Log:A Tiny Hope: Dark Signs

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A Tiny Hope: Dark Signs

OOC Date: February 5 2025
Location: Nar Shaddaa
Participants: Darus Kethra, Yuun, Vega

While there are very little people in this enclave there are enough people to realize when something is disturbing the Force. And apparently that was going on right now. One of the older Padawan's that has been sent here from Tempes comes skittering out of the hall that leads through to the gathering spaces, a look of concern as he looks around for well...anyone really.

"I think we have a big...well...small...there's a problem!" they point towards where the meditation chamber is.

Yuun has been training for the most part of the day and as he finishes up with his training, he begins to wander through the halls of the enclave. As he does something feels off, noticing the disturbance in the force, he follows his instincts and as he walks he sees an older Padawan coming to a skidding halt. "What's going on?" he asks.

Upon hearing the Padawan, Yuun quickly moves towards the meditation chamber to see what's going on, there is urgency in his footing and as he walks in, Yuun takes a moment to look around and see what's going on.

When the Padawan said they had a small problem, Yuun probably didn't guess that Vega was the small problem. The white haired woman is bathed in the eerie glow from her lightsaber that is ignited. She is covered in sweat and breathing heavily as she stands in the middle of the walkway with a distant look in her eyes.

Vega's not in right now, would you like to leave a message?

Yuun sees Vega and he allows a quick calming breath escape him as he walks in just a bit further, watching as the green light of her lightsaber bath her in its light. He sees that she's breathing hard and sweating. He feels something is off and he reaches out with the force and attempts to take her weapon from her, "Vega, it's me Yuun, please turn off your weapon and let me have it." he says as he tries to gently take it with the force.

There had been a disturbance in the Force. Yuun had made it to the meditation chamber to find out that it was Vega. Darus might be bringing up the rear and arrives to see that the Echani he met the other day has turned to face Yuun after he's tried to yank the lightsaber away.

It causes her to grimace, her form crouching low to the ground as the saber is flipped to face away from the man. There is a war going on in her mind and it is something that she's trying to win.

"Yuun?" she chokes out. Maybe it's an Imperial trick...or maybe that is him. The jury is still out.

Letting out a calm breath, Yuun looks to Vega, "It's me Yuun." he says gently to Vega. "You know me and you're back with us Vega." he says to her. His voice is calm as he faces her directly, allowing his eyes to meet her own, "Focus on me and the sound of my voice." he says to her. Yuun moves his hands out to his sides as he approaches her just a little more then stops.

Darus had been kneeling beside a battered astromech, carefully realigning its servomotors, when a peculiar prickle of awareness coursed through him. He paused mid-adjustment, letting the hydrospanner dangle from his clawed fingers as he focused on the gentle tug of the Force. He had studied long enough under the Jedi to recognize that subtle ripple of warning... and to heed it without question. Rising to his feet, the white-haired Arkanian cast a quick glance over his shoulder to be sure the droid was stable, then slipped quietly through the corridor toward the source of the tension he sensed. Each step was measured, his hands resting lightly against his belt in a show of caution and readiness. The low hum of a lit lightsaber soon reached his ears, accompanied by voices engaged in what sounded like a delicate negotiation.

When he rounded the corner, his keen infrared vision took in the scene of an unfamiliar human Jedi attempting a diplomatic conversation with a recognizable Echani, Vega, the glow of the ignited blade casting dancing patterns across his pale visage like a spectral phantom appearing from the shadows. Darus hesitated, recalling that he'd never been the best mediator---nor was he the most adept swordsman; but the palpable tension in the air urged him to at least offer some measure of calm. Crossing his arms momentarily, he stepped forward with a deliberate slowness, then raised his hands in a clear show of harmless intent. "Is... everything alright?" he asked, his tone edged with genuine concern. Though he hardly considered himself a natural diplomat, he knew his presence and gentle inquiry might be enough to diffuse the situation- or at least keep it from spiraling into an unnecessary confrontation.

Vega's fractured mind is trying to fight the demons for the moment. Yuun's words help. His voice is familiar and his presence not a threat. Her saber is still held with the blade away from them now. She shuffles backwards a little when someone else enters. A little hiss of breath as she tries desperately to keep her brain from going back to the dark.

It is with a concerted effort that the woman depresses the button on her saber and rolls it over to Yuun's feet before she sits back on the ground and curls into herself wordlessly. Her shoulders shake though from the silent sobs, "Take it..." she whispers.

