Fuze GM Rules
From Star Wars: Age of Alliances MUSH
I've put this page together so that everyone can look at my GM house rules in advance. Please feel free to comment/suggest/criticize via page or @mail; they are a work in evolution to further the goals listed below. I may or may not take suggestions on board, temporarily or permanently; watch this space.
- For everyone to OOCly enjoy a memorable (for all the right reasons) scene
- Maximize storytelling, character- and plot-development
- Minimize getting bogged down in the minutiae of dice numbercrunching
- Keep the poses coming, so that people can get to bed in good time
- Reduce unneccessary spam
General Ground Rules
- Please keep OOC chatter to channels. Reserve the OOC command for questions/comments/clarifications of a general nature.
- Please don't use the +attack command 'for fun'. It's too spammy.
- Please prep your pose in advance as far as practicable so we can keep the scene moving.
* I am happy for multi-action rounds to be used /sparingly/, especially for Big Damn Hero actions. For example, you want to jump onboard a moving speeder AND grapple the driver. Go for it. Up your difficulty/ies. Please don't abuse this.
- Please read all of these groundrules before the scene starts. While I'm happy to discuss and chew over ideas, mid-scene is not the time or place.
- I'm generally not a fan of excessive dice rolling; I consider this storytelling with emphasis on the story. If your action is non-critical and makes sense for your character and the scene, feel free to just pose it without a roll. If you want to keep yourself super-honest and roll everything that's fine too, but I don't insist on it.
- All difficulties default to 100 but feel free to use your own discretion if you think something should be easier or harder. If you aren't sure what skill to roll against or what difficulty to use, please propose a solution via page and I'll say yay or nay (rather than asking an open-ended question).
Non-combat and Pre-combat
- If there are four or more PCs in the scene: please use GM-EXEMPT THREE-POSE RULE. This means you are free to pose at will provided three or more other poses from other people have gone down since your previous pose. It allows initially more passive PCs (e.g. potentially snipers, onlookers, reinforcements) the /option/ of sitting back at first before they dive into the action. I reserve the right to be exempt from this and pose more often to insert NPC-centric replies to PC actions as they happen; this is so that I'm not waiting a complete round and then having to pose a two-to-three-screen reply to /everyone's/ actions (and inevitably I will then forget someone). Please don't abuse this.
- Characters with skills allowing them to multishot are restricted to a maximum of two shots. Using multishot must be pre-declared before dice are rolled. BOTH shots (1st and 2nd) have increased difficulties as follows: If you are shooting both shots at the same target, both difficulties are increased by +20 above base. If you are shooting both shots at different target, both difficulties are increased by +40 above base.
- If the action/attack against an NPC is not critical to the outcome of the scene, please do not use +attack. Either use +taskroll and pose according to the magnitude of the success or failure, or storytell based on your PC's strengths and weaknesses.
- If the action/attack against an NPC is critical to the outcome of the scene or is against a PC, please use +attack.
- If you reach 0 or below health, you are UNCONSCIOUS. Please do not use the +addwound code to reduce yourself to 0 or below health.
- If you reach (minus your consitution) you are pretty much DEAD. But let's talk about it BEFORE you use the +addwound code. If you don't want to be dead, there are usually some options.
Vehicle vs Vehicle and PC vs Vehicle RP
- Vehicles/ships are assigned a certain number of "Hull" "hit points".
- There may be an extra layer of "Shields" "hit points"
- To get a firing solution, the operator must succeed in a pilot or drive roll. A failure means you cannot attack that round.
- Each ranged attack is against the defender's roll. The difference in rolls is the damage taken first off shields and then off "hit points"
- Reducing a vehicle to 0 "hit points" renders it inoperable.
- Opposing shots are considered simultaneous
- For example, Fuze and Triz are in a dogfight. Fuze rolls Pilot and scores 44 success, then (with a firing solution) rolls 84 on Ranged: Fixed Mounts. Triz rolls Pilot and scores -4 Failure (thus no firing solution). Fuze inflicts (84 - -4 = 88) damage on the X-wing. With 50 hp of shields and 50 hp of hull, the shields are wiped out and Triz's X-wing takes 38 hull points, severely damaged.
Have fun and keep it flowing!