Log:A Tiny Hope: Epilogue

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A Tiny Hope: Epilogue

OOC Date: March 24, 2025
Location: Tempes
Participants: Finn, Yuun, Saga Kae and Vega

[ Vega (Ve)]

Darth Hadius, known as Saga Kae, twin brother to Vega Kae, was in the custody of the Jedi and being held on Tempes. Why Tempes?

Because Saga knew the location already and he'd never told the Sith Order about it. He had MANY years to do so. Apparently his grudge was just with his sister. He had asked for the meeting with the Knights and Masters. And he'd asked that his sister be in attendance. The guards had brought him to the top of the waterfalls that gave a picturesque view.

"I will admit that I am a bit disappointed that no one has tried to murder me." the Echani stated as he stood with his hands chained in front of him.

[ Finn (Fn)]

"I would get used to that disappointment. No one here wants to take your life."

These are the words of Master Finn. He stands nearby, in his robes, barely looking in the direction of Saga Kae, as there are other things to look at such as the falling water that supplies this location with its spectacular view.

Finn's tone is calm and even, as he often tries to keep it when he's dealing with Council business. He's a Jedi Master, after all. He always wants to act like it. Maybe even more than he should.

[ Yuun (Yun)]

With everything that is going on, Yuun was able to make it here to help decide in what they will do with Saga. He didn't like this, but his pure hatred over his sister was something that needed to be dealt with as well as the threat to the Jedi he can be. It has been some time since Yuun has been back on Tempes, which to be honest he's enjoyed being on Tempes, which to him he finds he needs to rectify a few things.

Having arrived at the waterfalls, he hears Saga and he shakes his head. "Why would we try to murder you?" he asks. "If you know about the Jedi, you know that isn't something we would do to you Saga." he says calmly to him. He looks over to Master Finn, he gives the other Jedi a bow. "Nice to see you again Master Finn." he says.

[ Vega (Ve)]

"None of you are any fun." Saga gives a little frown to Finn and Yuun. He then turns to face the two of the Jedi. Knight and Master. "No, you'd murder me in a lightsaber duel if I pushed you, you'd slaughter me in the field of battle, but no killing prisoners." he states to that. "I was once one of you...albeit it for a very short time. Better options arouse and only for a small price." he muses.

"The short jokes are getting old." Vega pipes up from where she'd been perched, yes, she was just standing there. "Master Finn, Sir Yuun." she bows to them. "Saga." she gives a look to her brother.

[ Finn (Fn)]

"Yuun." A bow is offered back to the Knight in that greeting exchange.

While Finn continues to play this is as cool as he possibly can, the words from Saga come right for him. He even smirks just slightly as if that will fend off the attempt to get under his skin. "You're leaving out the most important part..." He actually looks in Saga's direction in this moment. "If you make us."

Finn takes a moment to allow Vega to speak to her brother while also taking a moment to see what, if anything, he can sense about this entire situation.

[ Yuun (Yun)]

Yuun quirks a brow up at Saga a smirk plays on his face slightly as he hears what Sage says. He doens't respond, a Master is here but he does nod his head as Finn answers the question. 'If you make us.' How many times have he heard the Sith, Knights of Ren and Dark Jedi say those exact same words, trying to get them caught up in a verbal jousting match only to try to prove their point which there was no point.

"Hey Vega." he offers a bow of his head to her and gives her a reassuring smile to her. "It's good to see you again." he says simply to her. Stretching out, today was the day that Yuun was in his Jedi robes, something he's not worn in a while. "So we should get this going." he says as he looks to Master Finn. He's the highest ranked member of the Order as well as apart of the Council.

[ Vega (Ve)]

Saga gives a look to Vega when she appears and for a moment those pale eyes of his turn start turning a reddish orange in color and he quickly turns away from the person that looks so much like him...but isn't him.

His gaze snaps to Finn, "Did I leave that out?" he bares his teeth in a bright and feral smile. "My irrational hatred of my sister should be easy to pick up, Master Finn and good sir Yuun." he spits out at them. "The Force saw fit to make us like this...but how do these frail forms last? Not to mention it is fine for her to be small and frail, but me...a man? No, no that is not acceptable. That is what our father and mother told me repeatedly. And she..." Saga curls a hand towards his sister, but he doesn't use the force..."She was sick most of her early years. I was alone. And then she was thrown out after her first use of the Force that almost killed me." he explains.

"And that is when she found Luke Skywalker. Her hero. And then she met that fool Kylo Ren...or as you all know him better by...Ben Solo." he sniffs. "And we won't even talk about..."

"Don't say anything about Ben." Vega snaps at him. "You've both tried to kill me and I survived BOTH of you." she grits her teeth. "One was actually remorseful for it. Which surprisingly wasn't the one that shares my blood." she points out. "Master Finn, Knight Yuun, whatever is decided for him I will back. He has done far worse than anyone, but I do not wish death for him." she tells them. "But I do not know where he could be isolated." she frowns.

[ Finn (Fn)]

Finn just listens. He's not about to interrupt Saga as he explains. It's better to allow the prisoner this time to express himself than anything else right now. He's not too worried about anything happening because of where they are.

The war of words between Vega and Saga is almost visualized in front of Finn's eyes. He watches the back and forth for a moment. "I will consult with the other Masters. Accommodations can be made, I'm sure." He doesn't actually comment on the life story that's been hashed out between the siblings. He does know some parts of the story. He might also have to have a conversation with Ben for some extra assistance in the decision making process.

