Log:Antan's Revenge

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Antan's Revenge

OOC Date: July 17, 2022
Location: Azzameen Station, Omwat
Participants: Aldera Squadron: Bors Thul, Ulani Kalgaav, Zacara Saronno, and Ejnar Celchu Saber Squadron: Shemar Eisley

< Aldera 06 (Ejnar Celchu) >===========================================


An EAM (Emergency Action Message) From Republic Intelligence Officer Lieutenant Pyretta Blaze was received early in the day Katunda the 12th in the Month of Relona. The officer, stationed to maintain a shipping partnership that the Resistance had made with long time Allies in the Azzameen Family and to operate as a listening outpost for the nearby system of Sullust had reported a ship known to NR Intelligence to be an allied Vessel of the Invid Pirates and their pro-imperial War Lord Leonia Tavira. The ship is reported to have opened fire on the station, and used its craft to patrol and accost civilian transports seeking tax or tribute for their time in the system. As of current, they believe a boarding operation is being prepared for the station after a barrage from the Nebulon-B's Starwing compliment has left the Space Station disabled. Proprietor and former Rebel hero Aeron Azzameen has sent out a distress signal both personal to friends and public to any nearby who might help while Pyretta drummed up what units she could from New Republic Forces.


Upon arriving in the Omwat system, the main planet of Omwat sits ahead. Azzameen station however sits in orbit above the volcanic moon of Peraxi, a hellish and uninhabited world. The Lights are out in the station and currently a Squadron(12) of almost Tie Fighter like fighters fly around harassing escaping cargo and civilian craft, their wings more like 4 swooped claws. The Anton's revenge sits between Peraxii and Omwat, it's cannons bristling and hull clean and shined to Imperial Perfection.

Ejnar brings up his scopes as soon as he exits Hypersapce in his E-Wing, his droid an old R2 Unit helping him adjust. Eyes narrow in curiosity and confusion as he switches to visual scanning to confirm something... <<Those aren't TIEs...">>


< Aldera Leader (Bors Thul) >==========================================

<<"Aldera Lead, Squadron. Sound off and try to discern the nature of those... not TIEs">> Bors's partially scrambled voice over comms, E-Wing slowed to keep close to the others for the time being.

"I don't get these people." muttering to his cockpit PA, getting It's attention and a warbling inquiry tone, "They've been dead over thirty years is why. They folded into the Order now the Order is-" cut off by another set of twiddles and buzzes he is forced to check his screen for, "Yes I know the Order is our 'ally' now. Don't read into that one."

Another buzz comes and the silver and azure craft begins a long arc to try and get a recon view of what's to be found here, brow knit at the continued trills from the R2 unit, "Well they'll age out eventually." tapping a readout and looking to get visual on fellows flying if he can.


< Aldera 02 (Ulani Kalgaav) >==========================================

The distress signal pushed them into immediate action and Ulani was climbing up into Aldera Two before her flightsuit was fully zipped up. Firing on all cylinders, she follows her squadron to the point of call, stretching out of hyperspace and into the fray. <<"Aldera Two, clear of the lanes. Ready to engage on your mark.">> She reaches above her head to flick on her targetting system and a toggle to her side opens her s-foils in preparation for battle.

In the bucket behind her, Rinky Dink's dome is on a swivel; spinning this way and that with a happy whistle. "Yes, Rinky. I know how you detest atmospheric dogfighting. Now be silent a moment. I'm trying to scan." Which is to say: she's trying to think.

Scan, think. Think, scan. Crimson brows knit together under her flight helmet when what she can glean bounces back to her readout. <<"Clawcraft. Slower than TIEs but twice as slippery, Buhbors. Shielded. Twice as many cannons, as well. Nasty piece of work.">> Good news all around.


