when the last of the bosses is put down, Hadrix's head cants at the different 'tas' referenced by Grom. But the lull inside is enough that he approaches the houk with the 'injector' from his kit drawn out and looks up at the towering form.
He could try to go for the neck.
The shoulder.
Hell he's wrapped in power armor... So the big man improvises, knowing enough about how those suits work to reach to pop a panel on the King of Fael's leg plate and just jam the injector in, to feed sweet... sweet bacta right in.
Prism finally stops her hopping and looks to Sira as she says, "Yeah. They didn't even touch me. I at least got his jaw really could, probably will bruise." As will her own shin where that chair decided to be a jerk and trip her.
Finally, his helmet seal is broken, and Kademir removes his helmet to shake some sweat off his brow quickly. "Oh Guildmaster?" Kade calls out to Sumi, though his lips twitch in a half smile because he used the title she keeps telling him not to use. "Sumi? we should spar some time." He rattles the whip in his grip as indication. "It'll be electrifying training." There's the lighter Kade again complete with unrepentant grin.
The Guildmaster is back up on her feet and less vulnerable. The definition of ability to take care of themselves. While grateful the Houk is fine, Kade makes a face under the safety of the helmet. Grom's backside, unblemished or otherwise was NOT a visual Kademir's overactive imagination really needed right now.
Sira finishes the last of the business it seems with a well-placed burst. Kade starts coiling his whip for further use, just in case. <<"Well done, Sniping One.">> is transmitted to Zena. Hadrix gets an upnod of visor right before the daring medical stabbing of Grom.
There is a pause in his looking at the scene in the entirety as he finally recognizes the one that tripped. There is a slow incline of his helmet to Prism for the job well done. <"You got up and continued."> Is stated in respect from the Hunter.
Finally, his helmet seal is broken, and Kademir removes his helmet to shake some sweat off his brow quickly. "Oh Guildmaster?" Kade calls out to Sumi, though his lips twitch in a half smile because he used the title she keeps telling him not to use. "Sumi... we should spar some time." He rattles the whip in his grip as indication. "It'll be electrifying training." There's the lighter Kade again complete with unrepentant grin.
Sumi watches the last of the thugs go down, limping her way to a messed up bar. As things begin to calm, and they are left to a club full of bodies, she sets out a series of drinks and pours one for all. GROM gets an ice bowl for a cup. Pulling her helmet off, she reveals that her nose and lip is bloody, or.. were bloody. Smirking, she holds up her glass. "Not bad.. now for the rest of the Corellian district." She takes the shot and slams the glass down. Looks like the Pulse would need to be remodeled!