Hahtavi Kora
Hahtavi Kora
Title: Tal'Aliit, Ramikad
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Occupation: Mercenary, Combat Pilot
Profession: Bounty Hunter
Homeworld: Mandalore
Organization: Clan Kora, BHG
Ship: Tal'onidir and Death Toll
- Log:Clan Kora: New Blood and Bonds
- Log:Clan Kora: Strike Hard
- Log:Preservation of Hope
- Log:Jervo's World Cup: A Lava of Love
- Log:Bysis Incursion
- Log:Clan Kora: Home At Last
- Log:Mandalore: War Within, War Without
- Log:Clan Kora: A Broken Man on a Broken Planet
- Log:Mandalore: The Great Beast
- Log:Banking On It: Cyberattack
- Log:Merc for Money 3: Watching the Bay
- Log:Felucia: Husks Among the Nettles
- Log:Mandalore: Field Work
- Log:Mandalore: Mand'alor Djarin
- Log:Felucia: Roots to Branches
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Ice Mountain
- Log:Mandalore: Scouting Loud
- Log:Felucia: Mushroom Samba
- Log:Onderon Tournie IX
- Log:Jervo's World Cup - Sand Dunes
- Log:Mandalore: Stirring Sands
- Log:Mandalorians: Fight at The Museum
- Log:Mandalorians: Warehouse, There House
- Log:Mandalorians: Cheese it! The Mandos!
- Log:SMASH: Bringing Law to the Lawless
- Log:SMASH: Eyeball
- Log:Mandalorians: Rumor Chasing
- Log:Clan Kora: Noble Blood
- Log:Freetown: Taking out the Trash
- Log:Mos Espa: In The Swoop of The Night
- Log:Tatooine: Going, Going, Almost Gone
- Log:The Boonta Eve Classic: 2022
- Log:Chasing Arlo
- Log:Tatooine: Violent Shopping Spree
- Log:Clan Kora: Salvage in the Shallow Depths
- Log:Tatooine: Bend the Knee
- Log:Tatooine: An Unlikely Call for Help
- Log:Mandalorians: King's Throne
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Championships: Pamarthe
- Log:Mandalore: Into the Mines
- Log:Mandalore: The Immovable Object
- Log:Mandalore: Shieldbreaker
- Log:Hutt Cartel: Consolidation of Power, Pt. 2
- Log:Tatooine: Hearts & Minds, Pt. 1
- Log:Doab-Ain't Big Enough
- Log:Tatooine: A Hutt's Hospitality
- Log:Dust-Up An Doaba
- Log:The Bliptettjupp Chronicles: It Shows You What You Want
- Log:The Bliptettjupp Chronicles: A Sight of Seers Old
- Log:Clan Kora: Intrusive Intel
- Log:The Bliptettjupp Chronicles: Blue Spamel Highway
- Log:Pakko Panic
- Log:That's Insane, I'm In
- Log:Inter-Rim Championship Races: Bespin
- Log:Mandalorians: New Deception
- Log:Clan Kora: Uninvited Guests
- Log:Mandalorians: Lethal Logistics
- Log:Mandalorians: In Plain Sight
- Log:Mandalorians: Legwork
- Log:Clan Kora: Welcome Home
- Log:Mandalore: They Fought Like a Hundred Times Their Number
- Log:When Charity Goes Wrong
- Log:Mandalore: Uncovered
- Log:Clan Kora: Interplanetary Ambush
- Log:Fiery Concerns: Part One
- Log:SHOCK BOXING: Episode 1
- Log:A Reckoning: Better Uses
- Log:BHG - Of Swords and Stuns
- Log:Armed and Ready
- Log:Catastrophe at Crater Caye
- Log:A Reckoning: Fireworks
- Log:Inter-Rim Swoop Circuit - Qualifiers
- Log:Monkey Lizard Starport Disco II: Electric Boogaloo
- Log:Something Fowl in the Air
- Log:The Irregulars: For Your Ears Only
Hahtavi Llearil was born to Shuk'la Shereshoy Keldab, a shattered and many times rebuilt citadel in the far ka'gaht Ori'vhekad (great south desert). A remote area traditionally known as a bloody and much contested citadel rich in mineral resources by a dead sea. These days it is inhabited by Shriekers who butchered most of Hahtavi's family and clansfok who fled to a nearby butte. Like anywhere on Mandalorian it is a harsh environment with much brutality and raiding between the clans of the deep desert. A place where it pays to pay attention if you want to live.
After a duel that left Hahtavi for dead over a young woman, Hahtavi's father led his injured son to where he had hidden a once wrecked kimogila. With basic flying lessons and his father's best advice, Hahtavi took the risk to leave Mandalore and fly to Concord Dawn. His father was originally from Concord Dawn before his ship had been pulled down into the deep desert many years before.
That was a decade before. More recently Hahtavi found himself on Nar Shaddaa answering a job posting. Clan Kora was hiring combat pilots. He was not only hired but given the use of a kimogila fighter. Since, Hahtavi has been taking part on many ops and offered sponsorship by Sumi Kora, becoming tal'at'cuyir - Blood to Be, to clan Kora.
After taking up with Clan Kora on Nar Shaddaa, Hahtavi also joined the Bounty Hunter's Guild. His work ranges from looking for lost persons, especially children who may have been taken into slavery, bringing in bounties dead or alive, or simply for questioning, to helping with evacuation or rescue work out on the Rim worlds. He's also quite active with Concord Dawn's efforts to enlarge their security zone on Mandalore in the Ragelands. These days he's upgraded to Dreadfinder armor, a modified Galaar rifle, and has both a BHG Gambit and a Kimogila fighter craft. Not doing badly at all for a 'savage' from Mandalore.
After a week and more spent on Mandalore in an extended op with Concord Dawn and the Kora Clan, Hahtavi fought hard and flew his kimogila until it was shot down out of the sky and crash landed in the wasteland desert. Zelo swept in with his Razorcrest and picked up Hahtavi and his R2 Droid, Lil. By the end of the op they reached Last Home where Hahtavi's former riduur was found to still be alive - and surprise of surprises, their child Iriin, partly grown and nearly 10 years old. Shortly after their return, the clan gathered at Ealor and Hahtavi has now been blooded and branded as a full member of Clan Kora: Tal'Aliit