< Aldera 05 (Zacara Saronno) >=========================================

An alert pings and Zacara Saronno, Aldera 05 sits up in her seat, preparing to drop out of hyperspace. It pings four more times, counting down from five and she reaches forward to pull back on the hyperspace lever, dropping the RZ-2 A-Wing into the system with a flash! Engines flare to life and a gloved hand wraps around the flight stick while the other presses the throttle forward, the Alder-Espirion bringing the nimble fighter craft around to form up with the rest of her squadron. Having read over the briefing on the way here from Alderaan space, the red-skinned woman glances over her sensors to get a quick read on the immediate situation. <<"05 is in position,">> comes her voice over the squadron frequency, her tone eager and energetic while the A-Wing shadows the rest of the squadron in a defensive position aft of them.

She'd been training with the squadron for the last several weeks, though hadn't come to know many of them very well yet. Having flown for Valkyrie Squadron in the past, the pilot was comfortable with interceptors, but it had been a long time - years - since her last combat mission outside of a training excercise. Some would be nervous right now, but Zacara had always been a bit of a dare devil. And she had something to prove, mostly to herself. Unseen by the others here in her cockpit, a bracelet around her wrist that she had yet to remove serves as a personal reminder to her as to who she used to be, and the kind of person she wanted to be again. The Espirion presses her tongue between her lips, wiggling her brows in anticipation as she reaches for the comm switch with a finger. <<"05's in formation and ready! Don't know if those are TIEs or what, but they're shooting at civilians and that's not gonna fly.">>


< Saber 13 (Shemar Eisley) >===========================================

Saber 13 drops out of hyperspace and former Lieutenant Eisley scans his instruments as data begins scrolling over his T-85 X-wing's Heads Up Display. Behind Shemar his droid whistles softly as R3 verifies shield and engine performance status.

A few familiar IFF's start popping up, first Ejnar's E-wing he's flown with before. Shemar throttles up to start closing the distance and to form up off of Ejnar's portside. <<"Saber 13 copies.">> Indeed, Eisley's never seen any ships quite like /that/ before. He takes a moment to zoom in his optics without using active scan just yet. With last minute checks, Shemar opens his ship's S-foils into attack position and awaits further orders from their flight lead, listening also as Bors speaks over their shared coms, while Shemars instruments continue gathering what data they may.


< Aldera 06 (Ejnar Celchu) >===========================================

Five Tee beeps and whirs at Ejnar, grabbing his eyes attention towards his screen. "Incoming Call?" He reaches forwards and flips a switch. The holo of a attractive blong woman appears before him. "Who the hell are you?" Pyretta Blaze asks impatiently. Ejnar blinks, not sure what to say other thank. "Lieutenant Jay Gee, Ejnar Celchu of Aldera Squad ma'am We're here to resc..."

"I don't have time for that... patch me through to your comms..." Pyretta Orders, Ejnar following suit. <<"Lead, Aldera Six here... the intel asset is on the horn.">> Pyretta's voice cuts through as 5T patches her into the shared comm channel. <<"Aldera Leader, Lieutenant Blaze here. Listen, I've got it on good authority they want to capture this station. We were stuck on the bottom levels when they hit us with a StarWing strike before the Frigate jumped in with the... whatever those things are. Keep them busy while we get to our ships in the hanger and can help you out. We got some firepower there.">>

As the Clawcraft pick up the incoming fighters on sensors, they stop harassing the civilians and head towards the flight of snub fighters. Meanwhile the Nebulon B hangs in the distance, watching imposingly.


< Aldera Leader (Bors Thul) >==========================================

<<"Clawcraft, are we dealing with Chiss?">> and then this new voice coming in, barking orders at him. Brow raised, the Lord Thul taps at another readout and adjusts his angle, <<"Aldera Lead, Blaze. Copy you. Providing cover.">> a glance to IFF reads, <<"Saber 13, feel like joining the wing for a little ruckuss?">>

Bors's eyes go to the sensor reads, mouth pulling into a hard frown, keeping his canopy oriented while he maintains his arch. Looking to the fighters and the bigger frigate in position, <<"We're going to need to plow through those claws and make a hole for craft with torpedoes can get lock and bombard. I don't think we've any conventional bombers otherwise.">>

Bors you have torpedoes in this craft.

