From Star Wars: Age of Alliances MUSH

Race: Mod-Ghostling
Sex: Male
Occupation: Slave - Member of Hutt Cartel
Profession: Dancer
Homeworld: Kamino
Organization: Civilians
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Deathly Howl-os
- Log:Wrong Bar
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Bespin Headspin
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Mustafar Memoir
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Chandrila Thrilla - Reefer Madness
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Introduce Ya to Felucia
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Infection Connection
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Temple Turmoil
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Bimmisaari Safari
- Log:Explorer's Guild: Wroth of Both
- Log:Spoiled Harvest
- Log:Hutt Cartel: The Smelly Belly Gang Strikes!
- Log:First Order/All: Civic Outreach
In regards to the profile picture, that, but without the wings. Pretty much.