[ Yuun (Yun)]

Yuun turns to face Saga as he began to recount his and Vega's upbringing. He didn't speak nor did he move to walk anywhere, he simply just listens as well. He's heard some of this some time ago but hearing it again did help him understand. He would talk with Vega later.

As Vega began to speak, again he continues to listen and Yuun studies Saga. As Finn speaks about speaking with the other Masters, he nods his head. "We will trust in the Masters decisions." he says to him. "I think I have a few ideas that could help as well if that's alright." he says to Finn. Hearing Vega state she didn't want her brother to be killed but would abide by their decision he gives her a bow of his head. He knows this can't be easy for her.

+Chance roll by Vega - (50/50) Fail! (28)

[FAIL ( -2)] Yuun's Truth Sense @ (100) diff.

[PASS ( +1)] Finn's Truth Sense @ (100) diff.

[ Vega (Ve)]

Saga is and will always be a petulant brat that will get his way...in whatever way that is necessary. The male Echani gives a bit of a bored look to Finn when he says he'll consult with the other Masters, "There are no walls or prisons that will hold me. I am also a master of the Force. So unless you plan on severing my connection...which is tedious at best to do repeatedly, believe me, I spent years doing it to her." he states about Vega.

"I will not wait for your councils, Master Finn and my fate will not be left to that Traitor, Ren." the man states as he takes a step back. "It will be on my own terms." He is precariously on the edge. And before the guards can grab him the Echani tosses himself from the picturesque views of the falls. Plummeting fast...too fast to be caught with the Force or whatever might have saved him.

[ Finn (Fn)]

Maybe the look on Finn's face is one that could be misconstrued as callous considering the fact that he just barely reaches out a hand to try and use the Force to do anything. Maybe he should've been more focused on sensing and reading the mind of Saga. Maybe he should've been more focused. But as it stands, he just seems to realize that it's a bit too late.

He's often too late.

"He has chosen his fate." He turns to Vega. "He had no intention of making a deal. This was never about that." He sounds a bit more empathetic than his previous tone. "This was an act of spite. Against you. Against the Order." Finn frowns as he's not exactly sure what could be done about this situation.

[ Yuun (Yun)]

Yuun was supposed to be on guard, not allowing his attention and focus to shift. So when Saga rushes and leaps off the waterfall and hurls himself down with the force, Yuun also is caught off guard. He narrows his eyes as he sees this as Saga is moving too damn fast for him to grip him within the force. "Kriff!" his mind going a mile a minute, "I'm going after him, but you're right Master Finn, this was out of spite." he calls as he quickly begins to move down the waterfall hoping ot try to get down to at least see if he was able to save himself or they find a body.

[PASS ( +37)] Yuun's Sense Force @ (100) diff.

[PASS ( +3)] Finn's Sense Force @ (100) diff.

[PASS ( +44)] Vega's Swim @ (75) diff.

[PASS ( +39)] Vega's Transfer Life @ (150) diff.

+ Vega takes 39 wound points. Updated status: Injured.

[ Vega (Ve)]

The hackles on the back of Vega's neck raise...the eerie Twin sense doubled with the Force is...something that sucks. "DON'T!" the diminutive Echani calls out to Saga as he's already stepping off. And everything happens so fast. There is a heartbeat of thought and then Vega looks to Finn as he explains what Saga meant to do. "It..doesn't surprise me." she whispers.

"If...excuse me." she bows to Yuun and Finn before she turns to run down the stairs, "Let me..." she tells Yuun.

And once they get there, they would find Saga's lifeless body. He hit the rocks below and then slid into the water. The blood is starting to pool around him and Vega wades out to pull the body from the water and back towards land. Once she is there with him she sits down on the ground and pulls the body of her brother across her knees and then wraps her arms around him, trying desperately to transfer any of her life that she can into his...

But that would not work.

Saga Kae is truly gone. And Vega trying to pour her own life force into him causes the overgrown Padawan to fall into the trap of giving too much of herself and it starts to drain her own life, but she releases Saga before it gets too bad, her eyes roll back into her head and she slumps over unconscious...but she's alive!

[ Finn (Fn)]

Finn moves with the others though his movements are a bit slower than the rest. He already knows what fate has happened for Saga. He doesn't want it to have been but when there's nothing that can be done, there's nothing that can be done. When he arrives, he looks to Yuun. "I will take her. Can you...?" He motions towards Saga's body to indicate what needs to be handled. He's sure Yuun can handle it but he's putting it in as a request nonetheless.

Regardless, he does what he came down to do and that's scoop up Vega so that he can carry her back inside. There is much to prepare for now. And she's going to need all the support that she can get in the coming days...

[ Yuun (Yun)]

Yuun stepped back as they arrived allowing Vega to do what she needed. Yuun has been through death too many times and he felt the ripple in the force at the passing of Saga. It was selfish, cowardly and spiteful. Though that didn't need to be voiced, he watches his friend as she tries to do what seh can but when it goes too far in her trying to save her brother, "Sorry Vega." he says softly.

When Finn moves to pick her up, Yuun bows his head he takes Saga's body. He knew what to do and he took the body to the funeral pyre and he did what he was supposed to do. Yuun is away for a long while though if Finn and Vega wanted to come they could, he took his time in preparing, but in the end Saga's body was cremated.