"Oh hey. We have torpedoes, It." the revelation drawing a concerned whistle from the droid. The E-Wing's thrust suddenly shifts and the nimble interceptor goes to do precisely that. "It, put some of the auxiliary into the cannons, may need to chew through shields." angling directly on course for the craft at the head of their pack and a second before a lead lock can be reported he squeezes.

Heavy cannon rounds stab at shields, the trick of the mind suggesting they were being 'pushed' in until the deflectors drop and the barrage melts durasteel and blows the cockpit out the back of the craft before it is torn apart by engine failure and detonation.

<<"Aldera Lead, Squad. Splash one.">>


< Aldera 02 (Ulani Kalgaav) >==========================================

Rinky Dink whistles a query to which Ulani can only shake her head. "I haven't the foggiest. Never seen their kind before. Preliminary scan is all I am able to accomplish in such a short window. Maybe afterwards I can do some research and... ah! Here we go!" The chatter stops and Aldera Two's thrusts ignite to burn bright and full. Propelling forward, she follows the rest of the gathered squadron into the fray with nary a thought.

Thoughts can come later.

The enemy leader is already a ball of exploding when Ulani arrives to the battlefront. Damn speedy A-wings. <<"I'll take on the second-in-command.">> She says, already peppering the shields of Zerek Two and pounding their shields down to half.


< Aldera 05 (Zacara Saronno) >=========================================

Zacara keys for targetting computers while the flight speeds forward on an intercept trajectory. Being the interceptor, 05's goal is to protect the civilian transports being fired on by this 'Zerek' squadron. She dials in for a target on their leader, her thinking being to lead him away from his wing pilots, but her own leader handles that problem rather explosively. Instead, the A-Wing forms up with Aldera 02, bringing her speed down a smidge to match speeds with 02's X-Wing. <<"I'm with you, 02,">> comes Zacara's transmission as she works in unison with her XO to take down the second priority target. The A-Wing's laser canons pulse to life, firing at Zerek 2, aiming at its shield emitter. One of the shots hits, the crimson laser blast flashing Zerek 2's rear shields, its shields beginning to fade as they near a critical power surge. Inside the cockpit, she glances down at her sensors, focusing on keeping level with Aldera 02.


< Saber 13 (Shemar Eisley) >===========================================

Shemar listens to the unfamiliar voice over their coms when this woman speaks to them, giving them orders. He arches a brow but he'll take Bors' and Ejnar's lead on this one, whatever they decide. Then he grins and toggles his own coms, <<"You bet, Aldera Leader. Be my pleasure, over.">> The dark skinned Tattooine native flashes white teeth behind his old Black Squadron flightsuit's helmet's visor and then he adds to himself, <"Just like old times.">

The 'squadron' throttles up and Eisley in Saber 13 stays in formation right along with them as they head in towards the station at speed, weapons hot. He hears Bors' further orders, <<"Saber 13 copies.">>

Their various craft split off or work in pairs as they begin to engage. Bolts of light flash from the ships as they race to intercept. Shemar selects a target and fires away at the Clawship, all three of his lasers scoring hits and nearly obliterating it's shields right away.


< Aldera 06 (Ejnar Celchu) >===========================================

Ejnar was still more than just a little confused, or perhaps it was just the butterflies in his stomach he felt from the rather bossy yet beautiful woman who was just on his holo emitter. It was something because as the Merge came, he missed a shot at one of the nimble Chiss made craft. He attempted to come about, pulling hard and fast but ended up in the sights of Zerek fours wingman. The green spewed from the craft two bolts slamming into his shields. "Five Tee!" The droid Squealed working right away on the shields. Others were of course having better luck than him. It was nothing new recently.


< Aldera Leader (Bors Thul) >==========================================

Weaving through a fusillade of return fire, Aldera Leader is twisting and spiraling through the thick of the furball. Shields flaring when proximity ranges a little too close and It wailing their fate and their curses on Bors's fallible fleshy form.

