Karas Darkwing
Karas Darkwing
Title: Rogue 2
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Occupation: Starfighter Combat Pilot, and Cargo Runner
Profession: New Republic Civilian Defense Force Rogue Squadron Starfighter Pilot
Homeworld: Coruscant
Organization: New Republic
Ship: T-85 X-Wing, and Dancing Woolamander YT-1930
- Log:Hapan's Third Training Mission
- Log:Doomsday Clock:Bright Jewel pt2
- Log:Doomsday Clock: Bright Jewel pt1
- Log:Rebellion: Riski Rishi
- Log:Rebellion: Hit and Run
- Log:Outriders: Veil Dancer 2
- Log:Rebellion: Dangerous Opportunity
- Log:Outriders: Veil Dancer 1
- Log:Log: Rebellion: ID Theft is not a Joke
- Log:Finding a Safe Place
- Log:Shadow Over The Galaxy
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Chandrila
- Log:The Darkest Day
- Log:Saber Squadron: Bellow's Last Gasp
- Log:Saber Squadron: Thyferra: Greystorm's Last Stand
- Log:Saber Squadron: The Phoenix Reforged
- Log:Saber Squadron: Home Coming
- Log:Thyferran Swoop Circuit
- Log:Pirate Swarm: Tatoo
- Log:Saber Squadron: Knife Fight
- Log:Saber Squadron: Saber Guard
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Ryloth
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Polith
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sentinel Hunt
- Log:Saber Squadron: Broken Sabers Pt. 1
- Log:Saber Squadron: Lady Redfire's Cry for Help
- Log:Saber Squadron: Drawn Sabers
- Log:Saber Squadron: Maiden Voyage
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Paint by Numbers
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Anomolous Signals
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Supply Lines
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Laying Mayhem
- Log:Quest of the Violet Knight Part 1
- Log:Rogue Squadron: No Warning
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Throw
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Bait and Switch
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Turkana Revisted
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Raiding the Raider
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Diving into Danger
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Combat Piñata
- Log:Rogue Squadron: 'Toast' Down
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Codru: No I in Team
- Log:New Republic: Codru Connection
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Nebulous Freighters III
- Log:Rogue Squadron: A Friend in Need
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Nebulous Freighters II
- Log:Nebulous Freighters
- Log:Rogue Squadron: BFFs With Benefits
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Local Trouble
- Log:New Republic: Airshow Fundraiser
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Supplies from Malastare
- Log:Rogue Squadron: The Battle of Gem Diver Station
- Log:New Republic: How in the World
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Dantooine Whiskey in a Jar
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Interdictor at Ifmax VI
- Log:Starving the Beast
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Unbent and Unbroken
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Fire in The Deep
- Log:New Republic: Ressl River Skirmish
- Log:Battle for Carida: Space
- Log:Resistance: A Perimeter Create
- Log:Resistance: Prodigal Daughter Pt I
- Log:Resistance: By the Rings of Asimuse
- Log:For Ackbar: Space
- Log:Resistance: Battle of a Thousand Generations Pt I
- Log:Resistance: The Day Long Awaited
- Log:Resistance: Make A Wish
- Log:Resistance: Ordinary Training Flight
- Log:Resistance: Crucible Part I
- Log:Resistance: Space Alert: Naboo
- Log:Black Squadron: Crypts of Taris
- Log:Black Squadron: Recidivism Initiative
- Log:Resistance: One Two Punch
- Log:Resistance: Oota Goota, Solon?
- Log:Resistance: The Funeral of Wedge Antilles
- Log:Resistance: Ghosts of Cron
- Log:Resistance: For the Republic
- Log:Resistance: Knock Knock
- Log:Resistance: Smashed Into Who Knows What
- Log:Resistance: Party Crashers
- Log:Resistance: Tricky Swap
- Log:Resistance: Fish In A Barrel
- Log:Resistance: Ghosts in the Dark
- Log:Resistance: Who Hunts The Hunters
- Log:Resistance: Hyperspace Snare
- Log:Resistance: Darker Duros
- Log:Resistance: Bombs Away
- Log:Resistance: Familiar Faces
- Log:Resistance: Beggars Can't Be Choosers
- Log:Resistance: Run Baby Run
- Log:Resistance: Repairing Tomorrow
- Log:Resistance: Repairing Tomorrow Briefing
- Log:Hide And Seek (Part Two)
- Log:Emergency: And We All Fall Down
- Log:It's Aces Baby!