Yuun senses Darus as he comes to the entrance of the Hall. The dark skinned Jedi Knight doesn't turn to look at him. "Keep calm and allow calm to radiate from you." he says to Darus. His focus stays on Vega, as she rolls her lightsaber over to him, he crouches down slowly and picks up the weapon. Closing his eyes and reaching out for her in the force. He moves to teh ground and sits down, "What's going on Vega? What happened?" he asks gently letting her hang onto his voice so that she knows she has his attention.

Darus was generally the holoframe of composure, so being advised to stay calm seemed almost paradoxical. A faint arch of his eyebrow betrayed a flicker of curiosity... was there something he should be alarmed about? Just as the thought registered, he dismissed it, giving a measured nod to show he understood. For the moment, he chose to remain entirely quiet and still, hands once more folding at his waist.

His pale, pupilless gaze tracked the lightsaber on the floor as Yuun retrieved it, and for a fleeting instant, admiration glimmered in his expression at the fine craftsmanship. It lasted only seconds before he returned his focus to Yuun and Vega, posture unwavering, the faint tension in the air reflected only by the tight clasp of his fingers at his belt.

Vega tries to steady herself, her hands clawing at the ground beneath them as she tries to breathe through the crying. She was not wanting to be this way. But she couldn't help in this instance.

"I was trying to meditate and everything came rushing back." she whispers. "I don't want to go back to being imprisoned...or severed from the Force again." she whispers as she lifts her head to look to Yuun, then to Darus.

"I'm sorry..." she croaks out.

"I don't want to be a danger to anyone here." she tells them as she rocks a little.

Golden eyes locked upon Vega, watching her as she lays there and when she slowly starts to speak again Yuun focus is fully on her. Projecting calm through the force and directing towards Vega, trying to comfort her and making sure she knows she's safe.

When she tells them that she was just meditating but then all her memories came back. "Vega you will not be imprisoned again, you're free and back home and safe." he says to her. "For now though you see your fear, calm your breath." he says to her gently. "Face your fear, it does not rule you." he says. "It's alright, don't apologize you're back with family Vega, we're here to help you." he states. Shaking his head, "Lean on us, we will help you but you have to take the steps forward. You will not be a danger. You're only a danger if you don't move forward and grow stronger." he says to her.

Darus did not know Vega's backstory, however it wouldn't take a genius to put two and two together.. but, Darus is a genius, so he does. He lowers himself, bending his knees so that he is no longer standing above her in judgement, but more as a peer in understanding, he reaches out a clawed hand gently, to clasp her shoulder in a comforting gesture. "One's past does not define them, it only confines them if you should let it." He pauses, letting go should she allow him to touch her in the first place, "What defines you is where your heart and soul is now, and where you are headed. Let that be your defining feature, for traveling out of darkness successfully is something to be proud of.." He was never the diplomat, but philosphy was definitely beat into him as a child.

Vega's breathing and things have calmed. She's given her saber over willingly to Yuun. He outranks her and she knew what having saber meant if she lost it again. She'd not want to come to with anyone being hurt.

"I'm trying." she tells them in a quiet tone. Trying to will herself to heal faster, but it didn't work like that.

She looks to Darus as he speaks and there is a nod to his words. And then she looks back to Yuun before she is moving to run her hands over her face, trying to wipe the tears and dirt from it, "I...need to return to my room." she whispers to them as she moves to rise.

Yuun hears Darus and as he moved up he smiles softly watching as he listens to him speak to Vega. He nods his head, "You're not your fears." he says to her. "Healing is a process Vega, we will help you but this is a fight you will have to see through." he telsl her. He moves easily over to her and he holds his hand out to her, "If you like I can walk wiht you to your room." he says to her. He keep her saber in his hand, he would give it back when she's ready, right now she has a fight ahead of her.

After sensing that everything began to settle, and the majority of the confrontation was over, Darus slowly rose to his full height, his long arm raising from his side to redirect a tuft of white hair out of his face that had shifted in transition. He stretches a bit, dusting off his knees, before casting a warm glance towards Yuun and Vega, he speaks out, his tone steady and supportive, a warmth present unlike others of his species, "If you've got her," He pauses, looking back towards the droid depot, "I left a droid half open.. need to get back before a Jankrat gets into it."

Without missing a beat, Darus extended a respectful bow toward the two Jedi Knights nearby. It was a simple, time-honored gesture; a quiet acknowledgment of civility amidst the chaos of Nar Shaddaa.