"No. We're fine. See?" An angry BRZZRT is the response that we cannot broadcast here due to our younger viewers present. Heaving over on his stick and attempting to get a bead on the claws chasing after Aldera two and squeezing the firing stud in a quick burst, <<"Two I have you six.">> another burst that the foeman slips under and even giving the E-Wing a little wing-waggle in mockery that lifts both of Bors's eyebrows. "Rude..."

A third shot from Aldera lead, evaded with a quick corkscrew roll and the Alderaanian pilot looks off to the side, for a moment, as if to narrow his eyes at someone viewing him remotely.


< Aldera 02 (Ulani Kalgaav) >==========================================

Right into the thick of things, Ulani gets the attention not just of Zerek Two but also of three of their comrades. Suppose that's to be expected when their leader immediately blows up and someone else is going after their contigency plan. <<"Taking evasive maneuvers!">> And indeed she does: a near-literal space ballet the sends her X-wing dipping and pirouetting under one enemy craft, between two more. Bobbing and weaving between lines of cannon fire.

She's doing pretty good! Until she isn't. The fourth -- Zerek Two -- gets such a deep read on her, Ulani feels almost violated. A multi-cannon shot that nearly explodes her shields and lights her cockpit up in red.

<<"Appreciated, Leader! Five! It's too many on my dance list this night!">>

"Rinky!" TZZZT WHOO! Forgoing some thrust, power surges to the shields and boosts them back up to half. "Thank you!"


< Aldera 05 (Zacara Saronno) >=========================================

A-Wing pilots love to maneuver, and that's what Zacara does while trailing Aldera 02 close and just rear on her starboard side. But when the X-Wing begins evasive maneuvers, it's safer for Aldera 05 to give the other room to work, which she does, throttling down to create some distance between the two, before slamming the throttle forward to full speed and accelerating through a winding sphere of fighters. She pulls the A-Wing backward in a crescent shape, levelling out just beside Aldera 02 - rear and starboard like before - joining the other to fire back at Zerek 2 seemingly in-unison, as well as throttling down to match speeds once again. <<"Not sure I like this one,">> comes a light growl from the A-Wing as her shots shoot low, the Chiss craft having flown out of the laserfire's path with plenty of time to spare. It wasn't even a close miss.


< Saber 13 (Shemar Eisley) >===========================================

Oh boy! They split and roll this way and that, firing away or juking to keep from being fired upon. Shemar is focused and frosty, and he sticks to Zerek 3 from the get go, mindful of keeping his head on a swival incase he picks up a bogie on his tail himself. He's aware of others diving in or across, also firing upon the same bogie he's chosen to chase. Eisley is prepared to break off and let them have it, to break clear and not get into a tight furball that might clip wings or verge on friendly fire... but then the others don't manage to nail his Bogie after all.

Eisley suddenly has tone, his diligence rewarded. His gloved thumbs depress the firing studs on his lasers and he manages to finish off his target!

<<"Flight, Saber13 - I got him.">> Finally, he can take a breath and break to starboard, rolling around to seek another target. A quick assessment of how the situation is evolving around him, his fellow pilots, the station, the capitol ship... Eisley's never flown against Chiss fighters before.


< Aldera 06 (Ejnar Celchu) >===========================================

Ejnar was not having much luck in the offensive department. Neither was he having any luck much in the defensive. His shields were creeping up, rounding half as he throttled forward and tried to use the E-Wing speed to the advantage of the Clawcraft. However, they were nimble even if slower thank anything they might have been based on. He kicks the rudder and attempts to strafe a passing Clawcraft only for it to turn and fire back at him. He pushes his nose down and avoids the barrage of green energy. <<"Aldara 06 to, Blaze... Are you there yet?">>

There's a long silence before static and a response, Pyretta sounds out of breath, <<"We're almost there... had to use the... maintenance tubes.">>


< Aldera Leader (Bors Thul) >==========================================

<<"Watch the cross-fire zones, call for help and worry about cleaning off your wings' six so they can clean yours.>>" head turning one way, then the other to link visuals to his sensor reads. Not relying on instruments being one hundred percent accurate to what is live around him. More screaming comes from the little droid behind him that wails when he stomps on the ethereal rudder panel and cuts engine thrust to spin on inertial movement before reengaging engines to shoot off at a ninety degree angle. If Poe were here he'd be talking about how they only had one chance at this.