- Log:Resistance: Welcome to the Jungle, Part 2
- Log:Resistance: Welcome to the Jungle, Part 1
- Log:Cutting TIEs
- Log:Mission 07: Plow the Road
- Log:The Antilles Method of Performing Miracles
- Log:Resistance: Lead the Charge
- Log:Ties that Bind
- Log:Mission 01: 'Corvette Summer'
- Log:Resistance: Blackrock Foundation
- Log:Rescue at Danuta
- Log:Resistance: Ambush at Codru
- Log:Resistance: A New Home(Space Assault)
- Log:Resistance: Xoxies II and the Shav-Away Crew
- Log:Resistance: Commerce Raid
- Log:First Order: Battle for Mon Calamari
- Log:Resistance: Operation Spring Porg
- Log:Resistance: Damsel in Distress pt1 - Army
- Log:Resistance: A Helping Hand
- Log:Resistance: Gift-Wrapped Supplies - an Army Mission
- Log:Resistance: Evading Interdiction
- Log:Resistance: Bacta Extract
- Log:Resistance: The Young Queen Speaks
- Log:Resistance Convoy Escort
- Log:Resistance: Asset Acquisition
- Log:TLJ: Crait
- Log:Resistance: TLJ - Flying Coffins
- Log:TFA: Assault on Starkiller Base
- Log:Resistance: StarKiller Briefing
- Log:First Order/Resistance/Waywards/Civilians: Abduction! Part 3
- Log:Resistance: Of Pirates and Corvettes
- Log:Resistance: Space Pirate Triz and Hot Shot Karas
- Log:Resistance: Pirates Booty
- Log:A Milk Run Goes Sour
Before you stands a young Coruscanti male, he has dark skin. He appears to be in his early twenty's. He stands at a height of 5'10" He has dreads that come to about the side of his face. He has halloween colored eyes. He has soft facial features and a pleasant smile.
Karas has on a long pair of baggy sports shorts. The shorts come down to just over his knees in somewhat of a point. He wears a black pilots jacket, a bit worn, to him it means a lot to him. He wears a sleeveless black top that is tucked somewhat into his shorts. Along his arms going from the elbows to his wrist is white fitted arm sleeves. On his feet, he has on a new pair of foot wear. His feet is are covered by black sneakers.
The most lightweight of all suits made by Cinnigar Armorers. Created for the mainstream populace of starfighter pilots this set of armor consists solely of a blast-resistant durafab composite vest that covers the front and back of the torso, and a blast helmet offering partial protection over the top half and rear of the head, with a clear visor in front, it isn't much.
The suit also typically comes with a flight-suit to be worn beneath the vest. Overall the vest and flight-suit combination can resist shrapnel and most slugthrower-type weapons, as well as many melee weapons, but all but the lightest of blasters-grade weapons are capable of punching right through it without trouble.
Public History
Known Associates
Name | Comments |
Jax Greystorm | Comments |
[[<page name>|<character name>]] | Comments |
Connected Vessels
- Log:Hapan's Third Training Mission
- Log:Doomsday Clock:Bright Jewel pt2
- Log:Doomsday Clock: Bright Jewel pt1
- Log:Rebellion: Riski Rishi
- Log:Rebellion: Hit and Run
- Log:Outriders: Veil Dancer 2
- Log:Rebellion: Dangerous Opportunity
- Log:Outriders: Veil Dancer 1
- Log:Log: Rebellion: ID Theft is not a Joke
- Log:Finding a Safe Place
- Log:Shadow Over The Galaxy
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Chandrila
- Log:The Darkest Day
- Log:Saber Squadron: Bellow's Last Gasp
- Log:Saber Squadron: Thyferra: Greystorm's Last Stand
- Log:Saber Squadron: The Phoenix Reforged
- Log:Saber Squadron: Home Coming
- Log:Thyferran Swoop Circuit
- Log:Pirate Swarm: Tatoo
- Log:Saber Squadron: Knife Fight
- Log:Saber Squadron: Saber Guard
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Ryloth
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sabers over Polith
- Log:Saber Squadron: Sentinel Hunt
- Log:Saber Squadron: Broken Sabers Pt. 1
- Log:Saber Squadron: Lady Redfire's Cry for Help
- Log:Saber Squadron: Drawn Sabers
- Log:Saber Squadron: Maiden Voyage
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Paint by Numbers
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Anomolous Signals
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Supply Lines
