DZ-1141 "Dozer"
Title: 2nd LT
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Occupation: Demolitions Expert & Combat Engineer
Profession: Soldier
Homeworld: Carida
Organization: First Order
Ship: Finalizer

Not all stories are tales of loss, hardship, of abandonment or tragic abduction into a life of service. DZ-1141 was one of many children in a family of many children, born to a family with more children than they could care for, more children than they could afford to keep, and keep healthy, and more children than they could shelter and clothe and provide for. DZ-1141's parental units were decent, if not terribly attentive or perhaps terribly intelligent, biological contributors to DZ-1141's existence, but without them, she would not be. She wasn't the first child they surrendered to military service, nor would she be the last. It was no hardship to them, no emotionally charged moment, and no trauma to a child who had been just one of many. Frankly, for DZ-1141, she went from a state of general neglect, under fed, slightly malnourished and more filthy than not to a life of order, structure, and most importantly, being fed and clothed and educated.
DZ-1141, like many of those in her particular designation, had further to go than some of the other, and certainly more cared for, children that were collected for indoctrination and education. It wasn't a huge leap for the child that she once was to comprehend that food was earned by obedience, that shelter was assured through focused attention to details, acquisition of knowledge, rigorous training, etcetera. Food and shelter are strong motivaters in many situations, and it worked just fine for the child and eventually young soldier that she became.
Any training instructor will say that 'There's one in every group', one who just takes to the training without fighting the system, without bucking authority, who just buckles down and focuses with determination. Displaying a rather keen aptitude from early on with regard to taking apart anything she could get her hands on and then reassembling it in perfect order, DZ-1141 was ear-marked early on for technical training beyond that of the average soldier. Specialized designations in the DZ batch of trainees yielded soldiers adept at combat engineering, demolitions, munitions in general, mechanical aptitude and more. 1141 displayed a marked proclivity for hand mixing the necessary elements of explosive ordinance and the accurate placement of same, to the somewhat marked dismay of her year mates. 1141 has been known to remark that the right amount of explosives in a minute measure can make all the difference in the field of contest.
Call Sign 'Dozer'
While personal designations are frowned upon, they are earned all the same through actions, great or small, good or bad, embarrassing or otherwise. 1141 earned her personal designation or 'nick name' in her first year of service. The combat unit to which 1141 had been assigned was tasked to clearing out a pocket of unauthorized settlers from one of the First Order supply territories. Facing unexpectedly determined resistance to being relocated to another, and non-first order territory, the unauthorized settlers took a stand utilizing improvised weapons and construction equipment that had been standing idle during the negotiations. In the fire fight that ensued, 1141 and another squad member had taken momentary refuge behind the bulk of a bulldozer idling on the sidelines. Commandeering the bulldozer, 1141 guided it directly into the thick of the fight and rolled over the makeshift barricade erected by the resisting settlers, demolished their temporary dwellings and, not incidentally, damaged the weapons cache and other various expensive pieces of equipment. While not an authorized battle strategy or tactic, it did net 1141 the short name 'Dozer'.
Personality, Quirks & Perspective
Order, efficiency, logic, rules and consequences, but above all: Order from Chaos. 1141 is a demolitions expert, a combat engineer, and one thing that she finds most displeasing is chaos and the mess that typically accompanies chaotic elements or chaotic times. While combat is the ultimate exercise in chaos and the loss of absolute control of any given situation, 1141 understands her exact reason for being, the where and the why, and the necessity of the job, the task, that she performs at any given moment. Having been promoted steadily up the ranks, 1141 has a clearly defined set of mission parameters to apply to nearly any task at hand. Rules help sort order from chaos.
Goals & Plans
DZ-1141 has few personal goals that cannot be accomplished in tandem with her professional goals. Women, in her line of work, are vastly outnumbered by the males of their species and it is for this reason that 1141 is known for her attention to detail, rigorous adherence to all rules and regulations with a nearly spotless service record and personnel jacket. Her goal is to achieve the highest rank possible for a combat engineer - a rank that will not remove her from the field. Riding a desk is not a punishment that she aims to endure, nor does she intend to be relegated to a life of training new recruits.
Recent History
DZ-1141, like many others, has been detached from the combat element she was assigned to and reassigned and routed to the Finalizer. 1141 is merely one of many, and not the only demolitions expert, combat engineer, or all around soldier to be assigned as such.