And as if to make his point abundantly clear to himself Bors is moving on instinct. A wildly shifting check-board pattern woven around him that twists and skews like a light-show machine with a drink poured into it. "It, we're going to need shield power in a moment!" prophetic, when sections of the shields begin going opaque, <<"Got your six, Mamma's Boy.">> cannons lighting when Bors allows further damage to deflector integrity; there was a chance to assist Oh-Six. No time, like risking horrible exploding death, to do it, after all.

Cannon fire grinding away Claw craft shields before deforming superstructure and igniting the weapon capacitors into a staccato quartet of explosions that hurl shrapnel in all directions, <<"Squad, sound off. Nugget, how're you doing over there?">>


< Aldera 02 (Ulani Kalgaav) >==========================================

With much of the heat being drawn off of her by the grace of her comrades, Ulani can better focus on flying. Zerek Two gets in her sights and the instinct to erase a threat from the field takes over. It's all without thought: a tunnelvision of what must be done. In her wake is the fiery remnats of what had been Zerek Two as Aldera Two tilts on it's right wing and hairpin turns back around.

<<"Aldera Two, splash one.">> As simple as that, really.


< Aldera 05 (Zacara Saronno) >=========================================

<<"05 is on a Blue,">> comes Zacara's response to the sound off order. She'd apparently decided to nickname the Chiss crafts Blues. Pilots are like that. Having kept pace with Aldera 02, it's clear that Lead has her covered, and by the way 02 cleared the Blue, she's capable of covering herself as well. As a 'Blue' crosses diagonally in front of the pair, the A-Wing breaks off, accelerating to full in pursuit. It's not always smart to go after an easy target that's right in front of you, but some pilots can't keep up their awareness in a dogfight, and Zacara's pretty sure she'd just identified one.

The A-Wing levels out behind the Blue, Zerek 4, opening fire on it with yellow eyes squinted in concentration. Her lips curl in to a smirk inside her cockpit, gloved hand relaxed around the flight stick as though the flying were second nature to her. Having dodged all the laser fire and pulled the fancy crescent-maneuver before, she's getting what she wanted out of this fight if the grin is any indication.


< Saber 13 (Shemar Eisley) >===========================================

He's got tone and fires away! One of the two Clawcraft trying to nail Bors gets hit with all three lasers from a T-95 X-wing as Shemar pulls in on an inside pursuit curve. And while Saber 13 doesn't destroy it, Eisley makes his presence known to the Chiss ship!

<<"You know I hate that callsign, right? Saber 13 is doing just fine cleaning an admiror off your Six, Buhbors.">> A quick glance at his own status before Eisley adds, <<"Nobody's touched me yet. Shields and hull at 100 percent.">> Now Shemar's said that, he's probably jinxed himself.


< Aldera 06 (Ejnar Celchu) >===========================================

Even though it was taking a bit of time for the Intelligence Operative to get to their ships in the Hanger, Ejnar was feeling a bit boosted in moral as his Squadmates started to get kills and left the enemy with nothing. Despite the Alien look craft and how jaggedly smooth and agile they were... They had managed to kill at least four of them in a matter of a few passes.

Ejnar maneuvers in for another strike, but his scarlet heavy bolts ffind nothing but the black and the Clawcraft swiftly dodges. Ejnar grumbles as his ship rocks, his shields taking yet another hit. "I don't think I've been this annoyed since... the last squadron outing!" 5T whistles...

