From Star Wars: Age of Alliances MUSH

Kisaiya Tershin
Title: Ms.
Race: Sephi
Sex: Female
Occupation: Sister
Profession: Bounty Hunter
Homeworld: Takodana
Organization: None
Ship: None yet
- Log:Resistance: The Day Long Awaited
- Log:The Shadowport: The Liberation of Eriu Jynx
- Log:Resistance: Perfectly Legitimate Business
- Log:Resistance: Sands of Socorro
- Log:Resistance: Good Houseguests
- Log:Hutt Cartel: The Most Dangerous Game
- Log:Resistance: Blackrock Down
- Log:Always Test Your Code!
- Log:Nar Shaddaa Nights: The Shakedown
- Log:Relics of the past
- Log:Hutt Cartel: Starwind Debauchery
Kisaiya Tershin has a sister, Kaelyn.
Kisaiya is the older of the two, and grew up with more of an understanding of what exactly was going on in the family. Which, by that, Kisa would mean that their father was an incessant gambler (not just games, but for get quick schemes); and their mother would spend every credit she could get her hands on upon frivolous things - sometimes at the expense of her own kids food.
Eventually they got out of there. As it happens, Kisa had a knack for Bounty Hunting and her sister had a knack for Engineering.