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Laying Mayhem
- Log:Quest of the Violet Knight Part 1
- Log:Rogue Squadron: No Warning
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Throw
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Bait and Switch
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Turkana Revisted
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Raiding the Raider
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Diving into Danger
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Combat Piñata
- Log:Rogue Squadron: 'Toast' Down
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Codru: No I in Team
- Log:New Republic: Codru Connection
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Nebulous Freighters III
- Log:Rogue Squadron: A Friend in Need
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Nebulous Freighters II
- Log:Nebulous Freighters
- Log:Rogue Squadron: BFFs With Benefits
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Local Trouble
- Log:New Republic: Airshow Fundraiser
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Supplies from Malastare
- Log:Rogue Squadron: The Battle of Gem Diver Station
- Log:New Republic: How in the World
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Dantooine Whiskey in a Jar
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Interdictor at Ifmax VI
- Log:Starving the Beast
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Unbent and Unbroken
- Log:Rogue Squadron: Fire in The Deep
- Log:New Republic: Ressl River Skirmish
- Log:Battle for Carida: Space
- Log:Resistance: A Perimeter Create
- Log:Resistance: Prodigal Daughter Pt I
- Log:Resistance: By the Rings of Asimuse
- Log:For Ackbar: Space
- Log:Resistance: Battle of a Thousand Generations Pt I
- Log:Resistance: The Day Long Awaited
- Log:Resistance: Make A Wish
- Log:Resistance: Ordinary Training Flight
- Log:Resistance: Crucible Part I
- Log:Resistance: Space Alert: Naboo
- Log:Black Squadron: Crypts of Taris
- Log:Black Squadron: Recidivism Initiative
- Log:Resistance: One Two Punch
- Log:Resistance: Oota Goota, Solon?
- Log:Resistance: The Funeral of Wedge Antilles
- Log:Resistance: Ghosts of Cron
- Log:Resistance: For the Republic
- Log:Resistance: Knock Knock
- Log:Resistance: Smashed Into Who Knows What
- Log:Resistance: Party Crashers
- Log:Resistance: Tricky Swap
- Log:Resistance: Fish In A Barrel
- Log:Resistance: Ghosts in the Dark
- Log:Resistance: Who Hunts The Hunters
- Log:Resistance: Hyperspace Snare
- Log:Resistance: Darker Duros
- Log:Resistance: Bombs Away
- Log:Resistance: Familiar Faces
- Log:Resistance: Beggars Can't Be Choosers
- Log:Resistance: Run Baby Run
- Log:Resistance: Repairing Tomorrow
- Log:Resistance: Repairing Tomorrow Briefing
- Log:Hide And Seek (Part Two)
- Log:Emergency: And We All Fall Down
- Log:It's Aces Baby!
- Log:Resistance: Welcome to the Jungle, Part 2
- Log:Resistance: Welcome to the Jungle, Part 1
- Log:Cutting TIEs
- Log:Mission 07: Plow the Road
- Log:The Antilles Method of Performing Miracles
- Log:Resistance: Lead the Charge
- Log:Ties that Bind
- Log:Mission 01: 'Corvette Summer'
- Log:Resistance: Blackrock Foundation
- Log:Rescue at Danuta
- Log:Resistance: Ambush at Codru
- Log:Resistance: A New Home(Space Assault)
- Log:Resistance: Xoxies II and the Shav-Away Crew
- Log:Resistance: Commerce Raid
- Log:First Order: Battle for Mon Calamari
- Log:Resistance: Operation Spring Porg
- Log:Resistance: Damsel in Distress pt1 - Army
- Log:Resistance: A Helping Hand
- Log:Resistance: Gift-Wrapped Supplies - an Army Mission
- Log:Resistance: Evading Interdiction
- Log:Resistance: Bacta Extract
- Log:Resistance: The Young Queen Speaks
- Log:Resistance Convoy Escort
- Log:Resistance: Asset Acquisition
- Log:TLJ: Crait
- Log:Resistance: TLJ - Flying Coffins
- Log:TFA: Assault on Starkiller Base
- Log:Resistance: StarKiller Briefing
- Log:First Order/Resistance/Waywards/Civilians: Abduction! Part 3
- Log:Resistance: Of Pirates and Corvettes
- Log:Resistance: Space Pirate Triz and Hot Shot Karas
- Log:Resistance: Pirates Booty
- Log:A Milk Run Goes Sour