Computer alarms on alll craft go off then, indicating that the Anton's Revenge was turning and activly seeking a missle lock on the station. <<"Uh... that's not good...">>


< Aldera Leader (Bors Thul) >==========================================

<<"Oh, Nugget. Don't be such a downer.">> chuckle in his voice and a wave in Aldera Lead's wings in thanks for the clearing of one of the fighters tailing after. Enough to break the others away, <<"Blaze, that aid spoken of would sure be spectacular - we're loading protons for the most part, but yonder frigate can withstand several volleys if thee lack bomber craft... and comms are about to be out. Five, engage jammers.">>

Buy them some time. Comms will be out. Sensors will be out. If sensors are out then ordinance locks can't be attained.

A moment later he hair-pinned to get around his fellow E-wing's flank to espy Zerek 4 daring to strike at Celchu and his targeting brackets went green, <<"Mamma's boy, got your back.">> looking over his shoulder to where the A-Wing was and hoping she was listening. It was going to be unpleasant mixing between fighters and that frigate. <<"All wings, be ready to dumbfire munitions at that damnedable thing">> LANGUAGE BORS <<"if push comes to shove...">>

Cannons fire erupts and small glowing blossoms appear on the claw fighter's hull, wider and taller with each new member of the garden that precedes the detonation of the enemy fighter, <<"Aldera Lead, Splash three.">>


< Aldera 02 (Ulani Kalgaav) >==========================================

The enemy crafts are popping one by one, but the field is still hectic. Friend and foe are interspliced in a buzzing hive of metal wings and cannon fire. Some people live for this kind of thing. For Ulani, it is a duty. She's not a natural-born pilot. It's taken a lot of work just to get this far. So the tension and the chaos does still gve to her. Thankfully she's learned to turn her comms off for most of that.

Plus her droid, for all his protests of being taken on all these missions, does offer some whistles of encouragement. Namely that the shields are almost up to full. "That's the wonders of auxilary power, mmm? Thank you, Rinky."

She notes the lock in progress and frowns. <<"I hope this crew will be joining us very soon.">> As she pecks away at another fighter's shields.


< Aldera 05 (Zacara Saronno) >=========================================

Jamming as a concept is something Zacara's always been trained on, but was usually illegal to use in her Valkyrie Squadron days. But tonight, not only is it legal, but it's a command. With eagerness, a gloved hand reaches across the flight console, flight stick in the other, holding the ship steady, and Zacara Saronno twists a dial, keying the toggle for sensors jamming. <<"Aldera 05 copies,">> she says, <<"Engaging jamm--">> the transmission cuts as the jammers are transmitted system-wide. The A-Wing's canopy light dims slightly, but picks back up to full strength as the power compensators kick to life, holding the jamming signal steady for as long as they can. Knowing she's about to be priority target number one, Aldera 05 holds full throttle, weaving in a cylone-shape maneuver to fly straight, but constantly in a roll, to make visual target acquisition not just difficult, but annoying.

A-Wing pilots usually have a screw or two loose.


< Saber 13 (Shemar Eisley) >===========================================

Still on Zerek 5, Shemar sticks close as a tick up a womprat's arse! That darned Chiss Clawcraft just can't shake this Tatooine flyboi. He gets his targeting reticle in line and fires away, nailing that enemy craft and obliterating it. Shemar peels off to head after Zerek 7 next, unless Bors should lead them in for a torpedo run before he gets at that other Chiss.

There's a laugh over coms after Bors' comment, <<"Way I'm shoot'n today? I'm am Upper! Splash another one!">> A quick pause as he listens to what's going on over the comms, <<"Saber 13 copies on loosing coms and sensors. Ready for torpedo run on your lead, over.">> /If/ they are doing a torpedo run. Shemar will have to stay frosty, wait and see.

Meanwhile behind him, R3 is taking a nap, unneeded. No wait, the droid is monitoring and keeping things in Saber 13 fine tuned. Not much else for Shemar's droid to do on this flight - but that could change fast.

Zacara's on it and Shemar's coms are cut off, his sensors fritzing. Oh fun.


