
Race: Chiss
Sex: Male
Profession: Bounty Hunter
Homeworld: Cormit Chiss Ascendancy
Organization: Indiependant
Ship: N/A
The male Chiss known as Dravid was born some forty years ago by the name of Prard’rav’idahten on the planet of Cormit, a major planet in the Chiss Ascendancy.
His family was an above average Chiss family unit that was made up by himself and his parents. Both of his parents were well respected and decorated officers, both holding the rank of Captain, amongst the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force.
As he grew older his parents groomed him for service, which all Chiss children were expected to begin at age ten. They were extremely strict and gave him more work than a regular Chiss youth would receive. They planed for success and expected great things from their son.
Then tragedy struck, not long after his seventh birthday his mother died while she was on duty. Both Great pride for her service and loss was felt by both himself and his father. His father however grew cold and started to increase his duties and education for almost a year.
But it was soon revealed that his father was unsure how to parent alone. He could lead men but he had no idea how to raise a son. So it was his father called in a few favors and pulled some strings. In the end Dravid was conscripted into military service two years younger shy of the standard ten years, at the of age of eight.
As soon as he put on his uniform Dravid was as exemplary recruit. For much of his early military career, he surpassed his parents expectations of him. Even receiving the rank of Lieutenant and commanding his own squad at fourteen.
And by sixteen he was part of the Cormit Colonial Phalanx, a planetary militia protecting the colony world. He was by all standards a good soldier and was known to help out his new recruits with no need for thanks.
By his mid twenties Dravid was a Commander in the Chiss Expansionary Fleet. He led a small unit of specialists who were tasked with dangerous missions. He and his team ventured into unknown space, met with species from both the core and some never seen before. They explored planets and gazed upon vistas many explorers would love to have discovered first.
Now in his thirties Dravid was promoted to Captain. He received a communication of congratulations from his father as well as a cryptic message he didn't understand right away. Weeks later a report was received that his father had betrayed the Ascendancy. The details as to this accusation wasn't exactly disclosed, but Dravid knew the allegations were untrue and something was wrong. His father, whose loyalty laid completely with the Ascendancy, wouldn’t do anything to betray it.
Nevertheless days after the original report, additional information was received. It stated that his father had committed suicide rather than bare the shame and any of his family members were to be exiled. Dravid questioned the reports and began to suspect that there were other parties at work.
It wasn't long that his suspicions payed off when his XO, someone he trusted implicitly, attempted to murder him under the orders to make it look like a suicide. The two fought fiercely, one with orders to kill and the other for personal survival. As Dravid got the upper hand he questioned his former friend for answers, but before he could get his answers the man died.
Knowing those who devised the plot to shame his family would hunt him down. He grabbed his former friends body, destroyed the reports of his father’s apparent betrayal and fled the best way he knew how. He commandeered droid piloted ship and set the autopilot to travel close to a shipping lane. Once at the destination, he disabled the droid and set the auto destruct before he launched himself into exile aboard an escape pod.