Guide: Force Users

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Force Sensitive Characters

A Force User in any Star Wars medium isone of the most powerful characters. Be it text-based, video games, or reading about them in books, Force Users bend the very fabric of reality to help achieve their goals and drive the over-arching storyline. Sometimes they are benevolent, sometimes malignant, and sometimes it is difficult to tell. No matter what, they are characters who require some measure of responsibility and care to appropriately play. This is no different on AoA.


To apply for a Force User you must first showcase an understanding of the Star Wars Universe, familiarity with the game's theme, and a willingness to be active and involved. As such, no one is granted a Force User as a main character.

The effort put into your main character will go a long way towards this goal. With them, you can earn +noms that will not only allow you to app for a Force User, but more +noms means you would be eligible for a higher starting Tier.

The +noms to be considered must be accumulated on a singular character. We do not count +noms across alts. This is to showcase your dedication to a character's story and arc as well as your ability to remain active and participating.


Players of Force User characters are held to a higher caliber as these are limited slots. Force User players must conduct themselves appropriate to their character's faction. IE: A Jedi should not be a kill-crazy murder machine. A Sith should not be sympathetic to those whom they fight against.

Further, OOC conduct comes with higher expectations.. You are expected to be welcoming to your fellow Jedi/Sith and work towards RP that drives the storyline and generates RP for other players and the game as a whole. Failure to do so will have your character reassessed.

+noms Level Age Perks
No additional starting Force Skills
4 Force skills set to 75. (Tier 1).
Unlocks Tier 2 skills for future buy-ins.
8 skills set to 75 (4 Tier 1, 4 Tier 2).
Unlocks Tier 3 skills for future buy-ins.

Age Requirements

The Force User you are applying for needs to be of an appropriate age for the Tier you are starting in. There are no 21-year-old Masters nor will there be 40-year-old Learners. This is set to reflect the time spent training to achieve any granted skills at CharGen.

No one can be a Jedi whose training began before the Fall of Chandrila (4 years post Battle of Starkiller Base).

The Six Tiers

All Force Skills are broken up into Tiers. These reflect the progression of training a Force User endures on their path. To rise from one Tier to the next, a Force User must have at least 4 skills in their current Tier at 75 or higher. Once that parameter is set, they are welcome to start buying into the next Tier.

Force Skills are limited to 35 points per RL month. This is not the same as 35 XP as the higher a skill gets, the higher the cost. Raising Lightsaber Defense from 50 to 85 is a 35 point buy regardless of how much XP it costs.

All Force Users start with Danger Sense at 75.

Affect Mind, Alter Temperature, Danger Sense, Enhance Movement, Lightsaber Defense, Lightsaber Offense, Meditation, Telekinesis
Direction Sense, Electronic Communication, Enhance Attribute, Life Detection, Lightsaber Construction, Lightsaber Showmanship, Mediation, Receptive Telepathy, Reduce Injury, Shift Sense
Contort Escape, Control Beast, Control Pain, Dissipate Energy, Heal Self, Inflict Pain, Mask Force,
Projective Telepathy, Return Consciousness, Shadow Walk
Blind Sense, Control Another's Pain, Force Transduction, Heal Another, Lesser Force Shield, Sense Echo,
Sense Force, Share Senses, Truth Sense
Control Mind, Electrokinesis, Flow Walk, Greater Telekinesis, Protecting Wave, Pyrokinesis, Transfer Life
Grand Master
Disharmony, Drain Life, Greater Force Shield, Holocron Construction, Sever, Shatterpoint

Jedi and Sith Ranks

Jedi Order Sith Empire

All Force Users must be either a member of the Jedi Order or the Sith Empire. There are no Independents of any kind. That being said, the ranks within these factions is not the same as what Tier of skills you've been buying into. These ranks are earned IC through deeds and involvement. While some ranks may be granted at time of CGen, you are by no means entitled to higher ranks just because you have more skills.

Further, if you find you are not vibing with the faction you have picked, you have the option of switching sides. This is with Staff discretion and is offered only once. There will be no bouncing back and forth between factions, so make sure you consider every angle of your character when applying.


There is a room in the +ooc area dedicated specifically for Force User applications. If you are interested in applying for a Force User now or in the future, you are invited to go to this area, read the room descriptions, as well as the sign objects.

First step is the same for any alt: get permission from a member of staff. Be clear and honest about your intentions. You must still apply as you would any other alt with the caveat that Jedi and Sith characters have an extra step.

Those approved to app for a Force User alt can go to the +OOC area where there is an exit for the "Force User Application Area". Players will find all the relevant information that need including the process of applying for a Jedi or Sith. Only after a Force User +request is approved can they move on to CharGen to complete the application process as normal.

At no point during the application process is there a guarantee for approval.

If you have more questions, you can ask on the Questions channel.