< Aldera 06 (Ejnar Celchu) >===========================================

Ejnar continues to chase down one of the Clawcraft, having a hell of a time with it. His shots go way wide. Thankful his Squadmates watch his back and 5T is quick on the repairs.

As The Clawcrafft Squad starts to dwindle though, their moral clearly at an all time low. It becomes a even worse situation for them as three ships blast out of the Stations hanger. One Firespray, one old YT 1300 with a couple Quad turrets, and a well kept YT-2000. Each open fire, ripping into what's left of the squadron and sendinng Zerek 6 running back to the Revenge with heavy hull damage. The other crafft take that que, turning to run as well, at least one more taking a hit from the incomming fire of new ships.

Comms were still down and so were sensors so there was no communicating with the new craft or identifying them.


< Aldera Leader (Bors Thul) >==========================================

One fighter left on the retreat, a pair of freighters come out to join the ruckus. People may question this supposed ruckus. But there was, indeed, a ruckus going on. No one can talk to anyone. But it should be obvious what Aldera Leader's plan is when the E-Wing banks after the retreating fighter, though that doesn't seem to be the target.

A pair of sky blue spheres launch from under the nose of the fighter and streak past Zerek Six, a miss?! A MISS!?


It's no glorious start to a rolling fireball consuming the much larger capital ship. But it is two very solid strikes on the shield, sending heat lightning like affects across the surface of the Revenge's shields. A solidifying of color against the backdrop of the torpedo detonations.

Within his cockpit, hand-gesture diplomacy is offered to the aggressors, from Bors.


< Aldera 02 (Ulani Kalgaav) >==========================================

A lock was effectively interrupted, drawing a sigh of relief from Ulani. "Well done, Zaza! Wonderful---" WHISTLEBEEP. "Oh... oh, right." Comms are jammed, Ulani. Duh. "I'll relay the sentiments later." She notices that Bors is leading them to barrage the enemies as they retreat. That she can very much do!

Switching her weaponry, Ulani shifts to torpedoes and frowns. "Mmmm... don't think I've ever fired these before." Aldera Two bucks to the side to clear from her friends -- just in case -- and tries to get a line on the fleeing frigate. Twin torps take a nice, long trip into space, well past the target, and into the frictionless unknown. Maybe they'll hit an asteroid some day.


< Aldera 05 (Zacara Saronno) >=========================================

Coming out of her controlled cyclone-spin, Aldera 05 aims her ship a few degrees to port, making a lateral cross in front of the rest of her flight - dumb, crossing through lines of fire - bringing her ship perfectly level to their portside to blind fire a pair of concussion missiles forward. The missiles zip between a pair of Blues, looking like a miss, but streak across the Omwat system on an intercept toward the Nebulon. One flew a little fast, flying off course by a degree or two, but the second finds its target, flashing the frigate's shields where the missile hit. She decelerates slightly to pace beside Aldera Lead, maintaining his course, orientation and speed while the space station evacuates behind them. Yellow eyes drop to her console where the signal jammer signal begins to weaken, sensors and comms slowly beginning to find their signals once again. A grin and a thumbs up are offered across to Aldera Lead, if he's able to see her, and Zacara looks ahead, ready to react to a counter attack of some kind.


< Aldera 06 (Ejnar Celchu) >===========================================

There was one last order from the Squadron Leader before comms went out, and Ejnar wasn't about to ignore it. He could see the other craft turning about and doing the same thing he was doing. With a flick of the thumb he switches to Torpedoes. Links them. Then with some very careful nudging of his throttle he lets loose a pair off pinkish blue proton torpedo's. They fly straight and true, smacking violently into the shields of the Nebulon B Frigate. The Anton's revenge was already turning tale, barely having time to pick up it's last remaining clawcraft before jumping to hyper space. The Omwat System was clear once more and the relative safety of Azzameen Station now in question. Aeron was not happy and something had to be done about it. The Lights to Azzameen come back on a few moments later and of course everyone was invited back to the station to celebrate.

To Be Continued.
